T he T urner T ribune TURNER, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9. 1930. VOL XIV, NO 14 T -J- SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 T E R YEAR IA W W W W W W W W W v /.v Read the ads this week They contain worth while messages. J. DAL E T A Y L O R C hoice L in e o f B u lk C h o co la tes F a n c y B o x es L a rg e A so rtm en t B a r s Cigars C. F. BREITHAUPT M'2 filai» btrc«t V W /rtV W A W W U V W W i GIlmigh-Œaylar (Co. n o m m a s Tobaccos Now Bligh Building EAT A B O W L OF C H ILLI A D AY FLORIST LU N C H E S • SALEM. F O U N T IA N SERVICE O O LO FISH - C A N A R IE S • LO VE BIRDS - P A R R O T S Full lia« «Í Bird and Fish Food and Remedies Hal«in, • Phone 390 • Oregon. OREGON PH O N E 120 R IC H E R CX >TQTTCCTT01SrERY 2 0 5 S. CHURCH ST. jwVWWWVWWVW«VW(WRW WWW W I W W W W W / ; VW W W V V V V W A AA IV V V V V V V V V IA^W V W W V V V W W V W W V W V V 'AA W W V A W A A W W W I / W W I W A W A V W A W A W W W /.V W W W W W W A V W .V V V V W Pomeroy and Keene Square Deal Jewelers Sc Opticians. Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry St Silverware. 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. B tle n 'i W .W A V /W A V /A V .V i'/A V A ’/ A V W W W J 'A 'W W W W. JAY DENHEM Qanoral Contractor aod Builder Cement W erk and Plum bing Turner, Oregon Route 3. DRUGS Stop that Cold with Prathes’s Capsules and Pine Tar and Honey 50c E. S PRATHER TU R N E R Reliable Druggist : OREGON 4 % P a id on s ix m o n th s Time Deposits F ire a n d Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Business 251 Court Street Phone 2876J Alvin B. Stewart U M B E E L L A , C U T L E R Y A N D KEY S T O R E Sharpening and Light Repairipg SALEM, OREGON Locals OLD TIMF, DANCE Chrystal Garden« every Wednesday and aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c Ladies 25c. tf. WANTEDI Everybody to write for free sample of Tigrin salve for cuts, colds, bums and eczema. For sale at nil drug stores. LEWIS HERB CO. !2-5-9tp Salem, Oregon The appointments of the census prohibition. The banks reported •numerators will soon be made greater savings deposits prinei-j All those wishing to make ap­ paly among the working class. plications for this position are re­ Even though there are numerous ■ quest to mail their application toj faults found in the enforcement James H. Koke supervisor of the of the bill, the improve condi- W sixth Oregon district, 75 west 8th. tions noted above more than bal­ St., Eugeoe, Oregon, not later ance the faults. January 10th Questionaires will This tenth anniversary will be be sent that must be filled out observed in the schools, churches and mailed to Mr. Koke before and other organizations general­ February 11st. The work of e- ly over the country. numerating will begin about Ap­ ril 2nd and occupy about one month’s time. Subscriber Com­ Kenneth Peters«n was a Port­ ments on the A- land visitor Monday afternoon. merican Home He made the trip with Damas- Miss Lois Robertson has re­ signed her position at the Harri­ son Grocery. Her place has been taken by Miss Tucker, who mascus Milk Company’s truck • Editor of the Tribune: makes her home with Mrs. Stel­ Suit cases, Breif cases. Hand I enjoyed the articles on the la Miller. bags and hundreds of other arti­ “ American Home” written by Job L. Manfred. Hetakes a fair The Misses Iren« and Vera cles made from genuine leather unbiased view of the subject. Brother, who have been visiting F. E. Shafer, Harness of all The question is not based on the their sister, Mrs. Roy Hatfield, Kinds, 170 S Cmmercial St.,Sa­ grounds of the home and the sur­ left Saturday for their home in lem, Oregon. roundings, but on the charcter of Spokane. Washington. Mrs. L. J. Rowley and son the heads of the families and their unselfish attitude to the S. M, Baker; who recent'y Paul attended the joint installa­ present day life—Its not hardly purchased the Chas Taylor farm tion of thc Dogree of Pochaotas fair to to compare notes with east of Turner, recently arrived and the Improved order of Red the old time conditions when the with a carload of stock and Men, at Salem, Tuesday evening. only places to go were church household goods from Minneso­ and perhaps a “ husking bee,”, ta. Mrs. Baker and three grown Clover Hay and Wheat straw but keep our comparisons with sons are coming by auto over the lor rale:- Btli Brctbern-T'.irncr. the present day homes, as has al­ Lincoln Highway ready been mentioned—a place Mrs Melinda Chambers and to eat and sleep. Plow shares. Plow beams and Mrs. Jack Brooks were Salem The radio ha3 done much to all plow repairs at H P. Jensen visitors Monday. make the home a congenial place Hardware Turner, Oregon. Sermons for the older ones and NOTHING TAKES THE programs for the children. It HCACE OF LEATher for hun­ Mrs. R. E. Archibald, of the dreds of articles used about the brings the whole world and its Waldo Hills; visited last week home and farm It pays to buy doings right into your home. with her sister, Mrs. 0. P the best. Our prices are equal to We will be optimistic as long as Given. any. F. E Schafer, 170 So Com’l humble homes furnish us with such men as Herbert Hoover. St. Salem. Oregon. I. E. Putnam was a business Subscriber. visitor in Salem last Thursday. Groen fence posts for sale. Price right. Frankie Brooks. Route 1 Turner. F O R S A L E O R T R A D E — 1 Moline T r a c t o r am i two b o t to m plow, 14-inch. In r tining o r d e r. W . S. L a u t h e r a , T u r ­ n e r , O r e g o u , R o u t e 3, Box 65. Tuberculosis Seal Sale Closes SE TTLE M E N T OF ESTATES A S PE C IA L TY SUITE 410 SALEM B ANK O F COMMERCE BLDG. SALEM. OREGON ^ A V ^ A W V A W .V I W .W A '/ .V W A V V .V A V W . V W / W Ly T u rn er L um ber Sc M fg\ Co. W e carry in stock Rough an d D ressed Lum ber, Shingles (highest qu ality ) five grades to select from , also W all Board, P ain t, Doors, W indow s, C ed ar Posts, Brick, Plaster, T ile a n d Slabw ood in fo u r foot lengths. W e desire to serve th e public w ith Prom ptness a n d Efficiency. PHONE S7S LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL s G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc VETERINARIAN Day and Night Servie« STAYTON — OREGON F. P. ROWLEY H e a lth , A c c id e n t L ia b ility AND F ire INSURANCE No Collection. No C harge" Mrs. E. C. Baker and son Col. “ Delinquent accounts collected on a continjront basis. We ifo the work, A. C. Baker, of Portland, were Incomplete returns from the shoulder the and make no in Turner on business, lastThurs charge unless expense collection is made. sale of Tuberculosis Christmas $280,000 Bad Accounts turned into seals held through the Turner day. Cash Sine* Wa Started. Jot down a trial list of bad ones and high school came to a successful A representative of the Port­ let us turn them into actual money. close with a total sale of $25.00 land Electric Power Company Business M en’s A d ju stm en t worth of seals sold. Miss Jose­ C om pany was in Turner Friday checking phine Gilstrap had charge of the up on the street lamps. 416-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone 911 sale in the high school. The inter SALEM. OREGON PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WORK mediate grades reported the larg­ From a letter received from est sale. I he sale in th e' grades AH Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices Albert Given we would infer that was in charge of Mrs. Neal Ed­ g Use Your Credit Come in and talk it over there is nothing slow about the wards Marjorie McKay received M ASO NIC TEMPLE. SAuEM lebration of New Years day in the prize for the largest sale, Phone 440 Residence 758-R San Francisco. turning in $1.35. nrm«R9sasnsMswMi Cloverda'e school, Mrs. Henry Barnett, Teacher, reported sales Hand washing machine for On January 16. 1930, prohibi-, ammounting to $5 10 and $1.70 ^ V .V A V V V A \W A % V W M V V V W W W V V V V W W W V W V V V W sale cheap. Frankie Brooks, tion will havd been in tha Cons-i was reported from the Crawford Route 1. Turner. titution of the United States school. $1.41 raised on the out­ Mrs. B. G. Briggs and G. W. through the going into effect of side brought the total to $25.00 Farris received word last week the eighteenth amendmet, exact­ ** -r with the Pleasant Point district that their mother, who lives in ly ten years ago. During the yet to be heard from. Virginia, is very sick and not past ten yearHhe amendment has The seal sale is an annual e- expected to live. She is 9') years had ten years of varied experien­ vent held every year from ces. There has been a contin­ of age. uous fight to maintain it. There Thanksgiving to Christmas. 5% of the returns go to the national THIS IS THE TIME to have have been some good results from association, 35% to the state and your harness repaired and oiled. the eighteenth amendment even 60% ramains in the county for F. E. Schafer. 170 So. Commer­ though there has been partiality local work- Corner Liberty and Chemcketa Sts. cial St., Salem, Oregon The only in enforcement There has been Mrs. J . S. McKinney, chair­ a tendency on the part of the offi­ alem, Oregon. exclusive leather store in the cers to rid« the small fry and let man last year, did some good Willamette Valley. the big ones get by with their work with the schools cooperat­ cellars well stocked. ing. This year she turned the Willard M athis O rchestra Playing The birth of a boy, to Mr. and The main benefit noted was the work over to the school, which Mrs. Henry Eeller, was reported ability of the working man to organization did some good work E. A . R osenbaum , Mgr. last week. Mrs. Feller was former­ purchas clothes and provisions under the leadership of Mrs. I ly Mis« Pearl Dragor, of Clover- for his family immediately fol­ wvwwwvvwwww dale district. lowing the adoption of national John Cox, as chairman. Turner, Oregon. Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Jan. 16,1930 Prohibition Day Old T im e D a n ce Every Saturday Night Castilion Hail V / » ..'1