^ * «.ir * . ^ ï THE TU RNER TRIBUNE Iclectiou day. TH E A M E R IC A N HOME By J o b L. M anfred (A ll rights reserved) ,V *e ? Potential democratic candidate* are Ex-governor Walter M. Pierce, ltert E. llaney, rx-ineiubor of the shipping hoard, Elton Watkina, Senator Baity form Lana county, Major-General C. H. Turner. Oregon. Thursday. J A N U A R Y 16. 1930 Martin and Ashley Dtokson, ex-circuit judge. Had it not been tor 3L JL Riunirti. Cintar 1 the death of Governor Pattereon there would no4 have been ao many hats sailed into theiing. But now it is a fret» for nil race. >d Every Thursday a t Turner, Marion County, Oregon With the lineup a« it is it appears that (.'has Hall, of Coos county fcR IF T lO N $ 1 . » PRR Y E A R . Rutored at the Poatofflce is probably the strongest man on the list ''hocking over tha list ft Turner, Oregon, as secwitd-chus matter, under the of candidates it is apparent there will be a contest that will warm A c t o f M arch 3, 1879._____________ _ the cockles of the hearts of the old gur.rd politicians Let us not forget the interests of the state of Oregon in ib e heat of campaign Study the man and decide which one will do tho most in tho in­ terests of the state at large and vote for that mail. The democrats also have aotue good timber in the race. Perhaps Ex Governor Pierce and Bert Haney are the two strongest- They are both men who have the best interest of the stato’ ut heart. It is goin g, to be up to the voter to do soiuo bard thinking before going to vote on ‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United Stales and the country’ for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” « .w w s% w v»% % % w .v C O U PO N FOR FREE G LA D IO LU S for Miafol volutin* If H ai U v U In -»u«'*«tetoit th«y Mil Bloom frt*w M s» to N o w n ik i M a U thU r«t»gon with 24« (no »U mim ) fur i'«.ktng . •ml nuiltug of on« i»Ack*g* coiiiniitlrtg 12 bull»« guAiAnt««»! to bloom, rhi- nlfvr r\t»troe Jnituisiy 31. Only on« | inckate for ««ch nmimu WASHINGTON BULB CO. INC 9. nan«*, W«»K Drygoods, Groceries SALEM Highest prices for farm produce DR. MELLENTHIN SPECIALIST DOES Ilo Turner, T H E “ O LD -FA SH IO N E D ” HOM E Oregon NOT OPERATE Will b . «I MARION HOTEL S A TU R D A Y, J A N U A R Y 25 Offic« Hour*i 10 *.m . to 4 p.n £. O. Goodale 2049 Madison S t. ONE D A Y O N LY This is the fifth article in the series now appearing exclu- cely in The Tribune in advance o f their publication in book >rm. A few copies o f previous issues o f The Tribune are still cailable.— The Editor. ? Glassware, Hardware Boots and Shoes Wet weather goods Coming To in Internal M k I k ìh . for poll fit loon year* WHATS WRONG AND WHERE? Harrison's General Store T# AtlvcrU#« ou nui*rl«tr Washington Hull** » • * * « « W i t t « « « • » » « ' » m l t k o u a a tu l <«U«J- 1 tv k m P i i w i t H n i i i I t y b r i U . i m w ly p * of lit a t t lo lu « h i it M y i v r o n i n w t i l m l o u A cco u n t o f l h « I HIM rto vvrtiU M M i l l ' d A till I h * « \ U U tattA 1 No Cbarfo for Conaultatioa Dr. Melh-nthin is a regular gradu­ ate in medicine and surgery a id ia . licensed by the state of Oregon. He ! does not operute for chronic appen - 1 | dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoid*. He has to hi* credit wonderful re suits in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid­ ney, Madder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcer* and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many airtiafied patients in Oregon who have been treated for one or the other of the above named causes: Mrs. II. II. Blake, Marshfield. Ore. Alfred Clcmmena. Corvallis, Ore. Chus. Deech, Portland, Ore. Mr*. J. C. Huntsuckev, Toledo, Ore. John Lucian, Echo, Ore. Bert l ampa. St. Helens. Ore. Mra. M ay belle Snyder. Alsea, Ore. Miss Emma Turner. Mikkalo, Ore. Mrs. John Van Pelt, Harbor, Ore. J. H Wood. Eugene, Ore. Mrs. Jennie Woolery, Salem, Ore. Remember abovo date, that eon- Salem, Oregon Salesman for the well known Kawleigh Producta. Makes thia territory every six weeks. P H O N E O R W RITE Y O U R O R DERS î v W iW k Y W W A W k W W V W W A V S Y W i V . W . W W S W . V W 'A Reference to the “ old-fashioned” home o f a generation or This game, which ia a double header with Aumsviile, has wo ago seldom fails to evoke a smile o f derisive amusement1 raised much enthusiasm among imong the sophisticated youth o f today. That is, when it is not the players and students. Come nade the object o f downright disdainful criticism. and support your team. There seems to be a “ modernistic” trend toward the dis-1 paragemeut o f the “ good old days” to which our elders look back with a sort o f loving regret which, while it may be futile The Turner Community Club | and pathetic, is nevertheless entitled to respect. On the other held their regular meeting Mon­ hand, there is also a tendency on the part o f many o f the older day night, January 13 in the generation to harp unduly on the virtues o f those by-gone times, high school auditorium, The roout and to lament their seemingly complete absence in the social \ was well filleb. The meeting wns structure o f today. Both cases evidence a lack o f that sympa-1 called to order by C. A. Bear, thetic understanding without which our judgment o f others ; president o f the club. The com­ must necessarily be fault}’ , indeed. T o idealize the past, while mittee on civic improvement re- condemning the present, would be just as foolish and useless j solution on this trio win b* free and ported that they had some defi thnt hw treatment is difTerent. .. . , , December - - 1U2® as ridiculing the old while extolling the modem. 1 Married women must be accom nite work under way and would Mr I L* Holier Don In speaking o f the “ old-fashioned” Am erican home, there panied by theirhujband* have a more complete report at Address: 4221 West Third Street, . .. .. . . Turn r, Oregon comes to the writer's mind a picture o f an old-fashioned house Lo* Angeles. Cslifomia. the next meeting, the proposition Dear Mr. Robertson: HMîtgr (one o f many, many thousands) roomy and built to last. The _________________________ o f the surplus drainage water KUOgfN We lisve finally completed coming over the farm in the first thing to greet the eyes, on entering, would be a “ Welcome ant: for the custody and control of ,, . . .. . . , , . , ibe analysis ul the rtUd uimu out Stranger,” or a “ God Bless Our Home," or some other equally the minor children born a* the is.su«’ Crawford district most of which of said marriage; for an absolute di- should be diverted to the river lev»line ol applying Portland giro frien dly motto on the wall. The furniture and fumishir gs T H E R E A c t . 8 M IS T A K E * IK T W S PICTOB.E. throughout would be homely, but substantial and com fortab’ e . ! other and different relief as may be ft^m th* West Slayton divide, trio I'usrr Coiupauv rales t ) oer How good art you at finding mistakes? Tht artist has intsntionally mads Committee appointed for thia ia Turnon recounts, and lind that dur­ In one corner o f the large, combination kitchen, dining, liv in g -1 several obvious ones In drawing the above picture. Some of them are easily just and equitable. You are further hereby notified that M a vru M rK in n e v It ( ) W itxal ing the past twelve (12) tnonlbsae room there stands a roomy rocker which is supposed to be ditcovtred. others may be hard. See how long it will take YOU to find them. this summon* is served upon you by « V ’ publication once each week for four and Arthur L d wants, the prop- would have received |.'-.ri2 UK less *1 exclusively mother’s, but is usually pre-empted by father— un­ NOT1CE TO CREDITORS In the name of the State of Oregon. ! consecutive week* in The Turner osition of the l urnur-Marion road the Portland Electric Light dc disputed “ head o f the house,” and universally respected as such. Yotiee is hereby erven that the you are her*'b>' required to appear and Tribune, a weekly newspaper of gen- In the “ parlor,” the ubiquitous horsehair sofa, with chairs to 1 answ er the amended complaint filed ••ral circulation, published at Turner, were taken Up. 1 hero waa soipa Power Company rales. undersigned. by an order of the Coun- a_ inst you in th, the above entitled Marion Countvv State■ of Oregon, bv djgcuggjon re g a rd in g tht proposed We bavs a bravy inveetmeot match, impart an air o f austere respectability to the one space undersigned 'ur wc. weeks from the the virtue virtue of of an an order order ol of Honorame Honorable , I.. „ H. ..... . iu . h , w av * through , . ty Court of the State of Oregon for wjthin four ks from h in the 11000 volt line which we McMahan, judge of the above entitled Bend-bisters .highway, through traditionally (and almost religiously) reserved fo r “ company ‘ ‘ County the ~ of Marion, duiyjnado and | (|>u of the flrst pul l:ratlon ()f thi. MeMahan. of entIUed Bend Slaters .mgnwa>. tnrougn A wondrously carved black walnut table occupies a proud posi- .nUred on the 5th daw «/December 4Jmmon, ito.wit: f r’om lhe 2nd day of court, duly made and entered on the D etroit. T h e B oy scout m o v«- rxatnded to supply Turcer with 10th day of January, 1930. rerv.ee from our Por:laod Electric notified nient was also discussed. tion in the exact center o f a gay, flower-embellished, Brussels ih^ar ^ p a? ^ jntt?cndrHeadr?etk,*d ” - 1 January, 1930> and if y°u fai1 to so You are furtji»r hereby the te. • ! J. a. I appear, for want thereof plaintiff will The program committee, fol­ Power Company system, in addi­ On l its marble top Bible, jadrewit igsinst ysssi follsws, that the date of the first publication l U g. V>H i e i immaculate iiu u a ir u ia iv u m u v i « w p reposes * v | / v w o the *•*« fam ily —.«.w y . \ ceased, — , and that - - she has duly - qualified - =----------------- -- .Hm.mem. _ «.. I _# of this lummoiu summon* is is the the 14th day of lowing the business meeting, tion to the investment in the local with its unfailing record o f births and deaths. Or, maybe it “¿jx “ now *ctin* a‘' sUC 3 min,,tr> to-wit: January. 1930. and the M s of the. 1. For the sum of S4I.01 and for last publication thereof is the 13th presented a program lusting distributing sysieru al Turner. would be the fam ily photograph “ album,” bulging with the All persons having claiir_^against, plaintiff's cost* and disbursements in­ day of February, 1*30. B A S S r r jl more than an hour The program Therefore, the higher rate* » ( the likeness and memorabilia o f present and bygone generations. S » a ^ dtS e^ti% u i>Wverifted as r<-° curred in this action. Turner Electric Light A Power ed | 2. That the usual proceedings be Attorney for Plaintiff, ¡consisted o f community singing O ver there, in the corner by the window, the inveitable ouired by law, to the undersigned __ . _______ i____ | 219 U. S. National Bank bulling, ■n had for the sale of all of your right. 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Salem, Company are necessary lo produce JHr*. Pearcy, instrument- four or five storied “ what not” displays a truly marvelous sifem,' * months ; ¿¡ui Vnd'interest ^ and to the follow: property, to- to- Oregon. _______ . ■ al music bv the Battle Creek a reasonable return on the invest­ collection of relics and souvenirs gathered from the four ! from the «late of the first publication i ¡n{c d es crib e d personal property, ing w»g.*s due to you from the South- SUMMONS StTinKCU orchestra. I hkS wai fol- ment on the basis ol the amount of comers of the earth by various members o f the household. of thls not . ... .. ____ _____________ ern Pacific Company, and one yearling , ^ CirfUit Court of the State lowed by a skit entitled M ìbs electricity being used al present. Few of them possess any intrinsic value, but each and everyone |thj , notlCe is December 19, 192*. grade of i | 0f ‘oregon^ for Marion County. De- P o p e ’s school. M r». H S. Bond However, it it our Lope that il rade Jersey h. h,' fer, by the sheriff o of them is priceless in the memories it helps to preserve, and the i MARGARET E. HEADRICK, Marion County. Oregon, or the eon pnrtment No. 2. impersonated M i»» t’opr teacher Portland Electric Power Company Administratrix of the Estate of J. stable of any district therein, accord- recollections it revives. McD. Headrick, Deceased. in» to law ami the practice of the Ida Hatcher, Plaintiff, o f the old fashioned diatrict rale* are applied to Turner account* vs. (T o be continued.) above entitled court, and that the FRED A. WILLIAMS, Charles Hatcher, Defendant school. The pupils included Mrs. that people will use enough ruora proceeds of said sale be applied to the Attorney for said Administratrix. To Charles Hatcher, the above Burgoyne, Miss Helen i’eetx, electricity to cause our revenues to 219 U. S. National Bank Building, amount* due plaint’ff, and that you named defendant: and all person* claiming through you. Salem, Oregon. Mrs. L Lit no less than they have been m In the name of the State of Oregon, Mr». U. L. Theiaaen. Dec. 19,26,1929-Jan. 2,9,16,1930 be forever barred of all right, title you are hereby reuuired to appear D Roberts, Mrs. E. S. Prather the past’ and thereby continue to and a m i in interest teres t w therein. ic m n . and answer answer IIU? the compiami complaint mm filed against Thi« mimmen • LI- . , und .r.. L. D. Roberta, justify tbs investircul we have The State o f Minnesota has what is commonly known as the NOTICE OF H EAR ING OF F IN A L •f » ' « * ' . « » . « « * Ä c s r s ; .. v T John r * * Co * Cox (the fat boy) made in the Turner distridution ACCO UNT —klU.tlnn here, r ^fof, Newspaper Gag Law, which was brought into forcé in 1927 I the undersigned. HonorpWe Bra,ier ‘ hf> of th* * * P«blk.tion h«re ^ ^ ^ u ß 1’arkes syeltm und the 1 l.'KJO volt trans­ t.hp cnt,i Ifd I of: aad if you fail so to appear anil K a r| ucat r r o i u when the Saturday Press, o f Minneapolis, was silenced by court „ f 1^ th* n<^ ) £ ^ Cc«m tyf ofMw5n* C Irt^nn ■ rt. on the 2/th day of December, | answer, for want thereof. tfiTpli.in- ^ TOI’ u „ .! OS. mission line which wax ex.ended court injunction. This action was taken by a county attorney whom in the matter of Estate of Melvin tiff will take a decree agninst you, a* H. 1«. Thetsscn. E . 1929. prayed for in her complaint herein, strap, H ,S. Bond and W. b. to Turner. the newspaper criticised, which criticism was, no doubt, needed. the ftnml | BRAZIER C. SM ALL. to-wit: j» ‘ , the In order to appease his injured feelings he invoked this law and account of Stella L. Miller, adminis- | Justice of the Peace for Salem Dis­ Therefore, in rrgtonse to Ilia That the marriage contract now UriBOBC impersonated trict, Marion County, Oregon. and heretofore existing between the 8chool board, silenced the paper and the courts upheld the injunction. Is this dU^*fdU ha?b.^n fi“ .Mn’the E. L. CRAW FORD, petition presented by yourself and plaintiff and defendant be set aside, | * Thor*, w i l l U „ . freedom o f the press? I f the newspaper is not allowed to criti- County Court of Marion Countv, Ore- Attorney lor Plaintiff. dissolved, and held for naught: that , Sr* W* ^ SUpger at other citiseus of Turner, We have Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, the plaintiff have such other and fur- the next meeting February 19 cise public officials who are working fo r their own selfish inter- ^ n- ^ ¿four oVterk decided lo apply the Portland Oregon. ther r e l i e f aa shall seem to the court Boxeg w j|| ^ ^ flfty ^ csts and against the best interests o f the citizenry at large, how a. m., ha* be< n appointed by said Electric Power Company ralra to just and proper. each. All ladiea are requested to our Turner customers beginning can these wrongs be brought to ligh t? j S Thi.i summon* is published for a Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher o f the Chicago son* interested in said estate may ap- NOTICE OF H EAR ING OF F IN A L period of four weeks, in The Turner bring boxes. with Lsuusry 1 * 1 , ltl.IO. Tribune, a weekly newspaper of gen­ ACCOUNT Tribune, backed by the leading publishers o f Am erica are tak- ^^n^amflTonUsT^sarM ti,erct0 In In the County Court of the State eral circulation, published at Turner, Me hope lust our progressive Marion County, Oregon, by order of of Oregon, for Marion Connty. ing the case to the supreme court in an effort to find out whether LA t FILLER toliey in this matter will be ap­ In the Matter of the Eatate of Judge L. H. McMahan, circuit judge the privileges o f the press can be abrogated by a one sided law. Administratrix. James Reid, Deceased. made at Salem, Marion Ore- preciated and that peoale will - • County, ------_srtOA Notice is hereby given that the j on the 9th day of January, 1930. They are standing fo r the same principles that were fought for MA?tT,r^ F for E«ute make more use if our electric ser­ final account of Ladd and Bush Trust ,.n,i *j,e date of the first publication is g-» .... ......................s. _ - a - i. . . 1930, o o a ___ I * L . J . S . by Socrates 22 centuries ago and Milton three centuries ago, salem?,OretonT * a * and the date of (ho the Company, executor of the estate of J a n u m ry 16, vice and tboreby enjoy Ibe benefit» will be February 13, James Reid, deceased, ha* been filed l r i t p u ublleation ' and the same principles that were written into our constitution. and oconomiva lo be der ived there • in the County Court of Marion Coun­ 1930. “ W e have no wish to foster libelous publications,” said Colonel NOTICE OF H EAR ING OF F IN A L ty, Oregon, and that the 24th day of The United Purity Store which from. L. D. BROW N. January. 1930, at the hour of 10 Attorney for the Plaintiff. from its organization, has been A CCO UNT McCormick. “ The general libel laws can be invoked against We wish to assure the people of o’clock A. M. has been appointed by Addr-ss: S:ih-m. Pregon__ In the County Court of the State those i f the charges are proven. Our fight is against allowing said court for hearing objections to operated by Lee Barber haa Turner tbul we are ready and will­ of Oregon, for Marion County. said final account, at which time any the truth to be suppressed, and newspapers ruled out o f exist­ passed into the control of C. A. ing at all timea to render th* best In the Matter of the Estate of persons interested in said estate may Pauline Leeper, Deceased. ence, by a single judge, without a ju ry trial.” Tatum, o f Tacoma, who pur­ service possible si the lowest cost appear and file objections thereto in Notice is hereby given that the writing and contest the satqe. The “ ga g law ” was introduced by a legislator from the iron final chased the store from Lee Bar­ consistent with sound business account of Alice M. Bancroft LA D D AN D BUSH TRUST COM range country in Northern Minnesota in 1925 to silence an and Charles W. Leeper, executor* of ber last week. Mr. Barber made practice, PA N Y . estate of Pauline Leeper, de- By JOSEPH H. ALBERT, many friends and built up a editor in his constituency who had attacked him, but the editor the Chiropractor II at any time of the citisens ceaaed, has been filed in the County Trust Officer Executor. good business while here and of Turner feel that we are not do­ died before action could be taken. The county attorney found Court of Marion County, Oregon, and R. II. BASSETT. Neurocalometer Service the 24th day of January. 19?0. thereby tnrns a good business ing this, we will be very pleased lo it ready made and put it to his own selfish use. It is to be hoped that Attorney for Executor. Phone 87. Residence 210-1J at th- hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg, Salem, over to the successor. that Colonel McCormick’s appeal w ill be successful. been appointed by said court for hear­ have them so advise us and give i t Oregon. 256 N. High Street ing objections to 'said final account, Mr. Tatum came to Turner their friendly criticieiu ao that we at which time any person* interested Salem, Oregon in raid estate may appear and file from Tacoma where he was pro­ may rctnedv Ihe defect in our ser­ SUMMONS objections thereto in writing and con­ prietor o f a Purity store for sev­ vice. if any, or have the opportun­ test the same. In the Circuit Court of the State eral years. He came well recom­ ity of captaining ihe cause ol tbn of Oregon for the County of Marion. ALIC E M IN N IE BANCROFT, No. 20850. CH ARLES W. LEEPER, mended by the f’ urity organiza­ appareut deficiency in our service. Indications that there will be nine in the race for governor at Executor*. Leda N. Nichols, Plaintiff, tion. He is planning many im­ vs. spring primaries. T h e republican» will have six and probably , R. H. BASSETT, Yours truly, Glenn B. Nichols, Defendant. provements in the near future. more before the campaign is over. Ro far there are four who l0 j V/a^k o/C^mmere” Bldg., Salem, W. 1|. Hamilton To Glenn B. Nichols, defendant: have a n n o u n c e d d ie tn »< Iv e s aa candidates for governor. They are Oregon.____________________________ In the name of the State of Oregon, President you are hereby required to appear Senator Hurry L . Corbett, Governor Norblad, Charlea Hall of SUMMONS and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitl’ d suit within • »it *— » » ( these men are _ The Tribune shop can print ycur __ *- »««Mee Court for Salem Dis- four week* from the date of the first butter wraps, letter -■’Miration of this summons, to-wit: • — --- '-.¡I , n velopea. Turner Community Club Holds Pro­ gram Turner Electric Light and Power Company Reduce Rates J Freedom o f the Press Purity Store Changes Hands Dr. O. L. Scott Governors Plenty Big Game Friday Night >1 - 1in an velones printed w!lb