, . S/ * H E TURNER TRIBUNE ! Turner, Oregon. Thursday DEC f>. 1929 f . |I. Emnlitj. Efittnr ' l'~oed Every Thursday at T*urr«r, Marion County, Oregon r. , 1 .. ^ _ ,•* ** i'j, r»**j,. *• 1 - i _* * ; ~* •._'__ __ ‘SL'RSClHFTljjnf fj.2 5 PER VjTyR. Entered z j the Pftitofflce at f .■VV/Jr, Oregon, as seoodd-claas matter,'under the Act of Marrfc 8. 18Y9. ______ "."1 "J 1 TT r r r NÒTICE YO C rfdi ton s ............. ... a « • A. ♦. » . . ' ■ to - « his com rades with news from home N otice i» heivby «¡ver» tlm t th e aud g*vo tbe world for the first lime un-ler. igned, by un o rd er o f the Coun a thrilling daily account ot a polar tv C "ourt o u rt o f M arion C ounty, S ta te of ot O regon, m ade a an n ti d e en n te re d on , expedition. T hose things alone would ,oti, duty tnado the Sl«t.<'av of v>e|ob*r, 1M¡», era« have been a contribution to history, Riulio Artist to situr next Sun appointed a J m in u 'r a tr ix o f th e estate be sgld, but Hanson added to radio o: M athilda Brv*«nii»ir, deceased, and kuowlcdgo by testing signals agntual jd g y . Tht> n « \ t Lord's tiuy pro- th a t »he h as duly ov j i l t e d as such. th e polar ally, observed the phenom ena AM ¡>e*sons h a v in g claim.* ug-anut said 1 of the A urora A aa tra ils a n J made a 'jyrani is for Music about ^tlsic, e sta te * a re h<-reb\ nevitied to p re s e n tí record of radio bvharlor uuder condi­ ani! will consist of extra musicai th e on«,**. duly v eniteti ns req u ired by tio n s h ith erto unknown. To Mrs. Itau- numbers The ch.bi\>us singintr law, a t i lie olHees o f G uy O. S m ith, 408 Salem B ank o f C om m erce tildi;., rfon. Mr. Snrnvff »aid: directed by Dr Eplcy n;id spec­ "Y our sacrlflve was all the greater in t l y C ity o f Salen». M arnili C ounty, O regon, wiUiin six m onths from th e berauro soon a fter your husband ial numbers will bo ipyod. But the date o f th is n o tice, to - » it: N ovem ber sail,ul for th e A ntarctic, you boro him chance tó hear a re*il artist n 7, iy s v . a c h ill. No Inedal eon e re r rew ard or home will be given L> T 'rncV. IIATTIF. B T l’F- . repay you for your own Courage and Little Miss Linrlcy ft*M sing.. Admin ist ra trix o f th e Kítat»? c f heroism.'* M athilda R row i.iqg, IV ceesed. .> She id Just 8 yrs. óM but stngs G l 'Y O. SM ITH . over the radio and for rorféertt A tto rn ey t o r A d m in istratrix RADIO TELEGRAPH EXPANDS SERVICE •*t p l r d s u a l l e g i a n c e t o t h e F l a g o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s aA 1 tite c o u n tr y f o r w h ic h it s t a n d s . O n e n a tio n , in d iv is ib le , w ith lib e r ty a n d ju s tic e f o r a l i . ” Vo Our Patrons and Subscribers . ‘ j v V I • ' ' SfOw* i * ’’C*. »' ’• ic r e p.re times during the lifetim e of a business enterprise v. , dij to pressure of slack times, it ¡becomes necessary to V. ‘ c. <4 save‘the business. We have reached that period in : • * • * . ,f j 5 adventutvs in burner, ’th e Tr it, tine has been estab- * n Turner something over fourteen years. Nearly seven » .hat time the undersigned has been at the helm. Dur- 1 .Ime we have endeavored to give you a paper, devoid i « :.al or community strife, that would represent the com- i • f- a i nearly r.s is possible to do so. » ; : y of our subscribers are in arrears for various lengths of c J. ■' ¿me saicTthey did not want the paper to stop, and have V •ot..Jr~d »evoraf tfAie^ ta bring in th«' HwesSary material to i.. . j paper in the pre^s, but have failed to Uu so. Perhaps. . . ' ; * - lstan^es w o Rawfe tyeen too eV.«A- m this m atter by not! ! il*«. biih. M i fee,' jvV jtftvg roitchjtj pic t T * me, and unless \ye receive what is in arrears, or some • - lids been “agitated t y the busfuess men ttad ' others of the t* ,/mndnity interested cntil the end has been accomplished and t - totnrcgnity now has a club th?t is a affiliated with the Mar- I mi Coinfiy Federaiipn. There ii lioehd Of benefts that can ac- *• .WTotheconrmmiity through one of these'clubs. Thb greatest I*, fie it that Can be derived i»- the developing • of a community ','in t‘amibbliterating all jealousies ind antagonism. Whea this ‘ done it is all doiie for there is nothing then, to hinder the same -} vclopiug'of the community. J ■* • ■ SCREEN GRIS GIVES FARM NEW RADIO One Essoipfe of the Newest B attery Sets Which Offer Really Modern Radio . - to Unwired Humes. „ “The real split between the require­ fhe usual tubes for the radio frequen­ m ents of rural and city listener-in cy end, and, when also used as t’w *ame with the introdiicUoa of the detector, replacing the first audio tj'ee |ou(T*p«aiti5r to filava of h eld phone*." a brail, tá t t c r y current consumpttdh say* E. A! Nlrhota3, Vice President has bean reduced to neW l o r lefela. • f the Radlo-Viitor Corporation of “ 'i Ilf $e cu rren t economies, combined America. “ Until then the usual bflt- w ltirih e poshbllftie* of g reater vtlum e t.ery radio set. especially when oper­ aad b etter tone through refined loud- ated with dry colls, could sere« both fpeaker dasign, have tnhd'e possible a ju ral and city family equally well. battery-operated rod'o set about on With the loud-speaker there arose a a par with the average socket-power demand for more power and b etter radio set, plus the advantage of a lone, with a decrease in operating noiseless background for tuning dis­ doat, all of which led to sac hot power. tan t stations. “Now. radio engineers b are turned "T he combined engineering and re­ to tlio .requilam ents nt the onelectrk search forces cf th e Radio Corpora bed ^jbiAe,- c*i*T to dupltcau what has lion of A m erica have been at work been 4cWti,f<1 to t city and town. op this new conception of an efficient S tarting wlih gurrent conservation as battery-operated redio vedelver. After the ideal, ih»y b a re evolved loud- many months of lotcnsiyp effort, inch apeakttru supplying ample .olu.-na aud Radíelas bevy been devtTbpcd. These rich tone from a minimum input. new sets are not simply revamped . "T ba recent ' developm ent of the versions of old storage t a t t e r / or dry •creM -grld tube, with an ainpliflca- battery -arili ¡*rfs. The# are enttroly Uon factor several tim es tb a ; of tba new coriceptfoka of battery-operated hsual th ree elem ent o r standard bat­ le ts, designed to estnbliih rural radio tery tube, also has been a step lu more on a par wilh metropolitan, the direction of the ideal b attery set. radio, in sensitivity, selectivity, aim- Indeed, with a single screen-grid tube pllclty, eermomy. tone a n i power, replacing between two and th ree of there is little more to ask.’’ U — - - and ¡»rogrsnts. It will be a trial S I M M 'tN ti 'to hear her and thtni Rennorr on In X k r C ircu it t o ù .t O f T he M ate j music follow: O f O. <>on C i.* T h e C ounty v ’ I^st Sunday Earl Confer tho O t Jffuioii * »"• tne D ep artm en t No. t 1 R ecent additions to the radio tele­ mlnistor that wa* wilh P hy\k* C a rry In c k ix o n , graph service from th e United States church Inst yrtu* paid the congre­ are of special in terest now as Indica gation a visit and preached the lions th a t America la striving to hold V*. her owe In a radio toM^r.iph leader­ evening sermon. L eonard Bailo Jndeiwlon, There ha# bgen ^f> uaincs add-i ship. which la tna-h» more dtflU-att to D efendant To Leon irvi B a ro tnctem lon. IVftmd- m aintain by tbo British m erger of tal to the church membership radltf telegraph a n d ’ ShMeC T tli ta- a n t: i ' * : . . ueuncem eni th at R C-A. Comuifir.lch ! since Sept. Tfiis goes to show the In The N am e o f th e S ta te o f O regon: tien t. Inc., will begin work a t Once \torhl is Aot growing 'worse but You a re hereby V e q à i^ d Io a p p e a r u> establish an Inland telegraph neb , that things an* living r.nd grow­ am i an sw e r th è Com plaint ftlad work tp fourteen st!V teg|c cities In a g a in s t you in th e above en titled ! the U nited S tates, wUu rim y to r kg ing as truly as ever. C ourt ami cause on o r before four Inland stations, as wave lengths are w eeks fro m th e d a te of th e firs: granted, also has added to the coun publication of th is sum m ons, and if j try wIds atten tio n to this modern you fa il to a n sw e r o r a p p e a r heroin ' m eant of ronim untoallon. on o r before said tim e, fo r w a n t th ere ; W ithin the last few w eeks three c f. p la in tiff w ill a p p ly to th e said : aew direct International circuita have C o u rt fo r a decree d issolving th< j bajen announced by W. A. W loterbot- A very pretty w «H iding w a s m arria g e c o n tra c t and bonds o f m at ' tom. Vice-President io charge of Cote- rim ony now su b sistin g betw een you m a n ic a le .i ot R C A . Comfbunlra- held 'at the Christian chvrch, and fho p la in u ff, P hyllis C a rry In Upes. In * , to Spain, Syria aad Costa Sundny afternoon nt 4 o ' c'ock, ciond& it . p h d ft f r'^rh. o‘ h e r ¡«r t fur- j R1Ñ. ' when Viss Evelyn Archuhld ther* re lie f a s to rHc C ourt r » » ’ np S ercral reduction: of rates for radio beenme the brido c f ' Cot^i-T p e a r iost am* c , nt..hlo. tclog.uph « e r t ic i a lio h e re ta r n aw- T h is stimiiKin* is ' 'served upon you nsvtr.tcd recettlV by Sit. '.Vlnterhot kidded. Th* brldp v^aj gh’er by i t i o o th e re o f once a »vek tctc. It was the com p etulco of radio I a w o y by her father, i f E fo r Tour* ' c o n so cili'v e: w e e k s' in th . telegraph which farced a rcfluctloo af Archiba'd. Her sister, Mrs. E'la T u rn e r Trifcune, a w eekly n ew spaper câble rotea by which usera have eared Hughes, of ieattlp, \\fn Matron of ^pnyral c irc u la t’on p u b lish e r n IdO.COO.fiOO’ Ik the !a:t eight ycaro. T u rn e r in M arion C ounty, O regon pffjonor. Miss Dorothy Moore p u rsu a n t to a n o rd e r of th e Hon. L ' was bride’s maidand Otto H . M cM ahan, Ju d g e o f th e C ircuit | R adio R eaches Out best mnn. Ushurs were Lucile C ourt o f the S ta te o f O regon fo r To M any O ther A rts White, of Portland, Agnt'a Moore, M arion C ounty, m ade and e n tered on j th e lH th d ay o f N ovem ber, H>2J. j of Salym. M?*1® Bp® Muuje You i*r* f u r th e r n o tified th a t th e ' tp addition to transocear.lc q cr Archibald. Miss Eleanor Moore d a te of* th e f i r s t p u b licatio n o f th is i o rnd'o nriit Solnt* rifiCalnnud P* ft * a polnt-to-pdlut * y communication * s a n eya- g II . “ -A t Dawning" sum om ns is th e Y lst lay c f Novcm- \ . , and , ” , .\l b er, 1929. *. ' ways , accompan ed by Miss ten.. gromUaa U U J«4f U add cotj . B raziep C. Sm all, siderably ;o the iranaconttdental 1 Ruth lledTord, of cit’em, at* the A tto rn ey .f o r P la in tiff j telegnif»iile ’faetltlle» of tha Untied piano Earl Confer, a former pos­ lies id enee arid p o s t office a d d re s s State«, according to p a v )l Sarnoff. , ter, officiated, using the ring Salem , O regon. Executive Vic* President cf the ceremony. A r«wtjon itras gi­ Radio Corporation of America. “ Radio as a service to the home ven the bride and groom in the has ’tJ e n reaching out for aeaccta 1 church parlors fo lowing the tlon Alth o th er estahllsbed a rts ot ceremony, after wnich they left entertainm ent and edupatlott” Mr Sarnoff cays. "In ‘ Uie '{cflue- for Portland on a short honey- 9 *. / • - ment of tnhslcol and speech repro­ moon. ■r. »4 .. duction. in com bination with the . modern phonograph \\o r*ad«r the , Malcolm P. Hanson, With Byrd two distinct jarvtpea Invoiced In Mr- And Mrs. J, F. Thoma­ Near South Pole, Hears broadcasting rpceptftB U »a t&« , son had as their dinner guesis one hapd. and In recorded, selective Tribute. program s upon the o th er), in tba , on Monday, Rev, Earl Coufer field c fa b n a d motion picture devel­ *nd wife. Cue of the most strik ing lacthods of o p m ent,'nd^o farce an o th er season m aking ah' a w a rl of m erit e r e r oe- of rrogreen. vlsed wax tSè recent presentation of *I| Includes in Its vco^e both The V eteran W ireless O perators' sound and sight, bolb cedar and Association m edal in a sf>sech by perspective. T arid Sarnoff Ifl ,\ë v jfork to Malcolm "It is the drat system of communi­ P. Hanson, radio ojierator with Byrd. cations th a t has largely removed Ilslkning by radio in the " ^ ip d rc tlc the lim itations cf tim e and f> dltlon, you have been' awarded th e id- su al medal of the Veteran W ireless O perators’ Aktoclatlon, for the n.osl distingnlsheu contribution, by a radio operator, in 1911, to w ireless com m uni­ cation. As a mem ber of th at associa­ tion, with come knowledge 'of its r<^ giantlc trad itio n s and standards (it service, 1 feel th a t tbe aw ard is well earned and well deserved.’’ Mr. Sarnoff related how H anson planted bis slender steel tow ers on tbe edge of the g reat Ice harrier, cheered i 1 . * *J — * ’ j A nnouncem ent Jo*t h^s le e n m a d :1 of tho form ation cf"{l,e U U A- Inatl | tut#t. Inc., a subsidiary of the Rsdlc itali Corporation of A m erica, for the pur | pore of establishing radio schools tr yarlous cities throughout the country fo m eet Iho steadily Increasing dc Uiand for g ain ed radio men. The jd » organitation Is tbe successor to the Radio tiiatftntg cf America, formerly the Marconi In stitu te founded In 1909 j and the oldest com m ercial radio ccboc in existence. Rudolph L. Duncad, fqi many years D irector of the Radio In atitute of America, Is president. Gen eral J. O. H arbord, president of tb« | Radio Corporation of America, C hairm an of tbh Board. H eadquarters and th e main seboo will be a t 32«' Broadway, New Yoflc I The new orgtdlzatlon has acquired also the Philadelphia School of Wire lose, founded In 1911, and the Easterc Radio Instltutg of Boston, 'founded it 19IX '•>' ' *1 ' ■ > • • • FURTHER GAIN FOR RADIO IN SCHOOLS W ith th e beginning of the W lntei school term the radio loudspeaker bar (Akco Ks-pl'Ots txs.’h e ” iie blackboard i s an Aid .0 teaching. 'Accordlfig tc , Quinton Adame, V ice-President of tbs Radio-Victor C orporation of America flilrty a-lmols In ’.»*-100« part* oil the c’o iinlry lia v c -h e r.n tho new fernf Equipped with centrkltred rudlo' a p pdrstus for tbe distribution hf educa­ tional p ro g n u r J ’ to tbb Classroom* and betw een slaty and seventy other ichoots are planning alm tla r Instal tallon*. Every school year brings ar oxtension of edufiatjftn by ^adlo. V ■ , -- - w - r ^|).« flf*t test under STOctlcal dairy­ ing oondl/lon« eg providing radio music for cows has proved a big succesA. ac­ cording to rfficlala of ;be pelrolt Cream ery C o ro p a n r , pd*r Mount Clemens, Mlcb. Tb¿; cream ery com pany officials bought RCA loodspeak- ors for each of th eir bam * when they noticed the tow * liked tha music from ! a Kadlola receiving set Ifisfarted to en tertain the men doing the milking Now all the 900 cows on tbe model j farm enjoy radio program*. ; j W E I S U T 1 NEW IN T E R N A T IO N A L D IC T IO N A R Y G et T h e B est The "Supreme Authority” in m rU , cvisoA, ,-nd among f i\ta m n t oj / ki J j Loth TtJtrsi and V/c/v. 4 5 2 ,0 0 0 entries including 4 0 8 ,0 0 0 Vyij^rtUry ceii:,s. i 2,001 rnfrapijiMl subjects, li.C fft) N Jp i^y /k /en :t|e,. Over 6, OOO UlkMatiom, and 100 t^L Laiil Ullti. StnJfor Frtr, nrj>, t.cW± pamphht nntaim:{'idmpT!p.Spft cf tht Ntw inn mnuonnl G. & C . M erriatn C o m p an y Springfield, M ost. — I -, v r t - - .i.» MILL CITY FIREMEN’S SMOKER Next Tuesday, December 10th ÜAitimoiul Hall, N;15 P. M. QUIDS M*in i ; \ « n t T».t a'-M m 'ite HuutiJ» V i ¡il I «utuntiH Jimmy Dolait P’O rtlniui, 1 «17 l.h i, Vi. Jack Ker.tworth * S^U iu, I4S l.bt. J tm i Jfirtftl Six 2 'M inute Mtumi« Jackin Woods * P s i e m , 118 L U . va. Si Flook Mill t i i y , 114 Lb*, t h j j * titb v r Bout* and a B kttU Ruyat to O p#n iho Show Wm. Pool*. Milt C ity, Will Ho« W illi. M urphy, Salem , F o u r R o u n d . A nd O no S u ro rt.o Special Foaturo' Foui R /Und, A nnounced Only V ro m tho Ring 1 N l - BOGGE3S MatrhinWkor ^ SCA R FS * » A multitude from which to cUoaee if REE LICENSE To red u ce l'»o lt*21 T o u rlu fp :-liu s te !| ul W li-’t H i a d .t e l. ' 94.75 I ajw Priced Gear islwii (.'¡ira lUSh Kseg t'o aeli 1021 S ta r H o a d .te r I02C C hevrolcf Y dur,nj; W2I O verland T o u rin g ||o o tM I5tf |j Open Evening VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY ’M iR C ’H I F F S ,\ m e t appr.-prlzle gift 1er a:-v lady. Uwid *fi- r-r-v 1 . 50 OUlCi Ws- I« tM : # v c C enp-r uml LitMiriy St«. SAI.fc'M PRONE >£>£»5 TEASHERS’ EXAMINATIONS Notice ia hereby given that the County Superintendent of Mar­ ion County, Oregon, wi{| ^oid pfj trguisr examja^tjn of applicants for st{jte certificate* at tho Coun­ ty Courthouse. commencing Wednesday, December 18, 1929, a nine o’clock a. m-,nnd con'in* uing until Saturday, Dccpnibc» 21. 10»! al (ouf* PV!oifc p.' m. Anyone desiring to taVe tne cSc- aminatihn should notify the un­ dersigned not later than Decem­ ber 16, 1929! Mar; jfolkprspfL County School Superintendent Marion County. PATENTS / ^ ’¡g- OÍ' Vy jñ ¿ , Æ ■ s \g S -r j$ • .* . -.N < s I ” U N O IE ^ (J D re n , «ouki b# wrlcuneit «nd r «ch 0:w rherL IÂ l si-pma, com- bln;Ven i su i riant 3 s« ^ 1.93 2.03 3.4* M t t:.M, OttK. C|- »I ty Mr» -liandtse— (>r...|l«r I*i1ce» c¡rrn Hit N te U l t I N O btained. S end inpdcl o r sk etch y an d 'vc w in p ro m p tly send y au a - ’s f tn ts a nd re çpyVf! p o rp O U ur book on Cm i I’a T radì _____J m urks w ill be sen t to you • u rç