" ' ■» - THÊ TURNER TRIBUNE rr ................." »1 K\in for the County o f Marion, «Iuty m»«t<* an o f Entered at the Postofflee the i»i > puWkatlon honor i* SUBSCRIPTION’ $1.25 PER YEAR. FOR PROFIT fit Tomer, s«*eottd-clnss matter, undtf the iHf~'iary 13, XS*?0. F. 1. CRAWFORD, *• Tpr r‘ Oregon. ■" T- as ----------- J • Act of March 8. 197». Attorney for Plaint ¡If. Frostproof; rtùnprrof; hour yo» nu an.l r.fi.'u r eaivlcnce and portoffloe adtlrew: Sa­ iMjfld Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon lmi. Oregon. AUBREY L. FLETCHER, Editor rrr SUMMONS In th<* Circuit Court c f the State o f O w n . for lh.* Count! o f Marion. |>. wirtpirnt No. 2. No. t:'< 1. Francis W. Smith amt Georg« -' \ on Natta. part nor•- doing buMiio-» ■ undor th? tlu name amt ami style myi * of oi "Sa- V tivo crop \\ hoj - American growing I a m i? limitad ‘ t> “ W * i-t * 01 f t the C uraihd XVh) „yowl I U. M. Import 86.00(1,000 jwni’ict.i Fillu-rl i «nnu»ll> when ««■ ha,.- iiloal growing condition in the Will« motto Y »ll«y f T TURNI.«, OItKOPty l b J rad m V, March Ú. J ÿ5*v jWRNfjrç TRIBUTO T fT — I , » — T h om sen s C o-E d Bulk Chocolatey pelux & Sensation Fancy Boxes 4Q Varieties of Bars When Buying Candies remember our stock is al­ ways of the highest grade and Fresh Cigars and Tobacco i and First Frv booklet “ Filbert Crowiii»' and price lists »o«t on request Saloni, a cor- Hank, rn National (K'Nlioll, llwti.tur*. Full line Trees, Shrubs and Kotos Vs. ’ L, wi? Minder. al*o known as Tow Mishlor, and TV ad Angol, 0« admin- PEARCY BROS. NURSERY E A T A B O W L O F C H IL L I A D A Y ¡.«trator o f tho Kctat« o f Maud Mishlor, doeoasod, lV«f> ndants. 210 N. I ibarty Street. Salem To l.owia Uiahter, also known as V. re." from Mootgtnmrjr-Ward Store Low Mishlor, ono o f the dof, miauls j “ I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States above named : and the country for which it stands. One nation, In tho name o f tlio State o f Oregon. 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS • ♦ , » * ‘ 1 * * ■ » • » ? • . » • «• • *1 you are hereby required to appear indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'* In th* County Court o f the State and answkr the nmendod complaint filed against you in the above entitled ; of On-yon, for the County o f Marion. court and cause oh Or before March In the Matter of the Estate o f Thomas convention just completed nt John Ueunosaey, Deceased. 13, 1930. that being the time pro M&mhfleld and Coquill*, urged \ W 5 5 % % S 5 V W .‘ A W A V .V scribed by tho court in the order fo ri Notice is hereby given that the un­ rvico o f summons upon >ou b) pub-1 gradual expansion only by dersigned, by an order o f tho County A report of the Ologon Judicial Council, signed by Justices lieation and four weeks successively lou rt o f Marion County, State o f means of increasing efliciency Belt and C o s h o w , o f tho state supreme court, and Circuit Judges fro-n the date o f the first publics! on 0 r ,.„oni duiy mn«lo #nd entered on tho Alger Fee of Pendleton. Robert Tucker of Portland and James thereof, and if you fail to so appear ■ n t h dsy of January, 1930. was up- of herds. and answer, pUinUT will take w de-| ;nUd adminisUwtor o f the Fstate Such elTioiency, it was de­ brand of Marshfield, hied with Governor Norblad, Saturday, c n o against you. setting ostde and of Tllom;ls Jo)m H.-nnessey, deceasod. d th, t th, un,ier.;igned has duly clared, should come through contains a number of recommendations which it Is felt by the adjudging: fraudulent and void that certain instrument in writing or deed | Hfiwl a, 8Uch. better feeds, elimination of council would expedite and improve existing court procedure. o f conveyance, wherein defendant, 1 _______ cows under the 300-pound but- Probably the c«o*t important of these recommendations is Lewie Mahler was grantor »ml de- i V» fondant. Maud I Mishlor v wat gianteo | P “ ' «*»*• " • notified to s ) grantee the one providing that a person convicted ot crime on a plea and purporting to convey to the said sont tho same, duly verified as re- torfat limit, better sires, and quirod by law, at tho office o f K. H. of inanity shall he sentenced to sene at least three years in Maud Mishlor the following described I Bassett, 503 Bank o f Commerce build­ raising of heifer calves only pr, mises, to-wit! ing. in the City o f Salem, Marion from 300-pound cows and high kn insane asylum 'without right of habeas corpus. Beginning on the North lino of ithin six months Any number o f cases might bc cited showing flagrant abuse Claim o f ì. 1. N. | • U n ì CUim k& e this notice, to-wil record sires. Gilbert and wife, 16.235 chains March 6, 1930. Tho present surplus of dairy of the insanity defense, where the defendant has been adjudged South 89 «t•>¿rees' 45 minutes West j R. H. BASSETT, products, it was held, is due to from the Southw est corner o f the I Insane and atter a brief conflnemortt in a hospital has been re­ Donatiorf Lanli Claim o f John SUv- Administrotorof the Fstate o f Thomas decreased consumption coupled leased. it is this kbit of thing that is responsilbe for much of the John Hennessey, Decease«!. u>te in Township 7 South Rrange with over expansion in some| currant criticism that our criminal laws are inefficient and un­ West c f the Willamette Meridian in Marion County, O re.; th* neo South milk producing sections, partic­ fairly administered. S3 degrees 45 minutes West 7.25 i ularly the milk sheds of large The council is t o be congratulated for its stand on this chains along the North line o f sai«l j claim o f 1. N. Gilbert and w ife;; cities. question and immediate steps toward the adoption of its recom­ thence South (5.90 chains; thonc« ; To aid in correction of undor North 89 degrees 45 minutes East j mendation should be taken. Chiropractor 7.2» chair,-, parallel to the North 1 consumption in this state, the Neurocalometrr Service line o f sai«l claim o f I. N. Gilbert association laid comprehensive | an«| wife; thence North «5.90 chains Fhone 87. ReSKlt nce 2104J SUMMONS to the place o f beginning, and con­ plans for a unified campaign of SUMMONS j In the Circuit Court o f the State taining 5 acres o f land, more or 256 N. High Street In tho Circuit Court o f the State o f ; o f Oregon, for the County o f Marion. education designed to stimulate less, in Marion County, Oregon; Oregon, for the County o f Manou. Department No. 2. No. 21012. which said instrumentment was re­ Salem. Oregon use of more dairy products of Eerui Company, a corporation, Plain­ Department 2. recorded on the 22n . ms wife, «lefendants: | to-wit: bv publication is mad*-hy order o f tb •1 Presbyterian church in S tilem negative drive against substi­ • In the name of the State o f Oregon,: 1. For the sum o f 5902.00. to Honorable Percy R. K-Hy, Judge ef , , h o v o a r lv 2 0 0 were tutes war. the plan of action de­ you are required to appear and an- gither with interest thereon at the the Circuit Court o f tfce state o f Or*- ,1“ rcn r ,c u r ‘ y swer the complaint filed against you ™.te o f six per cent per annum from ,d utc ------------ — . , . .. gon fo r the County o f Marion, at i present to partake of the ban- cided upon. in 1! a ,, 9 until 2 pa.d, . for . the Sol e w the the above above entiUed entitled court court and i.nd cause cause November November 1, 1. 1 '|Uet a n d listen t o H line p . o - The association also urged a e.i or before four ( 4) weeks from the farther sum o f 5200.00 as specuu date of the first publication o f this at.orney s fees am. fo r p.cint ; . s costs o f is February 13, 1930. The date j?n in i th a t w a s p r e p a r e d . A f t e r “ shakcup” in the present ad­ tumnons, and if you fail to answer, • disbursements incurred in this o f the last publication is March 18, W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, a few musical numbers, a busi­ ministration of the tuberculosis 1930. «or want thereof the plaintiffs will *uit. ness meeting wa3 held a t which and abortion eradication work. apply ta the court for the relief 2. Thst the usual decree may be GEO. A. r.HOTEN, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select prayed for irv their complaint; name- made fo r the sale o f the following de- time Mrs. Cooke Patton was A committee was named to con­ E. L. CRAWFORD, )y, that they have judgment against scribed mortgaged premises, to-wit: from, also W all Board, Paint, Doors, Window», Attorneys neys for Plaintiffs. elected vicc-prcaident to suc- fer with the livestock sanitary )uu for tJic sum o f nine hun«ir*d Lots Numbered Two (2 ) and uollars ($900.00), together with ih- Three (3 ) in the Hanshaw Fruit K dOrogon?d poitoffice address: Sa' ceed her husband, the l-ite E. board in an effort to correct al­ Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Siabwood in torest from thc twenty-first day o f De­ Farms in Marion County, State o f ____________________ Cooke Patton, who was elected leged serious conditions. Oregon, e* shown by the Recorded — ' cember, 1928, at the rate o f six per cent ( ) per annum until paid, and four foot lengths. plat of said Fruit Farms, on file at the summer gathering last New officers of thc associa­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS tor the further sum o f one hundred and o f record in the office o f the dollars ($ 100.00) as special attorney’s County Recorder fo r the said tion chosen o re : President, Sid­ Notice is hereby given that the un August. fees, ami for plaintiff’s co. ts and dis- Marion County, State o f Oregon; dersignetj, by an order o f the Countv Dr. P. O. Riley, editor of the ney Miller, Woodburn; first W e desire to serve the public with Promptness bursements incurred in th:s suit; that;by the sheriff o f Marion County, Ore- and Efficiency. ylaintiffs’ mortgage described in the gon. according to law and the practice e « . . « • vice-president. Marvin Thomns, somplamt in «aid suit be «lecreed to b« o f this court, and that the proceeds o f tered on the n t h day o f February, date for the nomination as sen- Redmond; second vice-presi­ s first lien upon the following dc- said sale wiil be applied toward the LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL THONE S7S « r ator tom Marion county, who dent, Thomas Acree, Hood Scribed premises, to-wit: payment o f the amount due plaintiff, and that you, and all persons claiming an^l that she has duly qualified as such prefaced his a d d r e s s W ith s o n ic r The West two-thifds o f the fol­ River; secretary, P. M. Brandt, All p. rsons having „ h oa en w ord 3 j „ mem0ry lowing described tract: Beginning under or through you, subsequent to administratrix the execution o f plaintiff’ s said mort­ Oregon State college; assistant claims against said estate arc hereby at'a point on the fca«t line o f the Donatien Land Claim o f Samuel gage. may be barred and foreclosen notified to present the same, duly of the late Cooke Patton, IOI*- secretary, N. C. Jamison, Cor­ Wbiker. 2r.33 chains South o f thc o f ail right, claim or equity o f re- Nqrthe*:,’ in or to said mortgaged 1 m e r v ‘ « - p ~ w w ‘ » ' « * » «•»•>• vallis. Thc next convention will WwtisHhff Booth, « b n * * * West of P^misc-s. and every part thereof. for the estate, in Ladd & Bush Bank and tlien launched out on one be held in Redmond. Che Witfc*nvtte M. jidiml, in Marion 5. That plaintiff, or any other per- building, in the City o f Salem, in of his wonderful addresses, " K », “ thence SoqtL son, may become a purchaser at such Marion County, Oregon, within six County, OrogiM»;' ¡ , n w i, in in n.-*rv. . .: * . . which held the interest of his Î2.63 chai»? alene thq F14 * lirio o í sale, and that such purchaser imme­ months o t the date o f this notice. Dated this 2Cth day o f February, audience from beginning to *ho Samuel V.alktr claim to the diately upon such sale may be let into 1930. eenter of the County Ilu-d loading the possession o f the premises. end, Mr. Field, a blind musi­ KATIE AHRENS, tram Salem to Silvertch; tnenoe 4. That plaintiff have such other PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X-RA Y W O R K Administratrix o f thc Fstate o f John cian, presided at the piano. A ^ nUr , Z further felief as to the court may Ahrens, Deceased. All Work Guaranteed and nt Moderate Prices V 1V j «j tract that certain land . W . V . V . W / A V i W W W A V J '^ A V / W . V . V W / . '. V . V . V . V J some clever feats of magic. deedt-d to Eliabzeth E. Lewis and : % evening sermons call to those Lloy«l S. Lewi?, as shown by d«-ed i The next meeting of the club who like to hear the word of r'cordt.nl in Volume 175, Page 324, i will be at Playmore park, some God preached in truth and sin­ ’ .V A V V .V .W W W W .’ .W /A W A ’ W /A V V W A V V W .y Deed It cord.-, of Marion County, ¡1 State o f Oregon, and Raymond Me- i Salem 's Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. time this coming summer as the cerity. Next Sunday sermon Fee as shown by'dee«! rWorde«i in 1 Volume 176, Parc 437, D<-ei)' Rec Diamonds W atches Clcoks Jewelry & Silverware. *■ guests of the Hubbard com­ topic is “ Thc Way." There will ords o f Marion County, ¡State o f munity. be special music. Oregon; »* • '* 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. ¡1 Tuesday night was the last that the usual d-cree b: made for loin fo lla c i ion Agency, Lunches Fountain Service MTC I IKS K O N K K C ’ riO N d O R V Á A N S V A h'.W S V .V rV V W A S V V Y .W V iV V .W A N V V W tN W W V .V V .V .V W V V JV A W A 'i A Step in the Right Direction Dr. O. L. Scott MINNESOTA CLUB »DIOS ANNUAL WINTER DINNER s Turner Lumber & Mfg*. Co. g K y y ssx zszszsi s »««^». Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Pomeroy and Keene by the shf “ f f o f Marion Count “ ' ■ •! V«iu r t : proceeds o f said sale may be applied | ('ward the nayment o f the amount due plaintiffs and that the abova j a’ameir defendants, and each of them, ‘ nnd all persons claiming under or through them, or any or cither o f therm, subsequent to thc execution of saiil mortgage may be barred and foreclosed o f all right, claim and j equity o f redemption in and to said mortgaged premises ancst Seeds. Buy Ferry, N o rth ru p -K in g & C om p an y L illy ’s Seeds and tjet T h e B est. B u lk or P ack age or practice before thc home talent concert to be held this (Thurs­ day) evening. The local mem­ bers will be aided by Salem talent. This concert is under thc direction of Dr. II. C. Epley and will be well worth hearing. The Ladies Aid held a busi­ Reaffirming the conclusion reached by the dairy conven­ ness meeting in the church par­ tion of last year regarding ex­ lors, Thursday afternoon. pansion, the Oregon Dairy­ men’s association in its annual STATEWIDE POLICY Seeds Spray Material Fertilizers W e have a complete line Let us serve you Salem Seed and Orchard Supply Co. 178 S. Commercial St * flalem, Oregon. ■VVVtAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAWWVVVtAnAANWlAAAAA/VNAVVVVVVVVV* A F resh Supply of Onion S e ts Highest prices for farm produce W. JAY DENhEM Gaserai Contractor and Builder Cement W orK and Plumbing Turner, Oregon C. F. BREITHAUPT B12 Stale Street New Bligh Building FLORIST G O L D F IS H - C A N A R IE S - L O V E B IR D * • P A R R O T S Full line of Bird and Fish Food and Remedies alem, • Phone 380 • Oregon, 4