T IIK T O lB t 'N E . T lT H N E n , O R E G O N Miss M orrow Teaches Mexican Children WHY W E BEH A V E LIK E HUMAN BEINGS The Marie o f G enuine Give* Vagarie« of Appendix * T * I IK function o f (ha renal organa or Acidity T h e common cause o f digestive dim cullies Is rxcesa acid. Mods cannot alter this condition, and It burns Ilia stomach. Houielhlug that w ill neu­ tralise th* acidity la th* *eiialblo thins to take. That la why physicians tell the public to use I'hllllps Milk o f Magnesia. On# spoonful o f this delightful prep­ aration can neutralise many lim es Ita volume In acid. It acts Instantly; re­ lie f la quick, and very apparent. A ll gaa Is dls|ielled; all sourness Is soon gone; the whole system Is sweetened. D o try tbl* perfect anti arid, and re­ member It Is Just as good for children, too, and pleasant for them to taka. Any drug store has the genuine, pre­ scriptions) product. P L Misa Elizabeth Morrow, daughter o f the American ambassador to M exico and sister-in-law o f Colonel Lindbergh, school for girls In Mexico City, Whom she Is Instructing In Kngllsh. Is shown here delivering her first lesson to th* pupils o f the “ Lope* C otllla," a Oakland’s Troop o f Mounted Girl Scouts h il l ip s Milk , o f M a g n e s ia 'Eh ASSI H ANCE « • a l., h. »itsilairt»» — las IlM Itr. C I Dass tanmii acr-m nakal a iih u l t i I n * W >\ i) \ r> .\ S M S t. I tV i H mt « I C b t a t v .il I R m m I c O , i u c c i *lao w *k »U M TkatU laaS Culos »Ilw aa U. Baad l o t i A Y fce KKt K IOO- H O N C L IN u ! M IIIT T V M i ■ fn tS p 'L I ” ■ « **«* l l e i « Is the Kluingehon Biding troop—second Girl Scout equestrienne organization to be formed anywhere la the world— photographed niter the Investiture ceremonies at Oukland. Calif. T h e other Girl Scout mounted troop la at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Germany Has a Fast New Cruiser HAS M ABEL’S JOB rn w m n o ------------:-------- Fondness for Western Music Shown by Japan The demand In Japan for sll kinds o f western classical music la In atnklng contrast to the condition In China, where native mitalc ts atlll pre­ eminent and where foreign melodies, either classic or Jaxa are not welcomed, declared a representative o f an Amer­ ican grauiaplione company, after com­ pleting a tour o f the Far East re­ cently. v Dp until SO years ago. he said, the Japanese were almost entirely Ig­ norant o f foreign music, hut during this time they have rapidly become educated to It and now there la a large demand for music by Beethoven, Mozart, llrabins and Wagner. This ap­ preciation o f western nm.lc la genuine and not the result merely to be like other countries. It la agreed. Foreign music, whether rendered by local artists or thoae from abroad. Is received with great enthusiasm. The appearance o f stnrs such ns Cinlll- Ctirrl. Elman and llc lfc ts always bring packed houses, while many are turned away wheu visiting opera com­ panies play “ Carm en" or "A ld a." O. Aaron Youngquist, attorney gen­ eral o f Minnesota, who has been nom­ inated by President H oover to be an assistant attorney general, succeeding Mrs. Mabel W alker Wlllebrandt, who resigned. Mr. Youngquist la forty- four years old, waa bom In Sweden, la "personally and politically dry” and a close friend o f Attorney General Mitchell. H is duties will be largely the detection and prosecution o f dry law violators. Many find Busa Ball Bine good tonic fo r chlrkena. Large package at Oro- ce ri.— Adv. Still Has Owe la Reaerve Squire (to oldeat Inhabitant)— So you are going to marry a third wife, John, I hear? John (w ith satisfaction )—Yes, s ir; an’ t f she should he taken afore me, I know where I ran get a fourth.— Pearson's. Blame and Praise “ Yon have been accused o f being a grafter." ••Everybody knows," said Senator Sorghum, “ that I have not great fo r ­ tune. I f I had, I wouldn't be ncrused, I'd be overwhelmed with flattery." Germ any'« newest cruiser, tha Leipzig, Just nfter Ita launching at W ll- kelinahaven. It will tie onr o f the fastest cruisers afloat and la built to con­ form to the agreement o f the allied powers. FO SH AY FAILS Albania’s King on His Birthday Lota o f men are pleasant to talk to, but disagreeable to liston to. neglect a COLD cold ¡n cheat or throat—that so oftrn leads to something serious—generally reaponds to good old Munterole with the first ap­ plication. Should be more effective if uard once every hour fo r five hours. Working like the trained hands of a masseur, this famous blend o f oil of muaiard. camphor, menthol and other helpful ingredients brings relief natur­ ally. It penetrate* and •timuUtes blood circulation, helps to draw out infection and pain. I'red by million« lor 20 years. Recommended by doctors and nurses, KcepMuitrrole handy— jars and tubes. D is t r e s s in g T o M oth er»—Musterole I t also tnade In m ilder fo r m f o r babies and small children. Ask f o r C hil­ dren's Musterole. s .»m r.. » T h * handsome and youthful K ing Ahmed Zogu o f Alhantn, with his nldes, photographed during the natlonnl celebration o f hla thirty-fifth birthday. King Zogu Is seldom photographed. Wilbur Burton Fosliay, forty-eight, head o f the W. B. Foshny company o f Minneapolis which filed a voluntary petition In bankruptcy. T h e com­ pany's holdings extend throughout the United States, Canada. Alaska and Central America. A short while ago the new Foshay tower, constructed to resemble the Washington monument, was dedicated In Minneapolis with Sec­ retary o f W a r Good and many other notables present C ar* o f S ilver SH O R T ITEMS OF INTEREST H ir e * quarters o f th* land area of Flnlnnd la fo re st Belgium exported grapes were val­ ued at $2,000.000 last year. A chair o f aviation has been created at the Unlverslly o f I ’nrls. American automobiles are rapidly rcpinring ponies In Ireland. The average worker loses seven days a venr from work because of Illness. American farm er« buy TOO,000 heat­ ing stovea yearly. T h e Homans Introduced brtckmuklng In northern Europe. The fem ale terrapin grows to be much larger than the male. I’each trees sometimes produce noc tarlnes—peaches with fuzzless skins. Claude Martin o f Neill's Creek, S. C.. (pund himself and his automobile In n cornfield nfter a rat ran np Ida leg. Sliver that la In constnnt use ahoutd he washed well dally In hot suds rinsed In hot water and polished Im mediately with a fresh, clean towel It will keep bright a long time w it) such treatm ent Old Roman Schools Ptntnrrh «ays that Spurlus Cnrvtl Ins was the first to o|ien n school at Home, B. C. 231 Other writers, how ever, Imply that schools existed prioi to this dntn. eliminate certain noxious e le m e n t« from the I hu I jt , T o perform this double (unction, three type« o f kidneys have been evolved. 'I he developing human embryo, ae well as embryo« o f other niummal«, rehearses this story, all three types appearing In preuatal life. The alimentary canal appears first as a closed tube within the body. It o|iens later at each end. (he upper opening becoming parr o f the mouth cavity. Ilelow this opening four crevices ap|>ear which represent th « Internal arrangement o f the llab-llke gill-clefts. Ilelow these crevices a single sac-llke structure appears; this divides, and by further subdivisions becomes the right and left lung. From the region o f the crevices outgrowths o f the alimentary canal develop Into thyroid, eplthyrnld, and thymus gland«. From the extrem e upper end o f the embryonic canal develops a portion o f another Important gtand. the pltoltary. The stomach at first Is merely an en­ largement o f the canal. Just below the stomach tw o outgrowths o f the canal develop Into the Important glands o f digestion, pancreas and liver. Without further details o f fetal de­ velopment It will be worth while to recall certain variations In the sys­ tems o f digestion, respiration and cir­ culation, which are significant In light o f our animal ancestors. Our dentition Is as well adapted for aplnacb as fo r beefsteak, special­ ized for neither. Man, apes, and Old world monkeys have thirty-two teeth, eight on each aide o f each Jaw ; two Incisors, one canine, two bicuspids, three molars. Man's mammalian ancestor hau forty- four teeth, three Incisors, one canine, three bicuspids, four molars. Most fishes have teeth In the roof o f the mouth as well as In the Jaws proper. They do not occur In "seta," but are endlessly shed and repro­ duced. In the fish embryo the dental germs appear before the Jawbones; In the human embryo also. I d th* in­ fant's mouth Is a ridge with from five to seven pairs o f cross ridges; they are even more pronounced In the fetus. They disappear with age. Apes have ten pairs o f these ridges. In pigs, they are strong enough to crush food. Their presence In man, with an occasional more or less complete third set o f teeth, points to fish and reptile days; teeth In the roof o f the mouth, endlessly replaced. Tonsils appear In fetal life as pockets. They shift position and de­ velop Into prominent bodies. W ith adult life they begin to disappear, leaving pockets prone to disease. They are not understood and are never alike. The cricket's chirp was the first music on earth, but It was Instru­ mental. The first voice was the am­ phibian's. Frog, bird. cat. dog, and man would he silent without a laryn x; without the human larynx there could have been no human speech or T ow er o f Babel. Ours Is a wonderful laryn x; let us get such Joy as we can from I t Our developing respiratory system suggests fish; In our youth it Is a hotbed o f Infection. Our vocal cords are human only in ti,clr high development. But we all have the blind pocket between true and false cords which served as a resonator and so strengthened the roar by which onr ancestors frightened their foes and called their mates. In man It varies, but is never at deep as In the gorilla. The verm iform appendix Is the worm Its name Implies. It Is a feeble, narrow, tapering blind alley, opening by a small mouth Into the large Intestine. A t birth, in size and form It Is like an ape's. At puberty It begins to shorten; It Is about closed In every fourth ad u lt; In every thir­ tieth adult It Is closed throughout. It shrivels up with old age. It may be ten times longer In one brother than In another. It Is a true vestige. It Is predisposed to disease; appendi­ citis Is a fashionable operation. Only apes In captivity develop appendi­ citis. For an appendix that functions we must go to the lowest monkeys. T'.ie liver usually has tw o lobes— It may have none. It mr.y have tw e lv e ; It may have two gall bladders— It may have none. The abdominal viscera In the human embryo are not human In their ar­ rangement. Only later does the mesentery, or sheet o f membrane con­ necting the bowel, become attached to the back wall o f the abdomen and so hold It In place and In perpendicular position. Sometimes the mesentery ts found arranged as In monkeys. There are more than mere struc­ tural variations In our food canal; there are signs o f degeneracy— In teeth. In Jaws and throat, and In the large Intestine. Changed diet does It. T o digest raw food our ancestors hnd to chew I t They had strong Jaws, heavy muscles, sound teeth properly aligned, big throats, and a colon that could digest husks o f grain and skins o f fruits and vegetables. The lobes o f the lungs vary In num­ ber and position. Due to man's up­ right gait, the heart has come to rest on the diaphragm. In monkeys the azygos lobe o f the lung lies between. In man there Is always a rem nant o f varying site, o f this lobe. ( © by O .orgs A. Dorsey.) A s p ir in .. D A T E » A S P I R I N Is nice a a old friend, triad an d A * true. There can never be s sstisfsctory su b ­ stitute fo r either one. B a y e r A s p ir in Is genuine. I t Is the accepted antidote fo r pain. It s rs lie f m ap e lw a y i he relied on, whether used fo r the occa- sionsl headache, to head-off a cold, o r fo r the mors eeriona aches and pains from neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism o r other ailmente. I t 's easy to Identify B ay er A sp irin b y the B a y e r Cross on every tablet, b y the name B ay er on the box and the w o rd “ genuine” Always printed in red. Roagh oe the F irm e r His B etter H a lf T h e bishop o f Coventry. England, Topkln— Itecently s biplane « U addressing a diocesan conference. Is used to pull a plow. reported to hare thus defined the Popkln—And I know wbat the farm­ “ ideal clergym en.” lie should be young er s a id : “ By heck. I never took Jumps and married to a w ife with an attrac­ a rod long since I tried to bold In tive personality and. preferably, a that brlndle calf.” — St. Louis Globe private Income, and she should he “ a Democrat. real leader lo all parochial work," where her husband la rector, she M akiag It C lear should be director, aa It were. Ambulance Surgeon— “ A re you mar­ ried?" Victim— " N o ; that waa an au­ When a roan loses faith In human­ tomobile that bit me."— D etroit News. ity he hits himself a solar-plexus The little Job o f being tonare with blow. yourself and not being afraid to look Nothing so effectually cures a man yourself In the eye corera a lot o f territory.— American Magazine. o f the flattery habit as marriage. BABY W e can never be sure just wbal makes an infant restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria! There’s com­ fort in every drop o f this pure vegetable preparation, and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. A s often as Baby has a fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can’t sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Sometimes it’s a touch o f colic. Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea— a condition that should always be checked without delay. Just keep Castoria handy, and give it promptly. R elief will follow very promptly; i f it doesn’t, you should call a physician. A ll through babyhood, Castoria should be a mother's standby; and a wise mother does not change to stronger medicines as the child grows older. Castoria is readily obtained at any drugstore, and the goiuine easily identified by the Chas. H . Fletcher signature that appears on every wrapper. So It Seems Ida— Fashions may come and fash­ ions may go, but there's always a de­ mand fo r cosmetics. June— Tea. Women can’t go w a a forever.— Pathfinder Magazine. Doesn’ t Sound True L ife Is full o f pleasant surprises. Just when you think your luck has vanished forever, you put a cent in a slot machine and get tw o pieces o f gum.— Farm and Fireside. Girl Fights Big Handicap appearance, and everything looked brighter. ‘W h at have you been doing to yourself?' asked m y room-mate. *You are a different girl.’ The days and years that followed were filled with every activity and. not long ago Freda was maid of honor at m y wed­ A N Y a Rtrl would give up 1 V A in despair when she fo u n d h e r s e lf s n u b b e d in school and unpopular in col­ lege, but not so Mrs. Norm a Kussel Jones o f 1567 Cramer Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ding. T h a t’a w h a tN u jo ld id fo rm e !” Such a simple w ay to health and happiness! Y o u r doctor will tell you that N u jo l contains no medicines or drugs— it is simply bodily lubrica­ tion— harmless, normal, and it works easily so you w ill be regular as clock- "W h e n I w as seventeen I went aw ay to college," says M rs. Jones. “ Freds, m y room-mate, was a very popular girl. Soon she asked to have her room changed. It seems I kept h e r a w a k e at work. Y o u can get night, I slept so r estl essl y. N o 3 bottle in a scaled v - s ilO S J I f one knows how I ■ J S S r * ”' n B suffered. yjs*oi-*; |j p a ck .1 gc at any • k v i l i d r u g s t o r e f o r what >'ou would Pay two or th ree solas. “ One day one o f m y t eacher s found me sobbing. ‘ W h y’, she said, •sometimes slug- gish circulation causes r es t l e s s sleep. W hy don't “ In two weeks N ujol had begun , < ^ M G o t a b o tt le today ami try it. W T jjl ^ y ° !1 are llka most other people ” - V -T fT , l l * - JKjSk»» / ÿ X 'V j S j . J — :— clearing out the ______________ p o is o n s in m y body, my skin bad A 'd e a r h ealthy Brave American Girls like this one never saj die! People w ill not tell yon your fau lts; but they w ill remain silent when you point them out yourself. Praise publicly w herever It la de­ served. There Is plenty o f occasion for 1L New life for old leather ffiHI Animals Long Extinct Among the mammuls that once roamed jv e r Cidifonda were the «e s t ern camel, the Imperial mammoth, the mastodon, erch-frnnlad horse und sa bur-toot lied tiger. easy way, this very day. Look in g to tho Fntnro Higbost in Alloghonins W ife — I f you ever got tired o f mat T h e highest point tn the Alleghenies la Mount Mltehell. N. G It has An I'd take poison I Husband—That's handy to know. elevation o f 8.711 feet. „ T h * Paatov Sayai No man ever awakens In the same town In which be went to bed the night before. . . Nothing can be “ the whole gospel" I f life may be seen growing on the outside of It ns lux­ uriantly as wltlilu IL— John ADdrew llolmes. N u jo l wil1 maka you brighter, happier, more able to succeed* D o n ’ t put o ff good health I Start b e in g well this RHOB PO LISH