v' * ■■ ,*,r acalee. office equipment ami fil­ ing cabinrnts. This ia nil to he left frueof charge for the Cou­ Turner, Oregon. Th treday, J A N U A R Y 2. 1930 nty Health Unit ua they continue J P Soatlry, CiHtor the work. Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion Cwunty, Oregon The fund 1ms furnished the money to carry on this work. SUBSCRIPTION 11.85 PtóR Y E A R . Entered at the Poatoffic« Yt nr by > eur the City o f Salem, ui Ttiir.w«v Oregon, na secomi-claxs mattgj-, under Ute Salem School board, and the * ' _____________Act o f March S. 1.S79.__________ county court have given a small amount The uminount given by the three contributing agencies has heon inercuaed each year so that this year each are giving $S,000 with a small additional uminount from Silverton, Mill City and Gates. The Com­ monwealth Fund are continuing their help to the amount of $12,000 that the work may be ^ “I pledge allegiance to th* Flag of the United States continued when they withdrew and the country for w hich it stands. One nation, this week, A careful tabulation o f ail ! indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” work done Ims been kept. This is being studdied by Dr. Kstella Ford Warner who stays in Salem for a few more months to study China nas announced that after the first of the year there will the bermanent records which am he bo more extraterritorial rights granted to foreign power* but, to be left here. The work done hereal.or r.II fcrci£»ers in China ibiis I come under the juriadict- in this county will be written up of tlie Obiuese courts. For the past 80 ypr.r* nearly all nations ami published by the Common­ have maiDtaiiied their own court^nwd law enforcement. A howl wealth Fund at some later date. is going up from aU quarters of the globe against this action of Have we, in this community o f Turner, really appreciated of the Chiuese government. As far as we know the Chinaman in » H * nur*KC.crated — other countries become involved with the CLintsj law why should with tlie work the Health Unit they not be tried by the Chinese coutle. is trying to do? This morning Dr. Kaiward Lee Russell assisted by Mi«js Margar­ et McAlpine is conducting a school clinic here. In the after­ Congress is just now in a turmoil over tho enforcement of the noon a pre-school clinic is beinfc prohibition law. Borne of the wet senators are calling for light held at the Turner Uigh School. B O TH FU R AN D wines and beer. Some of the radical tin s are shouting that the Administration policy in t):e enforcement of the Volstead act is a M EA T M AKE RABBIT faiure, Some of them are culling for the resignation of Secretary RAISING PROFITABLE Mellon. This demand lias beeu made by Senator Norris, of Neb­ raska, Republican dryy who supported A1 Smith in tho last elec­ tion. We agree with the Portland Telegram that in place cf re­ moving Seeratary Mellon from office remove the duties of tha enforcement lire prohibition law from the treasury department Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Prnther The enforcement of prohibition belongs and should have beeu entertained Thursday with a placed under the supervision of the department of justice long dinner A minituru Christmas ago. The attorney general is the law enforcing officer of the tree, dantily decorated, was used government, not the secretary pf the treasury. for the center peice and covers were laid for Mi's. Rrather’s pa: rents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. N O TIC E TO CREDITORS be forever inrred o f all right, title Hutchens o f McMinnville, Airs. Notice is hereby given, that the and interest therein. Leona Fuller pf Sijverton, p ar­ This summons is published pursuant , uiKiersrrned, by an order o f the Coun­ rel IV- Hutchens o f Tacoma, ty Court o f the State o f Oregon, fo r to an order duly made and entered by the County of Marion, duly nur.ie" dnk from the Mrs. Nelly Hamilton spent date o f the firct publication o f this summons,to-wit: from the 2nd day of Christmas with Norman Hamil­ January, 1930, and if you fail to so ton o f Salem. anoerr, for want thereof plaintiff will take judgment a.^ainst you as follows, to-T.-it: Mrs. Carl Boo.h attended the 5coßsrt>U 1. For th" sum of *41.91 end for hn teachers convention in Portland plaintiff's eofto and «Us bur ¿amenta in­ flurúV ' m c ^ H curred ra this aitior-. last week. - 2. 'f hi>i th<- il.-dat proceedings b- Via dc.r* F-d to r the sale o f all o f your right, Mrs Lula Chapman of St Hel­ vr Cera* .3rLeftoj¡ t ile and inu-ree* in and to the lollow- ÔMmVf ens, and Mrs. Chapmans daugh­ r : described p -rvonal property, to- mât J t jjL n v-it: Money in the join o f $28.86 be­ (fit ‘li*. ter and husband of Woods Ore. Tbrton / ing wages duo to you from the South­ ( were all visitors at the home o f ern Pacific Company, and one yearling ■vw Ary-rlle g-ade Jersey heifer, by the sheriff o f A le n W Mr and Mrs II. Wipper Satur­ CL 6 VER 0 ALE Marion County. Oregon, or the con­ stable o f any district therein, accord- ir g to law and the practice o f the •hove entitled court, and that the proceeds o f said sale be applied to the Amounts due plaint ff. end that you ar.i all ptw en* claiming through you, % > V C 0 ^ Harrison's General Store * . . . . « * WHAT’S W O N G AND WHERE? Entertained a for D ry g o o d s , G ro c e r ie s Glassware, Hardware Hoots and Shoes Wet weather goods Highest prices for fitrnj produce W e G iv i) S & !1 ('nsh Discouul Stamps T u rn er, • a v w w ^ % w w ^ O rc jru H riiQtoradu. oas uiaJq such stride* recently that It promisee mure tbnn •ver to fulfill «onte day the furerà»! cf pwen U Voun* at a dinner given tu 1923 ;o peurral James ti H.irliord. J’roaldcnt of the Radio Corporation, that It oventuplly will miko II poni ble to flash whole pages of newrpa- pori acroma tho ocean. The most recent development* nr# tho etniplIOcatlon of phoinradlo np paratus, creator speed end the reduc- tlon In rate» between New York end Londoq which font hat been announced by W. A. Wintcrbotlom, Vice Preel- dent la charge of communication* of R C. A. Communication*, Inc. Tho reduction was mado poaalblc by tho simplification and the greater »peed Tho new rata Is figured In conllnielcra. a w w 1 "N o Collection. No Charge" tuiifiquont uccbuiiU eoJL-cUHi on • contfo'xant tvrni*. We do tne work, »houldor lii« expel*»* «(id nuke no rlwirgi- univa* «oUrctinn I* mad«. Aecounl* turne d int< Caik Since \y# Started. ■ Jot tlown u t«i«g liât af bait enes and mo iuto urta ui money li*t ui turn Unno $750 000 Business Mon's Adjustment Company 41S tC Masonic lltilg. FI iqii * 911 SA1.KM. OREGON NEW RADIO TRENDS STRESSED ÍN SHOWS Simplified Tuning and S ere«* Grid T u I m - o Are tho Big Feature*. Slutpllfirailon l.’t tuning, popularity of »creep grit) fubes and cxreptlnnslly artistic cabinets for radio rerelsi re are among tha outstanding features Cf the radio show* which now are Ip progress throughout th* I ’ nltrd fltatesl (jnnntily production b*e brought tha greatest values erer offered. Ap Innovation la the offering by on* of the largest manufacturer* of lit« first battery qporated Radiol»» wtiosQ performance H comparable to those of socket power. T!4le development, puds possible by Iqudepeaker refine* uiont* and the increased efficiency of lb* screen grid at a low current con­ sumption. U be-ng welcomed by oe n- era of homes unwired tor electricity. Although the screen grid lead* In (bo new model* as a radio frequency amplifier, another new Kadlotron, th« PX2IS. is used widely ae an outstand- l;,g part af th* audio systems. Tit* Y-237 and ether standard tabes sun retain their popularity for th* specific Uies for which they are beet lulled. The famous super heterodyne elf, cult Is employed In one of tbs new­ est Itadlolas, attracting attention af the shows, hut quantltj production hsq put this model far the first time In • price clast wlthta tho raach of thq >att majority of listeners. A t Petorson Home es, a large number may be produced on a small nre a In back yards. A prolific doe vt-ffl easily province Miss Lillian I’eiorson teacher 2i> to 25 young In fi year. Young rab­ ¡o f the junior boys and girls class bits may be bred at 7 to 8 months >f ago. The <’ll Inch I hi, American White, o f the Christian church entor- American Illnc, New Zealand White, tained with a Christntaa i>arty New Zealand Red. nnfl While Flemish for her class, A large Christ­ are the varieties nnst pxlcnsivcly mas tree wtjs a special feature produced In the United Slates. f>ir.c, texture of fur, color, and the and gifts were exchanged among core given the pelt after removing the guests. All the class attend­ are the chief factors In tho price of nurqerous rabbit skins. Fine pelts uro often in g participated in s -"cd by rnreU- i handling, (.'hin­ games during the afternpo, after d-ilia Whltp, and fled. In the order which the nostess served refresh­ named take precedence over other color*. Marketing methods are being ments. Improved so that small breeders nre now able fo obtain the full commer­ cial value fc*r their pelts, the Founda­ tion adds. Family Reunion The entire control iqechanlam cf one modern radlq receiver. Illuminated dial uumbers show on the escutcheon window when the set l* turned on. A t Ransom Home Mr, and Mrs Mickey and daughter Edith o f Saleip visited A family reunion was enjoyed with M*-. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley Christmas day at the horpe of Sunday. ! Dr. and Mro. J. W, Ransom Mrs. Nell Stiener and daugh­ when their children and families ter Margaret o f Salem visited gathered for the day. Guests Mrs. II. Q. with Mr. and Mrs J. W. SchiiT- were Mr. and Rcrkins and daughters Mildred erer last Tuesday. and Rauline o f Waterloo; Harve Mr. Hennios was a huaine-is Rano°m o f Lyons;| Mrs. Susie visitor, in Salam, Monday. Random and son« Harold and Wayne o f Aurnsville; Mrs. Mary F. Oiler and Mrs. Eifie McGqvem o f Portland; Thomas Ransom o f AumaviUe; Mr. and Mr$. J. J. Ransom o f Shelburn and the hosts pr. fjnd Mrs. J. On January 1 the Cotnmwn- W. Ransom. Health Demonstra­ tion To County wealih Fund, o f New York City turned over the administration o f the Marion County Health Demonstration to the Marion County Health Unit This marks the and of a five year experiment in Marion county. Thu Common wealth Fund ha* spent nearly $300 OU) in this county in an e f­ fort *.0 find out just what could day. be accomplished in a health cam­ Miss Inez Barnett spent several paign among children. They have days last week with Miss .Mildred bought equipmant for this work SshifTerer. including car3 used by the nurses ;% w a v v v \ v m w s w Every one is invited to come, bring well filled luncty basket and spend the day. You will I k » well paid. Please note tlie following program. In uddition to the regular numbers listed i sdecial number Is expected from each Bible school in tho district. llegining nt 10 o'clock there will be a song service with devo- tionals led by Uerbert Bennett Jr., song by intermediate p;rls class o f the Stayton Methodist Bible School followed by the les­ son study, alter which there w ill be a çplo by Felix Wright »ltd an address by Prof. Jumes T. Matthews, o f Willamette Uni­ versity, followed by a basket dinner Beginnidg at 1.30 I’ . M. there will be a song service followed by a devotional led by W J. Lyntan, pastor o f the Christian chunch. This will be followed by the busi­ ness meeting, discussions and spccinl music, closing w-iih an ad­ dress by Rev. Norman Kendall Tullv, pastor of the First Presby­ terian church o f Salem- Salem Papers Please Copy - 5 ■ i S. S. Convention Stayton r Sunday Tho Santiam District Bible School will hold their first « in ­ vention of 1930 this coming Sun­ day, JaruaryS, meeting with the Methodist Bible School o f Stay- ton. This is an all day meeting with basket dinner at noon. The "heart” of a high speed facsimile transmitter but i* approximately (2 a iqtiaro Inch. The old rate was $3.20 n square Inch The accompanying cut »how* the group of lights, called the "doughnut light;” which center lllumluatloq on d point on the picture or printed mat tur placed cu a roller across from thorn. Tble light beam la reflected from the picture or printed matter Into tho photocell box behind the light*. The "doughnut” la on a car rlage which move« acro*s and back In front of the roller. After every trip th« carriage make* from one side to tho other, the roller turn* ever so «lightly, As tho epot of light from tho "doughoqt” passes back and forth tbq lightness qnd darkness of the points R touches change the Intcn slty of the reflected beam. The re­ flected heqm produces electrical im­ pulse*, which aie amplified, sent hy ra­ dio to a receiver hundred* of mile* jfiway and changed by q>o receiver to oleclrlcal Impulse* again. Tpeoe elec- ¡trlcal Impulse* cans* a neon light to glow at Interval* timed perfectly with ' the benm nf light reflected from the .picture on the transmitter. The glow Of the neon light Is reproduced on photographic paper, placed iu the ■«me position on a roller on the re­ ceiver that t*-* original I* In on the transmitter. Tluu an exact duplicate Of the original I* made. Simplified tuning Iq some models ex­ hibited take* the form of tuning and Volume control from one combination knob. In others It I* aided hy a magni­ fied inning *calo which throw* lllurnl- paled number* of a slxe which can ha read easily upon a trantlurrut com- poqlilon window In (ho o*potebeui(. This Itiullola tuning irate la the re­ search laboratory’» answer to tho prob­ lem of tuning receiver« placed In poat- thin* whore tho light Is not good. In Hie Klith Annqal Radio World’* F ilr In Now York a radio Pageant of Progress, prepared at a cost of more than $100.000 hy the Exhibition Dlvl. akip of tho Radio-Victor Corporation, trac’d hy mean* of historic nppuratu*, toplleas and truo to scale models the story of vadlq from Marconi to the present. Ulmllpr historical exhibit* of radio are being placed Ly Radio-Victor ip othep «how*. George (Mark, mnn. i(gor of the Exhibition Division, |j i«o. (ptary of a committee cooperating tJTt’ h the Smithsonlaq Institution and orgirnincnt official* In creating * na- r>nal museum of radio, which eventu­ ally will hou*o many of the exhibits being shown by hi* company. Television demenitratlon* under th* auspice* of the Radio Corporation nt tho New \ork *how Indicated real progress, but tho engineers whose brIFi llnnt work was responsible for the Im­ provement* were careful to point out tbnt other problem* still remained to bo eolvod before television would be practical for home loft. , S . » - V ii A i t i