Salts Fine for Aching Kidneys When Back Huris Flush Veur Kldaaya aa You Claan Your Beweis rtf* With. A* Humor bluet folks forget that the kidneys, Ilka tha bowel*. »<':••! line» get alug- gtah and clogged and need a flushing occaalonally, via# ws havs barkaiim and dull misery Is the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, COME AG AIN SOON torpid llvsr, acid stomach, alaeplsas- ueaa and all aorta o f bladder disorders. Tha varatlou «eaaoo .»eilig ovsr. tha You simply must keep your kidneys atemurr was comlng tu taka return scltvs and clean and Hie moment you Ing vacallonlats front Chrlaima* ( ’«>»*. feel an erha or pelu In the kidney A awiet glrl and a nie* yoiiug man region begin drinking lots o f water. with s aultrsae wer* sllllng on tha Alan get about four ounces o f Jad pler. lla waa golng. bul all* wus go Malta from auy good drug store here, Ing Io atay s lltlls wlille. As tha take e tablespoonful In a gluaa o f wa­ gangplank was thmwn out they rose ter before breakfast for a few day* and ab« reached up and klaeed hlm and your kidneys will then act flna. •Oh.“ slie axrlaluied, “ I m so aorry Thla famous salts Is mads from the acid of grapes and leiuou Julca, com­ tn hm » you go I“ “ Yea," he replled, “ I ui so glad U> bined with llthla, and la Intruded to flush clogged kidneys and help stimu­ hava met you I“ late them to activity. It also helps Net So Wonderful neutralise the acids In the urlna so “ It muet be wonderful to ba tha they no longer Irritate, thus helping wife of a man «Hu baa such beautiful to relieve bladder disorders. said llw caller to the wife Jad Halts Is Inexpensive; makes a ...... . delightful effervescent llthla water of llie post, “ It might be for a woman who drink which everybody should laks sow and than |o help keep their kid­ never cared to eat and was content to wear her slater In law a cast off neys clean. A well known local druggist aay» ha rinlhes.“ alia anap|ied. sells Iota o f Jad Salta to fidka who believe In trying to correct kidney INHERITED DAD’S WORDS trouble while It Is only trouble. TUR T R IB U N E , TURNER. OREGON World Events Pictured HAPPENINGS EVERYW HERE AND PERSONS * * - OF NOTE AS SEEN BY THE CAMERA • • - Early Settlers of New England Honored W e all catch colds and they can make us miserable; but yours needn’t last long if you will do this: Take tw o or three tablets o f Bayer Aspirin just as soon as possible after a cold start«. Stay in the houae i f you can— keep warm. Repeat with another tablet or two o f Bayer Aspirin ever y three or four hours, if those symptom« oi cold persist. Take a good laxative when you retire, and keep bowels open. I f throat is sore, dissolve three tablets in a quarter-glassful o f water and gargle. This^ soothes inflammation and reduces infection. There is nothing like Bayer Aspirin for a cold, or sore throat. And it relieves aches and pains almost instantly. The genuine tablets, marked Bayer, are absolutely harmless to the heart. BAYER ASPI RI N \ ar™* NERVOUSNESS Irto* MM M l N a rrt** ib RIH i J lis s lls « -» LnUkUtM/. AiM sM AllOM lW Ruli A T A U . DRUO a r o m i « S X K 1 Thla la tha monument to "The Early Rattlers of New England” which waa onvelled the other day H> Elm park Worroater. Mima. It waa erected at • cost of J1UU.0U0 through tha Rogers Kennedy fund. At tb* right of the monu­ ment Is the sculptor. Maurice Sterne. » IMI Hm. Vr .lle U They’re AD Named After Woodrow Wilson fis e fìs a s * K O E N I G ’S N E R V I N E Immense Benefits of Crop Reporting Shown One of the moat Important activities o f the ! »apartment of Agriculture, that o f crop re|Mirtlng. waa one o f Hie drat undertakings o f the department, and was eatabllahed In IHtCi. This work has grown from Ita humble beginning until now mors than 70 crops are re­ ported on regularly. The benefits to the public and to tha produrera have been Inestimable. Overproductions of various products have been held down to reasonable limits where tha advice of tha bureau was heeded and forecast shortages to Soma extent have been met. Fresh vegetable*, which once were seasonable article* of trade and al­ most prohibitive In price during ths off eraaona. are Bold the year ‘round at reaaonahle prices through ths work o f the bureau, along with the develop­ ment o f ths refrigrrator car. Aa ths years go on. thla work la expected to grow more and more vital to the well being of the fanner and to keeping the consumers supplied at all times with a high grade of product.— Wash Ington Poet. Millions now u*e Russ Ball Rina Makes clothe* anowy whits. Get Lb* genuine.—Adv. A Life of Thrill. Orville Wright said at a dinner tn Dayton: “ Flying has been made aafe now, but It waa. let me tell you. a very •xrltlng bualneaa at the »tart, full o f unique thrills, like the young mil­ lionaire's Ilfs. “ 'Hometxidy asked the young mil llnnaire. you know. If tils had been an Interesting Ilfs. “ 'lla » ItT he answered. 'Why, I'm only thirty two, and I've had flva elves and gone through three fortunes nnd four sanitariums.'" The white pine blister rust la a dl» •aae o f Kuropeon origin, introduced Into the United State* on pines lm ported from Germany. “ II* married ths great lex I cog rapher'a daughter.* “ Yes; and he says ehe Inherit* d nil the words her father pul Into bts die ilonary." They Say They Knead It F of o Magnesia Milk . “Hello! Hello! How Much Does Happiness Cost?” Esporionco Tolls Mrs. Frills—I am not eurpriaed at anything a man may aay or do nowa­ days. Mrs. Chill#— Neither am I, my dear) llow long have yon been married? Fancier and Faaaior Contributor—flaw I That's a J«ka on you. printing that old wheels of mine. Kdltor— Haw! Haw I That'* a Joke oo you; we don't pay any mors. Babies, old folks, people in the prime of life— all alike need to have the bodily poisons (w e all have them) regularly cleaned out. N qjol just gently, naturally, normally lubri­ cates the action of your body which needs lubrication aa much as any other machine. Witlias t* Earn It “ You hare eured my life and I will glva you t-V but unfortunately I hava inly a 110 not* on me.” “ Never mind—Jump In tha river ■gain.“ ATTACKED WITH A PIN These twelve »indent* at Rerea college. In Kentucky, ar* all named after the late Woodrow Wilson, Eleven them ar* Kantncklane and tha other Is from West Virginia. Eddie Guards Mr. Stimson’s Door BOUCHER GETS CUP take. An it a internally dean, tinually feel better, leaa ae purs water, you see the bright will help you to gt of your hie; it will up in the morning help you to do n with a »mile. Please remember that N ujo! con­ tains no drugs: >• non-fattening; is not absorbed in any way by the body; can form no habit; cannot hurt you, no matter how much you W h y S u W tr trith S h in T ro u b le s w h en C u tic u ra Soup sod O in tm e n t so effectively soothe and heal pimples, rashes and irritations. F orm the habit of using C u ticu ra S o ap and O in t m e n t every day and prevent skin troubles. Smp IV . OintswM Me. and 10c. Tclcam 21c SunpU each fce* C a t ie n .“ D *p c B7. H i U o . Johnson—“ What, your w lf* attarkad you wltb a pin? That would hardly ex­ plain your battered condition. I think.” Adnma—“ ll waa a rolling pin, my friend." Ttay Zap Coala Theater Aa It Skoatd Be A miniature Zeppelin, which travels "Did you have much rain this year. around the auditorium o f a theater Farmer Giles?" "A fair amount, but my neighbor to cool and purify the air, has been Invented by a Loudon man. A secret had mors.” device causes ths flying machine to “ How could he have more?” "H e has more land than I have.“— constantly change color from bright crimson to Mediterranean blue. Der Brummer (Berlin). Bat Haw Temporary I Yet a Preblam te Solve First Tramp -Say. pard, do you think airship passenger service will ever become practical? Second Tramp— N o; I don't eee how gen’men like ua will he able to hang on P hillips Maat Have Money Blink»— What makes yon so aura they are very rich? Jinks— Well, his wlf* keeps up with the best, they have two cars and a nicely furnished home, yet he nevss looks worried. P P IN E S S juat radiate» from "H A our baby since we began gir- A l t h o u s b Ih # in o d o r o m o ld s . C a n n o l t b o r eook no r w e . T h * r ‘t* not eo l a n o r a n t ‘ B o a t w b o t to do w l t b dough * Tabes Fire» Time “ (low often la a ship wrecked on thla rocky coast f aaked the sweet roung thing. “ Wall, lady,“ replied the old life guard. “ I been here nigh onto forty yenra and I ain’t never heard of one being wrecked more'n once on I t " Too much to out— too rich a diet— •r too much amoklng. lo t * o f thing! c h u m »our atomnrh, hut one thing can correct It quickly, Phillip* Milk of Mngnealn will atkallnlxe the acid. Take a spoonful o f this plensnnt preparation, and the ayatem Is soon sweetened. rhllllpa la always ready to relieve distress from overeating; to check all acidity; or neutralise nicotine. Re­ member this for your own comfort; for the sake o f those around you. Endorsed by physicians, hut they al- wnya aay Phillip*. Don't buy some thing else and expect the same re •ultst Gloria* of the Faat T b * rich who loss their fortunes aren't ths only ones to regret lost ad­ vantages. The poor man can remem­ ber when be had liver for dinner any Urns he chose.—Ban Francisco Chron­ icle. O nly the price of learning a simple health rule, this smiling youngster finds! It h a p p i n e s s ex ist s, I 'v s fo u n d I t — A h o lt a m in es p io W it h a boy a ro u n d It. M akes Life S w eeter fo rC O L D S Secretary o f State Stlmaon. posing for the camera with Eddie Savoy, Imposing negro doorman on duty outside his office door, who tactfully ushers In diplomatic callers according to their ratings. Eddie must not only know hie callers at a glance hut must also know their diplomatic ratings so that International crises will not he precipitated. Operation Saves World War Veteran Frank Boucher, above, stellar cen­ ter of the New York Rangers, who has repeated last season's performance of winning the Lady Ryng trophy. The trophy, presented by Lady Byng. ta awarded each year to the player In the National Hockey league who combines skill and sportsmanship to the highest degree. GIVES TEN MILLIONS Sometime* Duty a Plua«uru Mr Van Nngg-Bny. Jans, I think rmi flh a little occnalonally. Mrs Van N a g * - W e ll I think It Is a wife's duty. John. Mr Van Maun-A wife's duty? Mrs Van Nngg— Tea, to apeak well of her huahnnd occasionally. Your Kidneys Girl, Will Ba Girl* Friend (to bridegroom on honey- moon I- T o n are all alone In thla re­ served carrlnge. Where la your bride? “ In a smoking compartment." C iv * Vegetable Sales Ship's cook tto new h elp er)-K eer been on a ship before? Ilel|ier- Sure. I was S gunner In the nnvy Cook— Well atari right In and sheli the pesa. Appreciated Friend—I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your lecture last night Nlienker Thanks hut I thought you had a date ovet »I y” Ut girl's houae? Friend I did her purent» went In near you Them Prompt Help When Needed. T ^ I D N E Y d is o rd e rs a r e t o o s e rio u s t o ig n o r e . I t J N - p a y s t o h e e d th e e a r ly s ig n a ls . S c a n t y , b u r n in g o r t o o fr e q u e n t e x c r e tio n s ; la m e n e s s , s tiffn e s s a n d c o n s t a n t b a c k a c h e a re t im e ly w a r n in g s . T o p r o m o t e n o rm a l k id n e y a c t io n a n d assist y o u r k id n e y s in c le a n s in g y o u r b lo o d o f p o is o n o u s w a s te * , use D o a n » P ill* . E n d o r s e d th e w o r ld o v e r . S o ld by d e a le rs e v e r y w h e r e . 50,000 Users Endorse D oan’s * “ Private Jack," a Scotch terrier, who eleven years ago waa gnssed and lost a paw In the World war, recently underwent an operation on hla tec. nnd pulled through despite his sixteen years, lie I* shown here with hU master, Herman Snxae of PhltinTelphla, I’a. Mnnrire Falk, multl-mllllonalre phi lontropist, who announced that bis Chriatmas gift to Pittsburgh, his na tlve city, la the creation of a SIO l UMU- 000 foundation for thr public welfare and established as a memorial to his wife. Mrs. Laura Falk. A board of »even managers will he empowered to spend the entire amount within tha next 35 years. Pilli» Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys