THE TRIBUNE, TURNER. OREGON D o ro th y fs M o th er Proves Claim Children don't ordl- narily take to mevll- cine* hut here'» that h 11 of then) love. P T jg S p I’eriiapa It shouldn't ■ h® railed n medicine at all. It’* more like a rich, concentrated /% >* r e J fn n d - It'» pure, wholesome, sweet to the taata and ■weet In your child'» little stomach. It bulldi up and strengthen» weak, puny, underweight children, makes them eat heartily, brings the n e e » back to their cheek*, makes them playful, energetic, full o f life. And no bllloua, headachy, constipated, fererlsh, fretful baby or child ever failed to respond to the gentle Influ­ ence o f California Fig Syrup on their little bowels. It starts lazy bowels quick, clear« them out thoroughly, tones and strengthens them so they continue to act normally, o f their own accord. Millions o f mothers know about California Fig Syrup from experience*. A Western mother. Mrs. J. O. Moore, 11# Cliff Ave.. San Antonio, Texas, says: "California Fig Syrup Is cer­ tainly all that's claimed for It. I hare proved that with my little Doro­ thy. She was a bottle baby and very delicate. Her bowels were weak. I started her on Fig Syrup when she was a few months old and It regu­ lated her, quick. I have used it with her ever since for colds and every lit­ tle set-back and her wonderful con­ dition tells better than words how it helps." Don't be imposed on. See that the Fig Syrup you buy bears the name, "California" so you 11 get the genu­ ine, famous for 50 years. Copyright. By Bohhe Merrill OR WNU S#rrlcw C H A P T E R V I I I — Continued —1 5 - But (be sparkle had gone from their nerry plana, and It was a relief when fitKly started the motor for the ride >ack to town. "WonT yon come along AlexT" In /Ited (linger pointedly. “ We ar take me more.“ "Oh. du . (hanka Miriam promised 0 take me In heraelt along about nldutgbL M) doctor prescribed raur ;>ay Dlrf for me." At the end of the driveway, they ooked tack Miriam sal on the high tat*. A'exander Murdock steadying ier with one hand, a Idle no swung be gate beneath her with the other rhelr father smiling, wared farewell “ Poor father." mourned (linger •What would yon call It hut preacher'» uck, to lose his eye» lust whwi there’» '.he moat to aeet" A dnll »upper at the parao.iage. fol owed by the usual evening service at W orld'» G old' I f all the gold produced In the world the church. Tub Andrews honied up to them since Columbus set forth on his voy­ age more than four centuries ago were liter the service, offering himself as cast Into a solid cube It would be only in escort no me—a mere j for 88.5 feet each way, according to esti­ those few safe intervening feet. “ 1 don’t think we ought to.' objected mates by the bureau o f mines. This would represent only slightly Marjory. "T oo see. (Me minister la more than a billion ounces, which, at raying with oa— sod I think we ought the prevailing price of $20 an ounce —I don't think It would lo<>h well for would make a sum not beyond the pur­ as to go off and leave him—’ "Ginger can take him.'' suggested chasing power of a mere handful of Tub generously “ She can give him the richest men In the world. More than half of the total of gold pointer* on running * church— Ginger produced was mined In the first twen­ can give pointer* oo running any ty-seven years of the present century. thing." “ But Ginger 1» so young." stam —Washington Star. me red Marjory. “ 1 feel that I am rather the head of the house now and—" Hiram Buckworth himself Lppeared Was Your at that moment 'Girls, tf you will Grandmother’s Remedy excuse me." be said gravely. "1 will We For every stomach walk over with Sir Westt.ury end Intestinal 1U. are discussing some church business “ Hurray for lop.' chimed Tub This good old-fash­ ioned herb home "that suits me to a T. We've got remedy for consti­ some church business ot our own to pation, stomach Ills talk about." Hiram hesitated a moment, biting and other derange­ ments o f the sys­ his lip as though he felt annoyance, tem so prevalent these days Is In even but nodded at last, and went away And Mar greater favor as a family medicine not without reluctance. Jory yielded her smiles to Tub An than In your grandmother’s day. drew», clinging meanwhile to Glngei to ensure her acrnmiwnlment. as they walked slowly hotnewnrd On the fa ra n TRUI PhOum at Dr. J. H. GmU'a Grnsw miliar old veranda. Tub started at once, cheerfully. In the direction of the hammock Mt«d la IMP by Dr. G mid. ■»■tish.t in r—iratjry "Too cant gtay tonight. Tub." »»Id Marjory, with ■ smile warm enough to at * easta. f* erata and £. powder or am­ •often her dismissal "I have to send aretta (arm. Sami for P*H TKUL paefcao « ( I d r you right straight noroe I have been «Man. J. H. Guild Co.. Da*. J*2, Bopart, W l under the weather for a day or two. tnd Miss Jenkins didn't want me to fo to church at all She has ordered ce to bed." Tub, complaining icndly. submitted ferforce to this ejection and sauntered tway. whistling lugubriously. Marjory still dung to her slaters land. “Ginger, wait a minute. Shi Don t Pleasant, ie! him hear you. Let s alt In the ing e and healing. slin g. Exc Excellent fo r in hammock a w hile" children—contains no They sat down huddled togethei QUICK opiate*. Successfully RELIEF used for 65 yean. 5JC 1 tnd waited In silence until he sound and 60c sixes. rt Tub's footstep* an-l 'Nib's whlsrllng luhsided Into the darkness "Glngei P A R K E R ’S 1 want to ask you something Will H A IR B A L S A M yon lust sit here with me «no talk IgBoret Lwadrmff -fttoptiUirFhUli Restores Csior and until— Mr Buckworth comes hoiueV Btmty to Gray ami Fadad Hm . And Ginger. If .ie cornea over and sits tor.- aad $l.»at Htwr’ T Wfcg. Patcbogn* N. T. : lown— he always d<*«, you know— FLORE5TON SH AM FO O -W e^ tm m » to would you mind—would you lust as connection with Park»*!*« Hair Ba.sain. Make* the lief— Too wouldn't mind, would hair «oft and fluffy. SO centa by mail or at dmj- ruta. Hiacox Chemical Work», Patchojjtm, WL I . you—" “ Go to bed. yoo mranT' rath taMtoriM I tidy plsr«. bat JfaW “ Well, yoo see Ginger. I want to power heal, her«. Seed 10« for T Divine heel- toc requirement* explained. Prayer free. vsk him about something." MABIL SMITH. Rt. 1. Hoilleter CsllC “ 1 aee. Tm to talk my head off .in,II he gets here, and then I'm to go to No Uee bed." “ I tell ye, Hiram, we don’t want this klarjory squeezed hei arm about her 8a!ome opery to play IMunkviUe." sister's waist. “ But they will cut out all the objec­ “ Too aee— Well, you see Ginger tionable features.” It Is like rhl*. Too remember rhat “ Then what's the use of having It night when yon crept downstair»— play our town?" ; bow long »go It aeema 1—-anil he had his arm around me Well. Ginger. I It la easier to try to look Intelli­ didn’t care a bit because yo_ saw It gent than It is to deliver the goods. It didn’t make any difference fo me But I think It embarrassed him or : made him angry, or »••metliln* for he | hasn't so much as looked at ne sltu-e’ “ I aee." said Ginger dully “ I want (o (ell him that you —you A tS n t»l(n o fn e »M .tn k e M I- # ^ | didn’t think a thing ot it—a little NATuax-s aim uT-the Ux- m ^ ! thing like that. I think maybe ha et!re that tboeoo.hly r!.«n» M M M W your Internee. It ie the c m # L .1 Wk thinks I feel had shout It.“ Snick way to set end «nick S-t relief l “ Too don't, do you?“ guard Snnrd yoar yoa» health. Mild. /TONIGHT “ No." Marjory a rolce sunk to a a . I , » purely a r a le v e e e ta b le . ' r n MORROW b a i . d im •afe. ve,«table. 'TO mat — 2Sc- Q a l h io H T whisper. “ Not a bit I tike hltn ' Far Sale at All Druggist» 8o the two girls aaL ind waited | and presently from the cliur h they beard the two men coming slowly talking aa they walked Marjory efung to Ginger’s hand and lielr' her hrenrh At the end of the flagstone path they stood for a while before they said good night and pa.ted “ T-yon talk.“ whispered Marjory Singer talked. ‘I think it's aucb a silly name lor a farm.' re..I Ginger “ Just like E-’ dy Jackson Who else would do such a dumb thing? Fay Dirt. Everybody km.»a a farm Is W ELL OR MONEY BACK nothing but dirt, and If It didn't pay f e u/Tt” iSsrul'NCg nobody would farm U Oh. hello. Mr ~ _ la « the D». C.J. Orna t o o e e Buckworth Home so soon? It a lovely tonight Won’t you come and o fhcrXectelaad CokmedMwti. talk to ns?" Send TODAY far FBÉK 100- “ Not tonight. thanks. I am tired t»oe kwh ff*mg tMafk »ad (deof'eartmonÉela Pleasant dreams." And he paused in Side. The girla »at very still for a mo merit. They heard him my good night to Miss Jenkins, and go up the stair* » ------ m i« t*i» TTTsmoT.m ww~*m m Marjory’* tense arm atuiut Ginger* waist relax«, sudd nly Her tuner W. N. U«, PO RTLAND , NO. 2- 1330, Garfield T ea ASTHMA Dr.Guild sf*“ - “m"A" PI S O S for COUGHS Colds/ ing or-enth was mor* a »oh than a sigh. Her shoulder* rose consul alveiy. “ To*—can go now. Thank*. Gin ger I’ll all here ■ minute, and listen to the night." Gtnger «rent In without ■ word Sli* was a stricken stall 8h*climbed to the studio, and counted her store of dime* She looked at her com plicated page ot multiplication and addition She »at for s long time figuring, thinking. Obviously, Marjory and th* rich ne»» of a wealthy husband were to be denied them aa auccor Mnrjucy waa forever lout to her plans for the future. All rh* veur* of washing dishes for the sake o f Mxrhiry's hands had been In vain all bet dreams of a romantic figure breeulng mysteriously Into their connuonplacw circle were dissipated Into thin sir Ginger was practical enough to ad mil defeat when she met It, and Marjory was her Waterloo. Marjory, beautiful peach bloom Marjory would marry a minister, and her future would be that nr catering to a Moth odist church, and a puraoaage mini mum of three. In that hour. Ginger I’ ll» roae to great heights of renunciation She relinquished a.I her dream* ot for­ tune. of 'ame. of social supremacy foi her beautiful sister. She would he satisfied to see her merely happy She smiled She went down the wabbly ladder without a momenta [is use. for her decision was mode She knocked at ihe door of her fa thers room, now occupied by lllram Buckworth Silence prevailed within. Glngei anocked again. "Who la It. please? Just a minute He opened lb# door with ne hand as he struggled Into bis coat with the Margie should marry money. Iota of money, millions—“ “ And sho's not engaged to that—fat young Andrew* - or anybody els»—" •Vertalnlg not. There's no man mixed up In It at all. Just money If looks could slay, the career of Kllen Tolliver would have ended at that moment. "Why. you llltl* devil P n« ejaco latevl ImtveiMdly, aud Hung her roughly out of hla way “ She* still lu ih# hammock. ‘ called Glngei meekly. Then she went Immedlntely to bed She wepl for a while, softly, for It Is natural that youth should abandon Its dica.n* and Ua ei|iectalloiis of great riche* with reluctant«. But In the end «he smiled, and ailffeued her slim little shoulders beneath Ih# whit* sheets Very well. then. Plainly the future of the entire household de volved tpoo her. and her alono. “ Selnh." she alil»|>ercd lulu lbs darkness. Comfortable, Attractive Home That Is Economical to Huild A rc Y o u Successful? From five day that t young nun atari» out to seek hi» hr»t position to tlis tnd ol hi* tm m u c h Mr, his health Wld pry- •ooaLpprai ance hive • world to iki with hit duc - c< ••». If you sr* not phyileally up to th* mark —appetite uncertain, digevtion |»«ir, and a genrrsl »rn»c ol inratiai it* at*'! weak* nett, take I)K i ’ ll K< K'S GOLDEN M ED ICAL DISCOVI KY, it rrnrw# tlw blood with til* vital life giving r»«l CornuacIrD and pi-anclei rohuvt healthj a clear ikin. energy, prp Get "G M !)“ from your diiutgivt m either Huul ec tahlrtv. Ingredient« printed on label. To Avoid Infection Us* Hanford** CHAPTER IX Here la a Illlle collage which seem* to typify the aplrll of home, lie A great iwece. a son of aubdued ator.r-ami a half construction has been designed to produce a charming out grandeur, descended upon ilia cur ward appearance and the Interior will bo found equally aullafaclory. huleni spirit of illuget Ella, fot ah* had schooled herself to accept Ufe a» the front. The latter adda consider By W. A. RADFORD It la. ind mold It to her owe patter* Mr William A Radford will nn«w«r able apace tn the second floor and as op|>ortunlty cams. That Ih# »1? question« and alv« advlc* FitttK OF permits bedrooms that are light and portunlty would never come now aa COST j o all subject a pertaining to well ventllnlrd. prsetlcal bom» building, for Ih« r«»d concerned Marjory, ah# »tas well • r« of thi« pap#r On account of hi« Ilow the six room» contained In aware, but without revent men t After wld» «xpsrisnv« a» e-t'tor, author and this house are arranged and Ihe el»e all. perhaps one had oo rtgh. to at mvnufmcturvr. h» 1« without doght, th« of each room are allow n on the ftooi hlghMt author tty on »11 Ih «»» »ub- tempi to mold human live«, fee# »«uta pinna which accompnny the evtrrior Not» Addr»»» »11 tnqulrl«» to William Ilk* heraelt. As for Mlri*m and the A Radford, So «0? South Dearhoir grocery clerk. *h# yet •>•«! h*H>« Str»«t. Chicago, III., and only trclose Alexander Murdock wa* leaving »o two-c«nt at«mp for raply. this very day. and Ginger did not fot Something more than a monetary w ~ a moment believe that the sensible h Inveatuient la required to muke a twin wa* *o deeply tmereeted a* to r i r n -r r l i v i i 1 J O -a. vO C house g home. Small hou»ea that do disqualify her for in tere« In mors “ TT .JL not coat much comparatively ran lie 1 HAÏ L. J ^ intriguing figure« - granted the ap made, through proper design, to hr 1 I t" pen ranee of such figure« 3 ---------- more homelike than eottie In which the Ger her away—that lb* be- * Investment la ronalderahly greater. method. Ginger was adjusting her -TtrjpV'M This happy reault la secured through IBA «k * ’0>X>‘* self to a new Impremí oo of the señal the prvqier »election of the home build ble twin. 8 « « I I I she had alwajr* Ing design with relation to the lot seemed, so subtly impenetrably that np«n which It la to he built and to tn contras« with Marjory'* radtsno* It* surrounding« »ne had appeared more of a llablIHy The houae Illustrated la of a type L - _ _ = J than anything e ls « But there wa* which la economical to hudd and at J W something «r a n g * about Miriam the same time provides a comfort- Ginger did not understand I t She Second Floor Plan. a b l« attractive home. Set In rural remembered how Tub Andrew*, «ven surrounding* with lawn, shrub« flow In the gorgeous o reseno* of Marjory view. The set In |iorvb lends Into the ere and tree« th# owner will hnve a arrayed for the beauty parean», had living room which oeeupleo lbs right home of which he may well be proud succumbed to Miriam» « l l l n » » « She ■hie of the houae. The dining room la remembered how Alexander Murdock built out flu*h with the porch floor a mere grocer, of course, but iHH no and with multiple windows at the doubt pofwewsfve of the o*unl male front and a large w in dow at the «Id * Inctlnatlona h*d passed over Mnrjory make» ■ sunny, airy pine* for the a passing cordiality, to plant family to dine. himself Immovably at the un-dancing The kitchen also la of good »1»*. be­ feet of Miriam Strange about^ her! ing 12 feel hy 12 fret The »tnlrs to Strange about everything. Ginger tho second floor are open *p.d ran thought. out o f one corner st the rear of 'he “The world.” ahe concluded largely. living room. The stairs end In a ren •It all gone leebee lechee. The grocera trai hnll on Ihe aeromt floor off of grovel to brain« and the preachers which are three bedroom« all cor­ pick beauty. It’a all wroug." ner room« and the bathroom Rut perhaps when the twine found The floor plane show that the foun- themselves away from the confinlug dntlon walla of the hou»e are straight, familiarities of Bed Thrush, awsy which mentía economy and provides a among stranger« at the normal achor.l basement of practically the »ame alte —with clot he* that became girl* of First Flocr Pisi». “ Glnqsr, What Do You Mean? Is na the honae Itself. their profession, and their looks— Marjory Engaged, or Isn't Sb*r* For those prospective home builder* clothes paid for from contribution# and st thè suiue rime he nnd hls fam lly »III bave a ronifortnble uh.»le who are looking for a nent, attractive other Ginger, all nnlnvlted. stepped to th# home for the blind— But an A » will be *c*-n. thls Is a «muli houae. which la large enough to *c- Inside, and closed the door behind other annoying thought arose to dl* friime house -*d feci wlde nnd 2tl fi-e» commodate a good aired family and her. turb the even tenor of her plan« which may hr bulli at the minimum of “ Sir. Buckworth." »he began gently At the oormal school they wonld deop. Much of Ila altractlveneas csn be sttrlbutetl fo thè »et In porri» dor coat, thla de«lgn should appeal con *! was Just going to bed." be 'n meet only teacher»— primary teach alders lily. rerrnitled rudely. era, teacher» of geography, teacher* mer and thè projectlon In thè roof ai “ You misunderstood what I told of Ijitln. Engllab *nd *lg e b r« Gin yon.” she persisted patiently. “I ger sighed. II wa* unfortunate, but doing the Job all at one time. Two It waa the txwt they could nutnag* Garage Floor Can Be didn't say Marjory was engaged— by alien, place on edge, muy be used thl* year—what with the operation exactly—” Built by the Owner for the forma and should be staked “ No. Too merely said It was an and the retirement oo pension Be •oourely In place with the top leveled The man who ow ns a car and doesn't able*. If an embryoolr teacher could have a concrete floor In hla garage to the Intended surface of Ihe con­ derstood." “ But I didn’t mean a man. I meant supplant the can grocer In Miriam’s can easily build one himself In bla crete heart, oo doubt a little later oo. the spare hour« money." The concrete ahonld he mixed one new conqueror eoold also be cun “ Money?" He was entirely puzxled So Indispensable hi.a thla type of part Portland cement to two parts "Y ea Too aee. we have always quered by. aay. an embryoolc finan floor become In the care of »•***♦ < ■Ide of the trap ahoat six Inches from pebble« th* bottom. Till* trap pro* hies ■ pine* for »nnd and mud to settle and prevents dogging of the sewer. The Clean Walls Before accumulated sand can he removed Mexican» n* an enemy more venomous With * shovel from time to time. Applying New Paint Among the myriad forma "t animal Ilf# are fo he found many rhnl tax the than the rattlesnake As a matter ot In the case of repainting, the wall» The floor should be given plenty of fact. It haa no venom and la harmlean. ■lope toward ttie drain an that water must he thoroughly cleansed and then credibility. One la a creature only nbout three Inches long which hetra a except for the rather painful wound will run off freely. One-Inch »lope rinsed wiih cleun wuler. I f formerly superficial resemblance to the aplder rhat It might Inflict with Its »harp to ten feet I* recommended. II will painted or ralrlmlned. Ihey should he strong, formic acid-covered pincers and also to both the scorpion and the naually he found aatlsfi.etory to build brushed with a wire brush to remove vlnegcrone. Frequently It 1» mistaken These large spider like anlmnl* ar* the floor In sections that are »mall all loose particles. In any event, the widely distributed throughout aril* enough to lie finished easily. Strips results will lie more asaurrdly satis­ for one of thee*, but If* correct |>*#u tropical and semltroplcal region« duty id la am killer, a name the Impll factory If Ihe surface is gone over of concrete laid alternately jiermlt cation* ot which are fullj borne mil the builder to work easily from both with sandpaper. Subsequent treatment hy It* behavior inward the«- llltle In la Ihe same ns for new work. •id*« and obviate III# necessity of hL B r a n d in g S h e e p sect« It* reason write* C. T Weed Sheep are branded with paint and In Nature Slagnr.lne. f"t killing rh# not with hot Iron* » » cattle are Th* material for background—an unex­ ant« and nearly all the other «mail fleece grow* out so that hot-1 rot Brick Basement W alla celled aurface for ruga, pictures, and animal« chiefly arthnqiodan». I* ont brandings would be covered up Sheet Have Strong Points other decorative paraphernalia. pure love of dear ruction must lie branded every time they ar* The value of using for hrlck base­ Aftei killing Ihe Insect» It thorough fleeced. The branding of sheep I* ment walls la fast becoming under­ ly grinds the bottle* In It» powerful more common In Ihe range countrler Modem Fixtures Make stood. There are three typea o f base and needle like chelae, which project than tn the farm slates, a* sheep ar* merit w all material- atone, concrete, Small Home Popular forward In front of the «mull head usually kept under fence on farina and brick. If obtainable, atone 1» used Then through a tool hie** month, This I* Ihe day of the amali house and there la not much need of brand In some districts. Concrete lias h<-ett planned fio comfort and convenience, scarcely bigger than a small pinhead Ing. Special branding paint should b* advertised nnd explflltrd extensively It sock» the lulcea from the bodies of not for ostentation. Heating and re­ used Instead of Jtiat any kind of tai aa a very satisfactory basement wnll the victim» frigeration plants, the electrical equip or barn paint, so a* to reduce to l material. The ent killer Ie dreaded by the ment, the plundilng system and the minimum the trouble of scouring th* The simplicity of brickwork la said Imllt In feature* have contributed to wool Manufacturer» prefer that th* to eliminate the e\|>en*e o f additional place a alar of the Utile houae In the brand lie placed on eheep where th* B «* Keeping in Book Form word la of the leant valun May 2# animals and whlpiiet* hold most o Brick basements attract home buy should be pitched away from ths 1848. the day Wisconsin w »» dei-tsrefi the speed record» among domesticate* era, for they Instinctively feel that building. Down spot» should he cop a itnte hy D D Dannlher a Madison nnimni*. Race horsea often attain t brick la safer, dryer, and stronger. neeted to the »ewer or should emply lieektvper. who *|>enl that day In m«k ■teed of well over l.ntxi yaida a min And In thl* modern trend to hllllnrd Ing a straw »kep In which to quarter ute. while pigeons have liren lime* rooms and children's rooms In Ihe base­ out upon cement »plash blocks prop ■ colony of Ida l>eea and he kept the at spec*1:» -A nearly 2.800 yerfl* a tula ment, hrlck stands out aa the ideal erly pitched nnd of good *l/.e bee* In It for many year« ute tu afi'/t apart« Balsam of Myrrh AN 4—1 art ar« ib I M i N t* tuhtmd f * t l for (!»• Nnl UMI« If Ml Mil«« YOUR PICTURE on Your Writing Paper Iiallaht your awMthaart, r«tatlv«a and kewreot frUmta with thla p«r- eaealHy wriilns pap«r. N«w— Indi­ vidual—Distinctly«. Fin« arad« Rara- ni«riulll Uund rlppl« pmah paper— It vh»«ta—I t «nvalop«a. Whit«, blua or buff. Your f t stars -ui «v«ry «h««t. Hand no monay, pay poatman $1 tf 8«nd your favurlta snapshot tprlat or nogatlv«) now to Ttltc i*it