THE TURNER TRIBUNE kWVWVbSWWWhVhWWVWWWWyVWVhAAAAWSWWrtrtfVVt NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, that the umi<'r»i»,ned, by an order of the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, duly made and entered on the 0th day of December, 1929. was «»pointed adminUtratrbt of the Estate of J. Mcl). Hendrick, de­ ceased, and tli.»t al>e has duly qualilWd and is now acting as such adminUtra- At the evening service itixn I music was eiijoy«d «ltd another New Year’* sermon, "Th e Goal o f Your L ife ," wits delivered by R ?v. Gllstrup. The Christian Kn- 1 1 d avor was let! by two groups of nominated candidates o f young people. SUMMON3 Harrison's General Store for In the Justice Court for Salem Dis­ trict, Marion County, Oregon. Civil Turner, Opegcn. Thurrday, J A N U A R Y 9. 1930 action to recover money. E. J. Harrison, Plaintiff, JF. y. Humify. Editor vs. Il sued Every Thursday at Turnar, Marion County, Oregon Henry Dwlnell, Defendant To Henry Dwinell. the above named . — . „ defendant: K n it» r e d a t th e P o a to ffic « t r i x . BU nSCItiPTIO N $1.25 PER YE A R . All perron* having claim« against | In the name o f the State of Oregon, at Turnar, Oregon, as second-clase mutter, under the the said estate are hereby notified to you are hereby required to appear and Act o f March 3. 18T9. ____________ present the seme, July verified as re­ answer the amended complaint file«! coiled by law, to the undcraignfed at against you in the above entitled 219 U. S. National Hank building, in action within four weeks from the Salem. Oregon, within six (ii) months date o f the first publication of this from the date of the first publication from the 2nd day of January. 1920, and if you fail to so of this notice. appear, for want thereof plaintiff wiil The date of the first publication of take judgment against you ns follows, this notice is December It). 11*211. to-wit: One o f the best Wrestling MARGARET E. HEADRICK. i For the mi « f -'it * i and for m atches to be staged in thin part Administratrix o f the Estate of J. plaitituT» co.-ts and dishurs manta in- , . . , McD. Headrick. Deceased. cur red ill this action. o f tho country for a long time ?. That the usual proceedings be has just been signed by M ill l ily FRED A. WILLIAMS, Attorney for said Administratrix. had for the sude o f nil of >our right, 21J U, S. National Dank Building. title and interest In and to the follow Vollunteer Fire Dept. for Tues. Salem. Oregon. described personal property, to- Jan. I -Uh at Mill City Tho con- “ I pledge allegiance to the Flag o f the United States wit: Money In the sum o f $2S Si! ho- testants for this bout will be Ted Pec. 1 i .2ti. 1929-Jan.* .9.1 <>. 1920 Ing wa«re* fine to you from the South- 1 Turner, O regon and the country for which it stands. One nation, ern Pacific Company, an.I one yearling T u y p t o f 1 orllliud, and Tano NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L rnnle J.-ntoy heifer, by the sheriff of j N iya k o o f Japan, indivisible, with liberty and justice for nil.” A V W W W W W W W A JV kW k V W V W k N W W W W ACCOUNT Morion lounty, Oregon, or the con- ' * Ted ThyiHf In the County Court o f the State «table of any district therein, accord- Ted Tb\'|K has been the moat of Oregon, for tne County of Marion. ins to law and the practice of the .tutatandinw light-heavyweight In the matter of Estate o f Melvin above entitled court, and that tho _ V *, R E P O R T O F C O N D I T IO N proceeds o f said sole be applied to the wrestler in the world for tho last Thomas Miller. Deceased. Notice is her- by given that the final amounts due plaintiff, and that you several years, and by his rocent ¡Q f ^ turner state dank , at T urn er , County o f M a r io n , Ore- Among many tilings demanded by the State 1 eaohers Associa­ account of Stella L. Miller, edminis- and all persons claiming through you ,1 victory over August Sepp, o f So- k,on at c|osu o f business Doember 31st, 1920. tra'rix of the estate o f Melvin Thomas tion, attliuir meeting in Pott laud recently, was that a state com­ Miller, deceased, has been filed in the he forever barred o f alt right, title nttle, is now conceded to be thiv _ ItMOUHv KM missioner « f cducatilin be appointed to be furnished with com­ County Court of Marion County. Ore­ and interest therein. This summons is published pursuant champion o f this tlevision. Tarro gon, and that the 20th day o f Janu­ A MAT 21 modious quarters and a staff of assistants to carry on research ary, 1990, at the hour of 10 o'clock to an order duly made and entered by M iyake is considered one o f tho 1 L I- o " a " n “ * * I*1 ____________ I aud “ 1 dUeount* a. m., has been appointed by said the undersigned, Honorable Brniier , . . , - ,, „ . , ii...,nin>Ai 81 Ml work. court for hearing objections to said c. Small, justice o f the above entitled logica- contenders fo r thu light- | I'D U 2 AO llonds, iM'OUr!tlr«,ele The Hollvwood Press (.^alem) savs that th# commissioner of final ___ _________ ____ time „ ...... per- court, on the 27th day of December, heavyweight crown, account, at which any and by | 1929. tnvi.oo Al Kara-1 Hanking Itouati I3LW 00, furniture and fixtures flYJO on education would incidentally become .he educational c a r of t h e I pear intoned holding "Headlock” BRAZIER 0. SMALL, MOTA II duo from bank« and caali lieu»# ..........- state having absolute control of the entire school system of the i writing and contest same. Justieo of the lVnce for Salem Dis- Slick to a one hour draw last ¡ trict, Marion County, Oregon 90AI9.78 STELLA L. MU LKR. week has established himself Total —.. - — state. “ The meeting did not specify,” says the Press, “ what it Administratrix. E. L. CRAWFORD, more firmly in that position. A would do with the present state supenuleudeut of public instruc­ MARTIN F. FERREY, Attorney for Plaintiff. LIABILITIES Ladd & Hush Dank Bldg., Salem, i match between these two grapp- Attorney fon Estate, tion. Probably be would be made the c a r ’s valet.” Ore go#. Salem, Oregon. HMMMI 1*0 fgns of : Capital «lock paid In ! !ers should satisfy the Another Big Match Signed By Mill City, in* . Drygoods, Groceries Glassware, Hardware hoots and Shoes Wet weather goods Highest prices for farm produce . . . Teachers Make Demands One thing this move would do would be to increaoe the aiready sum i oo any community, and if the fans Surplus_____ ____ super-burden of taxation now carried by the state at large, levied '¿Y~or" h T a Rf n S~5FTIN X t! litui At NOTICE OF HEARING OF FIN A L of Mill City and vicinity take Undivided profit«—net.... ACCOUNT principally on the farmer and fhe small home owuer. Let us ACCOUNT AU 7 U 6 A<| Demand deposit«____ ____ kindly to the wrestling game, the In the Ccunty Court of the State In the County Court o f the State quote further from the Hollywood Press regarding these resolu­ SIAAt dose of resolutions would do to the taxes if they became laws. You may go direct to Chicago from here were doing some road work Mon­ Tnis ogery of taxation has about goue the limit. Other states without change of cars or trams. Thru Pull, day. have gone through this same process of high financiering and MODALE T h ru Pullm an WHAT’S WRONG AND WHERE? direct to Chicago —and fares arc lower via this new Route East man sleepers leave here daily on the West Coast" via Klamath Falls, Alturaa, and Ogden. Thru dining car service. This new route, the Modoc l ine, also rovides local service between Klamarh t alls, Reno and Ogden. are now coming out on a brsis of sound state government Ore­ gon must follow in the path of these other states and the sooner the better. . Garbage Dumping It is the object of many of the of the residents of this cormnu* pity of homes to make it a desireuble place in which to live. l l can be made such if the right kind of cooperative spirit is used It will cot be a place that tvili attract visitors if we plant roses in one end of town and dump garbage in the oilier. From reports it seems that this lias been done. Along one block on the main street and around both garages are roses and other dowers which should add to the attractiveness of the town. Cn a road leading out of the city to the south there is a gar­ bage dump aud most i f It in the city limits. This matter should b ) looked into and ii it is continued some means should be de­ vised to put a stop to it Such practices are blotches on the re­ cord of the town aud a mouace to the public health. Thoso liv ­ ing within tbs limi s of Turner have the privilege of having their accutnula Ion of trash hauled away once n year an i those living on the outside have no buiness hauling trash into town and dumping it. Let us all work together to make Turner u desire- able place in which to live. Frolic Enjoyed Ideal Rebeckah Lodge Install Offi­ New Years Eve cers The young people o f the Chri 3 - tian Endeavor o f the Christian © lurch enjoyed a New Ysars Eve party last Tuesday night fol- lowing the choir practice, There was nearly a hundred present. Ideal Rebekah lodge No 223 met in regular session in the I. O. O. F. hall last Wednesday night. Following the regular lodge session the offices elect bnmediateiy after the choir prac- were installed. Those installed tjee a business meeting was held were Mrs. Frankie brooks, N G. and the officers elected for the ; Miss Mabel Walker, V. G. Miss coming year. The new officers -iilddred Martin, R.S, ; Miss are Ilene Robertson, president; iluriel Salsbury, F. *. Appointive Gilstrap, vice ■ prasi _ I Josephine - - officers were Mrs. I he ina dent; Esbond Tappan, secretary- Ensley, Mrs. Martha Barnett, treasurer. The business meeting lira. China Bones, Mrs. Lucile was followed by several hours of Vckinney, Mrs. Mabal Martin, fun followed by devotional serv- Mrs. Lorstta J. Rowley and W ices at Midnight led by Rev. Ell- more Gilstrap. A. M»rth. Lower Fares *rc included in the Mcrri«m Wcbjtet, jiuch u ¡itrtgTcfb, LroaJtjH, (mill union. Bn bairn, patnrauiii, etc. New mmci and [dice? * re lifted tuch u Catbtr, SamJlurg, Stalin, Lett :j, etc. Constantly unproved ind kept up to date. H ow good » r * you at finding mistakes? The a rtist hat Intentionally made several obvious ones In d ra w in g the above picture. Som e of them are easily discovered, others m ay be hard. See how long it will take Y O U to find them. WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Get The Best The opening of this shorter route ease permits a saving in fares to Rocky Moun­ tain, mid west and eastern destinations. Atk your local agent for further detaili and all travel information m Pacific H. S. Bond, Agent Phone 101 The " Supreme Authority” II. spent with mond MissTild Johansen o f Salem was a guest of the R. 0. Witzel , family for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. p. E. Thomason spent the holidays with their daughter Mrs. Paul Walker and A . Richmond o f Salem several day3 last week with his daughter, Mrs. Ray­ Titus and family. Church Day At Turner lam‘ 'y Portland, The annual church day was ob- Miss May Calavan who teaches' Sunday at the Turner the Crawford school was married churchofChri 3 tw ith ala rh ccon - Christmas eve to Mr. Leonard ^negation. The pastor, Kev. Ell- Ruckle of Salem. more Gilstrap, delivered a New Mr. Beckley was called to Sa- Year’ s sermon. A special anthem lem by the sickne33 and death 0f was sung by the choir. bjg falber Following the morning services a good fellowship basket dinner] Thomas Little is driving a new was enjoyed in the church dining Buick sedan, room. The annual church meet­ Mrs. ------ R. 0. ' Witzel, Mr. and ing held after the good fel- -----—------------------ Iti^ was " »«a iis - is » »•» Mrs. Chas Barber, Mr. and Mrs , lowship spread Reports were Thomas Little and Mr. and made and election of new officers Mrs, Raymond Titus and family took place The every member attended the watch party which canvas which is now being made was held by Turner Grange Tues­ is showing a fine and unanimous day evening. _ spirit among the members. in court!, colUtfi, xhooh, ind among gortrnmeni official! both Fuleral and State. 452,000 entriu including 408,000 voc tbutary term;, 32,000 ¡¡tofrafibical subjects, 12,000 biographical entries. Over 6,000 tUuUtaiiom, and 1 OO val­ uable tablet. StnJ frr Free, new, rid i) illuitrau l pamphlet containing lample papi