n ri YOL. XIV. he T urner T ribune ------- NO 15 TURNER, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16. 1830. SUBSCRIPTION #1.25 P E R Y E A R • W W W J V W / W / W W V W A V W /I Read the ads this week They contain worth while messages. Oboloe Line of Bulk Chocolates Fancy Boxes la r g e Asortment Bars Cigars F. BREITHAUPT C. 612 Slut« Street New liligli Building J. D A L E T A Y L O R A . M. C L O U G H Clomib-datjliir (Ca n om cM W 5 Tobaccos ¡¡ E A T A B O W L O F C H IL L I A D A Y FLORIST LUNCHES SALEM F O U N T IA N S E R V IC E G O L D F IS H - C A N A R IE S - L O V E B IR D S • P A R R O T S 205 PHO NE 120 S. C H U R C H ST. Full line of Sini and Fish Fund und Remedies Salem, • 1’lione SAO • Oregon. A /V Y V W V W V W V W V W W W W W W yV W W W W W W W W V W W W W W W .W W V W V V V .,,V W W V W A V M W A V W /< W /J V A ,W W A V Pomeroy and Keene galem’a Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. Diamonds Watches l looks Jewelry & Silverware. 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. W . JAY DENHEM O n erai Coatraclor a id Builder Cement Werk a id Plumbing Route 3 . Turner, Oregon W y W U W W A W A V W A A V A V .W A V ; D. M. JONES REALESTATE O F F IC E . C A S T S A L E M , 2 4 5 8 S T A T E 8 T . Farm and City Property for sale or exchange R en ta ls-M o rtg a g es-L o a n s I h*vn on fll«fotue Largo and Small Farm« near the city and will« U-antifal hoino« in Salem for aalo roasonalilo and on M»jr term« If Ibi« iutercrU you my tiimi i« yours. We want your liftings. Call or Pfcone 17777J SALEM, OREGON DRUGS Guaranteed Hot Water Bottles for cold weather $1.00 to 2.50 E. S. PRATHER TURNER Reliable Druggist : OREGON 4 % Paid on six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Locals Hand washing machine fo sale cheap. Frankie Brooks Route 1. Turner. OLD TIME DANCE ChrysUl, Given fence posts for sale. Gardens every Wednesday and aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c Price right Frankie Brooks. Route 1 Turner. Ladies 25c. tf. Cards have been roceived an­ W AN TED ! nounced g the marriage of Mrs. Everybody to write for free Avis Hilleary Bacon to James sample o f Tigrin salve for cuts, Wesley Losher, o f Portland. colds, bums and eczema. For They were married December 28 sale at all drug stores. 1929 and will be at home to their LEWIS HERB CO. friends at 1125 .Woodwgrd Ave­ 12-5-9tp Salem. Oregon nue. in Portland. The Tribune is growing. New subscribers this week are Fred Mrs. Parkes was absent from Schifferer, C. A. Tatum, of Turn­ school Friday on account of Ill­ er. Mrs. Dean Tucker sf Salem, ness. Mrs. S. A. Riches was sub­ and Mrs. J. L Sande o f Almeda stitute teacher. California. The W. C. T. U. Met Wednes­ day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. T. Riches The program was based on ‘ Ten Years of Prohibition.” Different phases o f the subject were presented by those giving the program Mrs. E. J. Harrison was on the sick list last week. Suit cases. Bretf cases. Hand bags and hundreds o f other arti* cios made from genuine leather F. E. shafer. Harness o f all Kinds. 170 S Cmmeroial S t,S a­ lem, Oregon. Kenneth Petersen made the trip to Portland Thursday with Mike Stowtz to bring back a Mrs. Ktrnna Moore: who has new Ford truck which he pur­ spent some time with her daugh­ chased. Kenneth drove the old ter; Mrs. Avery has returned truck to Turner. to the home o f her daughter Mrs. Mr. Kearns, who recently Irene Ousley, at Toledo. came here from Perrydale, is Ellimorc J. Gilstrap, pastor of employed in the Purity grocery the Turner Christian church, was recently purchased by C. A. Ta­ the guest of the Salem Rotary tum. Club luncheon, last Wednesday. Ray Farrens, of Hood River The Turner school feels very is spending the winter with his proud o f their new flag which mother, Mrs. L. M. Barzee the school board ordered to take Clever Hay »nd Wheat straw the place of the old one which (or rale:- Bill Brother« Turner. was badly worn. A. A Ford came up from Port­ We are publishing a copy o f a land Saturday night to spend a letter written to Mr. I. L. Rob­ few days with his sister and ertson announcing the reduction nephew, Mrs. L J. Rowley and of light and power rates for son Paul. Turner. The copy was forwarded Floyd Robertson, who has to us by the Portland Electric Power Company. On account of been staying at the Powers farm space and time we were unable was in Turner Saturday. to publish the letter until this “ Pat Randall, o f Salem, was the guest of F. P. Rowley, Fri­ week day night. We are Indebted to Mr. and Mrs. G. A McKay for a nice NO i HING TAKES THE mess of fresh salmon for our HCACE OF LEATher for hun­ supper Saturday. dreds o f articles used about the By the time the Tribune is home and farm It pays to buy printed Hollis Bones, who is em­ the best Our prices are equal to ployed by the Jo Mar Farms, of any. F. E. Schafer, 170 So Com’ I Balina. Kansas, will be in Den­ S t Salem, Oregon. ver on the first lap >r the trip to the coast with show horses He is expected home about March 1st. FO R S A L E O R T R A D E — ! M o lt i» T r a c to r and tw o b o tto m p low , 14-inch. In runing ord er. W . S. Lauthers, Tar* n tr, O regon , R ou te 3 , B ox 65. Delinquent account* collected on a continrent Luis. We do the work, shoo Me r the expense and make no charife unlcse collection is made. $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 Bad A c c o u n t , turned ¡a t# Cash S i* « « W a Started. Jot down a triai list o f bod ones and let ue turn them into actual money. Business M en ’s A djustm ent Com pany 415-16 Masonic B!dg. SALEM. Phone S l l OREGON Full line of paints, varnish and calsomine at H. P. Jensen Hardware. The Ladies aid o f the Chris­ tian church have called a business meeting for next Thursday after­ noon. Mrs. Gilstrap. the presi­ dent, wishes all members to at­ tend. Something new and inter esting is promised the ladies. Please Take Notice. All copy must be in the office by Tuesday afternoon to issue ' publication We must hold to this rule if we are to get out on ttme. Mis. Delzell has been laid up the past ten days with neuritis, but is improving. Wanted To Trade Salem home for Turner prop­ erty $1365 Equity in $3000 mod­ ern Bungalow. Trade for an acre or small house with several lots. Act quick and write or see Geo. Thomason 341 State St Salem, Or«. Phone 2 8 7 « A * 1 lv in B. Stewart U M H E E L L A , C U T L E R Y A N D KEY S T O R E Sharpening and Light Repairing S a l e m , ■T« O r e g o n . OREGON -----------------s Turner Lumber Sc m g . Co. W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles (highest qusdity) five grades to select from , also W a ll Board, Paint, Doors, W in d o w s, C edar Posts, Bride, Plaster, T ile and S labw ood in four foot lengths. W e desire to serve the public with Promptness ;snd E fficiency. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE 875 G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc VETERINARIAN Day and Night Servie» OREGON STAYTON Turner BOys Home Making Progress E. J. Gilstrap, promotional Manager, for the Turner Boys home, reports that work on the farms, are progressing nicely contract has bee* let to Alvin Tucker for fencing the timber tract Arrangements are being made to fence the farm near the Crawford school, to be used for farm and pasture. Contract has been let to partly construct Volunteer labor has been prem­ ised tear down the old barn and salvage the lumber. This land has been leased to Carl Stiwer. Home plans to take the back as fast as they get stock and equipment to farm it Mr. The cold weather the past few Gilstrap is working out plans days has frozen the ponds. Last whereby the boys will be Sunday the young folks and to handle most of the work. some of the older ones were out enjoying the good ice sport of skating WE H AVE CONNECTIONS Buy your shot gun shells at H. P. Jensen’ s. They will be sold at greatly reduced prices for the next 30 days. All other goods sold at very reasonable prices Let me fix you up. H. P Jensen, Hardware. S U IT E 4 1 0 S A L E M B A N K O F C O M M E R C E B L D G . SALEM . THIS IS THE TIME to have your harness repaired and oiled. F. E. Schafer, 170 So. Commer­ The work at the local plant of 'w ith the Hansen-Bennett mag­ cial St., Salem. Oregon The only the Portland-Damascus milk azine agency, one o f the larg­ exclusive leather store in the Comanv was interupted for a est in the country, which en­ Willamette Valley. time Saturday when a gasket ables us to give you the Lee Barber has moved into the blew out n ecessita te firing up prices and service fo r your Peck house where he expects to the small boiler. remain until school closes. Herbert Briggs went to Port­ land Sunday night for a few Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Theissen days. and children and G. A. McKay motored to Tillamook a week ago Saturday. McKay spent the week end with his friend, John Patter­ son. He and | Mr. Theissen en­ joyed a days fishing, bringing back a nice catch o f salmon. Theissen remained till Wednes day on business. S E T T L E M E N T O F E S T A T E S A S P E C IA L T Y No Collection. No Charge PATENTS Business 25 1 Court Street E. K. P IA 5 E C K I Attorney at Law and we w/a promptly »and yoa a repqrt. Our back On Patchts'and Trade-marks will be sent tbyou on r^ducst. D. SWIFT « CO. — a PATENT L A W Y ER S____ 305 Seventh SL, Washington. D. C- Or«e S4 W « k ' KmKiTi.nc. W. E. Pelham and Harold Mr. and Mrs. Dean Tucker Rodgers, of the Mt Angel News, and Mrs. Lyons were visitors at were visitors at the Tribune o f­ Give Th« Tribun« er wilt for the G. A. McKay home Saturday. fice, Tuesday. you buy from «ur advertir«ra. 1 F. P. R O W L E Y Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon. u n -m s G Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X -R A Y W ORK All W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Fricea Us« Your Credit Come in and talk it over S A l EM M A S O N IC T E M P L E . Phone 440 Residence 758-R mawww sis— «ma. raa— s Every Saturday Night Castilion Hail Corner Liberty and Chemeketa Sts. alem, Oregon. W illard M athis Orchestra Playing E. A . Rosenbaum, Mgr. M m S W V W W W V V U V V W W V .V /A N W A W W /A V iM W /A r ^ ' qq»ii— , i. «