THE TURNER TRIBUNE beginning of systematic effort to advise the people of the neces­ sity and the value of milk aud its products. This increase amounts, in round numbers, to over $500,000,- Turner, Oregon. Thursday DEC. 12. 1922 000 annually to the daily farmers. In the 12 years we have in­ 9 . Ç. Kjmilrif. Cùtlur Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County. Oregon creased our population approximately 18 millions of people. This, with the increased per capita consumption of dairy prod- SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Kntered at the Poatoffic# ucts. means that we are consuming billions of pounds more milk at Turner, Oregon, as second-class matter, under the a year and with the national dairy herd containing over one - - Act of March 3. 1879. _____ _ million less cows. It would do no harm to reflect upon what a tremendous advantage it is to the dairy industry to meet the increased de­ mands of the growing population and what has bet'n accom­ plished through improved methods of breeding, selecting. feed­ ing, and handling of our duiry herd. A million less cows to milk, feed, and care for, but with improved methods of dairy­ ing. the increased production of the remainder of the herd is meeting the increased demands. This shows conclusively th a t ‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States the effort to obtain better cows and to give them the right kind of feed and care has been successful— Hoards Dairyman. and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for nH.” I * SIMMON* In The Circuit Court Of The State Of O rrt'in Kor Th* County Of Marion Or|tarlMuntyi e„ t,r*d for on of November, 1929. the wedding ceremony is over and the home is established, the a stale capitol building fund. The prosont capitol building coup- th»< You ISth are day further notified that the J j great adventure is well under way, with the passengers aboard. led w ith the supreme court building aud the now state ofliee build- date of the first publication of thi»!! Every home-maker is a pilot traveling over calm or troubled ¡ng should accomodate the state goveonuieut for yetvrs to come, sumumns is the 21st day of Novem waters, steering, exploring, discovering.” Thus has Nell Nichols, j It would be more for the benefit of the state to apply the pro- ber, 1929. Ilraairr C. Small, in her delightful little essay on “Little Journeys in Home­ ceeds towards the replenishment oi the state school funds, badly- Attorney for Plaintiff by the sale of the school land to tiuibermeii in yei a Residence and post office address j making,” very’ aptly described the beginnings of most American depleted talent, Oregon. past. This land, aa near as can be fouud, was sold outright to the Dinnerware, Glassware Kitchenware flafilsdorn 1 Public Land Bill homes. l Tnfortunately, however, there are indications on all tiiuberineu in place of remaining iu the hands of the state aud sides of an increasing tendency to desert the ship, and even to the revenue being applied towards building U£ a permanent S. j: — scuttle it, when the great adventure does not come up to ex­ school fund. pectation, when disillusionment transforms the beautiful dream Tnere is another angle to this qwestiou which i« that of ihe of an ideal home into a hideous nightmare. eost of protecting it from fire. It toits the government thousands Walter S. Handshy, who lived Such wrecks are deplorable, even though there be no chil­ of dollars annually to fight torest fires. If the state took over the near lurner died last Saturday dren to consider, because every breaking up of a home is just title to this land this cost would involve on the state. Another at a hospital in Salem. He VM near! another crack in the foundation of our republic! matter is that of building roads. Under the present plan the for Turner 62 years for 0,J und years. 1,ve" He several is lhls, survived by the following broth- If, as one of our leading statesmen has put it, “no nation est rervice builds the roads through the national .i forests, . ... »n ^ ^ is better than the homes that comprise it,” then it must be would probably be another cost item to revert on the state. These Anna Davis, of Turner; evident to even the least bbservant that the importance ot questions all deserve earnest consideration before making a trail- maintaining American home life in its traditional aspect can­ sfar of this kind. Mrs. Carrie Nicholson, of Gra- ha f, Wash., and Mrs. Della not possibly be overemphasized. Traphagan of Watsonville, Cal. All this applies with much greater force to the status of a Harrison’s General Store Funeral was charge of Clough-1 family which has been augmented by the advent of one or more United States Senator Charles L McNary is in line for the po­ Taylor Co., of in Salem. Turner, Oregon. children; and is, thereby, presumed to become more firmly- sition of Republican floor leader in the senate. Senator McNary, * bound together and more deeply woven into the fabric of our renior senator from Oregon, has ri«en rapidly by hard work and national life. When such a family is wrecked, no matter what loval service to his Constituency, to the ¡»oint where he is the ac­ the cause may be, it surely is to be deplored. When number knowledged leader ol the senate. Senator McNary it ono servant of them go the same way, it becomes tragic, indeed. What then of the State of Oregon who does not wear out with service. He SPECI AL TRAVEL BARGAI N shall we say when we are told by trustworthy authorities, that continues his uutiring efforts for the state of Oregon and the Uncle Ira Pearce left Thurs- ( O N S A L E U N T I L D E C E M B E R 2 1) there is an unmistakable and widespread trend in that direc­ country at large. Perhaps he does some things that are deserving for Forest Grove, where he will criticism. If Le din not lie would be the perfect man. One tion? And then, when we are also told that this has already of the Masonic Home, at [that thing at present wosking hard upon one that is of vital j enter resulted in “a painfully obvious and indisputable ‘wave of rest to he the is state place Ira has been a resi- Oregon and the Willamett Valley is n 8ur'®.' denf 0f Uncle Tumor vicinity for many crime’; that apparently authentic statistics show a marked in­ of the Willamette of river from Portland to Albany with the view of ;year9 and u on# cf oldt#t crease in juvenile and adolescent delinquency, and that sociolo­ making up-river navigation possible. River navigation is on the mimb 3 rs 0f p„ari Lodge A. F. gists, educators and others look upon the break-down of the increase in the eastern states and is slowly spreading to the west, aad A. M. It is with regret that American home as the most serious matter before the public at It started with the Mississippi Warrior line as a war measure, his old fr eids in Turner, the this time,” it begins to assume the aspect of a national calam­ which has since became permanent. Originally the Mississi|pi Tribune included, see him leave ity. division extended from St Louis to New Orleans. At present it ex their midst Our best wishes go That such a situation actually exists is no longer to be de- tends north to St Paul and improvments are under way that will with him to his new home. Here Is an unusual opportunity to save nied. But, not everyone knows it, and many do not believe it.!carry it up the Ohio beyond the present head of [navigation, and money. Thi» ticket i» good for travel on In subsequent articles I shall present statements of recognized also on the upper Missouri. What has proven successful iu the day coaches and in tourist sleeping cars. Take advantage of this low fare and authorities and such newspaper and other reports as will en- Mississippi valley will prove the same in the Willametto valley, G L O V E R O A L E plan your trip to Los Angeles now. and genator McNary should have the backing oi the citizens of able the reader to do some intelligent thinking for himself. tm jo j Circuit r S f u t J oad Com fo r, When citizens begin to think, problems are on the way to this section of Oregon in the big work he is doiDg. Mrs. Arthur Kunke and chil- Reclining chairs in day coaches pro­ solution. dren spent the week end with vide maximum comfort. There's always Mrs. Fliflet, of Salem. ’ r plenty of room on the train to rest and i. . . walk about. Tuuifet sleepers give still The W. C. T. U. met at the greater comfort, yet they are economical. home of Mrs. Will Morris De­ You save time, too. Similar ticket to San cember 6. The day was spent Francisco only $13. Authorities of the university very properly make a discipli­ tacking a comfort for Mrs. Mor­ ris. Amiscellanoous snower was too o n! fee- nary example of the quartet who have acknowledged responsi­ rrtalioui ph-mt or ta ll ol I n i t I given in honor of Mrs. Dean bility for mischievous defacement of campus buildings at Cor­ OJun i Meu. Morsis(formerly Miss Laura Pe­ vallis. tersen) by the union members. Instead of suspension or expulsion—usual punishment for The next meeting will bo held at similar offenses—the culprits will remain at the university, but the home of Mrs. Carolina Dra- H. H. BONI), Axent on probation throughout their underclass years. They will be ger. under the personal supervision of the dean of men, to w-hom Miss Lulu Garner is sick in the they must frequently report. They are denied the use of an Salem hospital with an abcess in her throat automobile and are each fined eight scholastic hours. In addi­ Miss Emma Schifferer returned tion, they must surrender themselves to the court at Corvallis to her work in Salem last week. for such additional penalties as it may impose. Bicycles, Veloci­ Mrs. Will Farr is sick at pres­ There is apparently a strong desire on the part of both ent. schools to bring to a summary end the vandalism which made pedes, Wagons and Mrs. Herman Wipper fell last its damaging appearance both at Corvallis and Eugene. week and broke her wrist. She Take Advantage of Our It is that desire which has inspired the drastic punishment is getting along nicely. Skates meted out in this case, and its educational influence on the PROFIT-SHARING Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferer A full line of Children’s Wheel Toys for Xmns campus will be much greater if the disciplined students remain were dinner guests of Mr. and EVENT to remind their fellow students of their own folly, rather than Mrs D. H. Stoller, of Dallas, Electrical and Mechanical Train« $1.00 to $10.00 Jewelry, silverware, clocks, go home and leave the whole incident to be soon forgotten. Sunday- Train Accessories, Bicycle Repairs and Accessories watches, diamonds, etc., all at spe­ We agree with the governing body of the university that A family by the name of Lay- Tiros, etc, cial prices during this profit-shar­ brook aro now living in Mrs. the situation calls for stern measures, but as a matter of prin^ ing event. Louise Kunke’s house- They are Lloyd E. Ramesden ciple, wc must differ with the judgment that fines a student There is no reason why one the employed cutting wood on “scholastic hours” for anything else that scholastic failure. 'could not complete their entire list Grabenherst place. 387 Court St. Salem, Oregon Work done is work done, and cannot be undone by a faculty right here and show a substantial A W I W V W W i/ y V M W W W W / W Y r W W ^ ^ W W W V W W W decision. saving too. If the idea is rather to exact additional hours of school work Articles held for future delivery. and the solo by Dr. Epley came voices will sing.! as a penalty, it implies an indignity to scholarship and the first and then the famous little whole educational process. The Bible School attendance artist, I*oave Lindsey, from Mill Give The Tribuna cr.-dlt for what The university should at least maintain the fiction that keep f up to the .100 mark, The City sang hyms very sweet you buy from eur advertisers. Hartman Bros. programs and study were also and correct two learning is something to be desired, rather than something to and with­ COMPANY up to the standard. The chorous out effort She is seemingly be regarded as a punishment for our sins.—Portland Telegram. quite small for WE HAVE CONNECTIONS singing, in the morning was well an 8 year old girl and very dain­ “On the Comer" with the Hnnsen-Bennett mag­ received. State at Liberty Salem, Ore. ty. azine agency, one of the larg­ The C. E. attendance, in the est in the country, which en­ evening was extra good, leading The Christmas progam will go ables us to give you the best into a wonderful evening service forward now in preyaration for a prices and service for your Through the efforts of the National Dairy Council and local of music. The auditorium was good one. Next Sunday the C. E. magazine needs. See F. P. Row- fillet! with vistting friends. The dairy councils, the consumption of milk has increased over 30 conduct all the services through­ Icy at the Tribuno Office, anthem singing and the duets out the day. A chorous of 40 per cent, or one-third of a quart per capita per day, since the Walter Handshy B A LL# BAND Senator McNary Backs Willamette Uncle Ira Pearce Leaves For Home Los Angeles Stern Discipline JEW ELR Y EVER WARE F o r fu r th e r i n f o r m o ! Southern Pacifie • Commendable Efforts s