T urner T ribune == y qh. XIV. TURNEE, OttKQQN. THURSDAY, JANUARY NO io 1 .! H"' A 0 612 » la t « Street W ¡? . BURBCRJPTION 91.25 l'E R Y E A ? 19 0 W W W / A f W W i W / A T A W M V W / / A IV V A 1 V U V A W M J. D A L E T A Y L O R I (Cluunh-ilanlnr <£o. Fancy Boxes Fountain Service n A. M. CLO U G H Coffee * 0 Bulk Chocolates C. F. BREITHAUPT W . Toaoted Sandwiches Read the ads this week Thpy contain worth while messages. ■- 23 n O R T K W N i New Bligh Bujldtug S A T A D O W L OF C H ILLI A P A Y FLORIST SALEM . PH£>NE 120 f t O L P F lß H • C A N A R IE S • L O V E B IR D S - P A L O T S ITiniie HIß • 2 0 3 S. CHURCH ST. % R I U H E H C J O iS ÎF ïX rjT O N E R Y Full Rn« o f Bird and Kwh Food and Remedies . OREGON Oregon. l)V A V A '/ V W 2V W W A V A W J V .W A V .,M M V j /yVyV^VVWVWVWVWV\WVYWVVWVWS^yVV^ñAAfVViAAíV W 'v u v v w W W W A V W A V / W W . V W . V A Y W W / A V / A V V A V V ^ W ^ Ä W / J V W Ä ’JV.V E. K. P I A « E C K I 5 Attorney at ¡* W — TH IS IS TH E TIM E to havej Norman, ih# young son o f Mr your harness repaired and oiled.1 S E T T L E M E N T O F E Ç TA TEÇ A S P E C IA L T Y and Mrs. Ted Whitehead Jr., F. E. Schafer. 170 So. Commer-j suffered a painful accident Tues­ S U IT E 4 i p S A L E M R A N K Q F C O M M E R Ç A B t-P G , day as he wa* leaving for school. cial St., Salem, Oregon. The only) SALEM , OREGON QLD TIM E D ANCE Chrystal He jumped off the porch and exclusive leather store in the Salem’s Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. Gardens every Wednesday and struck his head on the clothes Willamette Valley. V I W W V W V W Ä V A V Y ^ V W A f A W A 'A f . W / A A W A A W W . W aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c line and was knocked backwards Diamonds Watches ( links Jewelry & Silverwar«, N O iH IN G TA K E S THE Ladle* 25c. if, receiving a bad cut on his head. 3W State, St. Salem, Oregon. HCACE OF LEATher for hum He was unconscious for a short W ANTED! dreis o f articles used about the IW m / A W ^ A A V V / iV d W / .'.W .V .V .V W / .W .V .W .V .V / time. home and farm It pays to buy Everybody to write fo r free Automobile trjtjfie bM cont’.n- the best Our prices are equal to sample o f Tigrin salve fo r cuts, colds, bums and eczema. Jr’or ued with difficulty during the any. F. E. Schafer, 170 ilo Com’ l spow- Marion county was report- Salem, Oregon. sale at all drug stores. ed to have sent out graders to LE W IS HERB CO. Clover Hay and Wheat straw 12-5-9tp Salenp Oregon clear the snow off the roads. The JefTorson-Marion-Turner road (or ralf:- Ball Brctherr-Tutncr. ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ 1 ■ - Melvin Baker, little son o f Mr, and the Cloverdalc market road Suit cases, Brpif eases, Hand and Mrs. Howard Halter is re­ were to have bacn cleared Satur­ G i a s r a l Contractor and g u ild e r W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, ported to be quite sick with the day but at the present wrjting bags and hpr.dreds o f other arti­ Cement W o r k a n d P lu m b in g Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select the graders have not appeared cles made from genuine leather- mumps, F. E. Shafer, Harness o f all on the scene. Stanford Jr. son o f Mr. and T u rn e r, O re g o n ¡ Route J. from, also W a ll Board, Paint, Doors, W indow s, The snow, wind and freezjng Kinds, 170 S. Cmmercial SL.Sa- drs. Earl Prather, has been Cedar Posts, Brick, Piaster, Tile and Slabwood in quit« sick for several (jays. The weather have kept the qection em, Oregon. ¡tile chap wqs threatned with crew busy keeping the switches four foot lengths. pneumonia. and crossings clear o f snow and —— Mrs. L. E- Ilennies was in —— Last week wp received a copy ice. Turner Wednesday to call on W e desire to serve the public with Promptness of the booklet "Come to Oregon” The basketball game between Mrs. C. Kunke and help her .V .W 2 A W J V W A W ^ W / A V .V M V W / A V .> S V A W / ^ and Efficiency. published by the 6alem Chamber Turner and Aumsville, Friday celebyate her 80th birthday. o f Commerce. With the excep­ night, resulted in the defeat of PHONE S75 LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL My. L. Theissen’ s truck was tion o f a few things that may be the Turner boys with a score o f stuck for sometime as it tried to £ REALESTATE somewhat exagerated, it, on the 35 to 20 and 'the -Turner giris “ ’ make its way to Fred gchitiers O FFIC E , E A S T S A L E M . 2 4 5 5 S T A T E S T . hole, gives a very good descrip­ with a score o f 90 to 1, F a r m an d C i t y P r o p e r t y f o r s a le o r e x c h a n g e barn after a load o f straw Mon­ tion o f Marion county and thj R e n tnlsrJV lort g a g e s - L o a n * The Turner Dairy Association day, through the ice and snow. Willamett valley including a very Levi Flifiet and family o f Dal­ will hold their annual meeting I h*vo on file romo Large »ml Small F«im» m-ar the city nine writeup o f the city o f Turn­ las spent Sunday here recentiy, during the month o f February. ar.d «orne hceatiful h> ma» in Salem fir »ale rcasonaU* anden er. Program will be announced later. before his son Albert left for the ea»y term*. K thiç interest» you my time ia your». \Vt> want navy, which he has recently I.ieii Barber has joined the jrour listine» Mill City, Qregon-Owing to the joined. He will be stationed in ranks o f the huntors and trap­ C»U or I’ t.ono 17777J icy roads and very cold stormy the south for a few months. pers since retjreing from the S a l e m , O r e g o n weather conditions a small crowd Mr. and Mrs. Mader froip Mc- A W M ^ .W / / i W ^ W / / A ^ W V .V .V / ^ W V .V V V grocery business. Last Saturday greeted Ted Thye and Tarro AT Clay spent Monday here visiting uc bagged two skunk. One was Miyake in the wrestling bout with Fred §ch;fi?cr and family. fine sjiecimen o f the black here Tuesday night Thye won skunk fapiily. These pelts are Little Homer Hadley had to be by two or three falls. In a real Music 6y quite valuable. taken in to the Doctor last Thurs­ % thriller Cliff White, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mi's. Dean Tucker, of won by one fall in a full thirty day. Mrs. Hadley remained with Salem, were guests at the G. A. minute go. Our next show will him and the baby wHl be under T E N P IE C E B A N D McKay home for the week end. probably be boxing feb- 11th, the doctors care for a few days. Mrs. Hazel Morris has had an Mr. Tucker js hauling wopd Frisco McGale, Seattle vs Jimmy other case o f chickenpox at her h a v e show n nmu/.ing resu lts. W e now h a v e it |n through here to Salem. Dolon, Portland and Red Hayes, home. Rex is the victim this f or jq u . Mr. and Mrs. Chi\3 Brasher, Stayton vs Terry Killeen, Inde­ this time and is aboqt recovered o f iialem, tyere were Sunday pendence. E. S. P R A T H E R by now. visitors at the home o f Mrs. Mr. Cattfrsqn moved his fami­ Reliable Druggist Cloverdale school ha» had quite Brasher’s mother, Mrs. L. M. ly from the Bloom property to TU RN ER : OREGON a seige with sickness caused from Barzee. tho Baker Apartments, Monday the pold weather but has a very ——— Crowds o f the youpg folks A few o f the men fd tbe Metb good attendence once more. have been enjoyiag the heavy odist church braved the elements A D M IS S IO N snow to the limit the past week. last Wednesday and went to GENTS 7 5 0 L A D IE S 3 5 C Almost continually day and night west Salem to attend the regular there have been coasting parties monthly meeting o f The Method­ on the Turner hill. A t this writ­ ist Mens Brotherhood of the Sa­ K2BS8 ing there have been no accident lem District. to mar the fun. G. W. Fgrris and Mrs. B. G The storm has hindered those PAIN LE SS D E N TIS T R Y A N D X -R A Y W O R K Mrs. I. E. putnam is still Briggs received a Telegram an- living at a distance from attend­ A ll W ork Guaranteed and at M oderate price* quite sick. It is repqrtetj that she noucing the death o f their moth­ ing but the services have held up shpws slight improvement. Use Yqur Credit Come in and talk it ovor er at Glade Springs, V a , at the well. Especially the young peo­ age o f 90 years. Mrs. Farris ple seem not to notice the had The case against Joe Piser S A l EM M A S O N IC T E M P L E , which is pending in the circuit was a resident o f Turner some weather much. Residence 75Í-R Phone 4 10 N ext Lord’s Day Brother Gil jurt has been continued to the years ago. («-* 9 0 0 . MMKJ strap will preach on "T h e Joy of F ebruary term a Want” in the moring, and his Mr. and tyrs. Arthur Edwards evening sermon will be on "Th e M V iV N V V V V A W M W .'V V V V W .V M Y .Y J V V V W V V W y / A V W entertained their daughter, Mrs. Reason Why I Am A Christian*’ Ruth Sande, o f Almeda, Cai., These are both short sermons qver the holidays. The teachers but important There will be The high school basketball were entertained at the Edwards special music at both o f these home last Thursday evening. team will play their next sched­ services. Dr. ppjey is planning The high school mid-year ex. uled game with Mill City here some very fine things in the mus­ » at the local gymnasium. ams were held this week. ical program for the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rawlings The semester examinations were The Y. P. S. C. E. is under­ jn ve returned to their former held Wednesday and Thursday taking a full year o f work and lnmo in Portland. They hyze o f this week. There will be no the yormg people seem to know been employed at the Mayro Mc­ school Friday so as to give the what they are doing and how­ Kinney farm for about a year. teachers time to correct the pa­ to do it. Corner Liberty and Chemeketa Sts, Phone 2876J Owing to Mr. Rawlings’ healh it pers. Sup’ t H. C. Jesse is also plan­ Many of the students are ill. Salem, O regon. war found necessary for him to ning some constructive changes do out side work. Their young mostly duo to the bad weather in the Sunday School. All the daughter will remain with her and have been unqble to attend teachers and officers are pleased U M B E E L L A , C U T L E R Y A N D KEY S T O R E school this week. grand parents for a time. VV|i!ard M a th is O rc h e s tra P la y in g with the cooperation they are re­ Sharpening and Light Repairing ceiving in the Sunday school. SALEM , OREGON "Th e Beautiful Litlle Church E. A . Rosenbaum, Mgr. With the Big Warm Welcome” Give The Tribune end It for whel . you buy from our advertimre. will make you feel at home. • W b * / w v y w ^ v v v s A V V / 2 v v '^ ^ iV y w b w v v v / / o > w " * V » v ' Pomeroy and Keene Locals | s Turner Lumber & M%. Co. W. JAY DENHEM i D. M. JONES s S ! Friday, January 31st MODERN DANCE CRYSTAL GARDENS Sargojj and Sargon Soft Mass Pills HAPPY HOUR GIRLS 10 GIRLS 10 All Kinds of Noise Makers Confetti, Streamers and Caps Given By Salem’s Hi Ho Trio 4 Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist % Paid on six months Tirpe Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank H P SCHOOL NOTES ■ Old Time Dançe Every Saturday Night Castilion Hall Business 251 Court Street Alvin B. Stewart CLOUE Ü