/ r * -iV T urner T ribune I'l. you x iv . no TURNER, OHKÜOy, THURSDAY. 9 ;vr I1JW -rrr Read the ads this week They contain worth while jrjessages. DEC. $. »»29. "f T* j « . « «■. AUBSCRJPTION <1.25 TER YKAJ& K " ' J ■ -■■.raiir-T'i. When Shopping tor Xm a« D® not forget the Sweets Vogan's Gift Boxes, Xmas Mixed Candies, Sunfre^e Holiday Specials, Candy for all occasions. Ç. F. BREJTHAUPT 5/2 Sl^y Strip! New Bligh ^uildiug FLORIST O O L D JTIfM • C A N A R IE S • L O V f B IR D S - Ç A R R .O Tp Full line ef Vlrd and Fish food and Saltili, - Phouo 380 - Greggi). V W ^ /^ W A ' ^-OUMTIAN S £ R V IC £ £ A T A » o v y i- O f a * r L U A D *Y liicfm* (x>prErfXJjw&&&Y Diamonds Watçhea Clpks Jcwt-lyy £ Silverware. 379 State, 8 f. Seleni. Oregoty. » ----------------------------------- , WgJ*WBSSBW------------------ W . JAY DENHEM Üaijer?! extractor and Builder Cemcift Vorji and Pluabinx Route j . T l ^ e r , Q ref!W - yw r —— — 0 No one can «ell used sowing machine cheaper thgn the con)- pany thaj. trades thgm in. VVhjtP Sewjflg Machine Cp. QI,D TIME DANCE Clirystal ‘¿¿1 go High St Salerp. Gardens every Wednesday and NOTICE aturday, 8:30 P. hi- (#ents 50p |yalies25c. if. Qeqrge Jpnes, wife and s^n. of Spokane, visited his unejp, T. Gladys Morgan, of Pacific B. Funston, last week Mr. Jones Christian Hospital, at Eugene, has worked for th# Q • N- Rail- visited with l)er mother, recent­ roap gt .the Hill#|rd, Washing­ ton shops for the past r*r*n ly. years. They left for home Mon­ Mr. And Mrs. Ed Martin, of day, Mrs. Jones stopping off at Idaho, were at the hop* of Mrs. §eattle. Martin's mother, Mrs. R. J Watson, for a t"ow days last Because Renter? are upgble to week They left Sunday for tell the difference between Tou­ Redlands, Pajifprni*. accom­ louse Geese and Wild Birds all panied by Mrs. Watqon, where hunting and traping is for-t>id- they will Yi*it with rplatjvca this dep on The Bonleti Farm- winter. &fr. apd Mrs. Walter Harps have takep rooms jin the Baker ‘‘ Anyone wiihinjj to pl«ut Rye hotel byilding: Mr-dJarris |s the ^r»a* ser*a*e, i* raquoa»«d to drop gon of W, R. Harris. in to th* Oregon Feed it Flpgr Co. Locals tíaleiH'n H^uary Dgal Jewelew A Optician*. ) mill at Turner a»d engage eernc •s eoon as convenient.’’ '¿A Mr». Ida Raker was the guest of her son Howard apd family for Thanksgiving. U. G. Shipley Co. have sqme attractive Christmas offerings. See their ad this week- . Dp Yqt) l)reQd fllriHtim* Shipping? L)o you tire, easily when standing for hours Before be­ ing waited oq? Do ypur ribs ache when crowds jostle and push you? Do black qpecks float before your eyes when clerks ignorp you? T)je remedey which will give you the immideate relief js to take your list to our store. We will wait on you quickly Qurgift stqck is pleasantly varied ai)d carefull selected Choice here is puick and surpriqjngiy easy. And we will give you the «ort of service oht»in|ble only front men who own and persnally operate their own srores. Try this simple expedient to make yopr C(\ristnvas shopping easy - NOVY! E. S. fHATHER R eliable Druggist TURNER : OREGON ■■■’ « r .J . " UH» - - - y r . j y ------- ■" - f . w r r - ' » 2 V , % Paid on fix mouths Fire aud W e carry in atock Rough and Dressed Lumber, from, also W at) Board, Paint, Poor», Window«, Cedar Posts, Brick, Pl#*t*r, Til« a«d Slabwood jn fogy fpot length«. W e decire to serve the public with Promptness and Efficiency. STRAYED Brown Tmare. white spot pn igye head, halter rope around Rev. E. J. Gilstrap and family npek wjth . 10 ft chain. Finder spent Thursday in Eygene with notify S. J. CondiL friend«. The Ladies Aid of the Chris Jan church will lp'd ib*'r fc*z z&r Wednesday December 4. They will serve dinner and sup­ per. Come and bring your friend«, The W. C. T. U. will meet Wednesday afternoon Dec. 11 with Mrs. R Lee Theissen, Friendg welcome. J. W. Winkler and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bennett of Vancouver, Washington, Mr and Mrs. J, {J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. C. £. Mqndjnger, Mr. gnd Mrs. 0- E. Hazelwood, of Albany Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bones Mr at*i Mrs. V. Bones and family, were all guests of Mrs. Chins Bones for dinner Sunday. “ Will «ell second hgnd pianbs, $35. $50. $65, $75, $9Q, $110 each, $5 or $6 per month. No payment Until after Januasy 1st. New pi- ftnos reduced jq proportion. Lib oral discounts for cash. Invest^ gate these snaps. They will not last long Rt these terms and pric­ es. Open evenigs until aftpy Christmas Tall man Piano Store. “ The Home of the Baldwin” , 385-395 S 12th § t Sglem, Ore­ gon. lg-§ 3t Pick Wagoner came in from Elmira, Oregon for Thanksgiving Miag Gladys Given, who i; He is staying at The Barr board­ making her home at Lyons, spent Jhe Th^nksging holidays ing H qu ??- He expects to remain until after the first of the year, with her fathpr and other Turn­ er relatives Sqme hoys were seen removing a baby carriage from my yard. Second Qrowth fir cord wood If they will retym it nothing will for sale. $5 per cord delivered in be said. Mrs. Avery, Turper. E- Wolf. Stayton, Mrs. D. E. Donyer entertained the ladies of the women’ s work club of Surprise Grange, lqst Mervin Pearson lpft last wçek week Tuesday, for San Francisco, California. ■ ■ , ' -Jg Mr, apd Mm. A. S. Funston Mrs. L, W. Robertson is in have moved \fi the‘r new h°ine Gotdendale. Washington, visit near Portland ing her daughter- PHONE « 7 « Trapper« Attention Bring or send yOW furs in. I wiji guarantee yoy rporp money than you can get East or else­ where. West Side Fur House, ^Vest Saif m, Oregon 12-5 4f, H P SCHOOL NOTES ( b YJOORXAU i >M cl.ASs) JUNIOR VOD-VIL For the mouth of December The Junior Vod-vile will bq WANTED! only Harrison,s General Store given in the Turner High School Everybody to write for f1*66 sample of Tigrin salve for cuts, will give two pairs of pants with Auditorium Friday December 6, every <26 suit. See their ad thi# 1929, is an annial event of the colds, burns and ee*cma. For Tyrner High School and is pre­ week. sale at all drug stores. pared by the m-mberai of the LEWIS HERB CO. Mr. and Mrs, Q- W. Farris en­ studentbody, There are four 12-5-9tp Salem, Oregon tertained their son« Ldd, Ray short plays fwhich are entitled. and Leonard and their families. Is Your Name Smith, Hicks From Waldo Riches, student at the :: Time Deposits The Sticks, 11 heir First Quarrel Monmouth normal qchopl "pent Mrs. C. W. Sloan spent th Undjhe Embalming qf Ebenezer the Thanksgiving v&MtiQA Thanksgiving vacation at he In addition there Are a few ¡very homo. interesting features . which are. home in Kingsvalley. A Wee Bit of Scotch, by Jim Hv W. Smith oelebrated his Automobile Insurance Written Mr«. Girardin visited at the Smart: A Solo Dance by Mrs, 80th birthday last week qnd was home of her daughter, Mrs. i Whites School: and a few selec- pleased to have many of his old Greenlee aud family^ Thanks-1tions played by “ Bobbie“ Morton old friend? call pn him dyring giving day j on her «ccordian, the day. Waldo Riches was a {visitor at -M r 9- E- J, Rqwley and son the Turner High hchgol last The volley bail « W « 9 are Paul spent Thahksgivii\g with week, ^rawing a larger company c?ch her neice and husband, Mr. and Wallace Chandle enrolled in the week. The games are usually Mrs. W. S. Fuller, «t Silverton- in the Turner High School De- held on Monday, bat was post­ Her sister-in-law and husband, camber 6. He was formerly a poned till Tuesday, this week, on Mr. and Mr«. George Thomas, I J Euguene Student- account ojf 5th® commnnity club w of Amity aqd their daughter and The T. H- S. Gym 1« Being meeting. son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Repared Newman and small daughter, The plaster has be^n taken off FOR SALE — Building con­ Will open at 251 Coutt Street, Salem, Saturday, Oct­ Helen Jean, of Salem, were al­ the south and west walls and taining about 35,000 feet of ober 19, 1929. so numbered among the guests. next Saturday they are to be good dimension and board lum­ Formerly at 34$ Court Street boarbqd up. For this work, a call ber. Cheap. J. R. Willis, S. P. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Riches has been givqn for volunteer Umbrella, hjey and Cutlery fetore Station, turner. spent Thanksgiving with their workers. 25k C o u r t s t r e e t S a le m , O re g o n son Wallace and family, of Gas­ Miss Hazel Bones of the Prcific ton. P h o n e 2876J Have your envelop«* printed with Christian Hostital, at Eugene, /our return addr««*. Th« Tribun« *tr spent Thanksgiving at home. eon do th« work. ■■ ~ ■ 4 ■ 1 ■ m ■ LET U$ FIÇURE YOUR BII,|L n ------- :------------ :— — ------------------ :--------- t— rr»----------- :-------- jVW^VVVWWWyWAWWVWWWVANVWVWArrfW^VWVV^yA/VV Pomeroy and Keene ■11 v ■1 Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select r 1.UNCHF4» Turner Lumber Sc W tg. Co. 6. F, KORINEK. Vi., B.Y.Sc VETERINARIAN Day aad Night knric* STAYTON OREGON F. P, ROW LEY Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon, H T ïT VniQW PENCIL ‘wühthz RED BAND Dr. O. A. Olsen, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WQRK All Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices U*e Y«twr Credit Come in and talk it ove* «AW EM Rendane« 7Í8-B M A S O N IC TE M PLE . Phone 440 a*ana;- •- V Or, O. L. Seott Chiropractor Neurocalometer Sertioe Phone 87. Re*idrace 2104J 256 N. High Street Salem, Oregon - “ No Collection. No Charge” Delinquent Recounts collected on • contingent basis. We do the work, shoulder the expense and make no charge uniess coltoctten is made, «230,000 Bad Account« turned iatq Cash Since We Startod. Jot down a trial list o f bad one« and let us tarn them into actual money. Business Men’s Adjustment Company 415-16 Masonic BTdg. Phone 911 SALEM. OREGON ; Turner State Bank ANOUNCEMENt Alvin Steward Old Time Dance Every Saturday Night Castilion Hail Corner Liberty and Chemeketa St«« Salem, Oregon. W illard Mathis Orchestra Playing E. A .R o s e n b a u m , M * r .