Thiirtwliiy, April 17, 1 {>30 THE TRIBUNE. TURNER, OUKOON Page 7 Back OUR COMIC SECTION hurl you?| f f troubled w ith backache, bladder irritations, and getting up at night don’t take chances! Help your kidneys at the first •ign of disorder. Use D oan’t P ills. Praised for 50 years. Endorsed by thousands of grateful users, kGet D oan’t today. Events in the Lives of Little Men i Women Art Always Admired I Yuu 1 » hsrs a taJisnt (iMplnL<>n • mi ■!>• iliir ia o f ,..U|K if you u m M A M I FI 1 H P m . I’owdsr. M A X C l L I r , M I 'o w d s e qufckl, iM n k i, ,our i n a i i n L « •m l W in * n il tha m i i , d a m i' • » • i f « » m ih has. ■ M a u i m 11 rm M im I ijifOH 9ov; I h 1 * w i akin fssl .uuiigs, «m i | « i . imm - ksslt U-.k .m m * i Tkm n-lll ■ i ni I n yen m l "W A s * U n i , ,k i* M l k m r . • ps. k . , - . , t ) V .m l gk. ' •I all .li. l.n Saml 1 « I m UM tal n m .U and i m M i i U « i than \ r t f - - p ip 7 ^ H NAW, IT piPN T ROßT MUCH, HOHEiJ ' AS Pl< *t b n . n u . H b c O - . »>. f c X m A l J F L O R E 5 T O N S H A M P O O - Idael for am 1» connection with Parfcsr'aHair Balaam. Makes the hair t o il and flu ff.. 10 cents by mail or at drug, ffiata. Hiacox Chemical Works. Patchoeua. N T . C o m p le x io n R e q u i s i t e s "E l.c lr .c v l.4 " AS FIRST AID I-••nk in'n o f electric currents fr»m hliih |H>wer transmission lines often causes serious Injury lo trees, ne- corillng to tree specialist* In the Uniteli Ntiitea I »epurimeli! o f Agri- rulture. Another eoinmon tyiea of Injury to Irera are canned hy ilenao • baile or too lulenae sunlight. U m Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh Ail Saalara ara asthariiad ta radaad rear •enay la rtk e t in t Sattla if act Mitaa. y a -è? (CmrAsM. w. a u » Fe!ix Is to Be Presented at Court THE FEATHERHEADS inside^ HP A D fU R ETfC TME KJDNEYS J E< j 6 lo a n 's 'ills Hfi.F£ML&QHEAD. I AM «P Q EftA M ÌA JÙ MRS- m C Q û F T .-V C LADY INTO CAR M X ) DGcW t W . , 'O F COOQSt!- \ f i £xP£CttC TbU If g ç p w jj A lO U )- , HOUJPOVOÜ N , /ARRANGE TO öCTTOAUr TW6S6 ACCIDENTS ? - SOU MUST, W e a WOJOCCFa SYSTEM ! Mayor oa Croaaiag Duty Emulating Napoleon, who took up • sleeping sentry's musket and walked the post, Mayor Mackey of Philadelphia assumed the role of traffic officer when he found the po­ liceman missing from the Intersec­ tion o f Fifteenth and Chestnut streets. He was prompted by an un­ identified motorist whose machine narrowly missed the Macklan coat tails. After telephoning police heud- quarters. Mayor Mackey directed traffic for the minutes between 1 :15 and 1:40 p. m. A police Inspector reached the scene a moment before the traffic officer, who had “stepped away for a minute to get a drink of water.” The mayor spoke to the lat­ ter in earnest fashion and then de­ parted. The feminine styles in 1S90 w ere not pretty, but there have been many that were. IV * Feen-t-mint It Ibe answer. Clcanahii action of smaller doses effective because you chew iL At your druggists— the safe and scientific laxative. Blessed are the peace makers. When you are In a fight, you don’t have to watch them. Feenamint FOR CONSTIPATION K ill R ats 'Phone From M oving Train* Ti'li-|ihotilng from the llntnhurg- Berlln express truina In tlrrmiiny la reported to be n euccea. Passengers nmy talk from a luuith to any part of the country while traveling 00 mile* un hour. All that la neceaaary la to give central the tiuniher and the name o f the city drain’d. Connec­ tion la innde hy menu* of nn aerlnl running along the niofa of the enra, fnim which ether wave* are tmna- nilttcd hy electric current to the reg- ular telegraph wires running parallel with the railway, which carry the tnraange hy way o f Hamburg or lterlln. , LAuVfûS SEEM TO BE ABLE ED B E W E Q Y U M E K AT 1HE SAME ÏME - JUST LIKE SANTA Ä A ü S ^ \ ) J W . M N K ! - TUE RE BE AN ACCÏ ySoMEüJHERE AT M S r>> OH THAWKsl-POtS THAT MEAN MX) WANT ME TÖ SEND A SALESMAN lb CALL ON MX) ?-0fc ARE i )D0 0CCDMMENB1N6 M X)R U SA I SERVICES 16 CXÄ USE ? - ON,OF COURSE NOT ! - M d O / WANT TO F « j V4T A D OLL • W ithout Poison M N ew F if e r w ls a f o r th a t W o n 't K ill L iv e s to c k , P o u lt r y , D o g » , C u ts , o r s r s e B aby C h ic k » r-4 K R Ocan b ta a td about tha hom c.baro or poul­ t r y yard w ith absolute s a fe «. • • It co n ta in . * e TTT«ff*T r ~ ‘ -----K R -O is m ade ofS cu ill.a a recom mended b .U .S .D ept. o fA s rieuhare.aodee the Connable procee. w hieh insures maximum strength. T w o cana killed 57S rata at Arkansas S tate Farm . Hundreds o f other testim onials. ■ o ld oe> a H ooey -B o o k O s a s s a ts s . T juin r exter­ im - Insist upon K - R - O . tha o rigin a l Squill m inator. AO poultry supply, drug. , and S tores—75c. L a rg e sire (four tim es aa i m ach) rou K-R-O S2.CD. D irect Ifd esle r cannot supply you C o , Springfield. O. /\|A Paper Malting in Japan One morning when the children were eutlng hrenkfusl, Milford put two henping spoonfuls of sugar In his cocon. *‘I should think one spoonful would tm enough," objected hla sister. "I should think ao, too," he replied, “but It ulnt." N ervous,* W e a k . L o s t W e ig h t STILL THINKS SO Tacom a, Wash.— " I had an operation ami could not regain my health or get strung afterwards. I was nervous and weak, only weighed ^eighty-five pounds. I .as nothing but skin - and bones. I wss so 'weak tliat I would /I fr hare to hold to some- Mrs. Jacob Thou« thing when I tried to walk. I went on this way for about thrrs years during which time I took one medicine after another without get­ ting help Then I started using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and after taking six bottles I was well and strong."— Mrs. Pauline Thaut, 1914 So. Cushnnn S t (A ll dealers.) Write Dr. Pierce’s Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical adtica. Send 10c far a trial pkg. of tablet^ 4 K IL L S -R A T S -O N L Y Japan la rapidly Inking It* place among the pnper-mnking nation*, par­ ticularly In the new* print Held. With her huge forests and alimtat un­ limited water-power supply, she I" producing a pa|u*r Independent of anw foreign source of raw material. Only the United Ntnten, (Ireat Hrlt- aln, Germany nnd Canada exceed Japan In output. The Industry Ima rapidly forged to the front In the progressive and mod­ ern activities of the empire, nnd ItliM fnlr to he even more productive In the future. • Wutus Niwptpw 1 T h at’s That pretty nenr owns that college. He ought to be nhle to get me n position na vice president of the football as­ sociation. Soma Man A re O bligin g Mr. Jnhhg (during the quarrel) — Ev­ ery now nnd then we bear of some married man shooting himself. Mrs. Jnbbs— Yes, every now and then we hear of some man who will do something to please his wife. He Neede a System "What Is the matter with my hits hand, doctor?” “ Oh. his stomach Is In bad disorder.' “ Yes; Jurt what I thought.* I novel saw any one as disorderly as he. Havt you ever noticed his writing desk?” "* Domestic Am enities HU Prospects Bright O rigin o f Specie Aunt—Ro you're going to college? 1 suppose you »III start In ns n fresh­ man. Nephew— Fresiiman nothing. My pn "And do you think this town would hold me If I had -51,000 in my pocket?" "Oh, I think It would—the police wouldn't let you leave.” N O N-SURG ICAI method en­ ables u< to give W R IT T E N AS­ SU RANCE o f P IL E S E U M I- N A r e o ox FEE REFUNDED » Send today lor FREE 100-peas Nook Jeacri: t.i'sg cause* ami prop- K l | t r trcatmcct of mch aHmcnfa. RKTdi'c'tpLpN "uNld B etw een Friends Johnson—“ IHdn't you think that fel­ low who ran nwny with your wife wns your host friend?” Blllaon—” 1 still think so.” 15-years success hi treating Rectal and Co loo troubles by the Dr. C. J. Dean HAD SEEN IT BEFO R E Mother— I can't think where Frltx got Ida sweet nature from. Father— It must he from you. Mothery— Flatterer! Father— I still hnve mine myself! Young W ife— How fortunate I am In possessing a husband who u I ways stays at home In the evening. Bosom Friend—Yes. Your husband never was much nddlcted to pleasure. SUFFERING ELIMINATED He— “ Haven't I seen your face be­ fore?" She—"Probably, It wouldn't be possible for you to see It behind." D elighted Chumm Citron— Was the old man violent when you told him you wanted to marry his daughter? Sam Speck— Violent? I should say so. Why. he nearly shook my hand off. up mm 9 V your romrlsxlon sad paint rad rossa / rn M In your pale, sallow ehsoks. Truly , ■ M wcrdorful rsoulta follow thorough . ■ g co lon c lo a n s la g . T a k o s e - I § n s T u e c s e s * to y - t o r »«u ls t o ' ■ s nd strsogthso your ethniooti ra or- ■ rsat. Wstrb ths transformation. I " f r y nn Instead o f moie I u s tir ss. ■H. mis, .eraly ragstakls—et * see*, eeb He FEEL LIKE A MILLION. TAKE TO-NIGHT TOM ORROW A L R I G H T