¿b*"k n T urner T ribune ^ ■ » ¿TOI*. X Iv. " XU^NJZH, OKEGO^f, THURSDAY, NO. 8 1 r NCV. 28. 1929. aUBSCIUPTlON 41.25 PK-It V E A * T T -TT- i ■ ..... - • a v w w w / y w v w w v w v y w w ; ------- 7-r— r I T H A N K S G IV IN G ! Th* Jay of fcuting! When tablet are abundantly graced 1 with the choice fruita, and the hottest spares qo effort to make her’t e feast ic be remembered. What could be more fitting and appropriate than one of these beau­ tiful Sunfrczc Creations for desert? Created especially for this occasiop they are packed in a special container— ready |o serve. Read the ads this week v > » 1 -They contain worth while messages. Turner Lumber .& T-TT- ............ ■ 1 ■ ■ V fV W A V 2 W / A ,M V W W - ’. W . ,A V j LAK G E T U R K E Y CENTERPIECE P U M P K IN CENTERPIECE Pecan Ice cream inland with crushed fruits Orange custard Ice Cream filled with fresh Cranberry Sherbert FANCY CENTER ROLLS INDIVIDUAL ICE CREAM PfES TH E ICE CREAM PIE TH E SQ U A R E CAKES IN D IV ID U A L A U T U M N BASK ET^ • Ç. F, BREITHAUPT 012 Ht.ily Street New Uligh Building T U R K E Y D A Y CASES FLORIST , NUTS W A W *’ W e carry in »tock Rough and Dressed Lumbar, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, a )jo W all Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Special Individual Molds for November Place Your Order By November 27 Come iq tqd Ask About the Sunfreze Creations G O L D F IS K • C fN A .R IE Ç ■ L O V E B IR D S - P A R R O T S ¿•’ull line ef Birç and pish Food and Kimuaijes Salem, • Phone 880 • Oregon. Jtltg. Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and filabtvood in four foot lengths. CANDY R IC I IJ 60e Ladies 25c. tf. Because Hunters are unable to tell the difference between Tou­ "Anyone wishing to p|snt Rye louse Geese ant) Wild Bird« all Ursss tcrvsge, i* requested to drop hunting and traping is for-bid- is to the Oregon Feed & Flour C j . den on The Bpnlea Farm. mill at Turner a;i>x>-xvx-o<^v> ANOUNOEMENT Alvin B, Stewart Will open at $5.1 Ccmtt Stroet, Saletp. Saturday, Oct­ ober 19, 1929, Formerly at 347 Court Street Umbrella, Key and Cutlery Store 251 Court Street 'S T '.... Phone 2876J G c È ^ "Y Q iO W PENCIL loith th¿ R£D BAND m UK warn.» ILFPFMCfL CO. NEWYORK.USJ.__ 1 'aft'ifiiiahrüiúé-ú Dr. O, A. Olson, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WQRK A ll Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices Us« Your Credit Come >Q awd talk it over SAV-EM M A S O N IC T E M P L E , Pbor.e 440 Residence 7 CS U EiCiitiBwi Dr, O. L. Scott Chiropractor Ncurocalomoter Servi«» Phone 87. Residence J10JJ 3Ó6 N. High Street Salem, Oregon - ■ RR V " “No Collection. No Charge" Delinquent accounts collected on a contingent basis. We do fhe work, shoulder th, expense and raskc no charge unless collection is made, 4230,000 Bad Account* turned intq Cash Since W e Started. Jot down a trial list of bail onus and let us tarn them into actual money. Business Men’s Adjustment Company 415-16 Masonic Bldg. * : Automobile Insurance Written ...... ... — Ä Oregon, for W s will hold them for you un­ til Christmas. ■' OREGON STAV TO K A rousing community meet­ Brown ¡»pare, white spot on ing was held in the high school The Cadies Aid iof the Chris.- fore head, halter, rope ' around auditorium last Friday evening tian church will hold their baz- neck with ; 10 ft chajn Finder for the purpose of waking up notify S. J. Copdit. znr Wednesday December 4. ; Route Turner, Oregon the community spirit in Turner They wjll serve dinner andjfsuy- and vicinity. Dj\ H- C. Eplt-y, Second Growth fir cord wood per. Poiyie and brlnp your of Salem, led the ci-swd, that for sale. $5 per cord delivered ip friepd«. filled the auditorium almost to turner. E. Wolf. Stayton. overflowing, in some of the old Jack Brooks, who is em­ songs and choruses, included in WAVvvvvvwwvvvwvvvvvyvvvsAvywvwvvvvw.v^vvvwv G. C. Givens, Salem popular ployed at the Turner flax plant, these were “ Swaunee River,” low priced barber, has again w'as in Salem on business, Sat­ and “ Old Black Joe.” Dr. Ep- acquired possession of the ley sang ope of his own com­ Commercial street shop and is urday afternoon. positions, “ Oregon, Queep pf ready to meet all of his old the West,” as a solo. Mrs. Gor­ friends. Mayro McKinney was much don McGilchrist. of Salem, gave pleased with his success at the a reading and Mr;. Ted Gordon Pacific International Livestock C. A- Dear. president pf the Shpw this year. lie was able to also of Salem, presided at the local community club, was a pianq. dispose of his entire bunch of Portland visitor last Thursday, Dr. P. O. Riley, editor of the young registered Hereford lie attended a meeting of the Hubbard Enterprise, and presi­ stock that he took down. Mr. Oregon Cooperative Council. of gifts McKinney has exhibited stock dent of the Marion County Fed­ The women of the Christian erated Clubs, gave a fine ad­ at the show annually for pear­ now, church will hold their annual dress on community activity. ly 20 years. bazaar Wednesday, December Shprt talks were made by H. S. 1. Remember the date and at­ Rond, representing Mayor E. S. tend. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bear en­ Prather, and by Editor Rowley, tertained informally, last week, o f The Tribune. Mrs. W. S. a party of friends for the pleas­ Burgoyne sang a solo which Mrs. E. S. Prather, who has ure of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gil­ was greeted with strong ap­ been confined to her home with lette, who visited their daugh­ E. S. PR A TH E R plause. Two selections were JW rx.gr 1 sickness for several months, is ter and family. They left for given by the T- H. S. Glee Club, Reliable Druggist again able to be out, their home at W alla Walla, led by Mrs. Pearcy. OREGON TURNER Washington, the latter part of Following the program, Dr, last week. Riley conducted a business Miss Grimes, of Salem, vis­ nieeting at which time tl)e re­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. I I . W. I.V W Ä Ä V M W V J 'A P A V A 'y W A V A V W W A W .' Smith, last week, Mrs. Jean Percy, teacher in port of the nominating commit­ the high school and advisor for tee appointed at a meeting held j the junior and sophomore two weeks ago was read and George Given wa§ helping classes, entertained for them, approved and the nominees W\ Jay Denhem pick turkeys at her home in Salem, last Sat­ elected. They w ere: C. A. Bear, for the Thanksgiving market urday evening. The entertain­ president; Arthur Edwards, last Saturday. ment committee were the vice-president, and Mrs. Mae Misses Ailenc Robertson and B. Talbott, secretary and treas­ W ANTED ! Shelia Delzell, of the junior urer. The meeting voted to af­ Everybody to write for free class. Misses Nellie Barber and filiated with the Marion Coun­ sample of Tigriq salve for cuts, Opal Miekinham. pf the sopho- ty Federated Clubs. The next colds, burns and eczema. For mortr class. An evening of meeting is called for Monday, December 2, at the high school games was enjoyed. sale at all drug stores. puditorium at which time the LEWIS I1ERB CO. Time Deposits necessary committees will be 12-5-9tp Salem, Oregon appointed, SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. A tempting array the holidays. Ses then* PHONE *7# fi. F, KORINEK, V.S., B.V,Sç (ju era l Contractor and Builder Çcmenl Work and Plumbing *\ > l '<* LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL Salem, Oregon Phone 911 Kenneth Petersen spent the SALEM. OREGON MAKING IMPROVEMENTS week-end with his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. The Southern Pacific com-1 Dean Morris, at the Four S log­ pany have been busy the past ging camp. ,\% W AVAV.VV\W % VVrtV.VW VVW W AVW Vl LYLE — At Wilark, Or., No­ few weeks making improve­ ments to their property in Tur­ vember 23, Mrs. Hetta M. Lyle, Floyd Robcrt«oi| i« at the ner. The grading is completed aged 59 years, beloved w ife of home of his brother, L. W. Rob­ and track laying is now in prog­ James F. Lyle, mother of F. F. ertson, for n visit. ress on the two thousand foot Lyle, P. L. Lyle and Mrs. Sadie extension to the south end of E. Baker of this city; sister of Mrs. Sarah E. Small and Mrs Every Saturday Night the passing track. FOR SALE — Building con­ The caterpillar tractor has George Ford of Portland. taining about 35,000 feet of been working the past few days Friends are invited to attend good dimension and bonrd lum­ services tomorrow filling in the old power ditch funeral ber. Cheap. J. R. Willis, S..P. from the mill ditch to the old (M onday) at 2 P. M. at the Station, Turner, Albers Brothers’ warehouse, conservatory chapel of the East Corner Liberty and Cheineketa Sts* that is being torn down by Side Funeral Directors. Serv­ Two oars driven by Clayton Charles Martin, of Aumsvrlle. ices under auspices of the Or­ Salem, Oregon. Neer and Roy W itzel came to­ While attempting to cross the der of Eastern Star, of which gether on the block between ditch the caterpillar mired deceased was a member. Com- j Ball Brothers.’ garage and the down in the soft mud and for mitment Rose City cemetery.— Harrison store. Not much dam­ two or three days baffled all Oregonian. Mrs. Lyle was a for­ age was done to cither car. attempts at removal, until H. mer resident of Turner, where E A .R o s e n b a u m , M g r. Neer received severe cuts about R. Peetz hooked onto it with an the Lyles formerly conducted a insignificant little stump p u lle r j grocery and hardware store. the head. . -.V , 1 -»A * ,% sw .% vvw vw .vvvAV*vvvvvsAvvvvw