The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 28, 1929, Image 3

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Thio L ittle G irl
G ot W ell Quick
“Just after tier third
b i r t h d a y , my little
daughter, t'mmle, had
a aerloua uttu<k of III*
leatlnul Mu," anya Mra.
II. W. Turnage. 'JIT
Ht.. Hun
Antonio, Tea tie. "It
left her vary weak
bowel« wouldn't net
right, alie hud 1111 eppeilte and nothing
agreed with her.
“O ur phyalelan told ua to give her
aoine Oallfornla Klg Hyrup. It inadu
her plek up right away, and now «h a
la aa rohuat and huppy aa any* child
In our neighborhood. I give California
rig Hyrup full credit f »r her wonder*
ful condition. It U a great thing for
Children Ilka the rich, fruity taata
•f California Klg Hyrup, and you can
give It to them aa often aa they need
It, beenuae It la purely vegeluhle. Kor
over flO yenra lending phyalrluna have
recommended It, and Ita overwhelming
aalea record of over four million but*
tlea a year atmwa It glvea antlafartlun.
Nothing compnrea with It aa a gentla
hut rertaln laxative, and It gnea fu r
ther than this. It regulntea I lie atom-
ach and howela ami glv«« tone and
etrength to then« organa no they con
tlnue to art normally, of their own
There are many Imitation« ef Cali­
fornia Klg Hyrup, ao look for the name
“California" on the carton to ha aura
you get the genuine.
Luncheon on a Huge New Dam in California
/ —
A twater
K e n t
r a d io
A N Y W A Y , H E K N O W S H IS C O W S
During in « World war a very pa­
triotic old lady waa paaalng a farm
ar'a barn one day aud obaervad a
young farmer boy milking a cow. Ila
looked to he old enough to ha In 1 ha
army, and aha waa Indignant to And
him en the farm. Ila aaw liar, bul
didn't atop milking.
"W hy ara you not at tha front T"
aakrd tha Indignant patriot, and tba
quick reply wua:
"'Cauaa thar ain't uo milk at that
end."— Aaaodatlon New«.
Battery or H ouse-Current
A n d G a l M e a Paper
The lourlat wua camping out for the
trat lim « In the roountalnoua WeaL
Aa ha turned In he aald to the guidai
'Call me about all In the morning."
Th a guide looked at hla watch, and
•fter a moment, aald: " T a i n t necea-
•ary. You giva a good loud holler
right now and tha echo will wake you
bout alx."
The gigantic municipal Pardee darn. In the foothllla of the Sierra Nevada mountains. empoundlng the water« of
the Mokelumne river to aerve 4.VMIOO people In the cltlea of the eaat ahore of San Kranclaco bay, waa dedicated
recently. One of the novel feature« of the ceremonlee waa the luncheon served on the crest of the dam where 90d
persona were served.
Young Turks Want to Dance in This Palace
. . . W H A T FOR?
lo o k a g a in . . . I t ’s a n A tw a te r K e n t ”
Balsam of Myrrh
S ine« IM i haa promoted healing
for Man and Beset
M Seelsrs
«„lh«rti*S1. r«ls*s m u m m .
t.f IN. f I rat M il* M M l la id .
a n y Atw ater K e n t owner
past years. I t holds true for the
’i he ever does anything more than
s K
greatest radio A tw ater K e n t haa
tune in, ait back . . . listen.
ever built— the new Screen-Grid
Service? H e 's bought the kind
Y o u can have this new set op*
it, the kind that you will find in
crated either b y batteries or from
m ost (arm homes today.
house-current, m a com pact table
I t 's as mechanically perfect aa
8 et— E lectro-D ynam ic, of course.
of radio that alm ost never needs
model or a wide variety o f fine
a well-made w atch. Please look
cabinets. Either type assures you
inside and see. E very part is pre­
a radio that lets you listen every
cise— accurate to a hair’s breadth.
time you turn the sw itch,
T h a t’s w hy you can expect unin­
te rru p te d p e r fo rm a n c e m o n th
after m on th , year after year.
Judge— Have you ever been arrested
before my good maní
Prisoner— Now liasen. Judge!
dont look Ilka uo bud Jea uiakln bar
debut, do IT
T h is holds true for the millions
o f A tw ater K e n t Badios sold m
A I S —A tssU r I a t t a d « B oo«,
BusaUr c *«si«€a S: U <E««<ni T w ) . WEAV
Mt.ort oi N. B. C. Atwater g o t Mid-Ws«k
rn p ia , TtiirwUr Evsafam* 10» (Im « a
Tims), WJZ Mtwuck ol N. B. C.
Perseceted M ala
Tba waya that «arva a man to hurt
A laundry's favor wins.
It pull* tha button« off bla shirt
And Alla It full of pina.
T ea
Was Your
N o t a Question of G a lla n try
Straphanger (to another who haa
lust given up hla sent to a woman) —
Hood lurk. air. I've been traveling on
this line foa three years and I've never
offered my neat to a woman.
Tha Other— Then you'va never hnd
any manner«, air.
"No, It Isn't th a t; I've never had a
teat,”— Stray Rlorlee.
Grandmother’* Remedy
Kor «vary stomach
and tntuatlnal tlL
T ills good old fash­
ioned barb bum«
remedy for consti­
pation. stomach Ills
and other derang»
menta of the aye
tarn so prevalent these days la In w en
greater favor aa a family m odldM
than In yonr grandmother's day.
W ar
Here 1« what mny be the mo»t magnificent dance hall In the world— the Dolma Bngtche palace, former dwelling
of the sultan and caliph and their numerous concubines. Because there Is a growing erase for modern dancing In T u r ­
key, citizens and officials have appealed to the president to turn the palace Into a modern ballroom.
Hoover’s Tribute to Roosevelt
-Fo r battorioo, 177. For feme»»
trmham.. bom IBS to 1100.
Electro-Djaamie table modal
“ Collectors” to Fight
Menace of Insect Life
tight-year-old Jean wns being men
tally measured by a professor In th<
education department of the Stale uni
verslty. The college d a is waa ob
serving Ibe method.
"W hat la the difference between
revolution and evolution T" asked tb«
"Itevolutlon la w a r,' Jean answer*
promptly, “and evolution haa some
thing to do with monkeys. 1 don1'
know what."— Indianapolis News.
"Ho I started buying rhocolalea, and
now I have a sweetheart."
Henry C. Sims of Birmingham, Ala.,
who haa been elected president of the
American Bar association to sncceed
Gurney F. Newlln of Loa Angeles.
Painty while dresses for baby 01
daughter umile beautiful hy lina« Hal
Blue. Your Grocer has It.— Adv.
la T o w a
"D o I know you7" asked the youni
woman doubtfully.
"Only alight ly. I saved your lift
last summer.”
Th a wise girl looks well to Ler bal
when she fishes for compliments.
He— Don’t you like my company?
Hhe— Your company Is all right, but
I don't care for you.
The -Usale« ere Ion«-lived Indeed,
Best seller« eeem forlorn
"Robinson Crueoe" otiti we reed.
But where le 'Trad er Horn"!
H e rd T a s k
Pnrtshoner— My daughter's hushnnd
treats her shamefully.
Priest— Rut a woman should he
sbedtent to her husband, and follow
him everywhere.
I’arlshoner— Yee, but she can't do
'.hnt Her hushnnd Is a chimney sweep.
-K arikaturen. Oslo.
Next time a coated tongue, fetid
breath, or acrid akin give« evldenct
of sour stomach— try 1‘hllllpa Milk ol
Magnesia 1
Get acquainted with this perfect an
tl add that helps the system keep
Bound and sweet. Th a t every stomach
needs at times. Take It whenever a
hearty meal brings nny discomfort.
Phillips Milk of Magnesia haa won
medical endorsement. And convinced
millions of men and women they didn't
have "Indigestion."
Don't diet, and
don’t suffer; just remember Phillips
Pleasant to take, and always effective.
T h e name Phillips la Important; It
Identifies the genuine product. "Milk
of Magnesia" has been the U. ft. regis­
tered trade mark of the Charles I I
1'hllllpa Chemical Co. and Ita pre­
decessor Charles H . Phillips since 1878.
P hillips
V , Milk ,
of Magnesia
Changed It fo r o Rope
E x tra H eavy
Tested Denim in
Waist Overalls
Insure long
PAIR. r r l C U
U n d erw ood en d U nd erw ood.
Gen. Chang W al Jung, commander
In chief of the Chinese army air force,
shown standing beside hla plane. The
Spirit of Canton, la making an Inten­
sive study of American airports to as­
sist him In the construction of com­
mercial flying fields on his return to
W o rd « I W o rd s ! W ords I
O r E x tin c t
Mr*. Childs— 1 have a pretty good
line on my hushnnd.
Mra. F rill«— Well, I hnd a pretty
good line on my husband, but I hnd to
change It for a rope.
Ask for Levi’s
"Say, mister,” ««Id the little fellow
to a next door neighbor, “are you the
man who gave my brother a dog last
“ Well, ma aaya to come and take
them all back.”
at all Strain points
Reliable Merchandise since Ì85Ò
When Marion's mother coaxed her
to drink her milk, she objected strong
ly. Try in g to iiersunde her, her moth-
I tr said, “ Why. Marlon, your little coue-
In, Ruth, drinks her milk better than
rmt d a "
Very qnlekly Marlon responded,
•Give It to Ruth, then 1"— Christian
N o t O a o , but M a n y
E m p lo y in g Hie O w n
His Wife— Yes. I gave you my hand
In marriage. What of It?
Mr. Driver— Then It’s my hand and
I got the right to put It to work.
Cleaning Up the Quaker City
Fond Mother— Are you sure that he
lovea you and you alone?
Sweet Du lighter— Oh. yea, mother
More then, than any other tlina.
Law Rtndent— What would yon call
a woman who has nothing to enyt
Attorney— Phyelcelly exhausted.
The stamp collector, the cigar-band
fan, the boarder of specimens of hotel
thina and other such collectors are
about to be pushed aside by a coming
feneration of collectors, who are likely
to specialize in gathering insects.
In this cas< the childish bobby Is to
have a real benefit to the country.
The growing menace of Insect life to
the larder of the future has spurred
the Department of Agriculture to
«waken early In the life of young stu­
dents an acquaintance with their tiny
enemies and to teach gathering and
control methods.
T o farther this end a bulletin Is be­
ing Issued for distribution In schools,
giving data on various types of Insects
and describing how they should be col­
lected and preserved.
The whole field of collecting. In­
cluding the exchange of specimens, and
so on. Is covered In the comprehen­
sive work. It soon may become a
common sight to see youthful types
of the scientist out stalking beetles,
lady birds, aphids and such specimens.
Acting ns the representative 9 t President Uoover, Brig. Gen. Hugh A.
Drum, first division army chief, placing a lnurel wreath on the grave of the
late President Theodore Roosevelt, as the nation paid solemn tribute to the
great American.
T r e e Lo ve
Makes Life
FtfxMpUa. Pa.
Heart Trouble
"Th e doctor told me I'd have a
tobacco heart If t didn't atop buying
and M onkey«
A, A Or « « f a * N at a l
STM WìMahickoa A r m
Philadelphia police burning various gambling devices seised during raids
In tha Quaker city.
Itnssl« Is alarmed over a shortage
of paper.
The Ohio penitentiary haa a convict
band of 84 pieces.
Paris maintains a municipal pawn
shop. It Is patronized extensively.
There will lie *8.000 and *10.000 bills
In the new currency now being printed.
Cotton hollworms nre cannibalistic
and have no objection to eating one
In cremation a body weighing 140
pounds produces three pounds of
A resident of Abergavenny, Eng­
land, recently faced hla one hundred
and twenty-aeventh charge of drunk­
A rthur Duerr, rurnl mall carrier of
McGregor, Iowa, hns driven his route
winter and summer for 10 yenra with
out a hat
We just happened to look in a llttla
dictionary and chanced upon the defi­
nition of a clock. A «lock, It says, la
a mechanical timepiece not adapted
for the p o c k e t, Following out that
Idea of defining things, you could say
that an ocean liner la a boat not
adapted for sailing In the bathtub;
that a whale la a fish not adapted fot
packing In sardine cans, and a red­
wood tree la a vegetable not adapted
for planting In window boxes.— A m er
lean Boy.
A m e nitie s
Th e pot sometime« calls tha kettle
black, and the man with fala« teeth
can always laugh at the fellow with •
toupee.— Fort Wayne News-SentlnaL
D r Caldwell loved people. His
years o f practice convinced him
many were ruining their health by
careless selection of laxatives. He
determined to write a harmless pre­
scription which would get at the
cause of constipation, and correct it
Today, the prescription he wrote
in 1885 is the world's most popular
laxative 1 He prescribed a mixture
of herbs and other pure ingredients
now known as Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup
Pepsin, in thousands of cases where
had breath, coated tongue, gas,
headaches, biliousness and lack of
appetite or energy showed the
bowels of men, women and children
were sluggish. It proved successful
in even the most obstinate cases;
old folks liked it for it never gripes;
children liked its pleasant taste.
A ll drugstores today have Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in bottles.
US '
M IN N t A S O L I * . MINN.
Price List and Shipping Tags!
Chances never come b j mere chance
' Instead o f d s n g «r o e s heart do- ,
prmsente take o f « , mild, purely ,
' v o g «ta b le M A T V E I'S R 1 MRRT j
' end g « t rid o f the bow el poisons
' that can «« th e tron blo. N oth* ,
<Bg like Ml fo r bilioasnoaB, slek ,
hssdsche end constipation. Acte ,
Llnters, the fuze on cottonseed, are
O rigin of Popular Phrase?
A l A n t t iu r - u t b i t s . M s t e tb .t s M M
But enough of this; there Is such jsed tn making automobile tops, enm-
a variety of game springing up befora ■ra films, casings for sausages, fine
me, that I am distracted In my choice, paper and leather substitutes.
and know not which to follow. It la
We shall he judged, not hy what
sufficient to say. according to the prov­ we might have been, hut «h a t we have
erb, that here Is God'a plenty.— D ry been.— Sewell.
V*TN. U.. P O R T L A N D . NO. 44-1928
den. “The Canterburr P llrrtm «"