The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, January 02, 1930, Image 2

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    T H E TR IH ITN E. T U R N E R . O REG O N
G inger E lla
N O T IIB B cold wav* m u due to
srrir«, and this lima It cam«, tt
harrying In from th « areat to tha
haring a fin# chilly trip along
The trees iw aycd and cresked. tha
Aadow s played with tha snow d rift«
Anyone Could Tall It Waa
W inter Outside.
and rivers and lakes all smilingly let
tha Ice cot « t them over.
Snowflakes came along and wared
their hands to their friends.
Others s a id :
"W hat la t h u r
By DR. JO H N W . H O L L A N D
More on. or be moved ou t
Difficulties are what maka Ilfs
and g o lf Interesting.
The Sunny Side o f life's road
la not always the Money
The quiet possession o f religion
Is better than loud profes­
Old adage: “ Matrimony always
falls when It Is made a mat-
tero-m on ey*
The greatest gift you can give
to your child Is the privi­
lege o f remembering decent
■ A ISIS. W aatan Mvwxpapsr Union.)
N E V E R seems right fo r people to
I T spend
a half-hour In a town and
then send sassy postcards with wise-
cracks on them about the natives.
A fter all, the postmaster has a ten­
der heart and It makes him feel bad to
read sarcastic comments about his
No matter I f the food Is bad and the
town needs six coats o f paint, visitors
ought to hold their opinions to them­
selves If they can. I f I find a town
so terrible that I must w rite about It,
I at least enclosa the remarks In a
aealed envelops.
W e shouldn’t make fun o f the small
towns. A fte r all. I f you and I hadn’t
had smart fathers we might be living
In big towns ourselves.— Fred Barton.
tC o p rrisM .)
----------- O-----------
And tha enow flu kea said to them­
“ Don't they recognise a snow storm
when they sea one, or do they forget
onr faces as they do peoples faces
and remember that wa look fam iliar
but don't know Just who wa are I”
Anyone could tall It was really win­
ter outside by tha way everything
and every one looked and felt.
Bu: It was splendidly cold, and tha
cold wave, hreetlng along as It did.
was enjoying Itself hugely.
Sea gulls were seeking shelter In
the coves.
They sat on pieces o f Ice and drifted
along with the river tide, but then
they, too, disappeared.
Then the snowstorm began flying
over the pavement*—then the pave-
menta would be quite dry as the anow
swirled above and landed or drifted
somewhere else— and then more snow
cams swirling around.
The swirling snow had to hurry—
tt had a number o f engagements to
keep and It was acting much excited
about them, not being able to settle
down tn any place thinking o f the
numbers o f places still to he visited.
Oh. It was moat Interesting weather.
And then at last the cold wave
grew tired o f all the land and It went
out— blew right out to sea where It
Joined the cold waters o f the winter
ocean and the cold air and wind that
blew above tt so that storms raged
over the sea and tha weather was
very, very cold.
By H. I R V I N G
T F A girl puts a piece o f southem-
* wood, otherwise wormwood, down her
hack she will marry ths first boy she
meets. In some localities It Is thought
she must put the southernwood in her
shoe. Another variation o f the super
stitioo Is that any marriageable wom­
an who puts a piece o f southernwood
under her pillow at night will marry
the first man she meets In the morn­
ing. But as a rule the magic la sup­
posed to work for young people only
and for that reason in many localities
southernwood Is known as “ boy’s
lo v e "
This superstition Is particularly
common In New England though met
with all through the country, and Its
pedigree reached back to the daya
when the marble pillars o f the temples
o f Artemis gleamed from the IDs
woods upon the Grecian hllla For
the genus o f plants to which soutb-
ernwood belongs was known to the an­
cients as Artemesla, being dedicated
to the goddess Artemis, with whom
the Latins afterwards Identified their
Diana— and Is known by that name to
botanists today.
Now one o f the functions o f Artemis
was to care for adolescent boys and
girls. T o her they sacrificed their
balr upon attaining maturity and to
her did the glrta offer up their gar­
ments, and the playthings o f their
childhood when they were about to
be married, wearing wreaths o f south­
ernwood— or Its Grecian cousin. Thus
the maiden who wore the southern­
wood was about to marry a youth;
and though no temples o f Artemis
shine upon New England hills, the fa­
vorite plant o f the goddess still works
Its charm In ths minds o f the super­
stitious and Is known as “ boy’s love."
< e by McClure Newepeoer Syndicate.)
----------- o -----------
------------------------------- --------------------------------
H ow It Started
J e a n
N ew to n
H ILE tbs «ford “ miniature“ will
anything that Is small
or executed In reduced proportions,
the term “ A Mlnature“ Is fam iliar as
naming a type o f painting In small di­
mension and o f particularly delicate
workmanship, executed usually tn wa­
ter color on vellum or ivory.
W I describe
T A recent convention o f the
American College o f Surgeons,
which was attended by over three
thousand physicians and surgeons, a
number o f !mi>ertant questions were
discussed In which the public should
be deeply Interested.
The opinion
was definitely expressed that the pres
ent high cost o f medical rare in ho*
pitals Is not Justified, that hospitals
are furnished at too great a cost, for
which the general
public has to pay
\ very strong plea
- jjj was mnde for more
: B hut less e\;*‘tis!ve
\ n oth et
m e n d a 11 o n was
that hospitals he
erected In every
large city for the
exclusive care of
persons Injured by
recommendation re-
celved the hearty
F * and
L. A. Barrett. “ M“ * °f leader.
o f Industries and
The possibility o f government con­
trol o f medicine as It Is related to
public health was seriiAsly discussed.
The character o f our future citizen­
ship demands not only that every
child receive an elementary educa­
tion, bat also that every child be
well born and be kept in a state
o f Dormal health. Government con­
trol o f health la a very Important
qneatlon and will receive very serious
consideration in the near future.
In order that the reforms suggested
at the convention be realized It will
demand o f all physicians an unselfish
attitude o f heart and a very high
Idealism o f sp irit A physlclsn whose
financial Income Is entirely dependent
upon fees received for his services
may Justly inquire. If the time has not
arrived for the public to recognize
the fact that the art o f keeping peo­
ple well Is as worthy o f an honora­
rium as helping them to get well after
they become sick.
For many years
business men have employed attor­
ney!, not to represent them In a court
o f Justice, but to keep them from hav­
ing to go to court. Why not employ
physicians not only to cure tu from an
illneaa. but to constantly keep guard
o f onr health by administering pre­
ventive measures?
The majority of
people never consult a physician ex­
cept as an act o f last resort and fre­
quently too 1st«. Why not pay him a
reasonable annual fee for keeping us
With a Mated Income thus guar­
anteed to the physician the medical
profession will have solved a vexing
economic problem.
(£ » 1 ) 2 ». W«wt*ra N*w*p*p«T Union.)
It might seem at first glance that
the name “ miniature" painting Is de­
rived from the use o f the word In gen­
eral for “ small.” The fact la. how­
ever. that the general use o f the word
la derived from the name o f these
small paintings, and that the term
had Its origin In the latln name for
red lead.
“ Man art supposed to be attracted
by silk-clad calves, but thev’re not
by a darned sight."
Need N ot K n ow Engliih
The immigration laws do not require
that an Immigrant must know any
English before lie can be admitted In
to the United States. They merely re­
quire that tlie Immigrant must lie able
to rend and write some language. It
docs not hnve to be English.—Path
Under Magazine.
Sponge Apartment Hoaaee
Sponges, sometimes as big as bar­
rels. serve as submarine apartment
houses fo r shrimps, worm* and small
Bah. These creatures have their def­
inite locations In the sponge cavi­
ties which they have adapted to their
particular n eed «
Nugget e f Wijdom
It Is well to have visions o f
ter life than that o f ever; day,
la the life o f every day from
elements o f s belter life must
a bet­
but it
“ Miniature" comes from “ minium."
latln for the red lead pigment used In
illumlnntlng manuscripts, and the name
waa applied first to the pictures which
Illustrated manuscripts. The direct
derivation of “ miniature” la through
"mlnlare," meaning "to color with
Ho from “ coloring manuscrlpta with
minium" evolved the now well-known
fire art o f miniature painting, and our
modern word "miniature” which la
commonly used as a synonym for
‘suisll” in everyday speech today.
Worcester Annoyed by
Exuberance of Youth
One has but to delve Into biography
to discover that even the great were
beset with human frailties Just like
less famous m ortal« The daughter of
the poet Longfellow, in her m em oir«
tells how the children kept tbs com­
munity on edge.
Longfellow’s neighbors did not In­
variably share his Indulgence toward
his children. The lexicographer, W or­
cester, was a next door neighbor In
(SI be McClure Mewsowper Sradicete^
Cambridge. A little pond, where ths
children skated, lay between tbs tw o
p la c e «
Th# b o y « o f course, were
noisy, which waa not mluded at borne.
But dictionary making Is not like
poetry and the dignified Worcester,
disturbed, frequently came down and
chased ths children off hla end o f ths
pond, ordering them. In words not to
bs found In hla dictionary, to keep
their racket at home.
Perhaps dime novela did ruin some
y o u th « Something would be aure to.
“ 'vevrtaht. hr B ob*- » < n n rw
Illustration* by Irwin M js n
pointed fur tha meeting?
Isn't tbs
r«at o f th* committee Isle?"
"W ell, as a m ailer o f fact, tb * real
uf* la no bower o f roses for the o f the commute« la not coming. Ilrolh
“1 am so advertisement canvasser.
Have you auy auiall wauls I cun ad
er Pawea was called oul o f town oo
was not the first to maks that disco*
hualneea— lute Hits afternoon, and
"Certainly not. My servant should try In actual s i perlene«. There could
Brother Macklen la tn bod with an
not have admitted you. I have told bs no possible question bul thaï abe attack o f acuta Indigestion. Not that
him repeatedly that I do uot see can­
I believe a word o f It myself. They
tha moat pleasant as wall at profit-
Just hacked out, that's all."
"Then dlamlsa him and advertise In abla lines, and yet It grew Increasing
"la the meeting postponed, then?"
our pafier for a belter oue.” — iuuu. ly difficult to hold her recalrllranl
“ Well, no. You tee, I waa the chair
subjects to tbs designated atara. Take
V leu us.
man anyhow, and I ran do aa wall
Miriam, the sensible twin, for In
without the com m u te«
We'U Just
■ la n e« frtvollng away (hs precious
Underworld Battio
hav« It out by o u rselvv«"
“ I shall call the police 1” exclaimed
T h « girl* rose quickly. “ W «'ll run
tha company o f a mers ran grocer
the burglar.
upstairs I f you will axcuaa u « " said
“ That • what I meant uj do.” said And It was not merely that she did
the woman whose Jewels were In Jeop thoaa things, sha enjoyed the doing
"N o, don't go." aald Joplin Waat
ardy. "W hat bops have you, tf the That was the painful aids o f tbo situ
bury quickly, avldently not al all da
police arrive?”
siring to be left alooe wltb hla genii*,
“ I shall accuse you of attacking me
And there waa Marjory,
unseeing pastor.
“ Ton stay right
and trying to take possession o f my Buckwortb remained a pleasant and
h er«
It's a family matter, aa you
hard won loot from previous Jobs ol comradely member of ths household,
might say, and we'll Juat have II all
cheerfully paying ten o f hla dfleen
the evening."
right out in tba open.*
dollars Into the general coffer every
Mr. Tolliver sal very still, a rigid
week, and obviously counting this
flgu r« against lha failed blue velvet
not ao much a hardship aa a privilege
o f tha big chair, hla bead bent f o r
Mias Jenkins lik 'd Bltu. Mr. Tolliver
liked him, the members o f the church
"Y on see. wa had a meeting o f the
liked him. All the young daughters o f
all the Influential members developed official board Monday night."
"You did I Why, 1 could hava come
a strang« assiduity along tinea o f r *
llgloua activity.
On tha surfacs. In fo r It."
“ Wall, we Just had It by ouraelvaa
things seemed to progress wltb a
sweet serenity which should bavs been In fact we've js d several.
highly satisfactory to everybody con
theta's no us« beating about th « bush,“
continued th « embarrassed official
But Ginger E l l « casting about bar “ Yon see. Brother Tolliver, that while
all our people like you. and Ilk « your
wltb keen ayes that aaw everything,
work— Ilk « your whol« family. In fact
and a keen mind (bat suspected even
—« t i l l —
Well, you ran se* that a
more, knew Intuitively that all was
blind man can’t run a church—not
not wall, not in the church, where
rightly—not a fins new church Ilk«
were beard vague m urm uring« la
definite suggeotlon« and were seen thla on « o f o n r« Now that w«'tra put
“ The men musi notice she displays strangs and significant looks, nor In ao much money Into thla new church,
wa'ra got tn get In the crowds to fill
very poor sense In the way she
tbo parsonage Itself, where lllram
Buckwortb looked too often, and too It up. and help pay the expense« And
"But It Isn't ner display of poor
long, upon ths slender white hands a blind nun— "
sense the men notice, my dear,"
Mr. T olliver did not tn ov« “ Y e «
o f Marjory Tolliver. This was a bad
Brother Westbury. Oo on," ha said
sign, one o f the vary worst,
Ne Reciprocity
Buckwortb waa good looking. Marjory
I tried to laugh at trouble.
had always been man m ad The alia
“ Well, you see bow It 1«
But met lbs same old rumor.
atlon held all aorta o f horrible poesl
•In r« the Congregatlonallats
That Old Man Troubla navar baa
bllltlca Ginger renewed her vtgtlanc«
started Co hold meetings o f Ikelr own
Tba ali(b>aat aanaa o f bumor.
Buckwortb, good looking, In Ibe Odd Fellows' hall, they've taken
brilliant young student, had deliber­ about a dozen o f our good p ayer« and
Fair Eaoagk All Round
w e're got to get In others lo taka Ihelr
ately chosen tba ministry as hla life
"W hat did you premia« the dele
p la c e « Now you see how we're fixed
gates that Just called on you?"
Wa Ilka you. first-rat« but we'va got
"Everything they asked." answered sp ed for that choice, which, although
to work for the church. Drat and last.
It accorded him a high mark for
Senator Sorghum. "And when votes
Well, we waited, and hoped you woold
character, th no way entitled him to a
were mentioned, they promised every
get over IL Wa wrote to the d octo r«
thing I asked. Then we all retired permanent place In her plans for the
and they aay you've not got much
fam ily's future.
Being a seminary
to think II over, leaving everything
man, with special study at O x fo rd ha chanc«— not on« tn a hundred You'iw
looking like a stand-off.” — Washing
woold begin perhaps at a thousand all run down, and you need a long
ton Star.
raat— maybe a year, maybe two years
d o lla r« or tw elve hundred tf be was
— to build you up."
Incky, and would progress upward
slowly, perhaps aa far aa two thou­
“ But perhaps an operation—It woold
Mr. Meeker had crawled nnder the
sand twenty-flv# hundred possibly—
be expenalre. but—"
bed when he heard the burglar. He ha waa so very good looking. I f ha
"W e aaked about the operation.
held hla breath and waited.
married, be would Instantly, according
They Juat talked about tbal to cheer
after a long pnuse. be felt some one
to Uni*honored Methodist parsonage you up. As operation wouldn t do any
trying to crawl In beside him.
statistics as figured by Ginger, become good Your eyes are Just plain worn
" I that you, Henrietta, dear?" he
possessed o f a minimum o f throe chit-
you'll all worn out—tbat'a the
; dren.
Straight of I t "
“ N o," was the answering whisper.
Small good would be one o f hla ao
“ I see."
"I'v e Just had a look at her. I ’m the
, tate to the Impoverished and needy
"W ell, we talked It over with the
burglar. Move up I”
j T o lliv e r « Encouraging him was a district superintendent, and he hadn't
deliberate throwing away of their ooe
a word to aay against yon. Brother,
resource. It waa the willful choking of
nor any o f ua either for that matter.
their oil well. It waa the burning of
But you see how It U.
The new
their liberty bond« Ginger roconnot
church and all. Ho he said le would
tered carefully. 8be did mora than rec
fix It up ut the conference (hla fall,
onnolter. She hounded Sha waa all
and they'll retire you according to the
present, all pervasive, all-obaervlng.
books— 1 don't know Just bow It la,
I f M arjory and Ibe young minister
but they pay you right along, and —
Inclined for a stroll In the moonlight.
It'a all down In the 'Discipline
Ginger inclined also. I f they sat In you'll get a gsod long rest, and we'll
tha shads ol tha ramblers on the get tn some fresh young chap to draw
veranda. Ginger aat with them, bored,
the crowds and fill np tba new
but unyielding.
Had she washed dishes all these
“ But—hut It'S fath er'*—the new
years merely to aare the fa ir hands church I « " gnaped Ginger, unable -o
o f M arjory for the dishes o f lllram
endure the dead alienee that hong so
Buckwortb and a minimum o f three?
blackly over the little group.
The attic saw little i.i Ellen T olliver
Joplin Westburv turned on her
daring these d a y « Sha met the pool
xharply, evidently glad of a chance
man, thanked him warmly for the
"D id bis arguments strike yoa with
to switch the fide of hit talk from
letters he gave her, and flew to the
uuch force?"
the stricken minister. “ No. Ellen. It's
The dimes eia»hed Into the
"Sure did—be-» got hard flats."
not your father's church. Il*a m-t our
dolls' trunk, and Ginger returned to
church. It'« O o d '«"
her veranda vigil.
Word M agie
Ginger wilted suddenly. "Y es.“ she
Th* orator la often sent
In a way considerabis disappoint­ assented. “ Yea. o f cou ra« I wish we
T o show mysterious tricks.
ment attended tha accumulation j f
could let Ood run IL "
And what appears as sentiment
funds for the blind. Barely did she
Proves only politics.
'E llen," reproved bet father gvntly.
receive more than five contributions In
a day, • stingy fifty c a n t«
On the Briny Deep
daughters cannot ba aent to finishing
The Guy— Peculiar fish, tha aar
schools, shabby parsonages cannot be
dona over, suffering eyes cannot be
The Girl— How so?
The Guy— Well, his idea o f twtna la operated on by axpenslva surgeons,
upon a paltry fiva dimes a day. Not
a whole school, and hr loses his eye«
that Ginger frowned upon her re­
F or untold age* tb* data baa been
In the sea and open* them up again
c e ip t« far from It. It was only that
a atapl* article o f diet In the OrienL
in a can.
sb « had hoped so greatly.
It la said that a half-pound o f dates
F r«m the M « « t b o f a Child
In tha three weeks o f Mr. Tolliver's
and a half-plot o f milk maka a auffl
“Grandma etoa* your aye« o n e «
idleness In th « country, h « had ac­ dent meal f o ' a person o f sedentary
quired a thick coat ot unaccustomed
"W hy, my child?"
hahlta T h * date needs milk lo round
tan, and five full pounds In weight, out Its food balance. An Intensely hot
"Because paps saya. 'When grandma
-loses ber eye« w e ll get a big bug ot with such an Increase of strength, en
climate and plenty o l water are neces­
tliualnan, and ambition Hint n« was sary for the prodnetlon ol d a te « As
money.' "
Inclined tn feel aaliumed o f bis con
an old Arabian aaytng gooat “ A dat*
tlnued Idlen ss« Word from town that
A Training Staat
palm most hava Its head In fir* and
Its feet In water." Some believe that
The Guide— Th ai atatue represent» a «pedal committee from the offldal
when Adam and Eva lived In the O a r
the disk thrower. Disk throwing ws* hoard wiahec to meet him at tbo par
sonuga on Thursday evening for a dls- den o f Eden, they subsisted vary la rgo
quite an Important event In the Olyra
| cusalon o f Important church matters, ly upon the d s t « In fact, that part
pic g a m e «
o f Mesopotamia which produces to thla
M r«
lllram Offun— I wonder tf gave him real pleasure.
Eddy Jackson drove him In. with
day the heat date* la regarded as th*
that's what my kitchen maid la prac
Miriam, and feeling, with usual
prohnble all* o f ths Garden o f Eden
tiring when the should be washing
tact, that the family would like to he A re h e o lo g M « In making exrevatlona
the dishes?
alona for a few hours of Inilmata ro
In thla region, have nncovered ruins
union, hs pleaded important business, thousands o f years old. among which
“ You’d never think this street need and left them, promising to return for
Lav# been found broken sculptures ot
to be a cow path, would yon?"
them at eleven o'clock.
Anc after
the date palm, together with r e fe r
"Oh. I don't know ; look at all the
tbelr modest supper, they aat, the
calves on It."
threo girls and their fnthet, In the
pleasant old living room and waited
M ystery e f file * *
for the coming o f tha committee.
Rrlence hue evolved drugs that will
“ I always say my w ife and I haw
“ They want that last two ihooaand
put on* to sleep, but Just what It la
now reached ths Idr .1 married state.
raised." said their father, smiling,
that brings natm sl sleep Is ss great a
"W hnt do you mean by tha Ideal “ and ao do L llu* 1 am sure the peo­ mystery today as It was to the cave­
married state?"
ple will contribute it or the own free
man who curled up on his rock mat­
“ Well, my w ife no longer worries
will. In grattiuds, oo th « day o f lb «
tress, with his flowing beard spread
about the shape o f my nose, and I no dedication."
ever him for a quIlL
longer worry whether she does ot
Presently cam « Joplin Westhury,
It la » commentary on human na­
not I"
alone, ill at eaae, hat obviously i mao
ture that we are more particular
with bis mind made op.
about our food than ws are ebon! reg­
Made Her Fac« Leng
ular hours o f sleep, yet It la a fact,
“ W ell. Brother T olliver," h* said
Mrs. BbibfitW— That new hat makee
“ it's good to see you again. Too are definitely established, that It la pos­
votir f i x « took short.
looking better. Rye* any stronger?”
sible to live much longer without food
Mrs Styles— Tliat's sträng« II mad«
then without the benign embrace of
" I think so, y e « I am aura of lu
-uy husbuud's face look long.
M orpbeu«
foal muck batter. What bout was ap-
This popular film star plays soldier
and not a crook In his nsxt picture.
Morrie has killed himself and most
othsr principals In all hla recent pic­
tures, beginning with “ Alib i." Morris
is a native of New York. Hie parents
wars actors. Hs previously had much
stage experience.
b y E th el H u es ton
“ I'm aorry - I didn't mean—’
stammered nervously.
“ Y m . never mind. W# know you
meant nothing wrong. You are quits
right, o f cou ra« Brother Weatbury.
tt la all tr u « A blind men would only
he an encumbranco— lb a now church
Ilk* th a t I sh o u ld have resigned bw
fort»—but I kept hoping l would r s
cover. And I had my fam ily—1
“ Oh, you'll h* takno cur* of. Broth­
er Tolliver, fin a l you worry.
won't he allowed to suffer, you nor
your family either. Juat you ratneuy
her t?.»L It’» all down In Ihe ’ l»la-
r lp lln «'
T h * confaiencu will lake
care uf you.“
“ How eoon— When do you—"
"W all, now. Brother, w * figured w*
would Just keep you right along until
ronferenca, oo full salary and every­
thing. And you can Juat rent up In
(he country, and let this young Burk-
worth do th* preaching. We Ike him
first r a t « And w# want you to preach
th* dedication, we're aliaolulely unan­
imous oo that— nobody but you for lit*
dedication, for aa you might aay, ll's
your church. Tbat 1 « you undenland.
you raised th* money and alL*
“ Y e « I see Thank yon very much."
Awkwardly, the m is t»* made hla
good bys and hurried away, lie did
not look back. Miriam walked wltb
him lo the door, shook hands wltb
8he even smiled.
Then ah*
slipped back and Joined tb* bushed
little group
"E -fath er," begged Ginger, In an
anguished l o o « "don’t be shocked—
pleas* d on 't
Remember what lb *
doctora aald."
He put out bta hand to hor, with
a sad s m ll« and sho crushed ll bo-
tween both o f h e r«
"Y ou see, there la oo h o p «" be said.
“They were only prelending tbal I
bad a c h a n c «“
“ No, father," contradicted Miriam
sweetly. "N o. they were not pretend­
ing. They aald you had a chance, and
they meant IL They aald the only
way was for yon to become ao strong
and well that your aye* also would
grow strong and well. They did not
deceive yon
Yoa did have—yoa hav*
got a chan c« I asked them a doaea
lim e « and they told me boneetly."
"And as far aa money gnra." cried
Ginger, more cheerily, “ I hav* quit* a
few little aecrela o f my own. It is
tw o months till conferrncw By that
lin t « old darling, I shall probably be
able to take care o f you myself.”
I I* smiled at her again.
"D ear
Ell.-n." he said gently. “ I f only tbee*
■lira little hands could carry out th*
k lu illy projects o f that eager little
bean w * should never want for much
In thla world."
“ Oh. but Ibis ttm* I really mean It
—I mean— I am quite aur«—" T h *
disclosure o f her hopes trembled at
tb * lip o f her tongue--her eye* grew
rapt and lum lnou« But her stater*,
ao used to her daring d rea m « and
her extravagant prom ise« paid small
heed. T belr thought* were upon tb «
sordid reality o f lb « present moment
and Its dlsappoIntmeoL
“ It'a a good thing tb* wedding la
over," said Marjory.
“ Helen would
never hav* g o n « U ah* had sus­
pected till«'*
“ Boarding Mr. Buckwortb will help
out quit* a l l t t l « * aald Miriam. "A s
for u « aa long aa we stay al Bay Dirt,
we’re simply gorging ouraelvaa among
th* fieshpots o f Egypt."
Ginger shook tb * rap tor« from bar
tyro, closed her teeth firmly upon her
secret. T b « lima bad not com « for
her triumphal prooeusremenL
“ Well, aa Old Jop says— ” she began.
“ Ellen I"
" I mean Brother Westbury.
Jackson calls biro Old J op
Wsll, as
ha s a y « (hs conference will taka c a r«
o f ue
What will ws get, father?
Where la th « ’Discipline?’ Let's look
It up."
8ha ran upstair* for the book.
“ 1 should have resigned,” aald her
father drearily. " I knew I could not
minister to them property. But I did
keep hoping."
Hard to Picture Orient Without the Date Tree
enees to ths usa o f Ita frutt aa a food
A ccordln, to an oíd, oíd Arablan story
a fttr Ood had creatad Adam. sonta ot
the solí clung to Hls banda and Hi
moldad It Into a data paira. Tin
leave» w er» set In a feethery crowt
at th* lop th* sanie as Hs errata«
man, 8o It la only natural ihat th«
paltn ahould lie aa nearly perfret l
tro* us Adam wss a human batng.
Made file r* a S triae
T h e secret o f a llttl* genaral atom
tn an English village, »Imttered and
closed for forty yea n , waa disclosed
on th « death o f Ita owner. Flaxlua J o
sephua Wilkinson had left Ih * «tort
alwolutely unaltered sine* th* deatli
o f nla father. Calendars and paper«
o f forty y e a n before w e n found, and
on the counter was a pair o f old fash
toned arnica. T h e n waa a Ian a yard
stick that had avldently hern osed
for measuring doth, and the medlcln«
bottle*, tea ran lsten anfi Jan wer*
as ths old man had left them—ever
th* Jacket o f the old shopkeeper still
hung on the wall. Few persona knew
o f (hls nm arknhle Inatanca o f a ann’i
devotion to hls father's memory. Th«
son had been left comfortably wel
off. but he carefully dusted and awrpi
th# little s to n and llv«»d for manj
y e a n In tha house adjoining IL
Another Casa* far Wend
One wonder» what the men
pert* wIB do for a living after
Industries have been merged
risburg Telegraph.