.•X\VA A W /v Iv iv v •,\V/|V»V.V iW .W iV X \,VWi*iV»V\V Ilarrison’f General Store Turner, Ow f w i. Thursday y PEC for V- r » . » lr g . Cilitur The Sunday School of tho ! loyr.ed Every Thuiidr.v nt t u »er, Marion County, Oregon Christian church gave their Christina» program Tuesday _ .. . „5 PER \ KAR. Entered at the Postoffce SUBSCRIPTION 51 night, in tho church. The ntidl- Glassware, Hardware Ut T a n K«i-, ;« . Orijcon. ,".s «eco id-cluss matter, under the torium was well tìlled and thè Art of March S. 1879. _______________ i and Shoes program wna greatly enjoyed. Tho Christina* story was givon 1 W et weather goods b.v tire Sunday School in a well arranged program whichwas, -V Highest prices for farm followed by a fivewitl offe ring i \ ■ .VT-A. Jk V % for tlie Turner Boy*’ Home.! produce The amali daughter of li. P. .r . . Jens.ii. who Is niakiug beri 4- Wtf C iv « t '.-s homo in Portland, hnd u piece all pivpared for tho program at H & II ('»a h Djitcount Stum p« thè Methodiat church but did “ I pledge sllr.sfir.riCL* to *ne F l:ig o f the l nited States aot get down in timo to givo it j; T u rn er, O regon there, thcreforc she was aaked | and the country fo r which it stands. One nation, to give it ut the program Tues- > indivisible, v ith liberty and justice for all.” day evening. It brought loud dav ... . ■' ■ - — ' applause from all parts of the T H E A M E R IC A N H O M E building. This closed the pro­ truck was rammed by it car drlv- pneumonia, flo w s * born Oct* gram except for giving out the en by Sam Wright, of Route 2. ober 4. 1870 and was BN yearn 5 7 Job L. M m fred treats, hollowing the program The car sustained considerable old * hen dcuth claimed him ( A ! " g i t - reserved) t a group o f young folks went damage while the truck cscuiwd T a enty nine years ago ho out around town singing Christ­ practically unharmed. moved wjth hi* family from mas carols. from Michigan to Turner, where ho engaged in tho morchamlise „ new appearing exclusively in The ùti»! in lì-* »•' t"hJs is ÍÍK f :u*t'» *r pr'er io their c k ik a oi in Ï A L'.m. Comments are invit.-J. In business, moving to Aumsvillo 21 TURNER GRANGE •ber of previous issues of The n '/eto n u’r.K—a Hn.ii. years ugn, where ho operate«! a CLUB HAS VOTE •;\~:bun\ coat -.nlrg £.»• j* r-sll * a t ' . . a r e still available.— The Editor. general store for sovgral year» As tlie pve«:* nl irxt.'ihr ic:n in this scries is being written the Two yours ugo ho purchased a Yuht'dc spit ? nljro.'d ir t V i . Yeung and old, alike, seem general store at l^on», which How Qsod i r i you at finding mistakes? The artist has Intentionally made Ml'S. A ; E . K o b o r t s o il W aS; po l o aninjrii i by «•. C knstrjc.s greetings, expressing the several obvious enes in drawing tb» above plctur*. Sxno cl them are easily |to»teS S f g m e m b e r s a n d fr ie n d s business ho roncucttd until hi* :xml£r*» •»“o r ffjfi wist fur »he he iltb and happiness of llie re­ fjiicfcvarcd. clhe/t n u ; be lurd. See how lo r» It will take VQU to find them. of the Turner Woman's Grange An explosion sot flre to nn old death- cipient. art g ’ • ;*h ;j .1 f r r l. throughout the length and Work Club, ____ iu her home at disused cow lutrn on the E. C. He js survived by his widow, breadth c f our ¿pi ntry. Sjircope hits called them “ sunshine red candles burning on it and their last regular meeting. This Baker ronch. two milej west of Mm. «jusie Kansorn and two NOTICE OF HEARING OF F IN A L clUiribot-jn}.** **huy Sprightly messengers of kindly ACCOUNT a small Christmas tree centered » * • » n important business StayU»p. last Thursday morning, sons. Harold and Wayne, both at ( ‘.lupjLtS, (hey C arry c'-.cr;' it;(o renw>i« places, and gladness to In the County Court of the State the table. Stanford received meeting and tho annual olcc-¡The sqiokc was aeon by Henry home; his aged father, l>r. J. W. of Oregon, for Marion County. tin) heart* of slide ins anq luufily. In the Matter of the Eatate of manv nice birthday gifts from'Bon of otliccrs took place dur- Smith, constable of the Stay ton Ransom, of Turner; threw sister» Moar,v.r.ile the on Lire populace surrendered to one of the Pauline Deeper, Deceased. his friends. More than 20 of ink the afternoon. district, who were reported to m* Mia. Mary Oiler, and Mrs. fu>vs. of all human r.ttiv.uUs— tire impulse to "give.” Every- Notice is hereby given that the hi» little friends were present. The officers elected at this hunting for Lhristmas trees. As Kflle McGovern, of Portland and v.*.er* bundles «» h J */ u;kaycc arp being made up, wrapped and final account of Alice M. Bancroft imwal DMttlni m n Mrs. th*hnra bturnedaway a huge still. Mm. 1|. u. ('«rkins, of Water- and Charles W. Leeper, executors of adiirtissed to someone, somewhere. Wii&t is in these package^? the estate of Pauline Lceper, de­ Thomap Little, president; Mrs. was disclosed, sai*l to be 30) gal- |yo, Oregon: three brothers, Tom W hy, some gilt v ’rich the render, after much deliberation, has ceased, has been filed in the County If. E. Deayer, vice-president; Ion capacity. Deputy sheriff Itar- 0( Aumsville, John, of Shelburn Court of Marion County, Oregon, and decided will give the recei or the greatest pleasure. that the 24th day of January. 1930. Mrs. Raymond Titus, secretary- h‘‘ r •rived on the scene und thu um] Harve. of Lyons, V/itcrc arc they a l t r i a « ? They arc going into the “ homes” at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. has treasurer. The Grange Work still anti about 30 gallons of al-j Funeral services were held n appointed by said court for heaur- *>:t :e notion and »¡A- ’ -' esc her- « thr.f have, for the time being £ “ ‘‘d'final ‘ ' 1 account, j Club is planning many accom- l‘'ged moonshine liquor was tak Friday morning from the Wed- at least, r.palo become 1 a t i t s In jccord with tradition and the at which time any persons i interested plishments during the coming en to Stay ton where it wjts on die chappol at Staytoa. Rev, h om o m e. e ” Is ere a n yon v o n e. e ob!, in n ioM estate ma>' wntia# aPrtar and an‘i cou- ft!e Acristmrs smrit, ‘ Cnri.- mas ir. th old c... n is th «n«.re an theroto j exhibition at the Hunt and Tate Wayne Wright officiating with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were new year. pvt*r the age of forty, cay w h « cannot look back and v is u a liz e , test the same. garage. Following the fire the bunal in Twin Oak cemetery. Salem shoppers Saturday. ALICE M INNIE BANCROFT. the pic! ire of r.^I fcej^e ri;yLc‘ ma£? And could he or she, operator made his escape and CHARLES W. LEEPER. A number of the W . C. T. U. p *rs bly refrain I r.jbici« 4 an ea.eest hope that it would Executors. ; only the woman and children ladies met at the home of Mrs. g-m' nue or. rh'.io »o c v ij ? W ill) . re (he most hallowed of all r . h . BASSETT, were on the place ut, the time, c-A laoworfi i ? Arc i u y nct theje o : our childhood days ? When Salem. L. E. Hennies and quilted a They we** refiorted to have been quilt for Mrs. Will Morris. The L'iv v. vrds, f-'Mo.iy Ch. strfrjs" were the most wonderful words Oregon. taken into custody. design was a large sunburst v/ere knew ? ! ----------------- The fire disclosed ten large An editorirl iu ;. morrias P P ir contains this pregnant1 NOT1CE OF h e a r i n g o f f i n a l star which took them thrj?e j vuta capable of holding more days to quilt. Those present! ilipaglit: * GhcUtmna in r.ayuf guite Hie same as it was cele-1 ‘ account than 1000 gallons of mash each. A. W. Norblad. of Astorja, aa were Mrs. John Shilling, Mrs. 1 brated in the out home c f childhood.” Thi* is unquestionably | „/orcgom^oVMarion eounty.SUtU Apparently material was on the president of tho .Senate, take» (rue, and applicj to the home of today as well as to those of a in the Matter of the Estate of Luke, Mrs. Jay Cook, Mrs. E a r!! ». . ». |„ . , n- n . , - , , ground for manufacturing more the reins of th« Governor’s offle« j.att generation. I f I, be “ old-faaaionad” to love home and home Ja™” ic“ eit ^c^by^iven that the Fred sihifl .rer X l h e r t '^ ® Ifl ,n D ? Cabin of the vats and also kegs to hold in place of Isaac Le« FatteNon. £ irroundiE - r , then ir Gcd’s najrr, let us be old-fashioned, f.r.al acrount of Ladd and Bush Trust Fr«d schifierer. Mrs. Albert . _ - ' the finishe.1 product. The value who died Saturday night He waa Cor tor of the estate of Hennies, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Jan.’S Reid, deceased, has been filed . of the plant was estimated by »worn in Sunday at the bedside in th" County Court of Marion Coun­ W ill Morris and the hostess, ! some to be $50<)0. Corn, barly of hia aged mother, who ha» be«n ty, Oropon, and that the 24th day of Mrs. L. E. llonnics. January-, 1930, at the liouP of 10 and wheat was used for the a helpless invalid for 10 yean o’clock" A. M. has been appointed by- Mrs. Arthur Kunke and chil­ , mash, and some sacks of grain Mr. Norblad was horn in Malmo, said court for hearing objection* to mid final account, at which time any dren spent the week-end with Were reported to he on the Swooden, and came to this c*un- persons interested in said estate may Mrs. Fliflet, of Salem. ground that had not yet been op- try with hia jmrents when a In the pnssii’g I-n ;<• Lee riiiicrson, Oregon looses not only “PP^ar an,j file objections thereto in ened The plant had not been in small child. Ije j» now 4« year» » * ‘ *■ l b i writing and contest the same. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferer a cL«-W »x«« alive, but a devoted, proipily Joyal sop. B °rn in R»e LADD AND BUSH TRUST COM operation long as the renter. B. old. He has aranged for Miss and family visited Mrs. Schif- } ei|r of Oregon’s nerator had only lived on late governor Patterson, to con- and Mrs. Albert Mader, of Ma- the place since the first of Octo tinne in her official capacity a« iiis inlyrestfl tverp «"err al -vat « » } - • t mutt-ly j-ntied with those of the his in;j/reet« l^or’wy^fiir'E xecutor cleay, Monday. tober. 1 t.iin- 503 Bank of Commerce Bldg, Salem, p'uyp'M iw en lth K ' r x n p a > . secretary to the governor. He Mrs. Mary Buetler of Salem The offall of the still was piped has signified his intentions of be­ .. . uchler, Isaao Pa.terson ex- 0 ‘ °KOn'___________ .ill ill« *V4i ,« 1 ».t*$ Ci ill* IHIl.J HI is spending a few days with her across the field into a huge cess­ coming a candidate for the nomi­ - ri'M fd the ilautH'ii » iri a** that >■ e r« the flow er cf the pioneer METHODIST CHURCH sister-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Schif­ pool near the creek while the nation as governor at (he coming (ir;i iU t (i;;t i; s rn i r ' r " »• »f u u 1 J ;‘: ience. I d his oflite as ferer, and family. wuter was piped from the primaries. i.vorn #r l. j com»: .-»I no diluii i¡ - t''.significant, but gave to The Christmas pageant “ The creek through an underground Cloverdale school presented fîery Jpty a :¡ run? i!.r f*m « ( <:•- i; UMii uitention that waited 1 Message of the Angels,” given | pipe It was said by the officers their Christmas program Tues- ' L ,a U. 0 1 C tiim uenli'iiis aif.tir« of jot « i pmept. ¡last Sunday night, was greeted, . . | to b« the largest plant ever found # « J:i nil l};e eifrt qi !.; t.iwpiin^, snow-crowned figure, Mr. foy a full house and enjoyed by|' a ernoo,‘’ in Marion county. l ’aUejKgl WLS «yVI y i'icj* M*L‘ gpy»’'t ‘ Or( but with the smile on all present. The large picture Mrs. L. E. Hennies received Jiis kinly face uiql tho Wiira.il, of hi# loi.Jy handclasp he was representing the scenes around Christmas and New Year’s M* include«! in th* gepcuniil) the f u n d of t'ci;< une Ip m*-t. Iiis dignity was Bethlehem was very beautiful greetings telegram from Mrs. Mcrmm Webticr. |li0 naljirkl Hititqde of jtp upi >gbt ipul, not the assumed robe of aud attractive. It was so ar- Hennies’ brother, A. J. Web­ The death of Isaac L. Patter­ •uch m atrtgruf b, bn*dtnil, tuMt pflliT, jiii-f a# bis toidial uifiiipner «a * ihe sincere evidence of his ranged that at the right time ber, o f Dallas, Texas. son, governor of Oregon, occurcd » » » * , Rohmnm, Theodore Winthrop Johnson good heart. the angels appeared to the at 8:10 o’clock, Saturday night tttntnwu, ttc. New ntmei *nd at hia farm home at Eola, seven was born at M t Azonta, Iowa, So ii U today, *11 qvpr (h'J klatp which Governor Patterson s^ieP^erds. Those taking part plirrtir# .i:trd tuch Pr°Kram were dressed in miles west of Salem in Polk September 9, 1B61 and was, at poqntpd |t a ))ig|i prjvjjfge to serve, tii«re is greif for a loved ' n M Catlxr, Stmtourg, Suiti, lutti U, etc. j the Oriental costumes. There the time of his denth, 68 years county. Death resulted from a Consul.iljr iinpio»««j ((id k«pt up |iii(l |jopprt,| frjriid — {'oiilapd 'jelpgiaip j were treats for all the children. to «Jatc. weakened condition of tho heart ** months and 8 days old IThe attendance of the members brought on by pneumonia Gn March 21, 1888 he was uni- W E S S TE R ’8 N E W of the Christian church was The news of the death of Gov- ted in marriage to liosaltha Bro- X N T E A N A T IO N A L NO] CE T<3 CRLUiTOHS N O i t c r o f h e a r i n g OF f i n a l much a p p re c ia te d Vinton, Iowa. He engag­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little ernor Patterson cast a pall of (*y> , D IC T IO N A R Y , ACCOUNT ,:ic. fe hereby ç.v. n, that t •. The pulpit will be filled ncxt;and Alr> and M„ Raymond sorrow over the entire state The ed in the drug business in Cedar rty Court of the State b.ra.i'oi-iter ai the Cox n- Get The Best ° ire.'., io. the Corfartr of Marion. Sunday by Rev. M. A . Groves, Tjtug attended a joint installa- governor was reported to be un- Rapids, Iowa for 21 years, corn- o f Oregon, fot duiv rLjif.;' rr.fl «3 The " Supreme Authority** Friday his his heart. heart, I in8 t« Aumsville in 1913, pur- rwi .ib'5. ’ v‘" of V. est Salem, a former pastor i tjon 0f stayton, Turner and • proved but Friday 'i;.v of D*fi»liib«r. in certi, rrl/tni, xboeh, and unong !>■ by given that th” final of the Turner church, whom Union Hill Granges which w a s: which was weakened by the chased the drug store and short- 0 Î :i*'o * atrix o! gnrremtel efiaxh bull» 1'jdtrat inJ j. V.<;U. '¡-in ,i c'.:, S s bto £ i t * K &in Sunday, January 6. • for f '• . ^4 »f j I,- l.-.w, to tne nnii•'riifTP-'u al int., at which time any per- „ Belleville, Illinois and his mother ;md was.affiliated with the Ma- ¿ M Ü« a . 1C tioue Bank n rf í»‘r*x. in li:: oi Mrs. Raymond Titus attend­ SteJ for hit, erte, titbit UUitraU l Salem. 0 i-;jron, »vithir. * x, (fi! r, -rr.Uu 5.ne ilut ir D-ied in raid estate may ap- ; who wa3 Caroline Tatoni, camc 'f-onic, I. 0, O. F., K. of P, and erfHtainieg ter pU parti if ed a meeting of the Grange ¿ iP .ft fi'e objection* thereto In ! t»-bni the it a > pi V** lirat |.U Ia 'icut , ! í p< z STANFORD PRATHER JR. th Nr-M 1.tttmoti, »al i.; a* from Missouri He was horn in a Haatern Star lodges, Funeral ser- id route > t same. ( f (his XÌJt'ce. Work Club which met with ’, CELEBRATES B IRTH D AY .STELLA L. MIT.LER, j The cl-.t- */ the fl *t fuoi-eatioR oí Mrs. A. E. Robertson last Tues­ log cabin in Benton county, in vices were held Friday afternoon G- C. Merriam Company Administratrix. ix lijt.r«' i» Ihfimbir tv, luía. 1859, the same year that Oregon from the Weddle chappel, at| Springfield, A tax«. day. 'vTFK F. FHRREY, M ARGARET E H E A BLICK. became a átate. Stayton, Rev. Wayne Wright, A.tor' -y for Estate. Stanford Prather Jr., enter­ ìnirtri,tr X c f the I.««ate t í J Adniinir !».m, 0»ri>on. The Crawford school gave pastor of the M. E. Church offic­ tained a group of his little 1 î.lcD. H«r>«!rx>k, DeíMttJ. their Christmas program Tues­ iating. Graveside services were , friends at his home last Thurs- IT.LD A. VflLpiA V-, day afternoon, after which Attom y f-*r m » A !n. ,,rai-at> *. conducted by Pearl Maaonic I day afternoon at a party cele- t l í U. S. HaUonal l»a’i'< t»j;l-.r„ there will be a vacation until lodge, of Turner, in Twin Oak ! brating his fifth birthday anni­ .*lUr.m/^rcfí''n. after New Year's day. cemetery. Deci» 2'*.i«1-9 2.% versary. A ll had a jo lly time •» ’ \7J. HAVE CONNECTIONS Leonard W alker and Miss playing games and Santa Claus t »»..1 ’ i — :------ ( v:» ’. V lc ilsnsen-Benneit mag-1 remembered each guest with a| Mary Walker, of WestStayton, i tzins Agency, one of the larg- : Q trj Th» Trtbi.it« cr*qit tox v.hai r*. • ; the co.mtry, which en-' Yujefcide stocking filled with visited at the Thomas Little candy and nuts. A pretty home, Friday. y o u IA.V ir v ta our ti*vcrti#«r#- ^W hile coming out from Salem , ______ abler, us to give you (he best ' Tree and holly, mistletoe and one night last week, Clifford Em> prices ?.nd service for your, Mrs. Guy Rawlings butcher­ poinsettas decorated the living If*v vo it cnvelívpe» prrrt«d with mrgnzine needs. See F. P. Row- ed R00 pounds of turkeys and ley’s CJievrolet truck figuered in • Chan. G. Ransom died at the your :.*li a