The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 06, 1930, Image 3

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World Events Pictured
Lw . a » . . ir a c m a i
yet the best ot you • • •
Where Coolidge’s 500 Word» Will Be Carved
_ minutes after you rub on
r Mu.
M u tin o le your throat ahouM loam
to Irai I n . aural Continue the iraarmant
o r u e » v a r y h o u r f u r fiv e h o u r s ami
yo u 'll ha a.'uniihail at the n lie f.
Working like the trained hand, of a
Biaa.rur, thia famoua bland of oil of
camphor, menthol and othei
C uatard,
«redranta bring* raliaf naturally. It
penmates and alimulataa blood cimila»
turn and hrlpa to draw out infection and
un. I'aad by million, fur 20 yeara.
acummendcd by doctor, and nureee.
keep Multatola handy— jara and tubea.
M srsger F. N. Shepherd of the
American Bankers' association was
talking at a dinner In New York nbool
a shorn lamb of tbc stock m arket
uOh, well, be took bis shearing In
good part," Mr. Shepherd said. “HU
last words as ha left tba street fot
good and all were:
•"Extremes m eet gentlemen.
bava burnt my Aligera and It's given
ma cold feet.’"
To M others—M ust tro ta is alto
ruttila In m i I tier fo rm for fatbits
tinti in tu ii children . Ask fo r Chlfa
siren's M ust croia.
G ra n d m o th e r'» R em edy
“In tiiuoey mutters be'a ander •
sioud they say."
“Well, he's lined It with sliver, ns
nobody cares.”
For «aery at ornar t>
and Intestinal III.
Tills good olil fash­
ioned herb liorna
remedy for conetl-
patlon, stamaob Ills
slid other derange­
ments of tb s sys­
tem so prevalent these days Is In even
greater favor as a family medicine
than In yonr grandmother's day.
Tbls ls Ruahmoro mnuntaln In th* Black llltla of South Dakota, on the aurfuce ot whlch will b« rarved
the BOthword hlsfory of th« United Stntea whlcb Calvin Coolldge la writlr.g. The mountaln ls beln* rnade Into a
national metnorlal bcarliig coloasa! bt-ada of Washington, Jefferoon, Lincoln a n ' Uooaevelt dealgued by tiutxon
Borgt um.
H A N F O R D ’S
Destroyer» on the Way From San Diego to New York
W e W o n d er
Balsam of Myrrh
A H e a lin g Antise ptic
“ ------------ -----------■— •----------*— ■*-
W hen O e b rle l to o t» tale b o r a
I w o n d e r If w a i l b e a r
I t s n o te a b o v e tb e nolee
O f a u t o b o rn e d o w n b a re ?
A § P im w
Aspirin <* the trade
of Bayer Ifam factur» o f Manosee
You natoially hat* partisans who
• re willing to Injure tbe country tn
order to defeat the other party.
Rusa Ball Blue. I w ant Insist, don’t
accept substitutes. Grocers sell coast
to coast.—Adv.
C o n v ic ts H im se lf
“1 despise hypocrites. Take Smith
ton. for example: be'a the biggest
hypocrite on earth."
"But you appear to be bia best
“Oh. yes; I try to appear friendly
toward him. It pays better In tbe
O mi Unta S m i e a t
In love, you are never allowed to
permit your feelings to relax. It Is
Many a woman without hralna k
such a tyrannical taskmaster.
able to fool ■ male highbrow.
E a rly R isin g
D o you get up la t'aie to admire
the beauty of the sunrise?”
“I don’t pay so much attention to
the sunrlae." answered Mr. Cbugglno.
"but In order to cover good distance
I make It a rule to have tbe old fliv­
ver out on be road a« early as poa
slble.”—Washington Star.
The T ry -O u t
Visitor—I supimse you are very care
ful about what you feed your lovely ,
tV rslsn cat?
M rs.------ Oh. yes. Indeed! I always
have my husband taste everything be
fore I offer It her her I—Ex change.
This Little Girl
Got Well Quick
H ew A b o u t D e fe a tT
R astas—Here am a telegram from
de bo*« In Africa. He »ays be Is «end
tng us some lions' tails.
Circus Owner’« Wife—IJons' tails.
Rnstus? What «re you talking «bout?
Raatus— Well, read It yourself. It
says plain: “Just captured two Uons
Sending details by malL"
"Just after her third
b i r t h d a y , my little
daughter, Connie, had
a serious attack of in­
testinal till," says Mrs.
II. W. Turnage, 217
Cadwalder St., Han
Antonio, Texas. “It
left her very weak
¡id pale. Her bowels wouldn't act
Ight, the had no appetite and nothing
greed with her.
“Unr physician told us to give her
nme California Fig Syrup. It made
er pick up right away, aud now she
l as robust and happy as any child
i our neighborhood. I give California
lg Syrup full credit for her wonder-
ul condition. It Is a great thing for
Children like the rich, fruity taste
f California Klg Syrup, and you can
Ive It to them as often as they need
because It Is purely vegetable. For
ver BO years lending physicians have
»commended It. and Its overwhelming
ales record of over four million hot-
lea a year shows It gives satisfaction,
iothlng compares with It as a gentle
ut certain laxative, and It goes fur-
tier thnn this. It regulates the stom-
ch and bowels and gives tone and
trength to these organs so they con-
Inue to act normally, of their own
There are many Imitations of Csll-
nrnla Fig Syrup, so look for the name
•''allfnmla" on the carton to be sure
ou get the genuine.
O n w a rd s o d U p w ard
A destroyer division of the battle fleet leaving San Diego harbor for a cruise to New York.
Original Red Cross Flag Presented
Visitor—What 1« your method of
amassing wealth?
Millloualre—Well, for the flrst mU
lion, don’t despise any method, hat
after that, honesty comes by degrees
Are von prepared to render
first aid and quick comfort the
moment your youngster has an
upset of any sort? Could you do
the right thing—immediately—
though the emergency came with­
out warning—perhaps tonight?
Castoria is a mother's standby at
such times. There is nothing like
it in emergencies, and nothing
better for everyday use. For a
sudden attack of colic, or the
gentle relief of constipation; to
allay a feverish condition, or to
soothe a fretful baby that can't
sleep. This pure vegetable prepa­
ration is always ready to ease an
ailing youngster. It is just as
harmless as the recipe on the
wrapper reads. If you see Chas.
H. Fletcher’s signature, it is
genuine Castoria. It is harmless
to the smallest infant; doctors
will tell you so.
You can tell from the recipe on
the wrapper how mild it is, and
how good for little systems. But
continue with Castoria until a
child is grown.
1 H I f o « C h ftn . W k g . P a lc jv ^ n ^ v j^ - T .
Belgium, with Of» persons to the
square mile, has the densest popula­
What would It avail a woman t*
tion of any country In Europe. Its
total potilatlon In 1927 was 7,850,000. have troubles If she couldn't air them!
lig h t."
“Why. I didn’t know yon were 11*
.ng with your wife again."
B ro th e rh o o d
R t Rev. Francis J. L. Beckman ot
Lincoln, Neb, whom Pope Plus ha*
honored by making him archbishop ot 1
Dubuque, Iowa.
S o m e Do
'Can your girl friend keep a secret?"
'Well, she like« to have lots of help”
What Is believed to be the original Red Cross Hag. made by
founder of the aoclety. In 1SS2, belug presented to Chairman
Payne at natlonnl hendqunrtern In Washington by officer« of
who had received It from Mrs. John P. Mosher of Rochester,
W h at this
did tor
Clara Burton,
John Barton
the D. A. R.,
N. Y.
■ v a lu e hte e u c c e sse s new
W hich F am e la h a p p y to d isc u ss.
And hi* m is ta k e s I v a lu e , to o —
T h ey p ro v e he'» h u m a n , ju s t Ilk* us.
F in e , In d e e d I
Ruskln Bill was In conrt charged
with exceeding the auto speed limit.
“What's the uuitter with you." asked
the Judge. “Didn't you read tbe signs
along the road?”
“Sure." replied Bill.
“Tbey read
Fine for Speeding.'"
A B it E a rly
Father—lsu i It time you were en
lerialnlug the pr. pect of un ;r inmyl
t quite. He's not com-
ii’g until eight o’clock
Filipinos Not Liked in California
Aa a young man the late Dr. R. V.
Pierce, practiced medicine in Pennsyl­
vania and was known far and near for
his great success in alleviating disease.
Finally he moved to Mortal... N. Y,
and put up in rcwly-to-uae form, hit
the well known tonic for the blood.
Tbit strength builder li made from a
formula which Dr. Pierce found most
effective when in private practice.
It aids digestion, acts as a tonic and
enriches the blood—clears away pimples
and annoying eruptions and tends to
keep the complexion fresh and dear.
Alt druggists. Tablets or liquid.
V e rific atio n
“Do you take care to verify «11 you
“Invariably." answered Senator Sor
ghum. “Even If something I announce
Isn't yet true. I put I* In the form of a
prediction and try to make It come
true later on."
Sho W as D oing thn L n ttin g
“So your husband Is letting his heard
grow ?"
John Harry Lee Fagge. nfty eight
year-old chore man of Pepperell. Mass.,
whose position In life was vastly
changed when new« can.e to him of
the death of his brother. Sir John
Charles Fagge. In England recently.
He la now Baronet Fagge.
I f sis*
ro u i try r r t f i i i
m ZHw
R . I. R a d s , B a r r a d R o c k s ,
W h it» L eghorns—a ll from care­
fully su p e rv ised flocks of larg e birds and
m a tu rs breeders, Including w o rld 's rec­
o rd at rein. Alao W . L . p u llets, yearling
hen» a n d d a y - o ld turkeys. W r its for
p rices a t o n es a s e v e ry th in g p o in ts to
g reatly Increased d em and. P ro m p t
100 % II v s deliv ery g u aran teed . 20 y ears'
w o n d erfu l re p u ta tio n y o u r safeguard.
W. N. U , PORTLAND. NO. 8 1830.
P o e ia g as a W alter
Ma—What's the matter, denr—sick?
Pa (waving telegram )—Just a alight
touch of the son.
[Jag Todd] Q U 1K N H A T C H E R Y
*4X0 it * A rt.
Seattle, W a s h .
An Ailing
I always wear a tuxedo to a oan
quet so that, in the middle of a
speech. 1 can pick ip a few illsbea and
leave the room and every one thinks
I'm Just a waiter going out.—Life.
jo t
Colds come suddenly. You can often end them just
as quickly 1 Take Bayer Aspirin the moment you’ve
caught one. A single sneeze should he the signal, or
the first sign of congestion or headache, or soreness.
Exposure to cold and wet isn’t half so serious when
ou’ve learned to protect yourself with Bayer Aspirin.
’or the speedy relief of colds, headaches, neuralgic
or neuritic pain, and even the acute suffering caused
by rheumatism, there is nothing so sure and so safe as
genuine Aspirin tablets stamped Bayer. They make
a marvelous gargle, too. See proven directions in
every package.
T ea
W as Y our
ossa l a t t h s n
That C O LD
U n a p p re c ia te d A rtist«
Filipinos seem to he Increasingly unpopular In California and there have
been Severn I demonstration« ngnlnst them. In Slockton the Filipino Huh was
wrecked by a bomb, the photograph showing part of the results of the
Many Italian pictures which today
are priceless wer# painted for trifling
turns. Titian was compelled to paint
portraits of the doges of Venire for
live crowns apiece! Raphael painted
some of his best pictures for very III
tie. and his flue cartoons were at one
time cost aside as lumber I
“He 1« not letting It grow—I am let
ting him grow It"
T o n g h D uck
“Excuse me, madam, but—er—you
iven't paid f-
t duck *:** *nd
•ne time back."
“No, my husband spr,tned hi* w- •
so badly carving It that he lut* been
unable to write out your check."
T a p p in g a V a c u u m
Earnest New Student—E lei
i tell roe »
y to tb« I c
ture hall?
old Hand—’Fm ld I r a n t ; I’m • -*n
lent myself !—London I’nseing Show
Way to Happiness Simple
says California Physician
After 28 Years’ Practice Describes Natural
Treatment which Keeps People W ell
•A F T E R over 28 years of the study
/ V and practice of medicine, during
which time I have treated and
supervised the treatment of almost
every variety of human illneaa,”
writes Dr. Martin J. Dobson of
Los Angeler>, “I believe I have dis­
covered tbe greatest blessing that
has been bestowed upon the human
family. Statistics show that of all
classes of persons, physicians and
nurses live to a riper old ag° than
any other class of people. I believe
this is no doubt due to the fact that
they know more about the impor­
tance of daily elimination.
Dr. Dobson’s Discovery
"T he remedy I am speaking of Is
colorless, tasteless, harmless to the
most delicate alimentary tract, from
infancy to old age. It is non-habit­
forming, and It is essential to the
smooth running efficiency of the
human body, which needs lubrica­
tion just like any other machine.
"Thia remedy is Nujol.
“ Moat human ailment* can be
traced to the alimentary tract for
either the main or the contributing
cause, and roost of these disorders
con be prevented or cured through
proper cleansing and regulating by
the administration of Nujol as per
Instructions on th« bottle and wrap­
per, or as ordered by the physician
or nurse.”
Nujol Laboratories considers it a
privilege to publish Dr. Dobson's
endorsement of Nujol.
Physicians and nurses themselve*
use and advise you to use Nujol
regularly to clean the poisona out of
your body (we all have them), be­
cause these poisons are what make
us feel headachy, depressed, low in
our minds.
It is always safe to use Nujol,
because it is not a medicine; it con­
tains absolutely no drugs; it cannot
hurt even the Uttleat baby; it forma
no habit; it is non-fattening. Nujol
is harmless internal lubrication.
Wbat This Should Mean to Ton
In the tost few weeks we have had
over 5,000 letter* from people all
over the world, telling us how Nujol
has helped them to happiness and
success by keeping their bodies in­
ternally dean. Y'ou can buy Nujol
in sealed packages at any drug
store. It costs but a few cents, and it
will make you feel like • million
Start Nujol tonight. Use It regu­
larly for two weeks, and learn the
'oy and the happiness th a t comes
rom buoyant, restful health I
C u tic u ra
A re you «atiefied with what your
m irror reflect»? Doe* it »how a
»kin d e a r, healthy and beautiful ?
C o n tin e n t u«e o f C n tie n ra ae-
enree you ench a satisfying reflec-
A ■ tio u . Culieurm S o a p is cleansing
and antiseptic; C u lle u ra G int-
m en! keep* the akin soft end
emooth and the scalp healthy {
C n t i e n r a T a l r n m im p a rts a
dainty and refreshing fragrance.
S a n IS . O w m
P o tte r D r a g A C
lSe. « « 2 S*e. T . t w t ie . P n i p i e e t t
C tw w o w U o », M a W w e i , K m .
lM a ir a l