\ T U R N N K , OH FU ON •ilurjJny, KeLr.unry 25, IM-ii) a ru B x sa t r ib u n e ^•AflA%VWVVV%VVWi\%%%VV\,N%\SVUS\V1dWWVVVVW.V A N V V V V W A lA U W V V U M V V il V U W . m NOTICE TO CREDITORS February 7th, 1910; and the date^ of CHURCH CLASS GIVEN .SUMMONS Notice is hereby «riven that the In the Circuit Court o f the State of tlte first publication hereof is Fob- P AR TY BY TFACHF.R undersigned, by an order o f the Coun­ Oregon, for tho County o f Mi-rion. •unry IS, 1930. K. J.. CRAWFORD. ty Court o f Marion County, State of licpjirtinont 2 . Attorney for Plaintiff. Or-gon, duly made and enterad on the A. W. Norblwi, Governor; Hal E. Ho».1». S«c rotary o f State, nnd Residence and postMHeo address: Sa­ 28th day o f January lit JO, w j- ap- pointed cxecutri* o f tho estate v»f M rs. R . L e o T h ie w e n e n le t - lem, Orison. Yhoma; K hay, State Treasurer, ■ i.,. dreoased. and that G. H. Thomnsou roKpriiuny' the Truitroa o f A. It. ta u je d h e r j u n i o r le a g u e c la s s ho has duly «¡unfitted as such. AM p oi­ Huroank Tru.-t Fund, Plaintiffs, sons having claims again:! said estate o f th e M e th o d is t P p is c o p a l ‘ v< , an- hereby notified to present the SUMMONS c h u r c h w ith a G e o r u c W ash - y f L. Vilburn anI|,US " v i t Herman Seiu anil Mary Jane Setg, Francis W. Smith and George C. Oropun, «v^jiin six months from the his wift, defendants. Van Natta, partners doing business date o f this notice, to-wit: January p l o y e d a f t e r w h ic h r e fr e s h ­ To W. B. Milbutn und Innah F. under the name and style o f ''¡v*- jo . n*J*. m e n ts w e r e s e r v e d b y th e h a s t­ Milhurn, hia wife; Jeanette- B. hischer I, m Ccfleetiqi. Agency.” and Fii>t nnd t.eui.^H. Fischer, her husband, en» u asisted toy M rs. E a r l S. LQUKNA THOMPSON. N\'io:i:U Dank, fi» Salem, a cor­ Executrix o f the Estate o f G. li. ui.d H eman Seif and Mary Jane Sale. pi) rut ion, Plaintiffs, P r n t h e r . G u e s ts in th e g r o u p ! fhompaon, Deeesfed, Ins Wife, defeiidunt*: • w e r e E le a n o r P a r k e » , B a r b a r a |> in the name o f the State o f Ore iron, I GUY O. SMITH. wish Mishit r. also known as Jew Attorney for Executrix. you are required to appesr and'un- R o b e r t s . E s t e lla B a r n e t t , R u th 5j Mishler, atnl Pearl Angel, as admin­ t w*r tht complaint filed »gainst you B u rgoyn e, M a r jo r i e M cK ay, ^ E A T A B O W L O F C H IL M A ,n the above entitled couit and cause i istrator o f the Estate o f Maud n o t i c e t o CREDITORS M:s filer, deceased, Defendants. on or before four (•») weeks from the M a r io n B u rk e s , L o r r a in e B a r To l.ewish Mishler, also know n as Notice is hereby given that the un- date of the first publication o f this summons, and if you fail to answer, j l ■w Mishler, one o f the defendants d o nod. by an oidor o f the County ¡n e t t , D o a n «' R o b e r t s , P h illip will I above -named: Court o f the State o f Oregon, for th\ Vf .L -.,v S lw ifn r tl I 'm t h e r J r lor want thereof the plaintiffs will County of Marion, duly made and cn- n l.u i io r u I r a tn e r , J t .. apply to the court for the relief | In thc nsme o f thè State o f Oregon. f o f February, E«lw>tl T h ie s s o q , h i li» T h ie a s e n WVWVWAfWWVAAfVV^%VVVVVVV%AVVWWkVU%VVVVV,S A V V V W % \ W V V V I,W J '^ W U N A .V ^ ininistrntrix o f deceasod,I and Gordal» Thietun. _______ ___ - ________ ______ __ __ _ _ _ . «*»«ch i , ^t ìrèm Ih - tw- ’H--fi.-st d iy ef De-1 ìà7 ISSO, that being the lime pro adminUtratrix. All persona having j remì) r 192$, ut the rate of six por * ¿¡cibed by thè court in the ordi r for claim- against said estate aro horoby | c, ,,t ((,’ , i pèr annum unt:l paid, and I s. rvicc o i sunnuona upon you b> pub- notified to prosent thè «u n «, «fui» | • i, furi -r si.in o f «■ hundred Uc.ition ar.d four urecka succ« - -ivel> verified, as roquirod by _law- to hcr at eollars ( $ 100.00 > as special attorney’a from the l’.r.te o f the first publication the i Ilice o f E. L. Crawford, attorn«* nml for pUuntitl's costi and dis­ hereof, and if you fail to ?o appear for the c-late. in Ladd & Bush Bank bursements incurrid in th.s su:t ; that ar.d answer, plaintiff will take n d«;- building, in the City o f Salem, in ’ Marion County, Oregon, within six ■V mortgage described in the I cree against yoij, setting asid* Mrs. Mary Hvass, o f Kpnnan, Wis., Wins $1,250 in rornplaíñt in said suit bo decreed to be adjudging fraudulent and void that months o f the date o f this notice. — ' •• - J ^ ll-~ .i~ e « .I _ ___. ; . . I t i .- l > v i m < v n f i n w r ì i ì l l i V n r i l i ' l ' l i Dated this 20th day o f February, ,1 firit lien Upon the following dc- certain instrument in writing or deed National Canning Contest— Gives o f conveyance, wherein defendant 1930. ►cr.b d premists, to-wit: Lew » Mi»Mer wn- rm ntor and de- K ATIE AH RUNS. Pressure Cooking CrediL The West two-thirds of the fol- Maud Mishler was grantee Administratrix o f the fc^LOtg o f Jopn lowing S -cribed tract : . W ™ « ^ p u r p o r t i n g to convey to the said Ahrens, Deceased. * * at u point on th. Last lir.c o f the *»<« « tamuel | 1 Maud { "'■ Mishler Jpierlca's champion cannrr la a of a summer's work. Ami It wn* rhtrfxuon Land Claim o f Samuel * ” the following described E L. CRAUFORU. farmer*» wife, once pnog |p a lumber- simple business to put (heiu up. She Wa t r, 2S.?9 chains Struth b o f t the h e -promues, tv-w.l- I Attorney for KstaU^ Beginning on the North line of Ladd A Bu»h Bank Bld^., Kalym. Jack lunciiriHia). She U Mrs. Mary folloyi-d direct lout |n a gon-i uu.cnt Northeast corner o f said claim, in Township 7 Sofctu. Mange 3 West gi , the Donation Land Claim o f I. N. Jliasa of Krn.inp. «Via. who won this bulletin. Oregon. the Willamette Meridian, in Manon | Gilbert and wife, la.23* chains title and g grand prlio of SlJ-’èO In "1 used & pressure cooker, as llte South k!l degrees 4S minutes West County, Orogon; Vfcrnce South I the Notional Cnnnlng contest, con­ government advise«], bei-ituse I've tried 2d.63 chains aJoi*^ tha Emsi Hr.e o f | from tho Siiutrwt.st corner o f the DOG OWNERS UK KEEPERS BUY ducted by the Sears Koelmok Agricul­ every oilier way »nd 1 know It's best," LICENSES NOW t!ie SimuM Wa*her claim to the ] Donation land Claim o f John 8av- tural Foundation, Jua( ended In Oil Ilcrc •* an untuosi vij^tuuuC)' fu u 'c she explained. renter of the County Road l^adipg j are in township T South Rrange, Buy licenses for your dogs before molte)’. 1 Ui» tìcLct ì» rihh I ( ut trave! ori •'First, I blanched tho pens for 80 f.-oin Salem to iJilvcrton; thenc“ ; W.-st o f the Willamette Meridian in March 1 and avoid payment o f the Marion County , Ore.: thence South penalty fo r delinquency. A license on minutes In sculdlng water. Then | South 73 degrees 9 minutes West il tv cosche« unii iti 10111111 xheping cara. 99 degrees 45 minutes West 7.2u a male or spayed female deg is now 12.79 rhsins along the center o tl dieted them In cold water, poured T’akr advsnUKc of i-’N !ow fare smi cha ns along the North line o f said said road; thence North 26.31 them In a mason Jar with seasoning, $2.00; after March 1, it will be $4.00. pian your tiij» tu Lo» A n e lli now. claim o f 1. N. Gilbert end wifu; cSa:ns; thtnee Kart 12.30 chains to Until March l female nogs will be and put the jar In my pres-urp cool, theuce South 6.90 chains; thence l.a. . _ , f A l l • n f I o n f K u t i l o t n t K ,r the place o f beginning and contain­ i.n jo y CtTijU r S f 'v c i ¡im i C o m fo r t cr for f>0 minutes at 240 degrees. North 99 degrees 45 minutes Fast ing 30 acres, situated in iluiioti "That's all llio work It took to make Ucci ini or ihai/i in day ooachc« pro- County, Oregon. them ready for the c«>nlest. I vwèr nuMOii^a coMiforf Hterc’* alwsy« Save and except from the above f e j L w * - ------- wouldn't want anything more certutn ptuiiiy of foom «>u thc truin to revt ami described tract that certain land ^ p,,, place or oemnning, mw i w i ---- — . and simple than my Kook-Kwlck pres­ deeded to Eliabxeth L. Lewis and tainir.g 5 acres o f land, more or Vie breed and »ex o f the dog vvalk about. Lourìvi «levper* givo *iil| sure «-«Hiker for canning peas and all JJoyd S. Lewis, as shown by deed ( ^ in jjg n o n Countv. Oregon; I ani > 'our “ wn nam* an^ , ... Kroaicr comfort, y-t they gre c-ono.qiical. klods of foo.1." record’ d in \ oluaie 1,5. Page 324, whie>, ia j j instrumentmont was re- This notice ta ordered published by You v.iv,; tinte, too. Judges «if tho contest who «terlnred Deed D cords o f Marion County.; ts0 2 2 *,i day o f October. »He toounty court o f Manon County, the peas canned hy Mrs. llvnss to he S*ate of Oregon, and Raymond Me- jq 2T ¡n the oftn-« o f the Recorder o f Oregon. $ 1 5 tr» S ^ n F r n n c U c o Kee as shown by deed recorded m anj Conveyances in and fo r U. G. BOYER. perfect In flavor, color »ml genera) Volume 176. Page 437, Deed Rec- I Mafion County, Oregon, in Volume County Clerk. I appearance wery Dr. Margaret Ju-tlq, Fot fKtthft in ¡or muli IH r-t I tri- onls of Marion County, Statu yf . j y at Deed Records, on page 99, and | president of the American Home lie» frrMtomt j*f-osr or coti .il f li k r t Oregon; ¡that said land above described be ad- c • »■*' — , nomlee association; Dr. Ionise Stan­ UJ.tcì ibouu btlow. that We usual decree b» mad'- fur ‘ judged subject to the lien o f plaintiff's ley. director of the United States llu- the sale o f said premise* last daecribcd reepective Writs o f Attocruner.t and rcto of Home Economics; Mrs. Jose­ ny the sheriff of Marion County, Ore- Judgments heretofore had and cb- phine Bakkc. homo economies direc­ . ?n. according to law and the practice ! **iaed, as tlieir respective interests tor at town State Agricultural col f the above rntitied court; that the j an,i priorities may be made to appear, j lege; Miss F.lnlno Massey director qf rrocc. ds o f said sale may be applied i;nu that plaintiffs recover their costs girls' club work In Mississippi, and ♦ ward the oavment o f the amount ¡¿nd disbursements incurred in this . H. S. Homi, Agent, i’ hnn» 1Q1 Jue plaintiffs and the anovc | and that plaintiffs have such George Farrell, dlroctor o f extension named defendants, and each c f them, other and further relief as to this j In the Middle West for the Depart­ Amsrlca't Champion Cannar—Mrs. By JOHN C. LONSDALE and all persona claiming under or ; court may appear just and equitable, j Mary Hvata of Kennan, Wu., putting ment of Agriculture. Precibent A.-narlcan Esn’o r a .. . ... _ / i Service J t T > IV C UA IU O U lill l u i u w pvn J o f U this summons upon you There nr* canned pen* and canned UP can of pent In her pressure cooker ,hrough them, or ar,y or CI-h*T ^ ¿y 0nler o f th*» Association t em. subsequent to the mceeution iu. ther and furtner relief in the prpm- o f thc lart puWiC,« i 0n is March 13, something l i k e food submitted In the nation wide con­ 3,300 active trust Les as may be equitable. test In which 26,000 women partici­ '1930. - - ■ departments i a This summons is ¿ervtd ViiP^ you pated. Her contrtlijflon, which emi­ GEO. A. RHOTKN. by publication in Thc Turner Tribune 1 banks in America, Johnny Muskrat, broadcaster on fur front station WI.S. Chicago aa be bag nent domestic sclemv Judges selected E. L. CRAW FORD, by order o f the Honorable L. H. Mc- vvhilo In 1500 only trapping nn«l fur marketing for the for scierai years, but also mnk as the premier Jar, waa a run of pea». Mahan, judge o f the above entitled Attorneys fo r Tlaintiffs. 1€3 active trust fleurs Roebuck Agricultural Founda­ hurry-up trlpi to Minneapolis to talk Mrs. llvnss is a pioneer who has court, bearing «late o f February 1, Residence and posteffice address: Sa­ departments had tion. I* a mighty busy uinn these to trnp|>ers over station Wt’CO. In been winning prizes ever »lore »he 1939. lem, Oregoty been established.’ «Jays. Not only does he give fur tulka addition Johnny U writing fur market and her husband, John llvnas, set out The first publication o f this sum­ In becoming the lett-r. f--r stations h-IU Se-ilil»; to win a liveliliood from their \VJ*«-on- mons is February 13, 1930. and thc GUARDIAN’ S SA LE OF REAL custodians or the KMIlC Kansas J t y ; WOAU IMillnsWI- sin land. Prize» at the county and last publication thereof will be March P R O PE R TY guardians of the ph la; KOA [M ivrr, nnd lVirAA Dill- y, 1930. state fairs for chickens, breed aoJ Notice is hereby given, that pur­ property o f oth­ Ins. which will ho broadcast regulnrly cakes, and canned goods. CARL T. POPE. suant to an order o f the Ci/ui.ty Court ers. bankers as- j 0hn G. Lonedale during the fur eroeon. She first saw the Wisconsin prairies Attorney lo r Plaintiffs. irion County, Oragon, duly made j sumo what _________ has Johnny Muskrat d'-nwa on a life­ Place of residence and postoffice ad- and entered on the 22nd day of O cto-. boeu Cttlnsiy doxcribed e» one of the ns three-year-old M an Jensen. It was time of artunl experience In Instruct­ 1 dress: Salem, Oregon. her job. ns she grew op, to help her ! b. r, 1929, the undersigned guardian "moit c-xal’ cd human relationships «ver ing trappers bow to entrh furs, bow to ¡w i'l sell at private sale to the highest created by law." They bacorno at or.co father and mol her win brend and eorreelly prepare them for aule, nn-l ¡bidder fur *a.,h, the following dc- butter for nine small Jensens and when to ship them. The Foundation | ,-cribed real property belonging to a b ij brother, a big sister, an advi-or, themselves. She wns her oinlhcr*s or a confessor, sworn so to conduct has found these talks to be useful SUMMONS ! Johnnie Farwell, a minor, to-wit:- helper on the farm until nil tho chil­ not only fo.- Informing trnpiH-rs on One-twclfth (1 /1 2 ) undivided in­ themselves that clients will be won to dren were well on their way to grow­ Jn thc Ci*ci,it Coyrt qf the State Brings Fsm» and Fortun« to Fam­ fur market conditions from day lo day terest in the following piece ot them by taclr ability and Integrity. ai Oregon, for the' County c f Marion. Thousands ot little children have ns ing up. Then she yielded to the ily—.Mrs. Mary Hvata of Ksnnan, WIs., but also la helping them take morn (.roberty*: the Vkest fifty (5 0 ) feet Department N»- 2- > 0 . 2l<;i2.' ot the North one hundred (100) j celved su education and hare been1 glamour of the trading towu calkd showing her husband and sons th* and better fqr» E'-na Com pnj;, a corpcrtjtToo, H iin - $1,2S0 check she won with a can of fe it o f Lot No. 4 in block No. 3k; started off ristt In Jlfe through the Minneapolis. In n«Vlllion to telling nf til* owi^ At Minneapollg slip beenma a cook pressure-cooker-mad* peas. She won la University Addilipn to the Cit; i trust department** safe keeping andj experleneea. J.dingy (ti-qiientlj briuiff- vs. gt n lumbcrjgck luni-hrpom, where »tie over 25.099 rival* In th* National Can­ fulilanca of the family estate, number­ c f ijiicm , Oregon. ens's the luteresUng lellvra he re­ Robert Culver, uun*afrieu, {.¡efeud- { 0^,e-twelfth J l / 1 2 1 uudivided in- less widows havq been protected from met and married iamlicrjuck John ning contest ceive« from Ills Irupiwr friend* (Ip acL II van. They moved to Wisconsin, P,n:;4 in the . —;---- following ---- 1 — ^ o piece 1 lj of ' merciless stock swindlers, many thou-. rnsionslly, one of tils ofil friend* drops To Robert Culver, li.t above named ' property : Beginning at an iron bar i3ndo C[ business met» have been ro-! first to a small farm, later to a larger for their own creaming find hotterlng. Into the studio and 1» Igtroduced to defendant: on ‘ >?e Last. Ime -o f 21rt Street ,,„YC(1 of tro-jblelome Uet3lls ln tl;8 one, where they are living today. The grnnd prise cheek of 91,290 Is go­ tho rndio audience. Among Ihe Inter- la the name o f the St^te o f Oregon, | ing to set up Mrs. Uvass lu the dairy There Mnry llrass helped her husband eating ch,racier* lo bo tntrodured by you are here«.) required to appear and i rw.in/ South r^ .legre’e , 57 mir.ut. s c',D<‘ “ ct of their business through the fell trees, build barn*, fence*, iind business. Li’ it 33 feet from the Northea»t creation of a living trust and sL.l Johnny at various times during the nnswer the plaintiff's complaint (jieil Iter ambition for many years wns their house. For nearly thirty three against you in the above entitled suit ' coiner o f that certain tract o f land others have safeguarded their bust- present season will he 13 Uomanrhn, to own n herd of pure bred Ilolsbdn convi-ycdbvKlcpha Wal 1er,Stephen ¡ noss enterprises throucb life lasiir- years they struggled together. within four weeks from the date of noted writer and authority on out­ r% » % e< a ti __ L; _ ____ * _ W li/.n U sa iln rv I llvnss llu s a l heard if >* When Mrs. Mary that cattlo nnd to extend her prize win­ ance trusts. Bowers 4noplo In financial affairs In spite of ah hla radio iliitli>g t*-wit: ------------------- ■ . ■ ....... - / ute East, a distance o f 510.18 fe.-t, Johnny finds tlmv to keep trsrk of 1. For the sum o f $9^2.00, to- and to advertising to thc world at to an iron bar; thence South 1» de- entrlr* for the First Nntlonnl Fur (j-thrr with interest then on a; ttn. e? 30 minutes West, a distance large the merits of tract services. Ad­ Show nnd re|Hirt* that Judging b| rate o f six per cent per annum from vertising used in a sensible, Judlclotn o f 50 f>-et; thence North 69 degrees November 1, 1927. until paid, for the those pell» nlrondy rerolved tin »hoar «67 mil utea West to an iron bar aet way is necessary, a power that has ac­ further sum o f $200.00 as special should he a truly wonderful exhibi­ on the East line o f said 2 let Street; | complished much good tor humanity. attorney’* fees an’ I by the sht-r II o f Marion Cm.ply, Oro- i,u \r' i " ln "Buy insurance before you buy thd let us turn ihem . into actual mouey. ¿or., according to law orni the practice ’ * * " n c farw.-il, a Minor. N. High Street ring," and to the young woman ( o f this court, and that the proceeds ot would r.ay, "Marry no man so th-ugbt- Business Men’s Adjustment 1 NOTICE fO CREDITORS less as to scoff at life Inohrance.” payment o f tin amount due plaintiil, v,.n,.„ Company . nd that you, ami all person • claiming 1 unde,-s gned, by an er.fer o f the Coun- | 415-IG Masonic Illdg. Phone 911 ,"h'' ,'v ^o^nf niy“ U; ff“ bS''- ';' ,,t J;0 f lurt •» » « « County SUtc o f l v K- 2 f T ,,rt' Or-gon, duly made and in te n d on e f -n i7fJl t M^ m l 2 ,, t0rr rW U th'* day u> January, 1930, w a s - irm .ti riV>i,’, ^ T » " . r" ' appoint-d administrator o f the estate , I T „ to said mortgag.,., o f Kmi| w rtecased. a n d ' Tlie Tribune shop can print your ft.-’ -nLses and w *ry part ther- o t that h3, )|US|inf.,, a„ , uch. A „ j butter wraps, Utter head* and err 8. lhat plaintiff, or any other per- : persons haviug claiir- against said * velopaa. on, may l-r r —- a purcha r at such -state are li< reby notified to present f Obtained. Send mode •ale, gurf yiai purchaser imme- | the same, duly verified as ro«iuired by ! and we wílj pr/ nipriy send yeu • la te ly upon such sale may be let Into 1 law. at the offices o f Guy O. Smith, T- " ' ' h«I(/|r. ‘ «in roi Patrfits^nd the possession o f tho promises. | 103 Salem Bank o f Commerce Bldg., • report. OuV Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spencer Trade-marks wiH bi •tilt to 5 oil 4. That plaintiff have such other in the City o f Salem, Marion County, VBTF.EINARIAX are thc pnrenw of a nine-pound on request. a id further relief as to the court may Oregon, within six months from the son that arrlvtid Inst Wednes­ date o f this notice, to-wit: January apnear just and equitable. Day and Night Service Service o f this summons upon you 30, 1930. * - day morning nt their home in hv nublication is made by order o f the OREGON W. W. HENRY, STAYTON -------PATENT LAWYERS — the Crawford district. He has Hanorable Percy R. Kelly, judge o f Administrator o f Estate o f Emily W. 305 Seventh SL, Waihlnglon. D. t - ‘ ’le Circuit Court o f the State o f Ore- Jeffries. Ik-ceased. been named Richard Irwin, ' on for the County o f Marion, duly GUY O. SMITH, Attcrney, from her visit in California. Salem, Orogon. - ade an«l entere«! at Salem, Oregon, £ Thomsen's Sensation Boxes — jj ^ Thomsen's Delux Boxes ^ JSociete Brand Bars & Marshmallows Thomsen’ß Co-Ed Bulk Chocolates C iga rs find Tobacco L u n ch es Fountain Seryicg R ic a l i EH (JO N K K O T IO N K R V CAN OF PEAS BRINGS FARM WOMAN FAME AND FORTUNE S P E C I A L TRAVEL* B A R G A I N $ a Los Angeles PHENOMENAL GAIN IN TRUST SERVICES Southern Passile JOHNNY MUSKRAT TO BROAD­ CAST ON SEVEN STATIONS a F. P. ROW LEY Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE T urner, O regon . Dr. O. L, S çott 87 2<*>0 2 01 Salem. Oregon PATENT 6 . D. SWIFT & CO. F. KORINEK. V.S.. B.V.Sc