» THE TURNER TRIBUNE LOCAL ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK Wilson Darby o f Salem, before ro- turning to their home. VVaSNVNWWVVSVWWWUVW « V . V V V . V W i S V i W .V i V A W A V A W .W S W A V i V A S '.V . W r PAINTING Just received— Oliver plow repairs. : Shar^g fo r all makes o f plow. Also BY D A Y OR CONTRACT steel shares fo r tractors. '41. P. Jen­ B rief Item» C o n ce rn in g the C o m ­ Estimates Furnished in g» and G o in g » o f Y oura elf and sen, Turner. Y o u r Neighbor*, a» T o ld to The I „ ------ •------ T rib u n e Reporter». On Monday and Tuesday the local ' staff o f teachers attended the teach­ O n e o f the Nicest Courte»ie* Y ou ers institute held in Salem at the Can Show to Y o u r Guest* Is to *»*«****»*«**»*# **»*»**»»• H ave T h e ir Visits M entioned in ! high school. ■ • ■ ■ ■ i > — O ' ■ ■ T hese Colum n». The T rib u n e Mrs. Madelle Eves, guest o f Mr. Will C onsider It a Special F a v or and Mrs. Earl S. Prather, who has i f Y o u Will Help Us Make Thi» Paper M ore Interesting to It» | just recently returned from a year Readers by Sending in Items fo r , spent in H onolulu, le ft Tuesday fo r THCRC YOU WILL FIND WISE MEN* This C olu m n . W rite us, or, if her home in San Francisco, a fte r an C onvenient, T elep h o n e Your enjoyable visit Mrs. Eves and Mrs. News Items to This Office. Prather were girlhood friends in Mc- I Minnville a number o f years ago and Mrs. China Bones nas had her had not seen one another fo r fo u r house reshingled the past week. years. ------» ----- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tow le o f Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Prather and were Salem visitors W ednesday. It is false economy to save the son, Stanford, accom panied by Mrs. trifling difference in premium Madelle Eves o f Honolulu visited Jerry Givens broke a toe a few between dependable stock irv aunuwe and cheap, unsafe days ago, so is unable to play football. Sunday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Prather’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W, types o f insurance. Try us fo r pa; its and enamels. We Hutchens o f McMinnville, and the Complete protection, with have a full line. H. P. Jensen, Turner. homes o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crouse, «firry, is essential Sound Stock fire insurance is quality end Mr. and Mrs. William G ow er in Lee Barber was a Salem visitor on protection, inexpensive and Newberg. —safe. W c furnish it. Monday and W ednesday. l . S. Talbot TÜRM ER lì Turner ■WHERE A PENNY C4N SAVE A POUND STATE P e r y j P n BANK t Paid on six months Time Deposits $ F ire—A u tom ob ile Insurance W ritten WVAVAV.Vi\,A 'A ,A V .W A ’.W .V A ,A>/.V.ViV///.’.,.VA,.V.7 .\\ w .,. v .‘. v . v w w w a w . w . v , w .,. v /. w .,. w . v /. w a v ; v ** FresH V egetables * Pickling Cucumbers, Beans, Corn, Cabbage anti all other vegetables in season F. P. R O W L E Y . A gen t A family birthday dinner in honor G e n e ra l Insurance Mrs. Howard Baker was enjoyed at Turner, Oregon t ie Baker home Sunday. Present Prather’s Cold Capsules and Cough were Mr. and Mrs. George Fer- HHHHHS** * * * * # • * ♦ * * * 1 »-UHM*#** Syrup give prom pt relief. r's, Mrs. Fanny Cole, Mr. and Mrs. ------ ------- C. W\ Sloan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. J. Sherwood o f Marion opened l ’ aker and children, Melvin and Shir­ A V . '. V . V . V . V . V V . V the Miller barber shop here Wednes­ ley. day. ' . A , . V A V . V / / , V W i % V . r., A A V / / . ', V A , . V . , . V . V . W A V . , . ’A W . V The Willard W om an’s Club o f the W ord has been received here that Mrs. S. O. Baker was ill at her home W ado Hills, will hold its first meeting c f the fall today, Thursday, at the in Portland. - r . • . - 1 ome o f Mrs. Karl Haberly. Papers Dr. O .A. Olson and Dr. W . Carlton cn Hawaii will be read and the win- Smith were here from Salem, Satur­ t V s business will be discussed. On day night, to attend Masonic Lodge. Friday evening the W aldo "Hills Com- ------ ©------ n u n ity Club will meet in the club Hollis Bones took the Master Ma­ lou.se fo r its first fall meeting. son’s degree at the Masonic lodge Sat­ urday n ig h t Mr. and Mrs. George Ferris were Salem shoppers W ednesday. AT T H E PATCH Oscar Stahl I ' West Stayton | W. J A Y D E N H A M Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. B urgoyne and daughter, Ruth, were dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Purdy at their farm home east o f Turner, Sunday. The small son o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee B arber has fully recovered from a badly abscessed knee and is able to be back in school. ------ o ----- Mrs Ruth Riches entertained a group CRAWFORD Mrs. Emma Engdahl and son, Otto, i nd Mr. and Mrs. W ard M cCafferty c f Salem were callers at the Ray- n o n d Titus home Sunday. ■ ■ CF——” ■ Mrs. Thomas Little attended a neeting o f the Grange W ork club, which was held at the home o f Mrs. J. M. Bones in Turner, last Tuesday. General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing SUITS Just Phone us, we. 11 do the rest. Keep your wardrobe at it’s best of ladies Wednesday evening, bonoriug Turner, Oregon Route 3 Called for CLEANED, PRESSED! DELIVERED Î F A L L A'.W^AWAVAV/A'W.WAV.'/AW.VAVAVAV.V.VWW S E E D S Hat3--Odorless Cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hazen and fam ily o f Lacom b spent Sunday at One Day Service e«>us shower. Refreshments were served i the Charles Barber home. W e Have a C om p le te S tock o f All Varietiee o f R eclea n ed Let Us Serve You by the hostess and all report a most Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little spent Every Week ? GRAINS, GRASS SEEDS pleasant evening spent. Sunday with Mrs. Little’s sister, Mrs. ------o------ iK e r r y | CLOVER SEEDS, VETCHES, RYE CHEAT SEED George Keech and fam ily o f Stayton. Tne Ladies Aid of the Christain < AND PASTURE MIXTURES Mrs. E. B. Karn and her son and Church are holding an all day session at l e a n e r » O u r Seeds are R ecloaned in the Best Possible M a n n er with the i wife and son, Glenn, o f W ilder, Ida­ tne church today and are quilting one very Latest T y p e o f C leaning M ach in ery and W e M i ' i * a ho, and Mrs. H. A. Richmond and J 230 N. Liberty, dalem qu it and tying another. , S p ecia lty o f C .V. N oftzger o f Salem spent last VeVeVeV V -W Tuesday visiting at the Raymond HIGH GRADE QUALITY SEEDS Mrs. Bertha Carlson was here today Titus home. for a visit with her grandchildren Al­ ? Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thom ason were bert and Evyline Jensen and their fath­ j dinner guests Sunday o f Mr. and er Hans Jensen. Mrs. Carlson will Mrs. S. Page o f Salem. 201 State Street leave tomorrow for Sacremeto, Calif, The W. C. T. U. will meet at the to spend the winter. W A , . V W ^ V A ’ //A W /A V A V A W .V .* A W W , home o f Mrs. R. 0 . W itzel, W ednes­ day o f this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Putnam enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darby, H arvey Snyder was brought home who came from Ashland, Oregon. The Sunday from the Stayton hospital, men were schoolmates years ago when where he underwent an operation fo r boys in the W aldo Hills. The Darbys appendicitis some tw o week.-; ago. He also visited Mr. D arby’s brother, Dr. is recovering nicely. Mrs. Mary Standley with a miscelan- D. A . W h ite & Sons w o e yjLi 4-ft Slab Wood Old Fir 16-in. W i t h a S to c k o f Î ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER You always get a little more than you pay lor w hen you deal wi th us— ('lean ‘ ‘g o s ," f u l l m easure-—Clean oil, th e brund y o u r m otor llkea beat,—and cheerful service to bring you back. The Turner Lumber & Manf’g. Co. Offers you thirty years of experience in the lum ­ FREE AIR and W A T E R W E FIX FLATS ber business and connectiens which enable us to supply you with every conceivable building ina terial and supplies LET US F IG U R E YOUR N E X T BILL P. 0 . Box 308 III j A N K E 'l S Service with A Smile in assortud colors faced with lateen Double Strongtex 66x80 m s .i 5m ««Is Si *.50 Siko, Single A full line of Ked Shoes, Sweat and Polo Shirts for Gymnasium Harrison’s RED CROWN GAS P H O N E 275 General Store TU R N ER V V V W . W A r W . V / / J V W W J V / . V A W J ,J Y W W ,W Bones Bros«, Turner V A V t 66x80 OREGON É