\ T IIE T R IB U N E . T U R N E R . O R E G O N Butter'Brings Higher Prices NERVOUSNESS Halpdull. I m M «llh TM* H O W T O LIVE LONGER I Nwrlh In III« frani liscili u f N ip p li A r « , NnrVuiM Ill'll*««»In ti ftn l N fT V u ip liritAl>ill|> . A**...!«» All (IV«r liM S' m M Bv JOHN C L A R E N C E F U N K A T A l l IlM I ( j H l l i M V I ( l i M f w i i 9 I I * 1C Hfti’ iple l l o i l l « U ra l OU liM iu ie l Row«* j j ^ M 4 ». KOENIG' S NERVINE Smooth Troo Dangerous When Lightning Rages H iiumi II i harked I reca served ■■ fatal riHwla for thouauiida of bird« near HI Churl««, Mo., whvn they were churgt-d Willi electricity during n «(orili ln«l August, l>r. Wllllmn II. Wilson, orlili li ologlst, «III («II (h « l)nlt«il Htut«* lie parimeli! of Agriculture In • report which hr 1« preparimi. Moro (him A,ODO (lead bird« wert r«(Mir(«d to have been found on ■ farm « «bori distance from M(. Churl««, nini mor« limn l.UH on uue(her fnini, following III« «torni " I Inn« never h«urd of « ru»« of thin kind liefur*," lioclor Wllnon «uhi, “ unii It muy not huppon aguln In a tliouauini year», but I believe (hut ll la north rv porting to foderai rxtierf«. In my opln Ion only hlrda ronallng on aiiiootli burked (rv«u w «r* killed wheii un uuuul atmospheric condition« charged Ilia tre«« with electrlrlly. I believe that lid» kind o f ire« 1« a conducted o f electrlrlly during a «torni because water rannol he absorbed, uiuklng tin tree attractive to tlie rloetrlrul charge The charge waa not al rung enough 1 « kill any but the auinlleat bird», how aver, since no large ouea were found to have been vidima." Ruas Itali Itine, I want. Inalat, don't accept substitute«. Grocers sell m a » to coast.— Adv. In Too Groat Hurry to Forge Marital Chains The pale, nervous looking man was applying for a J >b. **l think I shall be able to ault all your requirements. sir," he said. The manager aliook hla bead. “ I'm afraid I cannot lake you,” he replied. "You ace. I'm wunllng a sin gle man." A look o f horror appeared on the other's face. “ It but, good gracious,” ha atnm me red, “ when I came here yesterday I waa told you were looking for a married man I” “ I’m aorry," «aid the manager. “ It intuit have lieen a mistake.” The applicant stepped forward and clutched him by the arm. “ Look here,” he gasped. “ It's all very well for you to talk Ilka Mini- but what nin I to dot You see. I went straight out and got married!*' T e le 's r a r k e l le a lr e Q e lr k t r l l r l lr .e e sad heal« burning. Itching »ml torturiti« •kin diseases. It Inelanttr «top« the pela of bum. Heel« without •• «r». »v «od «ur. A eg your druaat«t. nr send to Thn J. W. Cole Co., Hoc«ford. III., for a pack­ age.—Ad vert lee men t. Not Menual Laborer« O f the aw Imliorlte inettiliera nf the Ilritlsh house of common« few Imve come from the hard laboring rlnase» they represent tin the contrnry. tl ties, wealth and profeeelott« are well repreeetiletl In the mnka of the 1st I K ir member« of purlin inrnt. Among them are two humneta, n baronet's wife who la also a marquis' dnugh ter, two king's counsellor's, one bank er, three professors, one clergy man two solicitors, four retired army of fleer«, nine lecturer«, fourteen teach era, one chemist, ten barristers, one landowner, one Hulvallon army com mlaaloner and two cartoonists. P ro s p e r ity M a s t B e Sh ared lA't him who expects one class of society to pro«|>er In the highest de­ gree, while the other la In distress, try whether one side nf Ids face can smile while the other la pinched.—Thomas Fuller. E le c tric «) S ton a Contar The Chllhowee rldge. In Ihe Orent Rmnky mountalna of eastern Tenne» aee. li knnwn aa otte of tlia worsl lo- c h i Iona In thè country for fraqueut and furlous llghlnlng storni».— Provi dette« Journal. Dirottai af rubli, Mosti« gdusoMaa, Sui* a r.<.«.rt**«u ************************ > U n w is « W is d o m COMIC yeara ago In a anniII prulrl» ^ town, tulle* from nowliera. Un radio waa l'sed u giva medicai advlce In ih » alt-duca of a physlelaii. Timo, a tifa waa saved. Indred. ime haa tu go axtremely far ■ way to timi cotn|ilel» lanini Imi now ndaya. Nevertheleaa. Ihcre ara mauy foollah tMHipla wlio II l crii 11 y Isolai* theniceliea wllh Ihelr |>er«onal coti- celt. For Instancs, a few weeks «g< a suerexsful huslncaa man aelf dhig noacd ami (lien ndf Iruated a pliyalcal conditimi. (Ila funerei look placa Ih* ol ber day. For all predicai pur ih me» Ibis anwla» ” wlae” geni Iemali waa •veli mora laoluted than waa tlia pu tieni mi III« weelrrn plalna And Mila. • vrn Ihoiigh hi» lown (H»»»e»»ed fori) phyaldana and Iwo hospital» I ll reully la amazlng how many aelf optulmiuled Individuala wlll. wllh ut ter cmnplarency. eaaay lo delertnln» what la alllng lliem and Ihen repalr lo tha drug alora for a well knnwn rem- rdy wlilch Ihey Imaglne Itti llielr case In thla way Ihey oflen Ireal aymptmn» and lum canaea over to a doctor aftar Mia trouhla hai liecoma chronlc and beyotid repalr. Il la dllltcull to undcratnnd why peo pia. otherwlae Intelllgetit, wlll con elude that Ihey are rnpnld» of doctor- log Ihemaelves wlien Ihey know Ihat It la only after long yeara of training and sludy Ihsl |ieraona are llcensed by thè alala to do work nf Ibis klnd for them. Of couraa, It la excellrnl paychology lo bava a good opinion of mia's ablllty al all tlmea. (lui generai ahlllty or any ape-ri tic ahlllty. acarcely Joatl Dea any perami In concltida (hai wllh out partlcular educatlon he la capa hi« of Ireellng dlaeuae. Don'l display unwlae wisdom wher> you are III by treailng youreelf. Thal'i thè phyalclan'a huslueaa. H A P P E N IN G S E V E R Y W H E R E A N D P E R S O N S • , , OF N O TE A S SEEN B Y T H E C A M E R A * * * ru n COSTLY A F P B O V A L Toys for U . S. Children From Those of Mexico C laaaiag Up young woman attorney wag about co argue her first case. On that morn­ ing she washed her hands live or all times. Her mother said: “ Don't be nervous, Marie." “ I'm not nervous, mother, but these Judi a have so much to «ay about coming into court with clean bunds,” HARD TO FIND Under Secretary of Kdueatton nf Mexico Jtolaee Saenx showing Ambassador Dwight W. Morrow the present» made hy the children of Mexico to tie sent to the children of the United State«. The various enriog and toy» were made for the most part by young Mexicans, who showed great skill In the work. A ir V iew of Basel, Hom e of International Bank Willie— Daddy, will you buy me an X-ray machine? Father— What In the a-orid do you want with an X-ray machine? Willie— To find “ X” In my algebra I Noa-ESciaacy “W ell start ■ brand-new govaramentr T l* th* plan that lurk« I d «vorr tin » ot dlocontcnu— And rat It never works I years since in t ban settlement was founded on ilo territory which today Is covered by Vienna. The simili Itoman military camp Vindobona developed Inin Ihe modern metropolis with her enormous municipal area ol 2T-VH8 square kli onielera, second only to London. “ Pop, what's ■ monolog?” “ A monolog Is a conversation be tween husband and wife.” "1 thought that waa a dialog.* “ No, a dialog la where two persons ■re speaking.” When ahe begins having kinds ot food ane knows he ri(*>» not like II I* a fair sign the honeymoon la waning.— Lorn In Journal. Hanford’s N o C kanc« to Relax Next to flmlln' a wadded paper dollar In Mie I oh |Mu-ket ol an ole pah o' trouser», I doubt If there's a grand er feelln In the world Minn hitvlr' » Une. well-established son.— Ah« Mnrth In Farm nnd Fireside Sura Sign TORFSTON SHAMPOO-I(Irai HW «s* m For External Use Only Mr. Bowser—I’m sorry, but It’a Im­ possible for me to give you three weeks' vacation at the present time. Bookkeeper—Then, perhaps, you could give me a little advance pay so that I can send my wife away. I must have some rest M oaelog Ä ^ IA N D T A R A Household Remedy Nation’s Airports There are 834 airports In the United States, with an additional l.OFCT la process o f construction. While soma of these are only landing fields, them are others which are equipped wltl runways, flood lights, hangars, hoteli and weather bureaus. Ochers of Importance aa Coloring Material TO-NIGHT A horns remedy of I tested and fried ln> grrdlenta, ' GETS EDGE’S SEAT S o l « . N o w o e * p # ( U u lo u .i Nature now nnd then has a way ot producing something In the natural stale which la highly useful In n work 1 Beadasky, billons, eeastlpaUdf , never conleinplaled In the normal 1 Tsks M M ATUas-s I M U T - activities of nnture. F tonight. This mild, safs, v*g*to- Take the case of faints— the vari­ F bla r.msdy will bars you foaling ous ochers. which are used so widely ! line by morning. Yon'II enjoy In producing colors varying from yel­ 1 fra*, thorough how*l nrtion wlth- F not tha nlightnat alga of griping low to -eddlah brown. These nat­ I « » dlMomfort. ural mineral pighieim arc mined In Safe. m ild. Sural, iM a . H r - several atalea, notably Georgia. Iowa al dragai IS. only > »* and Vermont. They are composed ol im U K s A M tLUOM . TAMM dnya which hnve no n colored hy Ihe presence ol Iron. In the form of hydrated ferric oxide. TOMORROW ALRIGHT Not only are the other* used In AflRNTH. RcUntlfle quickly h*al« palnta. hut also In linoleums and oil­ Rrwma, Ringworm, T»tl*r. ftrhlnf •lo. FKER m AMIM.B. «r «.*n«l »1 for I II« cloths. as well as a coloring for ce­ lam. K n ii:x * «‘ I’KNI. i . yn ________ ment, stucco nnd mortar. The preparation of ocher* la simple, Fnith *onot<>Hitm la a liny plae*. J i *« ub * I'owst lion la h*r». iMd «tamped •nv«|o|>« Involving purely mechanical processes for |»ravrr «ml T Dlvln« h^Blln« raqulta- mentA Mnbei Hmlth. Rt t. Ht»llla(«r. Calif. of wnahlng, drying, pulverising and packing. The washing la Intended K\ I b « I I H l v f f o r l l r h l n * o r P r o l m d l n f piles without hnlfe, «and for fro* trlsl pneh- primarily to rid Ihe ocher o'. sand, irc , ptescrlptIon 901-A; be convinced, O mmm ■mail atones and other Impurities It llruff r#u IW.I 41 IS, Pnrtlna»«l. Orr«»N. also servos, aa well, better In miv the ocher. Dairymen everywhere are making bigger prof* lta from tbetr butter, n o w a d a y s . They’re keeping their product that Golden June Color, which brlnga top price* the year ’round, by us­ ing “ Dandelion Butter Color.” It take« Just half a teaspoonful to the gallon of crentn. It's the roost permeating butter color and therefore the most economical. It col­ ors uniformly and never streakA It’« purely vegetable, wholesome and tasteless, and doesn’t color buttermilk. It meets all State and National Food Laws. Large bottles nre 35f at all drug and grocery »tore«. Write for FHEH HAMIT.K to W ell« and Richardson Co^ Inc., Burlington, Vermont Find Link Connecting South Americwn Rivtri Let Well Enough Alone T 18 not a predominating trait Is human nuture lo be entirely sails lied with ones looks. K»en the band M i m e people are somellnie« likely tc Imagine secretly lliai they would ha far happier It they could look ilka some one else. Consequently numerous foolish peo­ ple, particularly aging women, are drawn to Ihe so called “ plastic sur gery." This type of work, so wonderfully developed In Ihe laise hospllsls during Ihe World war. he» Ita proper place lo medical prat-fir«. There ran he no question abmit that. Today, one Itnda many brilliant examples nf bull! up facet which had been ruined hy tils ease or accident. Indeed, near mlr arl«e hnve thu* I men la-rfortm-d. How over, that ll one thing. While face lifting and fnl removing, for beauty's •ake. Is quite another mailer. Just a few weeks ago a young worn an derided Mini she would like to buy S different shaped nos«. A plastic ‘ doctor.*’ who waa not a physician at all. much less a surgeon, promised for a tidy sunt, lo make her very pretty. She Is now hn|ielca»ly disfigured In her sorrow she la suing ihe “ archl teet of faces'' for hlg damages. Avail­ able records Indirule that literally thousands of disfigurements have re suited by resorting lo such practices. After all. real beauty fluda Its foun­ dation In glowing health One can therefore tie hla own beauty apei-tullst by developing vim. vigor and vitality Moreover, proper living hnhlis begun In ynufh and prralsied throughout life can defer the onslaughts nf old age. In any event, as a beauty agent, tha knife of Ihe self at.vied plastic surgeon Is usually Ineffective and aoineilmes dangerous. Slay awny from IL Lei well enough alone I*. 8.— Men who are foolish enough to resort to lids kind of renovating alsn-fake notice Ha had gons Into tha library to pat the thing up to her father and she was anxiously waiting on tbs from porch. “ Well.” aald tha suitor when ha r*. turned, “ ha asked me bow I was Died and I told him I had 13,000 In tha bank.* “ And what did he aay to that!“ “ He borrowed IL" a ■L DIZZY? IALE3 Big g o t C roamoriot Say F o t Conto W orth o l “ Dandolion Buttor C olor” I t B o t In vo tm on t. A M A. D. I M * Nu* W e ll« » I III. Isstf¿Se» ,, W it W orld Events Pictured Defined N et Separated From Money Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Blacknmr ot Columbus. Ga., who celebrated theli seventy-eighth wedding anniversary Several Atlantic cables were broken by the recent earthquake off the In Columbus, recently. They are nine New England nnd Newfoundland const. These men aboard the cable ship ty nine and ninety-eight years old rw Cyrus Field are engrgod la Uw difficult Look ot bringing up the broken ends 1 spectlvely. and splicing tlietih Allan—I auppoaa you kDow Alice married money. Ada—O. yea! They're separated now, aren’t they? “ N o; Just she and her husband art separated.” effective f ____ Pleasant, sooth- in g and h ea slin lin g g. . E I x x c c e lla n t f o r children—« •QUICK opiates. Successfully for 65 years. » X RELIEF used and 60c sizes. W N. U., PORTLAND* NO. 50-1*2*.