T he T urner T ribune ^ VOL • XIV. I t # i.' ---- I ■ t ■ ' i = = ---------------------- NO. Vi . . * TURNEE, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2. 1030. SUBSCRIPTION $1.13 TER Y E A $ U— U IUJJi»!TCÏ /A V M W /M M M J. D A LE T A Y L O R Sun Froze lee Cream Read the ads this week They contain worth while messages. *nd Sun Freze Specials Elough-Saglor (to, Chocolates in Fancy Boxes and Bulk p V y V 'A V V A V W A W W W A W W A V /J 'J V A Candies for all Occasions F. BREITHAUPT C. fil2 Slat* Street A. M. Ç L O U G H norncM M S . New Uligh Building SAT A BOWL O f CHILLI A PAY FLORIST LUNCHES Ç O L D KISH - C A N A R IE S • L O V E B lftO S • P A R R O T S R IO H K N œ ^ E O X T O ^ S T E R Y Full linewf Bini and Fiah Food anil Remedies SALEM. FOUNTIAN SERVICE Httlefil, * P hono 8ÍIÜ • Oregon. ^ A W /Ä V V V W /A W W y A V ,* d V iV A W /W ,V .V .V /M V 1 PHONE 120 /W A V W V W W J W ^ A V W , (V V V V y V W W V tY /iW V W V V W ^ ^ ^ W V W /W W V W A V A V W E. K . Pia$2 cki Locals Pomeroy and Keene $ S a le m ’ s S q u a re D eal J ew eler« & O p ticia n «. D iam ond# W p tch e « C lfq k « Jew elry £ S ilv erw a re, f 379 S ta te , S t. S alem , O fe g p n . ^ V W /y V A V A 'A W J y W A V W A V « A W /W ,% V .V T"—r The Bpnlea farip shipped a pure-bred barred rpek cockrel to Astoria this week. C on tractor and B niiJer Cem ent W o rk and N u m b in g Gaoeral Route j . Mrs. ^lice Witzel, a siater-in- law o f Mr*. Barr, visited her Saturday. Mrg. Witzel lives in Salem. Wr. and Mrs. Harold Briggs ju-e moving to Portland thjs week. W , JAY DENHEM ft OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal Gardens every Wednesday and Gents 50c jj atgiduy, 8:30 P. M. Ladjg«25e. tf, > Ilildred L. Bones visited rela­ tives and friends jn Salem, Christinas \yeel$, Turner, Oregon Tliere will be the regular pery- icea at the Methodist (¿lurch next Sunday. The pastor W. S. Bur- goyne will be hack from hia visit in California and preach both morning and evening. P ip « F ittin gs, T oo l* , R o ofin g Paper, T j r Paper, B uildin g P aper, A .b e s to s P * p «r , S tove P ip e, S teve«, E lectrica l Su pplies, W ire and Lam p*. These and m any oth e r things are w hat you can find at Jensen ’ s H ardw are. C an supply you w ith h a rb td w ire en d field f e n c ­ ing at M on tga m a ry-W a rd pricas. W e are alw ays gla d to h»Ve fSH co m e in J. D. M artin o f R ich m on d, V a ., ia w hether yqu buy o r not. H. P. Jensen, the proud p o u t i w r o f • ch eck f o r H ardw a re and B lacksm ithing. $ 2 0 0 .0 0 paid him f o r an old co p p e r cen t. T he N e ame matte C om pa n y, D ept. tMib. f-»rt W orth , T e a a i, who Little Miss Lois, the small purch ased this penny fro m M r. M artin daughter of H. P. Jensen, and taya th e re a t« u u m e ro u . o ld coina, billa and atampa in circu la tio n fo r her uncle and aunt, Mr. and « h ic k tj-ry will gladly pay b ig caah prem iu m ,. So that you will k n ow the Mrs. Wolf, pf Portland, spent value o f old coina and atampa and Christmas with Mr. H. p. Jen­ w hat to w atch fo r in y o u r ch a n ge, the N um ism atic Com pany will aend fo r sen and children. on ly 4 c to any readnr e f thia paper w ho w ritee Ite m , a la rge illustrated Joe Morgan, of Portland, spent co in fo ld e r d escribin g aome o f those w anted articles and the big profit* te the Christmas holidays with Wil­ be m ade. B etter w rite them tod a y f o r lard Hall. Mr. Morgan returned thia la rge fo ld e r so you can poet y o u r­ se lf and know joa t w hat to look fo r. to Portland Monday. R em em ber that M r. M artin ’ e k n ow in g the valuó o f hia penny m eant a d iffe r­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Par­ e n ce o f $ 1 9 9 .8 9 to him. W ith ou t k n ow in g ita value that p en n y m ight ent and two children Juanita and still he in circu la tio n , passing through tho hands o f thousands until M in to n , Robert, of Salem, were at the like Mr. M e rlin , w ho know s o ld coins, Bonlea Farm, Saturday after­ re co g n ise d ita valu e. It pa ys to be posted. Sand 0 4S*00»«*fr»fr»»»»»-K">»»frX*W ifr»»»frfr»fr»»»C <»o »♦»»♦»♦♦« on the track. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Riches Mr. and Mrs. George Crume were dinner guests at the home ...................... .............. ......... — — — ------------------------- Mayro McKinney has been con­ entertained Christmas day for of their son 8 . A. Riches, on fined to his home the past few Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer, Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mitchell and jlays on account o f sjekness. sons Homer and Robert, o f Tur­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnett George Given yient a few ner and Mrs. Jennie Hobbs, of motored to Crawfordsville, Wed­ days last week at tho T. B Funs- Eugene, and her son Frank. nesday and spent the holiday ton home South west o f Turner. with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bear. TRAPPERS ATTENTION The W- C. T- U. will meet with Bring or send your furs in. H. R- Crawford and family Mf?- W. T. Riches, Wednesday afternoon, Janurary 8. The Sub. will guarantee you more money were callers at their farm home Automobile Insurance Written ject for the program will be, than you can get East or else iast Wednesday. Turner, Oregon, ‘ ‘National Prohibition’ s Tenth where. West Side Fur House, Birthdpy, January 16, 1930.” West Salem, Oregon. 12-19-oL Bert Petersen was the winner Friends cordially invited* o f the roller skates that were on exhibition in the window o f the The next regular meeting o f Mrs. A D. Hale on Route 1, Harrison grocery. the Turner Community Club will was agreeably surprised last Sun­ PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WORK be held Monday. January 13,1930. day when her daughter, from Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bones A ll W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices A good program is being prepared Seattle and another from Jeffer­ spent Christmas with Mrs. Us* Your Credit Com« in apd talk it over by the program committee,which son came to Turner to assist her Bones’ brothers, in Portland. will be in charge of Mr*. Stan­ mother in celebrating her birth­ M A S O N IC TEM PLE, RAt-EM ley Riches. The president re­ day. Phone 440 Residence 758 R Business 251 Court Street Mrs. China Bones entertained quest that every member of the her children and their families Phone 2876J community to be present. for Christmas dinner. Renewals to the Tribune since i W W W "A \ W V S V V W V \ V Y A V Y A ,A N W Y (V Y Y V V W V V A V V V W Mrs. B G. Briggs find son last week wore Mrs. C. A Davis Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker, of Herbert, Miss Lois Robertson, UMBEELLA, CUTLERY AND KEY S T O R E of Turner, and John Grrardin, of Salem, spent Tuesday night ef of Turner and Mr. and Mrs tiliarpening and Repairing Beaverton. last week at the Harry Barnett Harold Briggs, o f Portland were home. Christmas guests at the Lee SALEM, OREQON Mr. and Mrs. S. Talbott re­ Smith home at Marion. port a fine time on their Christ­ Miss Erma Barber who has been Every Saturday Night Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Robertson mas trip to spend the holidays employed at the Miller mercan­ and daughters Aileen and Mar­ with their children in the Puget tile store in 8alem returned home garet and son Albert were Christ­ Sound country. Tuesday of last week. mas guests at the B. E. Robertson home, in Salem. John Girardin. of Beaverton Corner Liberty and Chemcketa Sts, spent Christinas with his daugh- Dr. O. L. Scott alem, Oregon. Ras S. Bsrr find daughter Julia, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Greenlee Chiropractor and family He spent tho day. of Gray’ s River. Wash., were Neurocalomeler Servie« Turner visitors during the holi­ Friday, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Phone 87. Residence 2104 J W. Farris. W illard M athis Orchestra P laying days. DRUGS 4 % Paid on six months i F. P. ROWLEY Health, Aooident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Tim e Deposits Fire and Turner State Bank Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Í Alvin B. Stewart Old Time Dance C astilion Hall 236 N. High Street à 4+ ; Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Thomason Tho Tribune »hop ear» print jrotu spent Christmas with theirdaugh- butter wraps, letter heads and en­ ter in Albnny. velop#* £ . A . Rosenbaum, Salem, Oregon A V W A W .V A V J Mgr.