»* ■ « w* - «s * S * '’ T he T urner T ribune VOL XI?. TURNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. NO. U ' V JV W W ^ ‘A V W ^ A W W iW ^ A V W V W A W W v ftw W W 1. Rend the ads this week They contain worth while messages. SUBSCRIPTION «1.26 P M YEAS DEC. 23. 192«. and Sun Freze Specials Clüugh-ÎEatjlor (Co. nojmciÆHS Chocolates in Fancy Boxes and Bulk Candies for all Occasions C. F. BREITHAUPT ft 12 Stata Streut A. M. C L O U G H J. DALE TAYLOR Sun Freze Ice Cream Now Uligh Building FLORIST E A T A B O W L O F C H IL L I A DAY ? G O L D F IS H • C A N A R IE S - L O V E B IR D S - P A R R O T S Full line of Bird and Fifth Food and Remedien . Phone S80 • Oregon. r A W / . W . W . V r t ,A N Y W W .V A * .V A V .,W . V r R IC H E S C O N F E O n O N E R Y OREGON SA L E M . F O U N T IA N S E R V IC E LUNCHES 2 0 S S. C H U R C H S T . PHONE 120 /AW AVVVVW AW AW W i V W W V W W W A W W W W W W ? i ÏVW W ANW /AW W VW W W ? W //A Y W W V Y A ,//A A Y A W W A W W W / W / A V 2 / A V / i’WW^W^VWVUWWWWWVWAM/WVWVWVWVWWWWWVI Î Edwin Keech. of Salem, passed E. K. Piuecki Attorney at Law No one can sell used sewing machine cheaper than the com­ through Turner Tuesdry on his' SETTLEM EN T OF ESTA TES way to Stayton, where he gave pany that trades them in a Christmas party to the children | S U IT E 4 1 0 SA LEM B A N K O F C O M M E R C E B L D G . White Sewing Machine Co. of the community Star theatre Salem's Square Deal Jewelers 6c Opticians. j; OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal 221 So High St Salem. SA LEM . OREGON Gardens every Wednesday and /A V A Y A V A V A V Y W A T A V V A Diamonds Watches (.'looks Jewelry 6c Silverware. ^ uturduy, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c LOST-At the Christian church Floyd Porter was seriously in­ 379 State, St. Sulcm, Oregon, i Ladies 25c. tf. bazzar or between there and jured in an automob'ta accident WANTED! home, a link bracelet set with W A W A W //A W .,.V A V A W .V .W W .V W .,.V Everybody to write for free stoaea. Finder return to Mrs. at Burns on December 14. He was thrown clear of the car and sample of Tigrin salve for cuts, M. 0 Pearson. Reward. landed 20ieet away from it. He colds, burns and eczema. For was unconcious 21 hours and will m t iM iw im iin sale at all drug stores. be in the hospital for two months. LEWIS IIF.UB CO. . TRAPPER# ATTENTION 12 5-9tp Salem, Oregon Bring or send your furs in. wHl guarantee you more money than you can get East or else (ija cia l Contractor aud Uuildcr We carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Chiropractor Mrs. V. N Bones and Mrs. where. West Side Fur House, Naurocalometcr Service Cement W#rK sod Plumbing Fred Mitchell were shopping in West Salem, Oregon. 12-19-3L Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select Phone 87. Residence 2104J Salem, Friday afternoon. Route 3 , Turner, Oregon from, also Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, 25C N. High Street Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris Cedar Posts, Bride, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood in Salem, Oregon Collection. No Charge” and Kenneth Petersen were Sa “No Delinquent account* collected on a four foot lengths. lem visitors Friday. contingent basis. Wo do the wailc, A%YA’W A V .V .Y .V .V A V .,.V.,.V.VV.,.VAV.,,V.VAV Locals Pomeroy and Keene Turner Lumber Sc W. JAY DENHE/Vl M fg . Or. O. L. Scott shoulder the »pence and mrke no untoss collection is made. Ihcmas Little figured in his Mrs. L E Petersen spent a charge $250,000 Bad A ccounts tu rn ed into second auto accident at the Her- few days last week in Portland. Cash S isu Wo Started. Jot down a trie! lint of bal'ono« and ron corner on the Salem-1 urner W .Y A W A \V A *A V A V ,W A W A \,AVVA,,AVWAWdV.' She returned Saturday night. let us turn them into ac$Oai money. road, recent'y. His err skidded on ■ [ Business M en’s A d justm en t the wet pavement at the turn Rev. and Mrs. Burgoyne and C om p an y and tipped over. Luckily no one daughter Ruth, loft Thursday 415-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone O il was seriously hurL night for California for a two SALKM. OREGON weeks visit with friends. Dr Canse, president of Kimbal G. A. McKay is reported to be School of Theology, filled the The mails has behn loaded with sick in bed with a bad cold at hit pulpit Sunday morning, bringing Christmas stuff the past two home in Turner. the Christmas message. weeks, the bulk of it being greet­ ing cards. A shower was given at the A D. Hale was a caller at the home of H. R. I’eetz, Thursday, Tribune office, Tuesday. He stat December 12, in honor of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McKinney ed that he received a nice large Dean Tucker (Margaret Mckay). and J. S Baker were among Chiistmas box from his son, Dr. A. large number of friends were those from Turner attending the Hale, of Seattle, present. We apologize for the Christmas party given by Mar­ short notice. A detailed report of ion Post V. F. W. the gathering was prepared for Tom Webb is the proud father hist week’s paper but was acci- of a baby boy born Monday E. S. PRATHER dently lost while taking it to our A family by the name of Os night. linotyper in Salem. borne have moved into the apart­ Reliable Driiggfet ments over the Turner State Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Taibott Bank. Mr. Osborne is employed Dr. Edward Lee Russell of OREGON TURNER 'and s. H. Baker left Saturday at the Oregon Feed and Flour the Marion County Health Dem­ night for Seattle and Tacoma to Co’s, mill in Turner. onstration will hold a preschool spend Christmas with Mrs. Tal­ clinic at the Turner high school fA V Y A V V V W V A SV V W A V SSW A V A V V .V .V .V bott's children. They stopped ov­ Thursday afternoon, Janurary 2 er in Portland Saturday night with Mr. Talbott’s brother. Dr. Carlton Smith, of Salem 1930. If you desire an appoint­ is numbered among the recent ment call Mrs. Earl Bear. Mrs. L J. Rowley and son renewals to the Tribune. Paul spent Christmas with Mrs. We were presented with dress Rowley’s ncice Mr. and Mrs. T. ed rabbit for Christmas from the B. Newman aud daughter Helen Jean, of Salem. Uther guests Through an order issued by Bonlea Farm . As we attended a were Mrs. Newman’s parents, the Southern Pacific Co., the two family reunion on that day we Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, night tricks at the Turner depot were unable to use it until the of Amity and their daughter and are abolished. The Marion station day after but it tasted just as husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. ha 3 been ro-opened. J. R. Willis good. (second trick operator at Turner Fuller, of Silvcrton. has been transferred to Marion. The Jefferson station has been Miss Mildred Sehifferer expects Give The Tribune er.-dit lor what closed nights and the night oper­ you buy from our advertisers. to leave for Salem the first of the year where she will attend ator from there has also been transfered to Marion. Orrin Key. business college. third trick man at Turner has been placed on the extra list Richard Gale, of the Tiddledy- wink Dairy, at Oregon City, spent Wadnesday evening in Turner, taking supper with the Chas Valkenburg, of Clover- Qbtained. Send mod editor of the Tribune. Incidently dale, was a Salem visitor Tues­ and we wiH promptly land >*eu a day. rciiörti Our bopk <*i Pa lèni s'and before leaving for home he left Trade-mark's Will b e‘sent to Jou a renewal for the Tribune. bfl Kq The Tribune shop can print youi rek'pew butter wrap*, letter heads and en­ velopes. VW VW W YVUW VW Old Time Dance Every Saturday Night Castilion Hall Corner liberty and Chcmeketa Sta. akm , Oregon. Willard M athis Orchestra Playing ■ ■ ’# E. A.Rosenbaum, Mgr. <^ \ v w w ^ % v w w w f w w w w w f t f M w w w f t i w w y ii>iiitiyiPP