T urner T ribune TURNER. OREGON, THURSDAY. YOL. XI?. NO. io Read the ads this week They contain worth while messages. DtC. 12. 1920. SUBSCRIPTION $1.26 T&R YEAR What would Xmas be without the Sweets Turner Lumber Mfg. Co. G IF T B O X E S C. F. BREITHAUPT 612 HlaU Street Special Family Xmas Boxes, Xmas Mixed Candy, Candy for all occssions New Bliglt Building FLORIST G O L D F IS H ■ C A N A R IE S • L O V E B IR D S - P A R R O TS Full line vf Bird and Fish Food and Remedies Salem, • Flinue 380 • Oregon. We carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumbar, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, also Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood In four foot length*. Sunfreze Specials for Xmas E A T A B O W L O F C H IL L I A D A Y LUNCHES P p U N T IA N S E R V IC E RICHES COXTEECaiOXTERY We desire to serve the public and Efficiency. * W A W W W W W r t w ith Promptness LET US FICURE YOUR BILL No one can sell used sewing- Will sell second hand pianos. machine cheaper than the com­ $35, «50, $65, $75, $90, $110 each. pany that trades them in $5 or $6 per month No payment White Sewing Machine Co. until after Januasy 1st. New pi­ OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal Salem'a Square Deal Jewelera & Optician*. anos reduced in proportion. Lib­ 221 So High St Salem. Gardens every Wednesday and eral discounts for cash. Investi­ Diamonda Watchea Clcoka Jewelry & Silverware. aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c Vester Bones had a Barrow es­ gate these snaps. They will not cape from a serious injary, last Ladi«« 25c. tf. S79 State, St. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday, when a gas tank which last long at these terms and pric­ WANTED! he was soldering exploded. The es. Open evenigs until after Everybody to write for free fumes still in the tank were ig­ Christmas Tallman Piano Store, ‘‘The Home of the Baldwin” , sample of Tigrin salve for cuts, nited by the hot soldering iron 385-395 S . 12th St. Salem, Ore­ colds, burns and eczema. For H. S. Bond, S. P agent at gon. 12-5 3t sale at all drug stores. Turner was around Thursday LEWIS HERB CO. passing out the S. P. calandars Plans are under way for a 12-6-9tp Salem, Oregon to the business houses special Christmas program. Keep Hollis Bones is located near this in mind and watch for the CARD OF THANKS G io ira i C sitractor and Builder Salina, Kansas, on the Jo-Mar date. We wish to extend our sincere Cement W erk and Plum bing farm. This is a horse farm and thanks to all neighbors and Volleyball at [the gym, Mon­ Hollis is the second in charge friends for their s^mathy and day nights. The interest is grow­ Turner, Oregon Route j . of the horses. *' help during the deatM and burial ing and more are enjoying the Harold G. Briggs of Turner of our little Marjery, for the fun each week. and Doris Irene Smith of Mar­ many beautiful Moral offerings ion were married in Salem, and to the members of the .Chris Monday. Harold and Doris are tian church for as« of their both graduates of the Turner church and for the music. The Wellborn and {ionsaker high school. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker Families and family of Portland [were re­ Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Thieaain The inside of the gymnasium cent guestr. of Mrs. Walker’s celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary Sunday with a din­ aa sealed last Saturday. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. ner. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Bur- work was accomplished by volun­ Thomason. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steues goyne were among the guests. teer labor. and son Frank of Salem spent Just received some nice ar­ Miss Mildred Martin, of Salem, the week end ,_at the Raymond ticles suitable for Christmas spent Sunday with her parents, Titus home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin. presents. Also a good line of nails and bolts and other hard­ G. A. G. Moore. > 5 Salem, was There was no school Monday ware. Will be glad to have you the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred on account of illness of Miss Cal- avan, the teacher. call and look it over.—H. P. Gunning, Tuesday evening. JENSEN, Hardware and Black- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gunning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tittle were business visitors in Salem, smithing. spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Monday. George Mason and son were Gunning’s step-father, Fred R P. E. Thomason was a business urner visitors Saturday night. Smith, at Koseburg. They had visitor in Portland the first of George was attending Masonic the pleasure of meeting several last week. old friends on the trip. odge. Miss Eima Barber, of Salem More renewals this week are Miss Gladys Given, of Lyons, spent the week end with her par­ E. S. PRATHER . . '»V'. . - spent the week end with her Mrs. Barzee, M. A Hill and Ivan ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bar­ 'ather, George Given, in Turner. Hadley. We heartily appreciate ber. Reliable Druggist Mrs. I. E. Putnam, who has their interest in their home pa­ Mrs. Raymond Titus who has >een sick for several days, is re­ per. TURNER : OREGON buen quite sick for the past two Mrs. Delzell received a letter weeks is better. ported to be recovering. ',V>VA,AVA,A \V .W /A V W A V A r.,.,rt,.V .W Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris in from California tellieg them that This community was well rep­ Mrs. Fehlman were Turner from the 4S camp, Thurs­ Mr. and starting home to " stay until resented at .the Junior Vod-Vil day. Christmas. It was a joyful sur­ given at the Turner High school Mrs. L. E. Petersen and chil prise. Mrs. Fehlman was former- last Friday evening. dren and Mrs. James Noah at­ Avalyn Delzell. tended a shower for Mrs. Dean FOURTH ANNUAL ■ Morris, given at the home of Mias Faustina Delzell is employ VAUDEVILLE HAS William Morris, in the Clover ed by the Oregon Grain Co. as LARGE TURNOUT bookkeeper and typist, both in dale section. The fourth annual vaudeville Turner and the Salem office. Henry Denwell, who lived in of the Turner high school was Turner for a short time, left J. S. McKinney and F. P. presented by the student body between suns for parts unknown. Rowley attended the regular to one of the largest attend­ meeting of the Vetrans of For­ Those on the honor roll for re eign Wars, in Salem, Monday ances ever reported in the high newals this week are C M. Cum­ night. Plans are being made for school. All tickets were sold mings, F. C. Gunning, Mrs. a big membership drive program and the home-made candy quickly disposed of, netting the Peetzand Joseph S. McKinney. in the near future. treasury $104.35 which will be Harold Briggs spent the week Mrs. Hulen is moving into the used for various school inter­ end with his mother and brother Ben Funston house. She former- , ests. Herbert. ly lived in one of Mrs. Barr’s The stage and building was Herbert Briggs and Maxwell houses. appropriately decorated for McKay have joined the wood the vaudeville. Much credit cutters’ brigade. They began goes to the faculty, Principal cutting wood Monday on the C. John R. Cox, Mrs. Jean Pearcy H. Riches farm. and Prof. D. B. Parkes, who di­ Much needed work has been rected the students in the vari­ done on the Turner streets in the A meeting was held in the ous humorous numbers. Several shape of scarafying and grading Methodest church, Wednesday features outside of the high thereby filling up the some holes. night, for the purpose of organi­ school were presented at the Third street and B. street from zing a branch of the Methodist vaudeville by talent from Sa­ the Harrison corner to Ball Men;s Brotherhood. A supper Brothers’ garage and C street was served in the parsonage by lem. Will open at 251 Coutt Street, Salem, Saturday, Oct­ from Ball Brothers to the High the Ladies Aid. after which a ober 19, 1929. school and on out to the pave­ program was given as a part of Formerly at 347 Court Street ment are the streets being im­ the meeting’ Prof. Lonhinour, Umbrella, Key and Cutlery Store proved. Chiropractor of Willamette University gave a 251 Court Street Salem , Oregon Work is progressing nicely on Jeview of his travels in Japan. Ncuroealometer Service Phone 2876J the steel laying on the extension The pastor delivered two much Phone 87. Residence 2104J of the passing track, of the S. P. appreciated sermons Regenera­ 266 N. High Street Co., in Turner. The track will tion and the Higher Christian Salem, Oregon soon be ready for use. Life last Sunday. PHONE *7* Locals Pomeroy and Keene G. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc STAYTON W. JAY DENHEM VETERINARIAN Day and Night S e rv ic e — OREGON F. P. ROW LEY Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon.