TH E Joh n * b M other P raises D octor The ( ‘ There Isn't a moth­ er living who won't • pv* that no half- alrk child should bo the subject for an ex­ periment with medi­ cines of uncertain merit. When your child Is bilious, h e .J - ichy, half-sick, feverish, restless, with coated tongue, had breath, no appe­ tite or energy, you know that nine times out of ten it's a sign hts little stomach and bowels need purging. And when you know that for over fifty years leading physicians have endorsed one preparation for this con­ dition, there doesn't sectn to be any reason for "trying" things. Rich, fruity California Fig Syrup clears the little stomach and bowels gently, harmlessly and in a hurry. It regulates the bowels, gives tone and strength to them and to the stomach; and helps to give your child new strength, energy and vitality. Th o u ­ sands of Western mothers praise It. Mrs. Joseph W. Hill. 4306 Bedford Are., Omaha, Nebraska, says: “1*11 never forget the doctor who got me to give my baby boy, John, California Fig Syrup. Nothing else seemed to help his weak bowels. Tha t was when be was Just a baby. He suf­ fered a good deal before I gave him Fig Syrup, but it stopped his trouble quick. I have used it with him for colds and little upset spells ever since. I consider him a Fig Syrup boy." Insist on the genuine article. See that the carton bears the word "Cali­ fornia.** Over four million bottlee used a year. Superficial Flesh Wounds Try Hanford's Balsam of M yrrh Ah lia le n are antlefii«d tu reread fou t aoee^ ter the hr* Settle If aet salted. Garfield T ea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy Fo r every stomach and lntestfh&l UL This good old-fash­ ioned herb home remedy for consti­ pation. stomach Ills and other derange­ ments of the sys­ tem so prevalent these days Is In even greater favor as s family medicine than in your grandmother’s day. WfELL OR M O N EY BAC K fe m -K N à S Ì r À’L T t T lag m* Dv. C J . D m In is eon irtfril method at treat­ ment. tUsed by m exhtä*rh> otbcrRactad ned Colon sihernta. Send TODAY lor FREE 100- .. ............... t o u i r i«q .i-a WCWTTQH T his Airplane Scarad Them An American-made plane recently flew over Senchow, an ancient city In West Hunan, China, on way to the fighting front The populace In the district had never seen or beard of an airplane, and so when the machine sped above the clouds with Its roar- log noise, a great consternation was caused. “Th is must be the nine- headed bird,” the farmers and the local gentry shouted, and they took no chance. Immediately the whole town turned out and with gongs and cymbals started to frighten away the mysterious monster. Fain Feldman, Atlanta grocer, has been robbed seven times by the same man. “I hope be break* the habit," prays Feldman. A Sour Stomach In the same time it takes a dose of *oda to bring a little temporary relief of gas and sour stomach, Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acidity complete­ ly checked, and the digestive organ* all tranquUlzed. Once you have tried this form of relief you w ill cease to worry about your diet and experience s new freedom in eating. This pleasant preparation is Just as good for children, too. Use It when­ ever coated tongue or fetid breath signals need of a sweetener. Physi­ cians will tell you that every spoon­ ful of rh llllp s Milk of Magnesia neu­ tralizes many times Its volume In acid. Get the genuine, the name Phillips Is Important Imitations do not act tbs samel P hillips r Milk . of Magnesia w . H. U , P O R T L A N D , NO. 8 1»3o! - B ’ H XV V n lr* (A, IM I. IVtahlnlaj A CV„ tw .) fr* ROM THE 8 TA R 1 ini reducing «ten« of tti« p*o- pl* of th« pr»lty ItttU V*i«ncb Canadian of i'aribonka, particularly th# Crippled Lady. Idol of lh# aimpla inhabitants. Paul Kirk«* is a descendant of a sister of Molly Brant, sister of Joaeph Brant, great Indian chlaf lie has inherited many Indian characteristics His father ta a powerful New York financier. C H A P TER '/ of Peribonka Combination Horse and Dairy Barn Will Pay Dividends for Many Year? HOW TO LIVE LONGER y - James Cliver Caneood •TORY T H I B I 'N E . T I 'H X E H , O H E C iO N I I — C o n t in u e d He nodded to l*aul, dropped off his rubber coat, and begau to till til* pipe as he looked out over Hie workings. "I wish all the hoys tn the world could stand In this window and see what's going on down there." be said “That Ides gets Into my hind everj time I come tier*. it wrould till 'em with ambition, show 'em »lis t can he done, give 'em eomethlng to live ami work for Rotter day Isn't It?" “ Rotten." agreed l*aut. "But for a man who s done that— It ought to be sunshine all 'he time.' added Derwent Mg tiring hi* pi|>e anil puffing at It with greet eonienlment "Splendid work. I*sul Fmiellilng to he proud of all your Ufa. Some thing— " “1 hate It." Interrupted l*aul. "I've rutted It from the beginning I've hated It for three years." Derwent nodded. "I know It " Paul turned from the window with a fiercely eloqueot gesture. At thirty eight his lean, lithe figure was more like an Indian's than when he was a hoy. There was something In the cut of his chin. Ids neck, his shoulders and the look in his eye* which seemed to set him widely apart from the scene be had mm «illy surveyed a mo ment before. ShatVor« were hidden behind them, restless and troubled shadows, which revealed themselves only now and then like ghosts s h ie r grief could not always be kept behind walls of flesh. Ills eyes were a deeper blue than when his mother had known him. and they held i chained some thing which was forever struggllnv against the powerful will of the man Occasionally the prisoner was re leased, and when this hapiwned therv was a singular, far-seeing, almost poetic beauty In them and the steel went out of bis flesh, so that ne seemed all at once to come under rbe passing warmth of an Influence other than that which had become so deep ly rooted In bis life. Derwent’s analytical mind bad ar rived at rbe truth of the matter a long time ago. He nodded again and re peated: “1 know you doni like it But It's a great work, tusl the same" Paul looked at him with a ertm smile, mid t*erweot surrounded him self a-irb s cloud of smoke. "t>o you think I am quite ■ foot Colin? iH> you really believe I could he on a Job if this kind for three years without getting a pretty ac curate measurement of myself? The fraud of It all makes me sick I The flattery of my friend*— everybody treating me aa it I were an omnia ciently powerful godtiead ot aorn kind! I tell you It'a all a lie. and I hate It Cm glad I didn't build that outrage down there. I’m glad there isn't a mark of my hand upon It Good G— d l i would die by inches rather th jo destroy a beautiful river for a thing like that— deseerale a masterpiece for a few dollars’ profit, prostitute a gift whlcn Ood put there when the world was node that a few worms like you and me may turn it 1 to our selfish ends if there Is a Power that mounts the storm and walks upon the wind tt ought to strike us dead for transforming a paradise Into that!" j Weeks and month* and years of gnawing torment bad at last nrokeo through the dam Paul bad built up about bis emotions and he spoke words which yesterdaj be would have throttled tn his breast "Fifty million dollar* In and about that bole before It l> finished. Her went" he said. “ My father's money. That Is why I am here A score of engineer» are on this Job. and every one of them Is better titled lo till my place than L They have done the work not L Respectfully they submit suggestion* when they know they should be commands Yet they are slaves to my whims and deslies as long as they remain »n this work I am the strutting figurehead of a flnnn rial monarchy I hate that pit down there. I hate the millions going into I t I take no pride In what seems to thrill you all. If I Oiled my proper place I would t>e among the men dig­ ging and mousing myself with clay earning my six dollars a day But I'm here Instead, i do not have to succeed simply because I cannot fail. My father's millions attend to that. Vha millions cannot lew. They are all powerful next to the l.ont Jehovah they get you and hold you. ami you cannot break away. My fstlier ha* never get away from them for a day's play In tits life. And they've got in* I hate them but that doesn't help No mutter where I go they follow me. haunt me, tie me hand and foot grlumee at me. and mock me. Some times I have had a terrible thought I would like to see those millions shrivel up and die. I would Ilk* to feel the necessities of life with my naked hand*. I would like to feel ibe Joy of knowing that I had to work or go hungry. What a thrill that muat give one I" lie turned toward IVrwent again, *— «od-1 Mr \V UUm A Radford will anawar course. But do you ever tblnk ol lueatlons and glva advice KRKB O F morale? That's a big thing, a mighty \> 8 T on all problem* pertaining to the big thing. And It Is what you nave ■ubje-'t of building work on th# (arm. 'ot th* reader* of this paper. On no- kept alive lo the camps up and down I -ount ot Me wide experience aa editor, the river for the last three years tutltor and manufacturer, he la. wtth- You're too serious, you don't laugh >ut doubt lb* hlghcxt authority on the enough, jc u don't Join much tn ou' 1 lubiect. Addreae alt tnuulrla* to W il­ iam A Kadfird, No 407 South Dear- parties and excitements, but people >orn street, Chicago. III., and only In- like you. That Is *tw t pull* the trick. ■loa* two-cent atamp for reply. Even the old beads, the engineers who While state health laws ar* rather worked In Egypt and l*auama. .ore lo be with you. There Isn't a Jealous ttrlct about housing dairy cow* and ior»e« In the saute hum. the on* man In the workings. T o have made •bown In the accompanying llluatra that condition possible la an achieve­ Ion la designed In snob a way that It ment which make# you the moat valu able human asset lu the organization " a a dual purpose building. It will be "It Is good of you to say th a t" ac­ toted that the double door; near oue knowledged PanL “ Funny why I ■nd lead Into a driveway through the should feel so strangely out of humor , vultdlng. At the right Is the dairy today. I think Carla's mother la get­ (table and at the left la the horse barn. The length la 1U0 feet over all. ting on my nerves. Have you seen her (table. But these two stables are «ep- Space Is allotted for thirty cows In trated tn such a way that they ar* recently?" the cow stable and six horses In the ■enlly two under the same roof. Tight “ T h is morning." norae stable. It will be noted by th# "A nd you still Insist there Is n< isrtltlon wall* with sliding doors shut floor plan that modern barn equip­ ! iff both stable* from the driveway hope?” ment, Includlug sanitary steel elsll “ Positively. 1 bad Doctor Tilled 1 \t the same time It enable* the owner partitions, stanchions, drinking ru|>a. mere come up from Quebec, a* you re nn overhead carrier, nnd n system of quested. He gives her even less time ventilation, ar# specified. Also wood than L ftoctor Rollins agrees with blocks for th* floor* of the alalia. him. It can't be more than three or Beside ibe floor plan there le a four months. I think. Mrs. Haldan cross-section of the bnlldlng nnd many knows she Is going to die and talks to of the detalla of ennatruction, partic­ us very calmly about i t She Isn't ularly those of the concrete floor In afraid. Th e thought of It doesn't teem th* dairy stable, are given. There Is to cast a shadow over her motherly also a section through the driveway sweetness She Is keeping herself which gives aome details of construc­ that way for Carla's sake. If It were tion. Th e crosa-eecflon of the bam not for Carla the thing wouldn't be Itself shows th* dimensions of th# aucb a tragedy." material used In construction and how “ 1 know. It's Carla," said Paul the bum tg constructed. "Sudden sickness and death, like my Dairymen have come to realize that own mother's Isn’t so terrible. But the modem building to house their seeing It coming, waiting for It, •o store roughage for both the cattle cows will pay dividends throughout counting ihe days and weeks— must be ind the horses in the same mow and the year It stands. Modern equip­ he hay chute ever the drivewny fa horrible. Carla la losing everything ment not only leasena the lubor of .■llltatea the storing of bay and throw- she has when her mother goes. I'm caring for a dairy herd but also In­ ng it down as needed. wondering wbat she will d a " creases the heulth and production of This bum has a modem gambrel "Go on working among the children the rows. Only a small Increase In ! roof and It la 3d feet wide, which ha* She told my wife that yesterday the dally flow of milk Is necessary to j >een found to be the right width for When the company's school closes here pay for a building of thla kind over ! vonom y of space and labor In caring she will find another. 1 cannot an i for the anlmnls to be kept In the a term of years. derstsnd her— quite. She Is lovllei than Hebe, and so lovable that naif may become dangerously so at any the men I know worship ber. Yet she time. favors one no more than another. She All chimneys and flues should atari is twenty five, l.ucy-Belle says. They like each other and have had their Old homes as well aa new h-unea down with the foundations, should be supported by them, should lie built confidences. Lucy-Relle aays there.I* may enjoy the adtuntuges afforded soundly from bottom to top, should be a love affair In Carla's life a broken •>y tile*. lined with tile, should have no wood one. which makes It impossible for lu remodeling all that Is necessary within three Inches of them, should Carla to love any other man or marry for the tile Installation Is n strong, have mineral wool or other Inmin Carla told her th a t” -igld foundation such a* Is provided In buatlble material parked between th* Paul looked out of the window floors, wulla and celling# of practical masonry and the wood. Measures of again, with his back to Derwent ly every home. Tilin g can be set upon this kind eliminate with one cleat “ What a rotter 1 am to blow up as wood, brick, concrete, steel, hollow swoop defective flues as a fire hazard. I did a few minutes ago." be ex ‘.lie, gypsum and other materials. claimed. "But 1 was thinking of Carla Tiled floors are frequently plnced and the obstinacy of life Mine has directly on top of existing floors. On been one way, Carla's another. I was the other hand, when the surface of born rich ; she came over uo Imml the tiled floor Is to be on the same Snfegunrd the family health. Why grant baby. I did nothing but grow plane as that of Die old floor, the old wear yourself out sweeping and clean up; she fought with the pertinacity ot floor can he removed, a subfloor built mg a carpeted floor? Such a floor I* her race for an education after hei between the Joints and the tile work never sanitary, and. of course, you art father died, got I t and hat been fight era dirt tracked In by playing children It for being what 1 am while she bear* tlona. There Is hardly anything that up like a soldier under ber burdens will make a house more modem than easily removed. There are do crack* to collect dust and disease germs. I saw ber this morning. It was wet installation of a tile bathroom. Your rooms will always look fresh nnd soggy, gloomy, but she smiled. The neat with the least possible attention. sadness of all the world I* back of Modernize Old Homes by Installing Tile Floors of Oak Offer Unusual Advantages that amlle. but It doesn't .spoil Its sweetness or Its cheer. She make* me feel bow small I am and how Inconsequential all this work Is down In the p it I would give all this down here— If It were mine to give— could I save her mother for ber!" Derwent put on his raincoat. “ We all feel that wuy about It And— we're helpless. Lucy Belie wants von to come over to supper. Will you?" "Thanks. Tell Lucy-Belle she Is sn angel to think of me so often. I'il come.” « t o ns CONTINUED) **■*■**•* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VI Writer Would Combine Hermany and Business Wanderer* In fhe Home park it Hampton court are said to have been startled by hearing the gang» of work meD employed I d renovating It* dlfch 4 >* and copse# break Into aong. How far have we strayed from Merrle England when even highwaymen nnd hangmen vang at their work I We may well pine f4>r a return to the days of I'eachum and Machenth. Today er­ rand boys whistle, grooms hiss through their teetb and taxi drivers groan, but only gallnrs. soldiers on the march and Welsh miners alng at their work. Th e rest of us confine our singing fo the privacy of onr hatha. Behind locked dorurs we out soar fhallapln. hut the presence of one fellow creature I* enough lo re­ duce us tn dumbness. It waa not considered strange that (lie old time milkmaid creamed at her task Who exnee-ia the moelern typist to feillow her example? It t* frequent ly cnmpl»lm-d thill mdse Is the curse of civllizutioo Why ool turn it Into Chimneys and Flues Best With Tile Lining Edge Grain Shingles Make Good Siding How does Hr«* get Into walls? Most >ften because of a defective flue. Any kind of a chimney stack or flreplace which will heat up the surrounding woodwork or through which sparks ran get 1 1 surrounding woodwork 1 * defective. If we place woodwork against the chimney stack that I* a iefectlve tine. If we support masonry chimney* from wood that Is defective. If we fMI to line flues with tile these flues are potentially defective and they Don’t Skimp on Stairs, Home Builders Warned In bulhllng a Inline, don't evomv mire on «a irw a y apace, warn* Ge4.rge s blessing hy making II harmonhma'' K. Khhenlaub, an uutlmrlty on the When every mnn sings no din of traf «nhjev-t. In the American Architect, fle will he heard. “ T l a a anre algn tyf al' fulls occurring In American work geom on merrily,” nnld lM « r homes, more than tier cent nre Blekeratnff, "when folk g!r.* at It." It rumble* downalnlr*. Jnd many of these is high rime we forsemk the Idea Mini result fatally. work Is a penance to be performed h Although the average owner given «Hence In a block coat it little thought, a well proportioned stairway la probably the imml Im­ portant detail of any building from Plan t* That Glow Luminous plants have been v n.,ur . the afam 1 |Mdnt of *Hfety and for com of strange legends tn India aim fort. Mr. Kicheolaub aaya. Th e pitch of the stairway, the Afghanistan. There Is a mountain called Hufed Roll In Afghanistan on height of each atep alaiye the lower which the native« believe that gold one, and the whlth of the trend, or and silver exist. In springtime the top surface of each atep, are fact4ira slope* are covered with huahe« which which no! only will flelermlne the at night, from a dlstanoe. am-m fo pooelole number of accident a over a be on (Ire, yet when you are close course cf years, hut also will fix— If only auh 4-otis4-|ou*ly— In the mind* to them there la no sign of flume Th e native* of Simla eay Mint at of residents uml visitor« an opinion night the mountains are Illnmlnat 4 >d of the comforl or Iradequary «»f the hy aome magical herb, and thla la he house n* a whole. Mr Khlienlaub - 4 -p 4 >rta he ft nnd the lleved to he a spec!#»* of dlctnmnua Ideal stairway In an oltl hotel, built which grows plentifully there. By JO H N C L A R E N C E F U N K a 04 * i let M . »• o e4 P e l Ik M eellS I Jo. • I lee, Slfllfl «aI fflKMyhiflnla BOR C O N ST IP A T IO N Feenamint Tinkering p i I K ill' are eoine automobile own “ ere who ar* forever pulling their machines »purl ami pulling them to C a m p a ign C u rre n c y geiher again. Evidently they do this "What happen* out your way when under an Inflated Idea of tliclr mo g man usen hlg money III M political chaulcal Ingenuity, thus Imping to tin campaign?" prove upon fnetory adjustments. A* "People take hi* money," answered a general rule It Is this type of per. Renator .Sorghum, "but they distrust •on who la alwnj* comptiilnlng almul hint. They kimw that a politician of hi* ear> poor performance. real ex|terlenc* and sagacity would Thla tinkering business Is had know how to use hlg promises Instead enough for motor cam, toil 1 » I* vital of cash."— Washington Mtnr. ly worse for human bodies. The nm*l that can huppi-n lo the automobile Is that It will tie ruined And money buys an-dhvr one. Human beluga, on the other hand, gre not fnetory product«. When Injured by tinkering they either remiiln that w»y. or |uia* out of the picture entirely and for­ F uel dee* mortice rattle* im Im t d ^ / ever. Relief IC CUAJt- U A K - s rfy e f V Yet. In spit* of this well known fact. It la positively renuirk.ihle how many tlnkereis there are tn the United w a Flute* today They divide themselve# roughly Into two cliisse* rimer who «how an undue affection t»i the home remevly and quack product, noil Mm«# A t all who permit that old bugnlum worry to d ru u U u Influence their Itunglunllon to dlslrea» —a Ing prtqmrtlon* Robot Play* T e a Record* It Is not at all surprising that with All automatic device ha* been In­ so many of these peo|ile around Mini vente . thut call he built luto standard at least 4 tier cent (and this I* a very phonograph cabinet* lo play any num­ iivnaervally* estimate) of lho*e who ber of records up to leu without al­ visit doctors have nothing whatsoever ien! Ion. wrong wltr them l.llt!e wonder Moil advertised cure alia are so |Mitenl I Dainty whit# dreaaes for baby or Nor ia It any puttie lo understand how daughter made beautiful by Russ Hall so many unfortunates make them­ Blue. Your Grocer has It.—-Adv. selves physically and m ndully III through the power of a vivid Imagi­ Now W all ‘ T ill N e st Month nation. Visitor— Isn't II difficult to keep If people would only realize that lo your household budget straight? Mrs. Newlywed— M y ilmir, It'a' 1er- self diagnose a real or supposed case of dlsmiae and then swallow a self ad. rlhle. T ills month I've had to pul In ministered dos* from a beautifully la­ two mlatakiw to make mine balance. beled bottle, represents almul the «oral tj |vc of tinkering on earth, there would tie fewer death* at th# wrong H ums . If for any reason, however, yioi con­ clude that you are III. don't brood ovef IL Seek eilvlce. If the phyalclniv pro­ nounce* you aound. let that tie tliaL If actually sick, then follow Hi# d«<* tors orders. Coder no circumstance« linker. fa iie v * COUGHS /^ C O U G H Z T A c * J r \ ‘0>x IX * < Boschee's S y ru p ONE PRESCRIPTION MADE FAMILY DOCTOR FAMOUS “ B reaking” the Kitchen F A V O R IT E «port ot III* twe weeks vacation sojourner la t< attempt to "break" the hotel kitchen On the theory that the eat what y o » plena* plan la an Invitation to >x linust the food suptdy many guests. II action* may he Interpreted, are quit« convinced that their ru im -lllr* ar* A equal to ’ he challenge Vacation stomarlia conaeqnenily ar* anything else hut stomach* ou racw- tlon. In renllty they are tnfl'etmt with 1 gross abuse every lime their owuert are at table. Admittedly, eating can to- raised fc the atalua ol a high class pleusu'* But there la no "etnas" at all tn turn Ing this natural tmdv function Into s low sport Which Is exactly wlial happens when fat downgera. corpulent men and even average p e o p le consist cully attempt to euilrtrras* the food stock of a resort hotel And what Is true ot Muse dining room Indlacrellontaia also uppllca u others who, while tcni(>erate at th« hotel, commit a similar crime by stuffing thi-nuudves and their rldldren between meats with all aorta of edible* and drlnknhle*. Moat certainly one dim« not want to be disciplined too much when on th« annual pilgrimage. And Me re really Is no need for It. Even luxuries h im their place. Palatably cooked foot} has Its right to reuaonuhl# attention Slao. Bnt to make eating the main Joy of an outing I* tn overlook the real advantage* of fresh air rest and mental cha«ge. Therefore, eat reasonably Knjoy what yon ent to the full. But don’t try to "break" the hotel kitchen You can’t do It Moreover, conceivably you may break yourself In the attempt (gk l*t* W. stern Sswsesper Itslos.l : ' Seldom h i any tingle act been o f greater benefit to mankind than (hat of D r. Caldwell in 1 SX 5 , when he wrote the prescription which has carried hit fame to the four corner* of the earth. O v e r and over, D r. Caldwell Wrote the prescription at he found men, women and children suffering from those common symptom* of conitipation, «urh at coated tongue. had breath, headaches, gas, nausea. biliousneM, no energy, lack ol of f*y. la pnetite, and similar »imitar things. appetite, thing*. Demand for (hi* prescript^ 1 1 1 icriod on grew so fast, because of the plea pleaa- ant, quick way it relieved »uch symptoms of constipation, that by 1888 Dr. Caldwell was forced to have it put up ready for u»e. Today. Dr. Caldwell'* Syrup Pepsin, a» it is railed, u always ready at •n y drugstore. Saved Mistress— Yesterday I wrote some­ thing In the dust on th* sideboard, and it Is itili there. Muld— Yi-a, ma'am. I said to my- « 4-1 f, “That mqst he B 4 t of questions. I Nature’* Long Procea* in Slate Production Hlnte, so ge4>lngl*ta tell us, was originally siuliment deposited on th« Edge grain shingle* of tine quality, ocean bed or lake floor by llnrnn<'e la flue. The relative posit wna subjected to treiMoiMlou« exfienae of clapboard* and shingles de heat and pressure by *4>me convolution pends upon the quality and width of of the earth'* aurfnee. A met.iinorptm each. Both wide shingle* ami da p «Is took place. Clay turned to silica hoards are extensive. Breadth for nnd haise silt was compre-sed ling breadth, the shingles run a llllle lea» tine-grained rock, »0 flne gr lined. In as to first coal. If stained, there la deed. Mint even when comptvdely im­ reduced expense for upkeep. mersed In water for 4S houis It ah sorbs less than one half of I per rent of Its weight In 1802, on which an accident had Here, then, la the raw material fot never been recorded. T h e height of an Ideal rmiffng. Being rl»ae-grnlne 4 j 4-flrh step wns 7 % Incliea and the natural rock It la hrejmmf, water tread 1214 Inches. proof and so nearly wentherpr4>of that “ Moreover,” he observe*, "one as th# phrase "eternnl rock" la a com­ rending the long stairway llnd* he mon synonym for everlasting. Yel has mounted wltlumt 4-onschius effort, had nature slopped her mniuifnrtiir and that he can turn nnd wnlk down Ing prm-eases st this p 4 ilnt we would wllhrmt wishing to |>ut a hand to the never imve hml any slate roofs, on* rail." more characteristic was needed to change that *C 4 !lnirntnry r 4 wk Into «late. So nature again applied t r » mendoM prensure and produced ch-ur age. Though Insulation Is nn actual dol- Inra-arid cents ectmoniy, the first home Optim i«! Reflect* J a y owners who employed It were the Optim ism Is nothing more than • wealthy, who didn't hnve to economize. pleusnnt outlook on life, a sense of They regnrdval Insulation ns worth Is «nllsfactlon with the w orld— what It cost In comfort «lone. is. what II I» going to he. T h e op For a home that can't he kept warm rim isi reflect* the Joy of life and hy In winter la umb-slrable lan-ause of Its so doing makes It even more cheer discomfort and nnhenlthlne*» as w p II fui.— G rit. as because of Its rosily upkeep. Als 4 i, Just ns best Is condii 4 -te 4 l out of a New " B ig S tick” house through ordinary building ma In studyttig mcnsurements ot terlals, «0 It Is conducted In during «irengfh. Ihe "yarilsfli-k" comics trito Intensely hot summer weather. Insn latlnn stops Mils. It Insures comfort attentimi a» a plenalng ain-cessvir tn lim i once celcbrnted Inatrumcnf nf the y4>nr round Year-Round Comfort Insured by Insulation ilsclpl-ne. Ih# "big stick."— Kxi-li .u* « Looks Young, Feels Fine '‘Eight years ago before my it baby wa» born, I »tarted taking Lydia E. Pinkham’a V 'cgctable Compound. I got __________________________ good results that I named her Catherine Lydi>4 1 have *ix older children and Eve andchildren, too. 1 am 44, it people tell me 1 look much junger. I am now taking the egetable Compound again because of my age. I eat and sleep better and I do all my housework, and my washing. I will do my best to answer Ict- ter»."— H. Dolhonde, 6 ji9 York St.,NcwOrleans, Louisiana. »UC icb K Lydia E, Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound