The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, March 06, 1930, Image 2

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    rnrni NH.
:s Excite
e Kidneys,
Drink Water
! T a li«
Salt* at Pirat Sign
•ladder Irritation or
The American men and women must
trouble because we often eat too much
rich food. Our blood la tilled with
aclila which the kldneja atrlva to
filter out; they weaken from over­
work. become sluggish, the elimina­
tive tissues clog and the result la kid­
ney trouble, bladder weakness and
a general decline In health.
When yoor kidneya feel like lumps
o f lead ; your back hurts or the urine
Is cloudy, full o f sediment, or you are
obliged to seek relie f two or three
times during the night; I f you suffer
with sick headache, or dixiy. nervous
spells, arid stomach, or I f you have
rheumatism when the weather la had.
begin drinking lots o f good water
and get from your pharmacist about
four ounces o f Jad Salta. T ak e a
tablespoonful In a glasa o f w ater he-
fo r « breakfast fo r a few days and
your kidneya may then act fine.
This famous salts Is made from tha
a d d o f grapes and lemon Juice, com­
bined with llthia, and ha* been used
fo r years to help flush and stimulate
dogged kidneys, to neutralité ths
acids in the system so they no longer
are a source of Irritation, thus often
relieving bladder disorders.
Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­
jure. makes a delightful effervescent
llthla-water drink and belongs In every
home, because nobody can make a
mistake by having a good kidney
flushing any time.
-ycars success In treating Rectal and
Colon troubles by the Or. C J. Daaa
« M o u t to S s WRITTEN AS-
Scnd t o d » for FREE KX-oMS
. buck itr >n »m m unnand prop­
ter trert-nmt of welt eflroniB,
r Haadachy. bilious, constipated? J
f Taka M — A A T U I I I REMEDY —
F tonight. This mild. aafa. rageta*
hare you feeling
f fina by morning. Y o u 'll an joy
F fraa, thorough bowel action with-
[ out tha «lig h te s t sign c f griping
r diacomfort.
J bla remedy will
mild. gwra^WaSoWe-
ai druuistn— only 25c
*W %
One Mesas, Anywsy
"P a ." said the kid, “ what do they
mean by f a ir means?*"
“ Peroxide, son." replied bis dad.
Cou ^
Boschee’s Syrup soothes instantly, ends
irritation quickly! G U A R A N T E E D .
N e v e r be w ith o u t
Bose to t’s! For young
druggists S y r u p
W ood’ s Many Uses
The greatest use o f wood In thla
country Is as fuel. The next In Im­
portance Is lumber, then come fencing,
railroad ties, pulpwood wood and
mine timbers.
M akes Life
S w eeter
T oo much to eat— too rich a diet­
er too much smoking. Lots o f things
cause sour stomach, but one thing can
correct It quickly.
Phillips Milk of
Magnesia w ill alkallotze the acid.
Take a spoonful o f this pleasant
preparation, and the system Is soon
Phillips Is always ready to relieve
distress from over-eating; to check all
acidity; or neutralize nicotine.
member thla fo r your own com fort;
fo r the sake o f those around you.
Endorsed by physicians, but they al­
ways say PM IH pt. Don’t buy som »
thing else and expect the same re
Suits I
By James Oliver
(fi. itti. iwhiouUbr
IKtran A (V . In«.)
Introducing iom « of th« pro*
pi« of th« pretty llttU Froncli*
Canadian villago of Taribonkn.
particularly tha Crippled Lady,
idol of tha «im p;« inhabitant».
CHAPTER II—Continued
From the Hour Paul opened his eyes
!o the light of life ne had In him the
raul of an Indian. A fte r a hundred
tnd thirty live year» the blood of the
ovely Molly Brant nad come Into Its
>wn. One would not have guessed It
from the boy s physical appearance,
'or be waa light rattier chai> dark,
with blue eyes and blond hair. But
the modern Molly, who llv_*d In a
yalace, with a Croesus for a husband,
taw what was happening aa the years
passed by. tier boy grew lean of face
tnd figure. His check bones were a
Ittle high. Ills love for the outdoors
vecame a passion. She made It poe-
tlhle for him to spend bis vacations
n tha woods, and each time he re-
’ umed she knew that something had
t o n taken away from him and a little
more o f the other thing put in Its
placw The servants thought he wss
lueer, tnd loved his quiet tnd stoical
kindness, which was many years
ilder than bis a g e Most hoys would
have lived up to the princely grandeur
>f lia environment. T o Paul !t meant
ess tha* a tree with birds singing
in its
In his thirteenth year came three
events o f vital Importance In the
shaping o f bis fu tu re First bla moth­
er died. No one would ever know the
te rrib le unhealing wound It rut In
l*aul’s heart. It was lames Klrke. the
hardened and power-seeking Jugger­
naut o f flesh and blood who went to
pieces when he discovered that death
had been fearless enough to cross his
tils agony was like a storm,
tragic for a time, and quickly over.
He settled hack Into the fierce strife
of bis money getting by the time Paul
began to g rie v e But the shadow and
the fact o f death changed him a little.
Ue saw himself alone. except for his
And this son. after years of
passing Interest on his p art became
the kernel o f his plans and ambitions
He was now king. Some day bis boy
would be king. And ft was his desire
and bla decision that be should he a
greater king than himself. Pride Bred
his resolution.
But here the geographical genius o f
Fate again step;>ed In with humors of
Its own.
In another Fifth avenue
home a baby girl was Imrn to the w ife
>f K lrke's most Implacable financial
enemy, Henry Durand. A few months
later, three thousand miles or more
iw ay, an immlgran* ship left for
On board this ship was a
clear-eyed, hopeful woodcutter from
the mountain country o f central Eu
With him were his wife and
They were an unimportant
three. The sea might have swallowed
them and do one would have cared
very much, for their adventure was
only one o f millions ef a similar kind
The Immigrant baby's fortune began
and ended with the ft w little clothes
she wore. The other baby was worth
millions one second after she came
Into the world.
Paul continued to grow up. and with
equal steadiness bis father continued
to amass fortune and Influence.
was bis passion to smash and break
down, then devour and build up— until
some one called him the Anaconda, a
name which fitted him so well that the
newspapers would have used It had
they dared. Klrke was always within
the legal boundaries o f his country's
He absorbed shipping com-
parties, railroads, coal mines and tint
berlands, and sent out hla engineers
to corner vast w alerqiow er rights.
From an Industrial point of view he
was constructlvely an asset, for wher­
ever be broke down or consumed small
activities he built up larger ones But
morally and ethically his brain waa
inspired by a covetous and avid desire
'O rule. He was Intoleient o f rivalry,
ami this brought him each year In
closer and more deadly contact with
'he equally far-reschlng Interests of
Henry Durand
The titanic at niggle
between these two Goliaths of flnnn
-Ini and industrial activities Is a purr
>f Wall street history
The more In
tvrvetlng atory o f Paul and the two
babies Is known only io a few. chiefly
about St. Jean.
Ths* hla father married again soon
after Molly K lrke’s death and tia>l
another »on did not hurt Paul, except
that It made him grieve more deeply
for hla mother and added to his lonetl
nesa He got along only fairly well
In college, because he could never
completely shackle hie mind to duties
that were confined within e to o i and
brick w alls
It too» him an extra
year to finish an engineering course,
and after that he waa never happy
except when to the open speces
a business way he w «e Interested only
in Ms father’s tlmherlands and such
water-power projects aa were situ
ated Is the wilderness As s whole he
was a disappointment to his p sreut.
One restless night the greatest ol
all hla Ideas came to James K irk s
The next day he went boldly and In
friendly spirit to (he office ot Henry
Durund. and for hours the tw o colossi
talked over K lrke’a suggestion that
their Interests he combined Into one
giant force o f countteas m illions They
parted frien ds In a little while they
were aeen at the duhs together. Later
the all-powerful Klrke-Du rand c o r
poratlon became s
flinty old warriors worked band In
hand, their assets multiplied.
T lielr
palatini homes were scenes of mutual
Their wives were Inti­
m ate
Their children becutna ac­
In his thirty-second year Paul mar­
ried (T alre Durand.
In hla thirty-eighth year, the son ot
one ot the richest men In New York,
he was officially In charge o f the
t c iin k h . o h k h o n
Design That Will Appeal to the
More Conservative Home Builders
Th« Secret of the Thyroid
HE endocrine gland host under­
stood la the thyroid (shleldllke)
astride our Adam’* apple. It varies
Individually and with age. It Is rela­
tively largest tn fetal life. At birth Ita
weight lit pr»|Hirtlott to the entire
body Is as l to 3UU, by the third week
1 to l.Utt, and tn the adult ns 1 to
1.*»»Y It !■ generally larger In women
than In men. Why this Is so la not yet
roma IVam healthy systems,
free the body af polaona with
The thyroid usually consists o f two
rijually developed lobes two Inches
F c c n -a -m la l. Effective la
long, an Inch and a quarter broad
smaller doeea. All dragglsla sell
They vary g re a tly ; one lobe may he
thla safe, acleallflc laxative.
much larger than the other, or mny he
quite absent. Generally Ihe two l o t o
are connected hy an Isthmus; thla also
varies tn position or may be absent.
There may he accessory thyroids down
There Is nothing striking or novel about this home, hut It should appeal
the trachea as far as the heart
to ntauy of the more conservative home builders aa one which will maintain
Only In higher fishes does the thy­
Its appearance through many yeura Itecuuse of lla lack of passing faddish
roid become a ductless gland, tuke on
new functions, and »tart a new ca­
older New Euglnnd house». Tilla sil-
reer. In man. a duct Is «oiuetlmes
Mr. William A Radford will snswsr
ver tone la th» rvault of actlou of tli*
found in the Isthmus— vestige o f a
questions and a lv » advtca F1HCN OF
condition found In lowest fishes, echo COST on all subjects pertaining to añil lodine-luden alr front tho ucean
Tilla house I*
feet wlde and
o f millions o f years ago. It I» prone practical horns building, for ihs rssd-
feo! drop and coutnlua elx rotuna. It
I era i f this paper. On acrnunl of his
to trouble.
wide experience as editor, author and
wlll he noled from the (loor pinna,
Children with deficient thyroid», manufacturer, he ‘ a, without doubt, the
whlch ara al»o reprodtirad, that the
through removal, atrophy, or Injury, highest e tth o rlt) on all these sub-
gibbering. - tecta Address all Inquiries to William
Idiotic dwarfs known as cretins; they | A. Radford, No. <0? South Dearborn
Street. Chicago, OL. and only Inclose
do not metamorphose Into normal two-cent slsntp for reply.
A W est tM tm rtm tn m ior Ih m l
M foaN RIM U v a a f a c l , F e u l l r y ,
These appalling results In both chil­
O o f o , C a l » , o r o v m B a b y C h ic k »
dren and adulta have becu corrected oovel about this house. It should ap­
K K Oi-an t>«m ' d iboultH«Hom * bern • » Deulmi
peal to many o f the more conservative
by feeding thyroid extract.
Y a r.lw llh a lid ili U l k l f l
M l « « » . K N O 1« m ««i« of » . im IH •• n
Enlargement o f the thyroid front | home builders. T h e picture shows
RWBdtd b r U • . D * » « o f A f l ' . - K u e
whatsoever cause la called gutter, or bow attractive th* exferlor of a house
th * C on nabl« 1‘ f i n f w h i c h ltt«u r «« n«aslmum
T w o r a m k illtd P i n i l •« A fk a n M I
Derbyshire reek.
But an over-devel­ j may be made hy the use o f awnings,
• ( « ( • F a r m . H u n d radi o f o f M r »••H m vn U l«.
oped or over-active thyroid produces flower boxes, and flowers and shrubs
K I 4 os» | M o n ey -B o o k Oasorwotoo.
a definite disease known ns toxic or - around Ihe foundation walla. This la
I.IBM upon K R O. t h « origluat »«ivillt M i l »
m in «t«r . A ll p o u lirr au pplr. « * » «» .
1 »w d
exophthalmic goiter, or Gravea’ tils 1 not an expensive house lo build, und
i l o r M - I V L a rg e «1 *« (•*’«*» l im e « « a mwah) I I R
This Is characterized hy In­ has all Ilia features o f a modern up-
D ifr t i If d fa lflf c a n n «l « u p p if ¥•*» K M U C « ,
tp rli»gfU l4 , O.
creased metabolism and blood pros 1 to-date home Including a aim room
sure, rapid pulse, lax and moist skin, and a balcony above.
Second Floor Plan.
In construction thla home reminds
nervousness, and protruding eyeball«
—hence the name, "exophthalmic." one o f a New England deRlgn, as the
living room Is 33 fro! wide nud IS
_ _ K IL L S *R A TS ‘ ONLV __
The remedy la still In thwehaiuls ol lower port has .‘ he wide shake shin­ fret drop. The sun room which ad
the surgeon.
Joins It at (he rigid It U feet d tnche»
It Is helleved that the activating tiding, which have been popular for
drop by 13 feet wide. An o|>eti lira
principle o f the thyroid hormone la
place al the other end of the living
thyroxin. Isolated by Kendall In la id
room Is a feature which wlll make thla
Thyroxin la a crystalline compound
room attractive and cheery In winter.
o f three molecules o f Iodine fixed In
An uounual feature o f this house la
a protein d erivative: trl-lodo-tri-hydra
the location o f the slulra which »ra 1
oxylndole propionic acid, or 03 per
between the 111 Ing room nud Ihe din­
cent o f Iodine.
ing room, and the atnir hall la the j F e e l » Much Stronger A f t e r
Duly the thyroid teoretes thyroxin,
connection between these two rooms
Taking Lydia £. Pinkham’a
and apparently It Is the Iodine in thy­
The dining room 1« on a corner and ;
Vegetable Compound
roxin that (ella the story. Iodine la
is ii few b j U N a t T b « M tetea is
found tn many seaweeds; Is three
about U frol square and adjoining It
Lankin. North Dakota —“ For nearly
times more abundant In codfish than
Is a breakfast room with a pullutuu
four yean I waa not in
health M y
In human beings; Is found In traces In
wurk ie cleaning
dinette rot. The atalra lead to a cen
milk and In drinking w ater; and gets
and I work
tral hall on Ihe second floor. At the
Its name from Its violet (lodes) colorí
outside too and
head of the Muirs Is the bathroom. |
•oinrUinea I could
Possibly no life exists without Io­
and on the Other three corner* are !
not do It. I read
dine. Certainly normal human life Is
bedrooms. One Is designated as a
in the newspaper*
First Floor Plan.
Impossible without one one-hundredth
play room In Ihe plan, but It Is large
about I.ydia E.
o f a grain o f thyroxin a day. Three
i ’ink ham s Vege­
enough for a bedroom.
The shnke
and a half grain* o f thyroxin are all rentarles In New England
table Compound
This home I* one o f those designat­
that stands between Intelligence and shingle are a grout deal thicker mid
ami I have taken
ed for a rather large lot. ns the house
considerably wider tliun the ordinary
three bottles of
over all Is 3 l ’ j feel wide. Trees and
I hie medicine. I
The adrenal*, or suprarenal», get
ahralia are needed to give this home
am feeling a lot
their name trom their position Just
an artistic aettlng.
e t t s r and 1
above the kidneys. Normally they are
u may use this letter
o f the size and shape o f a large bean.
aa a testimonial.” — TtU Ja TaKNDA,
But they v a ry : one—or. In rare cases,
Ing flrepr >of w here cement plaster la
IL F. 1). f i , I-enkin, North Dakota.
both— may be absent: there n.ay be ac­ Average Wooden House
used Is hy mentis of expanded metal |
cessory adrenals varying In size from
Rots in a Few Years lathing In which Is Incorporated, every ; This Medicina la Sold in Both
a pin head to a large pea. Itemoval of
few Inches, a steel rib tn act as a
the average
Liquid and Tablet Form
both glands Is fatal, often within a
Such a wall requires but j
wooden house Is attack ed hy. decay
few hours. When death does not fo l­
few stiel U| rights to with Ii metal
within a few year» and l* usually rut
low their removal It la because ac­
fabric Is tlxed. -o It Is exceedingly -
ted to worthlessness w ith tw o genera
cessory adrenals are present and can
economical lo uro on walla slid roof.
tlons, there Is no reusoii why II could
In building such a garage, it la ouiy i
not be preserved for tw o, th ree or
Adrenlo Is a powerful drag and a
necessary (o provide a concrete floor
more centurlea, says I rnf. Kmnnnel
powerful cardlo-vascular stimulant
gives quick.
Fritz, wood technologist o f the l.’ nl
on cinders directly on the ground,
Normally our blood contains abobt
effective relief.
sldcwnlk fashion
Al pro; er Interiala
eight milligrams o f It, which means verslty o f i ’nllfornla.
steel angle uprights are set Into the j Pleasant, sooth-
Carelesane*». and not the perishable
that the proportion o f ádrenlo to ar­
l o g and h e a lin g . E x c e lle n t f o r
floor, and the ribbed notai fabric Is
terial blood Is one part to a billion. quality o f wood Itself, la to blame for
children — conuins no
fastened lo these.
Cement plaster
the costly decay o f the average frame
op iates. Su ccessfu lly
It Influences some tissues when di­
Is afterwards couted Inside and out.
used for i i yean. J Jc
luted to one part In 100,01)0,000. It de­ dwelling, asserts the exneri, writing
and 60c size*.
In Good Housekeeping Magazine. De­
presses tiie Intestinal canal when dl
— - ■
cay la evidence that the wood Is hold­
luted to one part In 33O.O0M.0OU! Large
Woodwork Should Be
Canadian Fwresta
ing a moisture content o f more than
doses are fatal.
The forest area o f Canada la eatl-
30 per cent.
Prepared for Painting
Adrentn ls a drag, one o f the moat
mnted at 1,131.434 square miles. O f
Cheap, careless construction prove*
potent our body concoct*. Yet adrenal
All outside woodwork should have
thla area, M13.RS0 square miles ara p r o
more expensive In time than the care |
feeding leads to no known or proved
at lenat three coats o f pnint. Inside
ductlva and accessible.
and added cx|>enae necessary to make
result*. The administration o f the drag
woodwork mny bave three or more,
a house waterproof, he points out
adrenalin does lend to profound re­
depending upon what fluisti Is desired.
Doa'I It* I M a lia M .
The factors which usually bring nlmui
sults. Our body blood rontnlns this
New wood fur painting should b«
Kaap r-ol.'a i'arhollaalva In tha house.
decay and which cun easily lie d im
drug. Whether It Is made by or ex
denned and freed from stain* that It »tops pain from burn or rut quickly
and heals without scars
At all good
creted hy the adrenals Is still an open Inated a re : Poorly lilted Joints shin
may afterward show through the lruratata, Snr and 40c. or J. W, Cola Co.,
question, hut that adrenln has specific
pulnt. All the knot holes should he Rockford, III.—Advartlasmanl.
action oa Ihe vascular system, the permit water to enter and remain In seuled tip with shellne so that the
the cracks; failure to Insulnte all
nervous system, the blood, the all
pitch will not afterwnrd exude through
Joy fo r Racklaaa Drivers
paria o f the house from the moisture
mentary canal, and on augnr mobilize
the paint. It should he sandpapered
A million new telephone poles ara
tlon. there I» no doubt. N or I* there
down and made perfectly smooth and *et up each year. This assures raw
any doubt that when administered as tlon o f at least six Inches; failure to dean. A lan e all. It must he dry.
ninterlal for the most popular s|airt
k -1 wren ground
a drag It Increases the action o f local
among young tuolorista— Washington
anesthetics hy constricting the blood and floors where heat and moisture
vessels, thus preventing local los* of quickly develop the decaying fungi
Imitation Hardware
the anesthetic. And as this reduces
Hu** Ball Blue gros farther, m ake«
Fails to Stand Up
the amount o f anesthetic required. It earth or rubbish are left under the
Don’t buy the plated finishes for clothes whiter than liquid Blue. I .a r f «
also reduces the amount o f toxin dnn house to convey moisture to the parts
hardware that will he used to nny ex- package at G racers.— Adv.
ger from the anesthetic.
It checks o f the building which they touch.
lent In your home. These Imitations
hemorrhages. It allays the spasms of
C ol Short End of E aU
are applied to steel and cannot he
acute bronchial asthma. It also stimu­ Cement Plaster Makes
"You quit your hoarding house and
expected to have the durability o f
lates weak hearts and fortifies the
Garage Walls Fireproof wrought bronze or liras*. Cast bronze now eat at restaurants, I see.’’
hearts o f the old and Infirm agnlnst
"Y en h i My arma were not long
or brass Is the best you can huy. You
Ideal garages are, o f course, tire
the shock o f operation.
will not And It so very nint h more enough fo r a hoarding house.”
In short, adrenalin exerts an Influ­ proof. Many useful methods o f build
Fee nani int
Kill Rats
W ithout Poison
K "R "0
huge engineering work on the Mlstas
slnl river In the wilderness north of
Lac St. Jean and had been three years
on the Job.
During these three years be bad
Known Carta Haldan.
He was thinking ot Carla as he
looked from a window o f bis bunga
low office on the hill down over the
vast and naked workings o f an etigl
neertng achievement which was cost
ing fifty million dollars
He felt no
exultation or thrill o f pride, and In
hla eyes was a far back, somber gloom
What he saw was to him an unending
and nauseous pit Into which a steady
and monotonous drizzle of rain was
There were fifteen hundred
men on the Job below him working In
three eight-hour sh ifts and neither
darkness nor storm
Id stop them
He could see »hem moving and crawl
ing about like anta at their labor. In
hU mind they added nothing to the
scene, unless it was tr give grimmer
reality to a hell that was smoking and
boiling over.
Everywhere a rumble
and din. everywhere the fierce and
heartbreaking labor of men. every­
where the ugliness and madness o f a
man-made place of torm ent
Paul waa thinking this even with
Carla HMdan Ip hla mind. Ue could
M-e the gray white sluices and dykes
with their cement and steel w alls and
the monster sections o f the almost
completed dam. which was to harness
northern waters to the production ol
light and power for twenty million
people. Three years of human effort
and millions In cnpllffd lay under his
e ye s
Yet about It all waa only one
excusable and beautiful thing for him
That was the rim o f wilderness the
green and black and purple boun
daries of the forest which clung like
a frame about the workings
His contemplation of the scene In
the valley waa Interrupted by a voice
at hla office door, and he turned to
greet the most Intimate of his friends
In the field, Colin Derwent, who waa
the company s medical man. Evt-o on
rainy d ays and with Lla boots clogged
with mud. Derwent was a cheerful
With his Frenchy little mus
tache. his smooth cheeks, bis lived
ness o f movement, and his apprecla
tlon of all phases of life he con
tinned to b<-ar the appearance o f a
boy. though he had tilled an Important
chair in medicine In Johns Hopkins
Ing garage» al moderate cost have
been developed. Cement plnster Is an
e x c e lle d material for am-h use
One o f the best si items tor build
expensive. In any case, he sure to get
good piece* for places that will tat
milch used; have them finished unt­
il rally.
Common Brick Field
Liberated by Wealth
As It was the wealth o f the Ren
Enlarged hy Skintling
aissance that led to Ita freedom. It*
Hklntled brickwork stands unque*
license, and its art, so It is the wealth tlonahly as the neat radical develop
o f our clay and place, far more than incut In masonry construction In Ihe
any literary revolt, that has substL last MJ0 years.
tuted for the rigid moral code o f the
N exl to It was th face brick, pro
I'llgritn* the gay laxity o f emancl
duced by varlou* tri-aliuenl* o f 11»
pated souls. Our changed Sabbath, a i surface, giving It an ullraciltciies*
day now not o f "eat and worship but which no other brick had |ro**e**od
o f wanderings and pagan Joys line-in
Then comes the recognition o f the
flned. Is a visible sign o f our altered clinker brick, that bins unnoticed ( I n
morals and our liberated lives.— Will derails of the fefuae pile wlilrh Is now
Durant in "Mansions o f Philosophy.' the favored pet o f the architects.
No other maaonry departures have
Matal Shield Bara Awls
affected brick u„e so decisively as
T o pieien t termites, the destructive have these three.
Insects that devour wood, from enter
Up to the time some Ingenious brick
Ing homes. University o f tliillfornls maker cleverly ’ Inkera-d the face
engineers have devised a metal shield brick to make It s thing of ew and
to he placed cn fop o f the eoneret# unusual appeal the common brick Imd
foundation Immedlalel? under th« had the exterior >rlck wall Held all
wooden Kill that rests iqion IL— Popu
to Itaelf. But the American love of
'ar Mechanic* Magazine.
change, o f something new. speedily
shifted popular fax >r to the .iew nm
Triumph Over Nature
Modern perfumes made from *yn
Now aklntled brickwork, which I*
thetlc chemical Ingredients hove mpre simply an Irc-gular laving id the col
lusting qualities than many o f the orful common bricks to produce a
nerfnmes mode from flower oils.
mass textural wull effect of slngulat
allure and charm, la winning hack
the errant American favor to the com
mon brick.
Aided greatly. It must he admitted
hy the cllnket hrh k. whose popularity
develnpei. a I loom ove,night, I us been
one of Hie notable triumphs of 1st«
year building muterlal history,
The cllnkei hrb k Is that brick
whirl». In Ihe kilns, form the arcliet
and sldis o’ flu passage through
which pass the flume* ami excessive
heat Hint convert lie raw mini reclnn
gles Into the flnlslied brick
This excessive ie- I fuses the clny
It runs In Irregulnr Invnllke furrow«
or assumes s Isequerllke smoothm-s«
like the old ’ ’lilnese porcelain* tnklny
on at the same time all sorts o f odd
These bricks c le ierly Intermingled
In Ihe aklnlled lin k wull. add to th«
textural bounty u compelling appeal.
ence upon all smooth muscle ener­
vated hy filers o f the autonomic nerv­
ous system. That mnkes Ita respon­
sibility enormous. Its Influence on hu­
man destiny second to none.
I® by Ooor»» A. Dorter.»
Elephant H erd “Bound” by Black M an’s M agic?
Major Court-Treattt of the ( ’ ape-
I’airo motor expedition was the first
white man who hunted and killed
elephants on loot with a spear. "W h ile
I was on this spear-hunting safari.”
he »aid. “ we followed several herds
Into waterless country in the Bahr el-
lihoral district of thè Sudan, where
the elephants usually trek to water
•nty every third or fourth night.
When they do. nothing will atop them.
We followed this particular herd all
day. and at night I was ready to give
up I made camp and stopped Bahai
>a. a young hard hltten Mandala hunt
■r. who was said to he something o f a
ough lan then came to me and said
■e thought he could *blnd the herd
>i(b bis magic rope
These magic
-pea are not uncommon in Africa,
hey are usually about a yard long
nd made of I torn palm fiber. Bulinila
at down with the rope In hla hands,
nd went through the motions of tying
is arms. legs, ankles and neck mut-
erlng Incantations as he did so. His
muscle* became taut, and he relapsed
Into a seinl trance. He sat so for a
few minutes, and then suddenly re­
laxed. grunted T h at Is good, and rose
to his feeL Next morning we ran Into
the elephants only half a mile from
camp, and killed one I They were al­
most stationary.
By all reckonings
they should have been tidies away."
At an Cpllfters club luncheon some
one happened to remark that polo bad
come to us from France and not from
England via India. The Informant de
dared that mention o f It had been
made by several noted French writer*
Evidently In the hope of verifying het
statement she turned to a young Indy
who at that moment Joined the party
and asked;
"A r e
you fam iliar with
H u g i.r
“ I arn never fam iliar with any man,”
replied the newcomer with dignity.—
Los Angeles Times.
A fter W inter’«
Don’t Neglect Your Kidney».
F~?OLDS and chills ara hard on ths
v J kidneys. A constant backache,
with kidney irrecularitiee. and an
achy, worn-out feeling all too often
warn of d i s o r d e r .
Don't taka
chsncaal Help your kidneys with
D o a n '» P i l l t . Indorsed tha world
over. Sold by dealer» everywhere.
50,000 Users Endorse Doan’s:
E. J, Bush, T1S Gravo SlrMt, Char-
lottajvliu. Va., aavai "A told M m U to
affaci mv hidnv, a and my back salt an wank
that coatld hardly turn In bad. Mr .... .
arara aura and las; -nd tha kidnoy aalio*
brr« i i lar. I fait bot or imowidiataty al tar
aliai Uaaa'l Pilla an 1 «roa anno wail.”
Laundry Chute
T.nundiy chutes Hull are glas* lined
moke snnltiiry. durable. c> uiioinlcal
und dlsHhciivs tn.-tulliiients.
A Stjmuljn! DiurçtB tothe Kidneys