Thimday, . u l ’J30 TIIK TRIBUNI.', fUliN iK. OHK.(iON P**e 6 m.m.wjm .., i >’A V A « W A f W A V A '/ f A V / ^ A r A / V A r / y y , ' W / / / / .V A * A V A A M UM M Y l 'A i! LI • Thar*- follow., h full!« ellppc*«) from ilio column« o f "country ¡i i|>< r utlvi rtiiin g " v/liiah wu ii »< you will enjoy w. wlnh l » i wily to i oil It io i|, i-ttoi.tlon o f our ui!;j. It contai uu a • nomi. •"I'l.i«-.j thoujHinl yearn before tho Declaration o f 1'rohioiUvn, a 1*1* I Tut-Ankh Aiiion win obct«il Km o f I'.^yjit ami begun to limn! out tin- i.iin- l.uwa from u gold- l*|nU-il arm chair in lia- raine» o f «.uxor on til. Nilo. ti*'* 111 • hi.-* numi- xouiiil*-il too much like [.ti A munii,ri fioulaah, ne v i» nirl.i-.ini il 'k in g Tut' by ti, Ini» ut Un t.'ori* - Drug ¿to n ­ ali I i In name i tuck. H it Tut hail uixty seven wive.-i a.i I a I t o f otln r I'l onlilo», mnl b e lili In- liinl |iu»Mil Mill t like l .at- r A ge ami «Loppi ,| plurterillg h" ha ni ilm n with .Si-womb, he lh 'ii‘ 1" <1 Off, ami hi» folk pl.-tnlul no i, »-ill-, the furniture unit ailver- ii-, in a big jov.. . lini-il Tomo i i I ni t n Vali l ori; on the Door, v.lule lui VVive* rollei-teil «he In- i .m e Mom y n el rnoveil «lean to ( in to t-ike up Dancing. •tV* < n a Malt i!ie-i In tho ie «laya ivi., duali n hint: tirr • an.I Thirty ' i rollivi by In•f.*r*1 « roup1* of Prof- *orn with a Pick and ■o'. I <; ii*«; crime along itinl dug u¡. Tut and all o f hl< Plaything«. "N ow , lor a long time kgyptinn Ki-l|- < l ad be.»n dug U|* in every [i.t •; of Mo- in M-rt un rritory. winter ini» (iro.yert very suMsdiciory, und ivo hum 111 tlo trouhlu with di*- enm-. ITopping hoard« nr«* elea nod thro* Muto» a week or moro iiii per «-eli» (llHtllliito or k* roaeno with otta half pint rm iii'lv dlrltifei-fiint lidded to Uve pallori)-. of the mixture. Thl» spray t - uni-il troni once a week to one« •« month. «lep»*nding upon the amount ii(*t:iied. The dropping hoi-rda ore <>l!y fruii Mil» aprny. ’Ini* helps In dean Ing 1 1 .*-in during enld weather. A good iii»lIIft**"Unit lulled utili wa­ ter I» ii - i i I for in-ata mnl other purl« of the".- • ivnrnl tirili * u >i-nr. To* ||iv the pereto* are painted ivtih nic­ otine "ulpliale or live tlinea a year, or more often If neeeaaury. Win imi r cold* npprnr a goo*l dlnln- f.-rtnnt I» ttued In Die water, and any bird* « ¡p e n it i; weak or showing a tendency to roup, are removed. All Idrd. which iM-enme *»!< U are killed. It I* lurpr'.elns how much the killing o f u ft »» dlhomn-d bird* will ruve. Sunlight for Poultry Flock Quite Essential During the winter month» ti-e he retina anti adjuatunfit <»f ubidii.»* In the ln> leg are very Important. *j here ehonld •«- window* in each end o f the house an that «nnllvht will elrlke tho entire Hour mone time dur­ ing the day. Along the miutli null aliould l.r ii large number of wlielnwa. ami it Ie p refendile that these l*e mud« o f n high grade ghia» »ut,‘Milito ivtdeh perniila the entrnm-e of the maximum,nt of ultra ilolet ray. Mualln cur- Inin* ai d ordinary gir.** are not miti«- Lirtory for till* purposo. TheM v.In- «low* kliotiM be well title I mot nlioiilcl he kept clean n» Iti., ultrn-vlolet ray «!•>»■! not penetrato tlirougl* dmi uni «llrt. Kurthrrmoro It I* better that they b«- arranged *<> they rnn he taken down during the summer moot ha nini Ufit subjected to iv«-ntlie; log. Adequa?/ Writ lion • Essential ior Poultry j ■liiC'.tm Ai.tì (D ia u i l i u p p ilo * in I t c o , 13 [5 Intcliel t, atiilla an I bedding. Nothing hut fr ell traini- 1 horn«, hreeder* of puro tin-d d -try cuttle ii»uull> prefer to let Morticiuns S them grow. .Mr. A r y . ¡ c m rll. > the nvuln or poultry tubérculo»!« I* not «eri ou "I y harmed but the te.-d ».111 nei ertile ics» ihów Mie itUciiu*) tu lie present. Salcm’H Square Deal Jewelers 6: Opticians. “ Thl* question alwuys romes up." he remark)-d. “'In ih* meut o f a tu- I>iami;r«ds V» atchea Clockii Jewelrj' Silverware. £ lx-rculnr unlmal c-n-r **«ld7 If tlM ra*« i* a light en,-, Mie ment will 1.« -179 Stale, St. Salem, Oregon. «old for f*K»d. bccnn.-ie the germs In tld* c-HW are laolated in on* t*urt of / A V W . V W J ,/ W » V . W / A V / / . V A V A V A W W i V . V * V A f A ‘ Mie t*ody und are o f no danger, but tf Mie dim-line Is «i read through the nystetu, tli* meat I* uot «ohi for hu- consumption, t.ut I* made Into tanka;;*. Th* g.-nun do no harm In the tankage bocauer the steam used PA IN LE SS DEN TISTR Y A N D X -R A Y W O R K In IU nmliufiieture kills them.'* £ i Pomeroy and Keene & i i Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist All W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices Adequate ien|l!uli<>n I* Important , U *« Your Credit Come in and talk it over >t for a prn!l tu Id* poultry flock Suiti- 1 ••lent freelt air uuiet t»o admitted »." Excellent for Cattle i ... M A S O N IC T E M P L E . re|*lrt «-0 the nm|«ture(eden olr tbr .wn SA»_E?.1 j ; In Kansas, whl.n sweat elover tia.v • € oli by the bird«. It mtiM be adiultDd Phon« 440 was compon-d with nltalfu hay. oain-j RcsKb-noe 758-R |v to» a* to avoid draft*. The open front 3*..xt^XVk BBSLVrjBDCC It in * ! through thriM- 30 dny pc- ::7y.x - «EOatacsofUBÉi CJS'á pr!ln Iple I-; n«i-d !•»ti n-'lvety. In many rtml*. Little dlffereticc In welgjit »eet.’onr It ha* been determined that whs noticed but the cow« eating sweet tin- . ; the f wall i • ; clover eon»unied «omcwh.-it !••;» liny W . V A W A W A W , W A V » V . V W W ^ , V A N \ V A V A V W » W equal a|*pn*xiiuate|y im -ten'h o f the und mow» gruln Man thno*> r»-i-clvlng E. K. P I A S E C K I floor area. T o plot«* ! Mi* dock d ir- r.lfulfa hay. Th. ulfalfafi-1 cow« log never* »1 irma fr..-n»e* eovered with prmlmwl 2.7 p'-r cent more milk ami Attorney at Lav/ a light weight et inunlln may he use-1 3.4 per cent more fat than tlm«») fed In tlie front opi-nlcr*. s»ve*t clover. S E T T L E M E N T OF E S T A T E S A S P E C I A L T Y o f thi »,« t»r«i crop« m.iki-« eg. eelli-nt fecil for dulrjr <*at;le. In cn.»i-« S U IT E 410 S A L E M B A N K O F C O M M E R C E 3 L D G . whore sweot clover IU* Into tho crop ISablng i-tn-i-g hcalthy ch.'cks I* system better than alfalfa, sweet SALEM. OREGON s largcly o iiriditein ..f k«-<-plng th«mi clover will undoubtedly provo fienc- nwav frem ihe lnf-vt!on und dlsennes A N W N W A A W V A r W . V . 'A Y A W V / . W i W A F A r A V . V j V . W . '' flclnl. In view o f the fact that fit*» W'ld-li til rl»e in olí) t"i*iltry turi)--. soil requlivni-iits are prnetlrnlly tho l-'viM-rienre pro ve* «llhixi.’ li the same f<>r tl-o two crops, nifidfa 1« A 'A N V / A 'V V Y 'A '.V .V A V A ’ .W A V .W .W .W iV i'A N V Y .V A Y .V «>'d b¡rdh lire freo f m - i (h- i-ff:-, t» of more comm nly used than w.-.s fer- «l.-.-ii».. (bey tiurhnr m. ny d!*, «,-. * m.-r!y the cii*c. w lili lí pro»« 'iing S p r i n g S - s e d T i m e cblrks. Wire •-«-«»* n l!u ir* luí ve b-en u.«ed Satisfactory Shelter »Il. lt K. fn.i> lor y*uM by a->me |*mb For tlie la.-t year wc have been plaeingoitr orrlers and t r> n-.» n mnl llielr u.!C i* tucrwaoliig There urn a ;ood many type» of jjettinpr ready to supply yoa with the most Reliable seeds rapidi). harn* or da ds that ran bo naoil nulls- that the market affords, ■ fuoiorlly for dairy cattle. F^rh«i*s tho , majority o f new dairy tmrnr «re o f Mie All our seeds ar.- prown by experienced scad growers A hen p.-odnclng L'«*'» . -,•/« a year ] two-efory type wit Ii r.voni for hay stor- and we have selected tho varieties that do the best in this ug» above the cow«. Bnseruert burns n-u-t In- H'i;plb that a<..-r the In** nro useil In the cottier olimatf « tint nre , in*» i i * fiopulsr n* formerly, on recount I that *-ooie Ih.-o a/li diip**llull. «he »Mil If you have not received our catalog, drop us a card »»III he able to dqii -it aroi.n l f!ie , g_- t.f tho dlfHoutty o f gening suftlel«-fit with your name and address or drop in and see us. In tho form o f ell nearly three sunshine, ventilation nnd sanitation. Tho open »hod may t*o used for pound* i f sb,-l| forming rmitorhil. Such heavy e.'itcium cnrlvonat* i*r *--/g- dairy esiv.« but usually the »-. intora are D . A . W h i t e & S o n s shcll prodnrtlou demands serious onu- mi severe that t!.i "e would he ¡It'.!»» 1 comfort for the <-o»»-s nr th«> milkers sldi-riitluii. K.-i-n th-mv!i every olln-r Seedsmen »»iih such an arrangement. A pne - ri |ulr*-nii-iit I* aupplicd. a de'lcloncy £ tcctcd yard where tie» cows may he of cah-lm- ■Mdionate »»III la- limit!i)g 261 State St. turned on days often sorves to Salem, Oregon. fac:or in prmiuctlnn. an nrtviinlnrre. Kaeds n-.iilt* e\cellent | * V V . Y . v , s v , * , W . ,A S W t V . W g * . * , W . ' . ,. V . W sV . W . W . W A V . . irotcctlon for jotti-g s-.v-k If they are ; protected from at rung »» Intis. Clover and Alfalfa Are Avoid Discasos s $ I l for All Dairy Cattle NorJs SboH Material -J --V r,X -P B V -1 M PLAN TO PREVENT POULTRY LOSSES Tour rrmluction Usually Due to Jnciauitury Methods. e — Rx.veW ol pooltrymcn re»lise tlmt pnn-tlcully all In-iivy tot,»-* In |i»Hil!ry ure pri-ventnhl«*, «ccordlng tu Chnil.-s N. I»- i-n, u""ictiint prò fi --or In poni- try it thè «.'olonnlo Agrlculturul ceb log». Ih-avy I ,*•»** nnd poor protlnctlim In r*»;ittry are nsnnlly ilo*-, >tr. Keen «itys. io ■ olili- of the fulbivnng factur«; l'idi- nre tu bava clolni i . hum -«, eleni» ft-i -l, *'I i -: iii v.-nler, t'ird* free fi'um pnrn«!tr i Mini f.illuro to rauiovc »lek biitl* from the limi*-«. The furi tlir.t ono rtuingos the strn»v regtiìnrly tlni-s not m«-nli flint III* lintuw> I* In i good onillt.nry rondi Itoli. Ite», nlfir deanlng of th» dropptng li iard* must go »»Illi It. When )ou entor u poultry Inni-* durili/ cold wenther nnd thè odor I* 'meli il* !•> n-iiki* you hall when y-'ii open thè iloor, It 1« evldcnt th:it Mie nIr l.i not «nnlt«i'.v. Th«) pnn-llee of fm-diug in open hop- per*. dlsbpiun unii Mia Jlkc, allow« ilropplng* to get luto ili* innsh food. Thi* »prenil.i «llw-.isa nini cum*1» a gre.'it «leni of wnsfe. Ktsgnnnt »v«t.-r h»ft In tho house for 21 limiiv. tn thrtsi or tour dava ili n lime, la noi il »imi­ ta cy eondltlon. M!rd* «vlih-li nre nffected wlth Ileo nnd niitei becouia \»cu!>t-uei1 nnd *td>- Jei't to diseaso. The followlng «yftem u*i'i| ,it tl-.e Colorndo experlment sta­ tion «vhlle Mnls Aro houacd dtulnz tha Modern Parasite Th^ Intc-it deftnltknn of n pari»«Ite In n turni »vho \» nll:t» tliri'tigh ti revolvìng door witbont dolng hi« -»hare of M e F A C T S ptwhing. Itnt ilio cknm-.don pnm«lro In thè il.nlry hnslnrss la thu man »vl>>» CLEANLINESS IS feeda hi.) fim itv «ileontnrgftrlne unii C A L F E S S E N T I A L thoti eomplnln* utiont th? low prie« !ir» g*;.* for his hntt.-r fot. Ile nannlly — I koi pi un underfo.l tot o f c*'»vs; nnd If ih* prlce o f hu'M-r fat, a drop. In* I h tho th-st nmn in tho eominnnlty to cry iibout tho InJraHci» o f « ir mar- hot Ini «yst.oni lo tho | i Dr. O. L. Scott ChicopriK'tor N*ar»*caionict«T Service »a t e Nearly 3^ years of pra*- tice in tho correction of eye trouble ¡3 your guarantee ! of expert service. Eaton Optical Co. Phor,« S7. Rwhltnre 2104J Phcaa 1109J *2ôtt N. H >);h Htr< -t 284 N. Cou’l. upshu s Saie:.i, Ore Salem. Oregon Nothing but Fresh, Pure Milk and Crain Saie. now dairy calve* may ho raised from Infuncy to brooding ng»* so as t" i • torà Mio gira» it ■ ¡¡h!o pi eût to tho owner I* the »uhjert of a new und Mutely extonxinn circular recently prepared by John A. Are», dairy r\ tcualon s-pt-Wi-IIst at the North Cup»- »Inn Stnto c*'llo»'(*. Mr. A rey tells how fo care for tho young uilf, l:ow to teach him to drink, he»»' to fi«d during tlu» varions » '■f growth, und how to mix und uao tho various fecd'lufta «val la lit» on the Net th O rollnn fumi. It I* made rlcar that clraaünost la )*:•*• tliil »er v >4>&>*4VÍK k M- V. f P A T E N T S ! W 8033% Obtained. Send model or sketch ! and we w-ill prom ptly ivnd yeti .t [ rrpo/t. Our book • i\ I’aten»-- and T irida-n urlt« w ill be scat to Jon ( & k | COL ------ P A TF -N T L A W Y E R S 305 Jvvcpll. Si.. W/íhiiigton. D. C .‘sarisE— J A Y D E N H E/VI ÖMeral COTtracter and Sail der Cwoeal Work and Plambia 5 otv rgqueit. R ■« . S W IF T 3 «it'fS.) . i »»&<»•>■» Rootc 3* Tumor, Orotori ! V V 1 -t V v ! á »