THE TRIBUNE. TURNER. OREGON This Mother Had Problem WHY WE BEHAVE LIKE HUMAN BEINGS A i ■ mil», milk I* IlllllUt till! Ill'i.t New Miracle Shrine Attracts Thousands filini fur rhlldrin, h ilt it, cc o a c c Doitacv, ra o . l l . d . them urn llm<>i will'll ................................................ ... Illi'Jf inn unirti iHitlrr Off without It. It “ B o n e - H r a d a ” R e a lly E aiat ■himlil nlwnyi Im left N UPRIGHT «nit. balanced akull, off win'll rlilldi.-ii and anna fnae. «nui tnnn mut ntm i«tli Hn tliry run* Our anceatora went on all four*. In tinnii tu nrt nurnmlly nf thrlr own ac­ acqulrlii« Ilia upright «ult. Hie axis cord. Children Ime In rlrh, fruliy of tha body rhan«cd from horlxonlnl fliimr nml ll'a purely vegetable ami to perpendicular. This necessitated hurtóle**, «‘Vrn fur liihlra. chnn«ea In every hone and muscle In Mllllnm of uiulhiTi h il vo proved II« Ilia body and e complete overhauling nu-rlt nml rullnlillltjr In ovor flO years of everythin« Inside—lungs, circula­ o f steadily iiirri-HHln« uio. A W rilrrn tion, ahdomliial vlacera—everythin*. mother, Mm. Muy Hnitoly, Munir.'»n, Our pelvic (Irilla Is a broad, shal­ Callfnrnlk, anya: "M y llttlo «Irl, Kd* low healn; It sup|Mirts the viscera. Tha lui'i, tendone/ to mnillpntlun w m a keystone of tlia girdle Is the sacrum. (trnblrm to mo tint II I ho«itn «Ivln « It supiKirls Hie buck hone and locks tha tu*r California K I« Hyrup. It hel|MMl arch behind. 1 lie dog's sacrum Is long her rl«ht away und inmi her alnniarh and narrow; ours, brouder than It Is and bowel« with urtili« |iorfiM'tly, Ion«. Tha sacrum at birth varlea fUnro Iluwi I'vo novar hnd to bava any from four to seven vertebrae. Thera advlro about hvr bowel*. I bava al­ unite Into one bone; bul the Ural, and lo used 4 a 11 fl Ir uIn F I« Hyrup wllb sometimes the asc»ml, never unites my llttia boy, with oipial suer eoo." with tha others. To In auro o f «ottlnc tho «onulno, Above Hie sacrum Is the vertebral wlilrh iibyalrtaui indurai, alwaya aik for California Fig Hyrup by th« full column proper; seven neck or cervical, twelve thoracic, and Uve lumbar ver­ namat tebra»—twenty four lu all. Hut there may ti« all or sight cervical; eleven or thirteen thoracic; four to alt lum­ bar. At birth. moat of ua hava twelve pairs of ribs; som«. only «leven; some, U m H A N F O R D ’S thirteen. Seven pairs of riba Join our sternum, or hreaetlione; there may be only alx, tO W tillM ll there may lie eight. The drat pair ar« sometimes mere rudiments Our float­ ing ribs are not so lnt|H>riant as when we walked on all fours; they vary tn nnmlter and alts. The sternum Is lesa Was Your Important tlinn form erly; It varlea Grandmother's Remedy enormously Two Uttle bones some­ For ivory stomach times found on Its upper border are and Intaatlnal IU. veatlgea nf the eplsternal bones of tha Tbla ( wk I old-faeb- loweat mammals I inmm I borb biHua No man made column la ao delicate­ roinody for consti­ ly adjusted, ao slender, or ao well pation. atomarh Ilia halanred aa our spine. Its sigmoid, and othir derange- or "8 “ curve, glvea elasticity to our niinta of tb i aya- body, grace to our carriage, fina linea tun ao pnvaloot thou daya la In ir r a tn our hack, and saves our brain from p oster favor ea a family modldoa |ar atnl ehnek. The really human than In your «raodmntbir'a day. curves develop after birth, especially the lumbar curve In the "small" o f onr hack. The Infant cannot stand straight np because It has not yet ac­ quired a stand up straight backbone. Our backbone ends tn small rounded Over 400,000 women and fir la who bones about the size of pens. They are w in weak. *blui,” nrrvnua, run­ the coccyx, akeleton of our tall. down, and unable to do thrlr work The upper-arm bone assumes its properly, have Improved th«ir health bv taklnf I.ydia E. Plnk- human form only after birth, when It ham'i Vegetable Compound. Hr nlan begin» to twlat. as dos» the femar, accurate record, 9# out of awry 100 to conform to It* new poddon at th« report benefit. You can be afmoat able nf the body. certain that it will help you too. Human history may not start with man's foot, but our foot la as human I.ydia h. P ln k h n iu ’s na our liando. Ha bones show coming \ t‘f|t’lahU' ( ompoimri and going changes. The htg toe Is the strongeat »ml le more powerful In man than In any ape; It Is coming. Heaalng the Heee Hut moat of It cornea after birth; Quarta «laaa ueed In the wlndnwe baby's big toe la a poor affair. The >f a hen h»uae la anld to Induca licua little loe la going. In one Individual to lay mure eggs. The «laea admit* out o f every three It has lost a Joint. •Itra-vhdet rara, which are a leu aald Hut not on account nf tight shoe»— to aimed up the pruccee of Incubation. they ran make corn«, but cannot Chang« When a quarta mercury arc «Ivin « heredity; the third hone o f the little iff ultra-violet raya waa uaed In an toe la as often absent In feet which Incubator. 20 per cent nf the e««a were were never »hod. Ant died from 24 to 4M hntira annner Our skull la no more human thnn than other « « « a not treated with the are the bones of our foot or of our ray*. pelvis. It la shorter In front, longer at the hack, better balanced on Hi« I f you wlah beautiful clear white spine; adaptations tn an upright gait. clothes, use Huai Itali Hlue. Largì Man has a flat fa r« and a sizable package at tlrocera.—Adv. chin when he hna »hort Jaws. Hnt Jawi vary, and long or prognathic Jawa Im m eua Poultry Farm chnnge the countenance. A million pounda of chicken feed la In fetal life we hava a pair of In- need every year on a poultry farm temiaxlllarles between the upper Jaw near Los Angelos, nne of tho lar«eat Ismea. At birth the suture, as skull In the world. Three hundred thouaand Joints called, between them can layln« hena produce n I moat $3,000 barely be »eon: by maturity, not at worth of e ««e a day.—Popular Selene* alL The »utnre often persists, obvious­ Monthly. ly atavistic. The chin, or mental point o f the lower Jaw, has nothing to do with “ mentality." It la a human trait, SLEEPLESSNESS lint not of all men equally. Home hava Il y t II “strong" china, some next to no chin at all. We hava two nasnl hones. Hut In s iRÑmhold by-wof«I of prorsa bra»- aome men and all monkeys they be­ ■ Uw UeAlnwl of Swvoumteem come one; no real bridge then to the RW lniI«ration and Narrota Ini" f i g s All Orar Uw World. noae. Sometimes the bones are small A T ALL DRUG STORM and flat; no bridge at all. Pawn«« mr.w Samoa iPoHls Sani on R m im h Tha brain can grow only as long VeeuU MaMHSt as the three big sutures o f the skull iWpt aaaa remain open. They begin to close at the age of forty; the one at the back flrat; the fore part of tha brain can keep on growing. In animals the su­ K O E N I G ’S N E R V I N E tures close earlier thnn In man. the front onea irst. They may dose early lo man; they may peralst till old age. When one or another akull sutura closes prematurely, curiously shaped heeds result. The "boat-shaped" head la due to premature closing of th* pnrletal suture. When all the sutures close prematurely, the skull becomes solid ns though a single bone. Tha M M M f t t gvsJs an»! p r im m a r fu r«. S hip bruin can grow no more. Idiocy re­ M c M illa n fo r Kontra« (T a d in g, h Uh cat sulta—the "Aztec" people of the clrcug i Prom pt cash retar ns. Ijirgaat d i r a i I ww Humor W H Y HE F A ILE D A young man undergoing an exam­ ination was asked to describe different electric batteries, among them on* named tha Daniel cell. His reply was: “ About Daniel's cell very little Is known, but It I* gener­ ally supposed to have been a bear den furnished with Ilona. As Daniel la dead and tha Ilona are dead, what on earth la th* go-id of raking up an old story I" JUST TO GET THERE Scene at th# tomb o f Itev. Patrick Power In Holy Cross cemetery. Malden. Maas., to which thousands of persona from all part* of Hie country are flocking because of reported miraculous cure* worked there. Father Power died sixty years ago. Cardinal O'Connell of Boston made a visit o f observation to the ahrlne. Yank* Help Dedicate New Belgian Bridge o f M a g n e s i a “ What do you walk ao much tor, J lm r “To get to the placea I want to go to . Bob.” Balsam of Myrrh Se. the Point? A porcupine lay sleeping Bob .topped to pluck s quill; Be got wbet be wee after— la fact, he got hie fill. Garfield T ea While It Lasted Mra. Howard— When my daughter first married she lived at the rate of *30,000 a year. Mrs. Jay— How tong did they keep It up! Mrs. Howard— For their seven-day wedding trip. Feeling Run Down? THAT OUGH Were* trvublM follow. Tsk* HALE’S HONEY or HORKHOUND AND TAR The triad home remedy lor breaking up cold* relieving throat troublcn* p(.sling and eootnlng—quick relief for coughing and hoarsens*** JO * ml mil A a f f k l l ___________C » W l . l T o vW W * Pie»*. W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. IB 19. ) Veterans beurlng the colors of America'« Thlrty-eeventh division, while their band plays, during the dedication o f the new Kyne bridge at Kyne, Belgium. Trophy for the Outboard Racers Caenet "R oll Yoer O w e" It la a legnl offense to fly a kit* In the streets or squnres of an Kng. Ilsh town, to throw a stone or to let off any eort «*f firework*. It Is equal­ ly Mlegnl to roll a cask or carry a lad der along any footway. Fortune far Old Boob Probably the moat valuable hook tn the world la the Outenherg Bible, flrat to tie printed on movable type. Not so very long ago nn Austrian collector parted with $.700,000 for the privilege of possessing a copy MODEL FOR A FRIEZE A Word to the W ie« Knicker—That florist surely keep* In touch with the slogan, “ Say It With Flowers." Knocker— What'* bis method! Knicker— Sends a bunch of forget- me-nots with each bllL Huh i “I cant sleep at night," began the man with a tong tale of woe. "W ell, that saves you from having bad dreams," snapped his Intended victim, as he hurried on.—Cincinnati Enquirer. S in n e r WELL OR MONEY BACK DenrPitee.llmhieteSeTtserefcmdid kike S hut - vet -; a s s u r a n c e west*.t. i tninm - iaa the Dv. C IL Dean t v nee eun « e S i il «wOmit at treat- nest. (Ueed bv m oderivriri K nearfcabi* M C «** «iw nah o ther Rectalem] Coion »-hesntn. Send TODAY «or FKEE 10O. ra ra 5 ¿ t íjI ? . T 2 f 5 T jy jjT jr n y Yon Never Can Tall Piggly—Is my face dirty, or Is u my Imagination! Wiggly—Your face Isn't; I don’t know shout your Imagination.—West­ ern Christian Advocate. Rending “ Did yon do mneb reading while you were on your vacation!” “ Yea, a whole lot." "What did you read!" "Mostly signposts and route num­ bers."— Pathfinder. A DRESS FOR EVERY DAY K ill R ats I B W ithout Poison 4 N e w E »te r m in a to r th a t W o n 't K ill L iv e s to c k , P o u ltr y , D o g a , C a to , o r o ven B aby C h ic k s K-R-O can be u»ccl about the home.barn orpoultrj jrard with absolute «afety aa it contains s o p o is o n . K-R-O ia made o f Squill, aa recooa mended by U . S. Dept, o f Agriculture, undo the Connable process which insure« raafinanQ strength. Tw o can« killed 578 rats at ArkanaO State Farm. Hundreds o f other testimonials. Insist upon K-R-O. the original Squill cite* m entor. All druggist*. 15c. Large sie» (four time aa much) *1.00. Duvet it dealer cannot supplì yon. K-R -O Co.. Springfield. O. KILLS-RATS-ON LY Col. McClellund Barclay, well known magazine Illustrator, puts the finish­ ing touches to the Commander K. F. MacDonald trophy which will lie nwurded to the fastest outboard motor-boat racer In 1990. The sculpture, which la the artist's flrat serious venture Into the Held of modeling, was ordered by Commander MacDonald of Cnlcago, commodore of the Outboard Motorboat association. "She says she baa a d r e s s for »vary day In the week." “ Yea. Uv- seen IL dear." M odel A Owner** N ote Sportsmen Cash In on Lion Hides Sergt. Walter B. Andrews. Company E, Thirtieth Infantry, stationed at the Presidio In San Francisco, who has been picked by the commanding of­ ficers o f the Infantry le. answer to a call from MaJ. Gen. Stephen O. Fuqua, chief of Infantry, asking the picture of the “ most soldierly" soldier tn each Infantry regiment The photographs will be placed In a frieze to be 1»- stalled permanently at hendquer'.vrs In Washington. Womea and Money In the hearing o f a divorce case the other day the wife asserted that she had received only 40 cents In money from her husband In the ten years they lived together. But Just to show It Isn’t safe to trust a woman with money It was proved that she spent 20 cents of this money for turnips. No wonder the men ding to their dough.— Los Angeles Times. (© by O vor,, a . Doreev.) Chrysolite Highly Valued The Egyptians, who found the chrys­ olite In their own domain, wore mag­ nificent spfH-lmena as tnllsmnna for victory; the Kotnnns believed It had the »un-given power to Induce cheer­ fulness, while during the Middle ages when large quantities of the finest peridots were brought from the Kaat hy soldiers of the Crusades, It win called the "gem of divine Inspiration.” Children^stomachs sour, and need in antl-add. Keep their systems tweet with Phillips Milk o f Ilagneslal When tongue or breath tells of acid ■ondltlon—correct It with a spoonful if Phillips. Most men and women hava ieen comforted by this universal rwsetener— more mothers should In­ voke Its aid for their children. It la a Peasant thing to take, yet neutralize* nor* add than th* harsher things too >ften employed for the purpose. No aousehold should he without IL Phillips Is the genuine, prescrip­ tions! product physician» endorse tot general use; the name la Important. 'Milk o f Magnesia” has been the 17. & registered trade mark o f tha Charles II. Phillip* Chemical Co. and Its pre­ decessor Charles H. Phillips since 187& P H ILLIP S r Milk , To Cool a Burn ara o f N o rth a m Fura. O r a r 5 0 y w r » Makes Life Siveeter These Canadian sportsmen are returning from a hunting trip In the hills of Vancouver Island and will receive from the government $40 each as bounty for the hides of the mountain lions that they bagged. SHORT ITEMS TO REMEMBER French fruit growers are conduct­ ing an "eat more fruit" campaign. More than one-half the entire tea lm|Hirtnti«ns Into the United States are handled In New York. The annual consumption of mont In the United States last year averaged 38 pounds per capita. French engineers have drawn plans to make a lake of the Mediterranean and a garden of the Sahara. A Uusslan factory le to make sirup from watermelons. Airplanes cross the Grand ennyon of the Colorado In about thirty min­ utes. The gray substance represents 37 to 98 per cent of the total weight of the hrnin, Italy Is taking steps toward stand­ ardizing weights and measures throughout the country. t Prnsnrving Floors The forest service says that to prevent dry rot In floors the wood should be treated with a preservative before It Is used and there should be air vents In the foundation so thnt the air would not be confined beneath the floor. B e passed th * cop sene any fusa. H e passed a load o f hey. B e tried to pees a s w ervin g bus. And then be passed sw ay. N o Favoritieoi Husband— All you think o f Is clothes. Haven't yon any other thought than dresses, dresses, dresses! W ife— Yea, let me finish. I need two hats, a coat and some shoes.— Lustige Klste. Fixing His Class “ now Is that comedian!“ “ A woman In the audience dislo­ cated her Jaw." "Laughing!" "Yawning.” Her Day Off Mr. Dadtnor»— Mother won’t be home to dinner this evening, honey; eo you wffl have lo take her place. Little Ethel—Do yon meen I won't have to be polite and respectful to you! Dietiag He told the cook tc dish up a lot of unappetizing messes. When asked why, he explained: “To make It easier for my wife. She has to refuse everything." Music in tko Church A short time ago one of the moa distinguished church musicians In Eng land gave up a valuable position ll order that he might form a school fa training church musicians. Music ha always been an essential part a church worship, but the class of mu sic has frequently been of such a dial acter as to raise a protest from tho» who desire to have music In keepini with the sacred nature of worshlp.- Jlontreal Family Herald. Buss Ball Blue delights the hone* wife. Make* clothes whiter than snow At your Grocer’s.—Adv. Original ‘‘Chain S tore." The trading posts of the Hodsonl Bay company were the first chab stores, and some of them existed moa than 250 years ago. PÁTED? Take M « Arcas-a i — tonight. Y e a r elim inative organs will be f anetianing prop­ erty by m o ra ls « end your < stipetion w ill end with a bowel os fr e e end easy as na­ her best—p ositively aa griping. Try H. TKM.UXMA MILLION. TAMM TO- NI CHT TOMORROW ALRI GHT P A R K E R 'S H A IR B A L S A M ftomor m Ifendra ff Rtr>p«H*lrFal I ti Restores C olor em à Boftbriy to G ra y «radi F m W H alf " '“ " " “ ■ r » ï «r?! f i 2T î ■ l "— t l i FLORESTON SH AM PO O -Idw l for m "Foreigners’* le Polyaesia The Polynesia!.« Imagine that the sky descends at the horizon and en doses the earth. Hence they call for­ eigners “papalnngl." or “ heaTen burst­ ers,” as having broken In from anoth­ er world outside. A Timid Brother Blink»— So you have do desire to go up In an airplane, eh! Jinks— Na A good many year* ago I fell off a horse and discovered even from that distance the ground waa anything but a soft place to hit. From tho Bible The expression “ feet of day” In founded on a passage In the Bible— Daniel, 2:33. The reference concerne an Idol "and the legs of Iran, tbs fen* part of - on and part of day." He’s Had Enough "Ain't you going to get op and fight! 1 told you you've got him go­ ing." "That'* all right you tell me when he s gone."—Passing Show. to comwrtkin with P a r k «1» Hail U.lvim. g ekes the tu r soft end «iitty. M cents t»y m- : or at dreg- aiate. Hiecox chemical Weckr, l'» n ogse,*- T. P I S O 'S for C0 ÜGHS P I S O 'S gives quick, effective relief. Pleasant, sooth* l o g and h ea lin g. E x c e lle n t f o r children — contain* no opiates. Successfully used for 64 yeats. 35* and 60c sizes. —4