The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 28, 1929, Image 4

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    1 — ;■
Notic«> is hereby given that th«>
uHilersigiieil, by an older of tjie
County Court of Marion County.
Turner, Oregon. Thursday NOV. 28. 1929
State of Oregon, duly made and en-
reti on the 17th day of October,
f .
H m ulrtb tifitifi-
1929, was appointed executrices or
the estate of Martha Jana Crowley
Issued Evory Thursday at Turnar. Marion County, Oregon
and that they have duly qualified aa
Alt persons having claims
SU BSCRICIO N 91.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the PostoWee against said estate are hereby notified
to present the same, duly verified as
at Turner, Oregon, ns second-class matter, under the
required by law, at the offices of
1 '
‘ Act o f March 8. 1 8 7 9 . ____________ Kowiti £ Cook, 401 Hank of Com-
I meree buildi'Vw
m the City of Salem,
tw 1
Marion County, Otero«, within six
months from the date of this notice,
to-wit: October 31, 1921*.
Exetdirices of the Kstate of Martha
Jam Crowley, Deceased
ul pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States
Mr. and Mrs. Henry heller
have returned front California
to the honie o f Mrs. Carolina
and the country for which it stands. One nation,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for ail.’*
By Job E. Manfred
Mrs. Fred Schifferer and
Miss Emma Schifferer attended
the bazaar at the Baptist
in Salem Thursday.
In a discussion o f so momentous a subject as that o f the
American home and its bearing on our entire national life,
Ivan Hadley attended volley
it is well to realize that there are many angles from which it
must be) viewed. W e must also hear in mind that no two per­ ball at the gym Monday eve­
sons think exactly alike, and that there are consequently, many ning.
conflicting opinions, first, as to the existence o f a real problem
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunke
in the premises! ¡»¿cond, regarding the probable causes; and
family visited with Mrs.
third, “ wha; can i>e done about it."
Kunke and Mr- and Mrs.
NoW, as -to-the first, it is merely necessary to point out
Sr., Monday
that, during the past thbee years, no one subject has been move I
feeriousty <ftsrds*ed úf the' public prinw-thali Die presen) status |
(A ll rights reserved)
x>f the Auieicah home arjd its seething t!et,d towards total dis­
Mr. and Mrs. Farr were in
Salem. Monday, on business.
A highly m«.riioriou$ magazine, entitled “ The American
Home," deVbted almost exclusively to the making o f bettor
homes, in its October, 1928, issue, • printed an illuminating
article under the caption, “ A House or a H om e?” The author,
Edward W. Bok. was for many years the editor o f the Ladies
Home Journal, and is exceptionally well qualified to speak
with authority on matters pertaining to the home.
He says: “ It is not the furniture that makes the home, but
the atmosphere in the house that at once exhales the home
feeling, pat there by both the wife and the husband. There is
a mistaken notion that w oman creates a- home. She does, in a
large sense, because she is its mistress and spends a large
portion o f her lim e in it.'B u t the husband contributes too?.
Making a home is not a single, but. a joint affair. The wife
cannot do it alone," but“ jointly With heh husband's help she
can.” Then he goes on to tell how many husbands use their
homes merely as places in which to eat and sleep. Hojy they
rush out ip the morning, to be gone all «lay, returning at the
close o f a business day to eat a hurried meal, and then rush
out again to their clubs, or lodges, or some other occupation
in which the wives have no part. Such husbands, he contends,
contribute nothing to the home atmosphere. Unquestionably,
he is right; but the same reasoning applies with equal force to
the wives. These must be intelligent team work, on a strictly
“ fifty-fifty” da«*, or the house will fall fa r short o f being a
hom£ in the true sense o f the word.
In the foregoing reflections no mention has been made o f
the posable presence o f children. The obligation, resting upon
hushands and wives, to exert themselves to make the house a
home, for the comfort and enjoyment b f both, becomes a
solemn duty when the responsibility o f parenthood is assumed.
A child’s birthright is the right to home and home surround­
ings in the highest sense o f the words. To establish and main­
tain these constitute a sacred obligation upon both parents
which neither one may shirk.1 This, o f course, implies a will­
ingness to sacrifice. No one has a right to bring children into
the world unless fully prepared and determined to live up to
the covenant which is thereby entered into with a divine
creator. ......
. . .
Misses Emma and Freida
Schifferer are spending a few
days in Portland at present
visiting relatives and friends.
Jay Cook is sick with an ab­
scess in his throat at present.
He is under the doctor’s care.
The W C. T. U. will meet
1 1 ■ — ----- : ............ "x— ■
trnted by the Btereoplicon. Ev .V A S S S V .V N V x V W A V A A A N V liV W A N V y W A A W N V W A W V t f W .W V W %NVVWWWWWVVVVVW\.
oryone should see and hear this [
Don’ t forgot the volleyball at ,
the gymnasium. Many are ta k -!
ing advantage of this as a rect o '
ationai and social evening
Come out you will enjoy it.
( hyjoik . v i i . dm h a s s )
Bloch's Golden Rule Store
Miss Leone Cook is out of
school on account of sickness.
Glee Club has been done away
with until the Forest Grove mu­
sic conics.
Work is being carried on in re­
pairing the gympasitim.
The county health nurse was
here on' business Monday.
Basketball practice w»s form­
erly started Monday afternoon
November 25. Coach Cox was
greeted with the bright and smil­
ing fsces o f .eight men, four of
whom were lettermen.
In the
first few practices piviting, drib­
bling and shooting will be stres­
sed. The tentative schedule in­
cludes Gates, Stay ton, Aumsville,
Jefferson. Mill City, and Gervais.
The dates of these contests will
be announced later.
In the near future the girls will
start prnctiding under the coach­
ing of Mrs. Pearey.
Road our Thursday and Friday ndvertUeimmls in tho Capitol Journal and Oregon
Statesman. Many articles at greatly reduced prices, like Boys' Suita, d.adi»«' Dr*»»«», La-
«.Ties Coat», Children’» Coat», Under wear, $wcuiora, Pillow*
W ool/load» Velvet»,
Stationary, Mon’» Sock», Boy’» Shirt«, Bathrobe», kiinon»» and many other article».
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Dy aa order of the Coun­
ty Court o f Marion County, State of
Or?go*, duly made and entered on
the 31st nay of October, 1929, was
appointed administratrix o f the « state
of Mathilda Drowning, d.-ccaseq, and
that . she has duly qualified as such.
All persyqs baying claims against said
estate apt herefijr notified to present
the same, duly verified as required by
law, at th<* offices o f Guy p . Snath,
403 Salem Bank o f Commerce Bldg.,
in the City of Salem, Marion County,
Oregon, withhr six months from the
date o f this notice, to-wit: November
• In The 4 ircait Court Of The State
Of Oregon For The County
Of Marion
Department No. 2
Phyllis Carry Indention,
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Funston
were dinner guests at the home
o f Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Witzel
recently. Mr. and Mrs. Funston
are moving in a few days to a
new home near Portland.
Leonard ilano Inclgndwn,
Mrs. Thomas Little, Mrs. R.
To Leonard Rano Inclendon, Defend­
O. W itzel, and Mrs. Raymond
In The Name of the State o f Oregon: Titus attended a meeting o f the
You are hereby required to appear Grange Work Club which met
and answer the complaint filed at the home o f Mrs. U. E. Deo­
7, 1982-
against you in the above entitled
Codrt and c-ause on or before four yer.
Administratrix "of the Estate of
weeks from the date o f the first
Mathilda Browning, Deceased.
publication of this summons, and if
Several farmers in this com ­
you fail to answer or appear herein,
Attorney fo r Administratrix.
are disposing o f their
on or before said time, for want there
for the Thanksgiv-
I Court for q decree dissolving the
Notice is hereby given that the un­ marriage contract a^d bonds o f mat­ ing holiday trade.
dersigned has filed in the County rimony now subsisting between you
Court-of the State of Oregon, for the ! and the plaintiff, Phyllis Carry In
Mis. Ovdeans and daughter,
County of Marion, her duly verified
1 clendon, and for such other and fur­
I Nadine, Af Salem spent Sunday
Final Account, as Administratrix of
ther relief as to the Court may ap-
the estate of Marion L. Porter, De­ | pear just and equitable.
j with Mrs. Ovdean’s sister, Mrs.
ceased, and that taid Court has fixed
This summons is served upon you I Chas. Earlier.
Tuesday, the 10th day o f December,
by publication thereof once a week
1829, at Pi* hour o f ten o’clock A. M.
fvr four conse«mtive weeks in the
uf srrd uay, as the time, and the Turner Tribune, a weekly newspapei
C.mnljr. Cjurt Room in the County
of general circulation published a
Court House, at Salem, in Marion
Turner in Marion County, Oregon
'•■tv Oreg m. . h the place for hear
pursuant to an order of the lion. L
’ ‘ • i d account urd all objec-
H. McMahan, Judge of the Circuit
Each Sunday is seeing good
Court c f the fc’ tate of Oregon for
... .
-, On job , this 30tli
Marion County, made and entered on congregations at the morning
.. :ig q£ C u..
the 18th day o f November, 1928.
You are further notified that the services. Sunday School is keep­
Administratrix o f the Erriate of date of the first publication of this ing up well but there is room
Marion L. Porter, Deceased samoraw is the 21st day of Novem­
for improvement.
ber, 1928.
Ronald C. Glover,
Next Sunday morning there
Brazier C. Small,
Salem, Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff will be special singing. Sunday
Remember FREB-FREE-FRFE with every $¿5.00
worth of merchandise One big ZeppJljn Airship or
Large Nonbreakable doll.
This Offer Holds (Loud Until Christ nr«
A farewell dinner was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Cummings, November 21, in
honor of thejr daughter, Mrs.
Gracp A. Sevensor., who left the
following evening for Los Ange.
Ie3 Her husband, Lawerence E.
Sevenson, has employment there
as manager of a grocery store.
They are to spend the winter
and the next summer there, after
this they expect to return to Ore­
gon and make their horpe in
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ci-na­
mings a(c Thanksgiving dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Job i Thomas qnc} family of Sa­
le m.
C. A. Bear called a meeting of
committee from the community
clnb at his home Tuesday night.
A committee is working a musi­
cal program for the next meet­
ing o f the club which will be
Monday night, December 2 at
the high school auditoriuml It is
expected that some important
matters will be gotten under
Mrz. J. F, Thomason is re­
covering from a severe cold or
lagrippe, They had has their
guests over the week end, Mrs.
J. W. Burge, o f Corvallis and
some o f her folks from Salem,
Sunday afternoon Rev. and Mrs.
Salem, wiil give the story o f his Burgoync called at the Thoma­
. j to the Holy I-and, illus- son home.
Those who trade at
Bloch’s Golden Rule Store
Salem, Oregon
220 N, Liberty
S avu
A Substantial Difference
O P E N S A T U R D A Y N I T E S U N T I L N I N E P. M
A sophmote and Junior Class
party was held in Mrs. Pearey’ s
Salem residence Saturday euen-
ing, Nov. 23. A pleasant evening
was injoyed by all.
Those presnt were favored by
a group o f vocal salos. Thanks­
giving will be observed by a two
day vacation.
störe jn Salem.
Friday, Mo)vmltvr 2‘Jlh ami lasts until Saturday, Dot t'iubcr 7Ui
Every Sunday ahead up to
with Mrs. W ill Morris, W ed­
Christmas has something of in­
nesday, Decemhcr 4.
terest to offe;- in the Suaday
School hour. Ijist Sunday thp
auditorium was well filled with an
attendance of 1JJ. Th,e young
people offered the special in Bible
quotations. Mrg. Delzell the les­
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Robert­ son as taught to the class. VYillet
son and children, Margaret and Jesse gave a leading. Church
Albert, were recent callers at service followed with a pig
the R. O. W itzel home.
chorous led by Dr. Epley At
there were 40 in the
Several from our community chourous. the minister’ s Thanks­
attended the community sing at giving sermon was the dayjj best
Tunier, Friday evening.
The Christmas
program is
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little started. Mrs. Delzell is chairman
were shoppers in Salem, Tues­ of the program committee and
Mrs. Stanley Riches the treats.
The Ladies Aid is working hard
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lock- for the bazzar, Decemder 4th.
wood and son, Joseph, o f Meri­
Tuesday night extra musjc and
dian, Idaho, spent the week­ parts to be directed by Dr.
end a£ the Charles Barber
The church extends a
home. The Barber and Lock-
welcome to all.
friends and neighbors for many
Editor’* Note:— This is the second o f a series o f articles on the
American Home to be published in The Turner Yphune, the first o f which years and the visit was a very
appeared in la;t w e f ls ¡spue. Our subscriber? are invited to comment on pleasant one.
these ¡ ticies, givim- their opinions and, possibly, relating some personal
ex p en se«* te|i<lina.tq »hpw the drift .of present day family lifp from the
reader’?, point of view. No letters or comments will be printed without the
Miss Erma Barber is work
consent of tt}« writer If oublication is (intended) (desired) the letter
P^jst H limbed to lOt) word or less and written oh ofte side qt the paper ing a(f thS Miller Mercantile
Stock Reducing Sale
w h y smokers ,
C a m e ls -
j r 'J *
? ruxx/^wVT'u.ii »*'.ui
»U lW lH w l
— '- - ' - _____
^ h« pi««*.* Mt’v«
CroIiMted to Camel,” ori«inateil
»lili a ( ’aniel .inuker. 1, r.preeac,
the experience o! million» wha
thrnu|h Itameli have learned
I« knurr m l traokinj pleaaurn.
As tasio in sm oking develops, ir naturally lead? toward better quality,
New smokers may not be critical but when they once experience the true
mildness and surpassir ji fragrance o f the Camel blend, they realize that
here is a real superiority, ft is for smokers o f such discernm ent that Camels
are made . . . for them the choicest tobaccos ere selected . . . and thisquul«
ity is m aintained for the m illions who know penning sm oking pleasure.
when t h e y l e a r n t h e difference
they flock t o
C 1 W . R. J. Snuoid*
Conpsay, WiAttoO'Salcn, iN.C
The vqlue ol G 0 Q D C L O T H
Made-to-Measurc Strictly All Wool
and Stylishly Cut
That’s Oar Bgsipess
$ 25.00
E, J. Harrison