> * f—r - ir r '-JTT ■’ ---- — ~ ■ T T -T g ^ ~ ■ T 'V F. P. ROWLEY T H E T U R N E R T R IB U N E Turner, Oregon. Thursday "■ T NOV 21. 1929 JF. V- fimtdrtf. t it tor Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion County, Oregon 2UBSCKÏPTJQN $1.^5 ^EB YEAR. Entered at the Poet office art Tumor,^Oregwn, as secend-class mutter, under the ¿ c t of March S. 1879. _ _ _ _ _ _ Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE T urner, • V tîf«5 ? V no compromise w ith goodness!.., the Camel blend is « O regon, a «s *#„•«*• * * — -■» *— •- a real smoke! 6. F. kORINFK, V.S„ B.V.Sc V E T E R IN A R IA N Day and Night Servie* STANTO N J~ «,I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States I and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice foralL” OREGON S C a ,nell S '» a «d « lor ih» knonln| ones who s»«k ih» pleasures «I « good smoks. and these sun-her* may h» »ssursd disi Ih» true Cam«! court on the 24th day o f September, Marion County, made and entered on T HE TSERiÜS H OHE » • a r * nl*ce. but it vibrate» through every 1929, in a certain suit then in suit! the 22nd day o f October, 1929. court pending, wherein Porn Kunc> You aie further not ¡(led that the hope of the future. It i» this— the was plaintiff and A. E. Bradley and date of the drst publication o f this quality vili slwav« bs maintained. Virgio M. Bradley, his wife, and E. T. summons is the 2 tlh y Job L than this. It is the beginning of property in said execution and herein­ Manfred aa aonouuoed ia»t week. smoking. The most perfect blond that the Rreatost experts know STMMONS self government. It is the throne after described to pay the sum due the plaintiff o f $¿7-1.00 with interest In The Circuit Court Of The State how to make is tho secret of this really wopdoiful clj?,»irotte: I li-i of our highest ideals. It is the thereon at tho rate o f $ per cent per Of Oregon For The County source of the spiritual energy 0| | annum f^ ra the iOth day of Octobe-r. Of Marion inost modern and skilful processes pre employed In bringing tl-.i Th's being the first of a series of > 192S, until paui ana tho further sum Department No. $ articles dealing with what toe our people f o r the perfecting o f ' of $75.00 attorney’s fees, together great cigarette to perfection! Tho pick of nil Domestic tobaccos h« *°*t3 disbursements o fj Phvllis Carry Indendoti, \vriter believes to be the most mo this unit • f naliional life we must said suit — taxed ---- — g i f u* and eostj,1 at Plaintiff satisfying tqatv, the rarest Turkish foe added fragrawet! Came!:» fnentous question before tbs Aui bend all of our material and set- and expense# of said execupon. I will v*. Saturday, Ute 23rU day of.NoVem- etican'people today, must nerps- **utific ingenuity. For tho attain- on arc vastly preferred by knowing smokers bocuMse they epprci i.ito ber, 1929, at the hour of 10 o'clock Leonard Ijano Inclendoq, Defendant rnrily he ip.tfoducHiry. and rattier,“ • » » ®* ‘ hi* " • ®ust lend A. M. o f said day at the west door of 4 the soothing goodness of choice tobaccos perfectly blended. the county com ; bou>t m Marion To Luowynj gano Indention, Defend­ general in character, leaving tht * very energy of the gaverntaeot. . * * • *• • v« County. Oregon, self at public auction ant: Touching on the government's tq the highest bidder for cash in hand »p.cific disenssioh for theso to fol In The Name of the State of Oregon: to the homes ot U»* " " ‘ h* d- y ,o f “ h h r i ^ t . title, !. lew. It is my earnest wish that responsibility \ . i , . . . . , 1 interest and estate which said defend-, You are hereby required (0 appear the*e articles may prove to be net uatioc, he had (his to »ay; I read ant anj ai| persons claiming under and answer the complaint filed subsequent to the execution of ggqinst you in the above entitled only informative end convincing 111,0 *!***• intricate and delicate them the plaintiff’ s mortgage in, o f and to Court and cause on or before four but productive of to mo good . With ‘ elation* of the government with said premise» h.jreinbefor«* mentioned weeks from the tjate of the first describ'd In said execution as >ai end in view, what is said « ill business and with our political and and publication of this summons, and if fallows, to-wit: you (ail to answer or appear herein ve to be bared, not on hsarsay- filia l life, hut one upreme end— Beginning at a point on the East on or before sai^ time, for want them line o f the co nf >ad or 24th evidenCe, but on facts. Rev. Dan that me reenforc? (be ties that bind 1 IOS. I . y. RmioM, T*ho*«s Street 472.66 feet Southerly from of. plaintiff will apply to the said Poling, former Oregonian and now together the millions of our farni* ,«m|I(>»-Satcw,N.C. a point where the East fine o f 24th Coprt for a decree dissolving tht the head ot the largest organiza­ lies, that we strengthen the skci / r - Street intamects the North line of marriage contract an^ bond* of mat­ the D. I- C. of A. F. Waller and rimony now subsisting between you tion of youth in the world, The In ITY, T H f HAPPINESS A S P THK ISDE wife, said point being the center and the plaintiff, Phyllis Carry In ternational Society cf Christian PENDEKTS OP EVERY H O M E .” line o f the State Sewer; thence clcyidon, and for such other and fur­ Easterly at right anglos to the ther relief ax to the Court may ap­ Now, where there is so much Endeavor, recently said; “ The most county road or 24th Street 200 smoke there most be some tire. fnccesrful lenders cf reform have feet :>.iona the center line of said pear jast and equitidJe. This summons" is served upon you Sewer; thence Northerly parallel to Where there has been, and is, to always bten those «h o did hot the cuunty road or 24th Street 50 by publication »hereof once a week speak until they had adequate in­ much discussion there must be feet; thence Westerly at right for four consecutive weeks in the anglH» to the county road or 24th Turner Tribune, a weekly newspape#! formation upon which to fciee their something to discuss. ' We can qo Street 200 feet to the East line of of general circulation published a' statements” . That is precise) longer blink at the fact *,h*t there •aid county road or 24th Street; Turner in Marion County, Oregon thence Southerly along the East the line along which the writer of it something mfong, somewhere. line o f the county road or 24th pursuant to an urcfqr of the Hon. I. What that something is, is our mo these articles intend; to travel. Street to the place o f beginning, H. McMahan, Judge of the Circuit | all located in Salem, .Marion Coun­ Court of the State of Oregon for I Not all of us are convinced thal rsl duty tp discover and then en­ ty, Oregon. Marion County, made and entered on i deavor to remedy it. there is any IhiDg seriocsly wrong Said »ale being made subject to re­ the 18th day of November, 1929. demption in the manner provided by­ with the prssent-day American Y’ ou are further notified that the law. ' date of the first publication of this h one. There are those who claim Editor’s Note; Three articles *t •u Dated this day o f October, sumomns rs the 21st day Novem­ fia t American home life is not on­ will be copywrited. Comment on 1929. ber, 1929. The v|lm of GOOD CLOTHtS ly deteriorating; but that it is peri­ 4tov thtse articles i« invited. 0. D. BOWER, Braxie* C. Small, THEY MUST BE Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. lously close to the disintegration Attorney for Plaintiff i By W. RICHARDSON, Residence and post office address i int. Others there a :« who stout­ Deputy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Salem, Oregon.______ ly maintain that there is noth- Noticq is hereby- given that the j i j g amiss »ta ll. Still others pro undersigned, by an order o f the NOTICE TO CREDITORS M ’ Notice is hereby given that the fe.-s to see in the signs of the times State of Oregon, duly made S and en -! hv nn ' r|c „ Z 7l, i , 7 day . v 7 o f f £ £ undersigned, by an order o f the Coun­ the , X7th October, „ „ nl, merely a transition from the hec­ tered „ on That’s Our Business ty r<>ll£ Court nf o f Marion r County. State nf of 1929, was appointed execqtnces of tic considers caused by the wnrld the estate of Martha Jane Crowley Oregoa, duly made and entered ou 31st day of October, 1229, was war, to a normal, sane stai* in and that they have duly qualified as the appointed administratrix of the «Mate such. All persons having claims w.iich the vast majority of Amer­ against said estate are hereby notified of Mathilda Browning, deceased, and she has duly qualified as such. ican families will be found in fnll to present the same, duly verified as that All persons having claims again.rt said required by law, at the offices of po.section of all the old time vigor estate are hereby notified to present Kowitz & Cook, 401 Bank of Com­ same, duly verified a3 required by and virtue that have made our merce building, in the City of Salem, the law, at the offices o f Guy O. Smith, Marion County, Oregon, within six country great 403 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg., months from the date of this notice, in the City o f Salem, Marion County, Gen*nl Mercandise There is a fourth group, quite to-wit: October 31, 1929. Oregon, within sfx months from the numerous and emphatie, who RACHAEL CARLO TTA CROWLEY, date of this notice, to-wit: November MARY MINON A LEONARD, smile in a depreciatory way when Executrices of the Estate of Martha 7, 192». H ATTIE B. TUEL, Jane Crowley, Deceased. the America’.: borne is mentioned. Administratrix of the Estate o f | Mathilda Browning, Deceased. *W by, thete ain't no euoh animal” SUMMONS KfiGS AND EGGS they s*y, ‘ It's gote; gdne forever, In ths Circuit Court o f »he St>tc <>f GUY O. SMITH, Attorney for Admmmtratrtx. Oreton, for Marion County. Pe- along with the d: plod ecus and the partment No. 2. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ¡chtbyo'3arue.” £5did one of them to Jaino- Harold Humphrey», Plaintiff. When Matt Ryckman, superintend Notice is hereby given that the un­ me a while ago, ‘ Used to bs when VS. ent of hatcheries of the game com­ dersigned has filed in the County mission speaks of eggs he means * e heard the elrains of ‘Home Mildred Humphreys, Defendant. Court of the State o f Oregon, for the fish eggs and not bon eggs. Tele­ Sweet Home,’ we would have vis­ To Mildred Humphreys, defendant Oounty of Marron, her duly, verified ¡»wove yarned: phone operators should understand , , Final Account, as Admintstvatrix of ions of happy fim .ly gatherings. this. A sJiovt time ago Mr. Ryck* In the name of the State o$ Oregon the u of Marion L portort ,)e. man was call»-) lo telephone a uics. We would sniff an imaginary wh’fi sage to his men at Diamond Lake, of one cf mother’s borne cooked in t- e above entitleei court and cause Tuesday, the 19th day of December, It was necessary to relay the mes­ dinners, the tike of which was no­ on or before four weeks from the date ’ 929, at the hour o f ten o'clock A. M. sage through a Southern Oregon of the fir.-; publication o f this sum- of said day, as the time, and the where else to be founi. Now, when station. mens, and i r you fail to appear and County Court P.oom in the County "Send five niiliton eggs to Such we hear that grand old tuna a t answer said complaint by said dafe, Court House, at Salem, in Marion Avoiil the hurfi.il and Such. Send two million eggs to Eur, 10 San Fraiv>, for want thereof, the will County Oregon, as the place for hear think of 'Home-brew,’ and get an "What, cat In the operator. apply to the court for a crecree aeatnst , . v, r » ... , choice of out-of- tisco or to Europe* altogether different kind of smell.” you dissolving the marriage contract Ral'J f," al account and a!1 obJec* Mr. Ryckman repeated the mes­ town buying. Suit y o u r resident ■ H e I between yourself and th e! t|ons thereto. sage. And co it goes There are many ■ existing Dated at Turner, Oregon, this 30th plaintiff, and for a decree giving the pn your trip cvm .»- '’You don’t mean millions do you,w agent can be of diverse opinions regarding the pre­ custody and control of the minor chil­ day of O’ -tebtr, V'/A), inquired the surprised operator. fident that ypu are ^oir^ utmost val,ie fo you. vent «talus of the American borne- dren o f plaintiff ar.d defendant to the FR AN K IE D. BORTER, "Sister I mean just what I say— plaintiff, namely, Marguerite, Jeaho, the best way, and tlut no Administratrix o f the Estate of In buyirtg " « r a v e l ” re­ milhons** ruplted Mr. Ryckman. The outstanding fact, however, is Douglas, and Iris Humphreys; and for Mariuu L. Porter, Deceased «anoying tompltcattoits member die slogan of youf I ’m talking about fish eggs—not th* suck other rclkaf as to this court ap­ that we hear with increasing and pears just and equitable. Ronald C. Gloves, ben house variety. will n\af it. local merchants, "It pays to> disturbing frequency such quest- "Oh” You are further notified that this j Attorney for Administratrix. 44* ACRE RANCH »O LD TO Wiievlgfr it is a trip of 4 buy in your own horaq ibns as; “ What’ s the with the A summons is served upon you by publi-1 Salvia, Oregon. EDWARD L. MA H I IN thereof in Tt e Turner Tribune, 4>y o * » r w w h . South ot town." merican homei” “ What’s Wrong cation a weekly newspaper o f general ci\> THF. SMELL MISLOCATED SUMMONS ★ ith American home life?” Hence culstioii, printed and publish*} iu 1 Marion County, Oregon, an>i In tba Gtrouit Court o f the State of we begin te sense the existence of Turner, Sale of 440 aeren of h»ud by, »he that thu «rite of the Srst publication ] Oregon for the County o f Mariorp Ralph Bernard Estate to Edward L A newspaper hi (re c e n tly placed In a real problem . Practically all of thereof will be on the 2»th -lay o f 1 Department \o. 2. No. 2841. Martin and wife, o f Tammany, to’, a peculiar position. It mentions nn October, 1929, and that the date o f; W. Sr. S^Odnald, Plaintiff. our leadiug newspapers and maga- , the vs.’ * ' T .-: last publication thereof will be on $21,000 was confirmer^ in the pro­ undesirable condition. The fact guts Edna McDonald, Deferylant. iines have be'au dii^olinp attention i the 21-t itny of Noverr.be», 1929, and bate court yesterday. T h « sale zn- di shunned and right away many If. S. Bond, Ajfcnt To E»tna McDonald, defendant: volves »he tract of land located ort blame the newspaper for the condi- to the subject iu the form of erti-1 l!,at fw moni' wil‘ b‘', published In the name o f the State o f Oregon, Turner Oregon. 1 | once a w »tk for a period of four cob - the r«ad connecting the «j-per Tam- 1 «jon m spite of the fact that it haj rfes under variohs hekds sacb as; secutive weeks pursuant to the order you are hereby zequired to appear and the Heuorable Percy K. Kelly, answer the complaint, filed against you many section with Sweatwate» creek not been remotely connected with “ Why the home is failing.” *Cri- of judge of the. above court, which order in the above entitled court and cause the house being at the summit wher* bringing about the undesirable situ ________ *_ mina’ity in the home.” “ Rerior- was made and entered of record in on or before four week« from the date th« Lewiston Orchard* viaduct cros- | ation. cause on the 19th day o f October, o f the first publication o f this sqm- ses the highway. This always reminds us of the nosy ing American home life.” etc ,etc this rnoiia, and ir you fail to answer or 192>, The Bernard land is of deep, rich p»U*vidte*t «h y west into a show appear herein, on or before said time, Friday night is community pro- 1 President Hoovef, in one of his E. A. TOWNER, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply soil and 410 acres of the 440 are un­ house where an oriental picture had STVanj in the high school Attorney For Plaintiff. to the sai * bonds o f matrimony now subsisting title to 1,060, aoies located In the been liberally burned. The said ok’ next Lords day. The Bible study hazzar the first Thursday in Dec. •ome tiitoely munmehls on (Lis between you and tho plaintiff, W. M. Tammany section and of this amount' man at one® fait it his duty to com­ phase o f otir ua.tione.1 lit*. Among SHERIFF’ S NOTICE OK SALE OF Mcktonahl, amt for such «¿her aud nearly 1,000 acres are under the plain. He called the attendant an«' hour is adding a special number the 5th. further relief as to the court may ap­ REAL PROPERTY ON Next Sun. is Thanksgiving plow. The Martin horn® ranch is lo­ exclaimed “ I smell punk” . The sur­ from each clag* either in s o u r Other thing; Ke loid u* that “ t!ie pear just and equitaole. FORECLOSURE cated in lower Tammany and in ad­ prised attendant asked him to re­ This summons is served upoa you or reading, next Sunday the Sunday soJ the lesson theme is true conception of Anr^rifa i* nM I ay uive'e, I Notice ia hare teat by by publication thereof once a week dition to his own foldings, Mr. Mar­ peat the statement. He then said: a country of 1U> mililott people i virtue of an execution duly Lsuc out for four consecutrve weeks tn The tin operate* leased land which bring* “ Well come with me and ( wilt put young Peoples Class will give a Patriotism. The C. E. meetings are well you in a box by yourself and nobody reading and scripture quotations hut a nation of 2d million home*. j of the Circuit Court o f the State of Turner Tribune, a weekly newspaper his farm area to about 1,500 aures. [Oregon, for the County of Marion and of general circulation published at Mr. and Mrs. Martin and children will notice it.— Molalla Pioneer. The chorus is still helping in attended. The young people offer' Amplifing this, hs said “ I wish t> me directed cn the 16th day of ’ Turner in Marion County-, Oregon, will leave next week for San Deign Tba Tnbi.ii® credit for what church singing and will practice a good program and lead gootL to remind you of something which October, t929, upon a judgment and ! pursuant to an order of the Hon. where they will spend the remainder decree duly rendered, entered o f j J. C. Sh gnrund, judge o f the County Tuesday evening. interesting services. yoq buy from our advertisers. may bound bumble and comtnon- record and docketed in and by said Court o f r the State o f Oregon for of the winter. * * . .r.----. by Job L Manfred t’ NiT o r t u r a t e a n U M is th k » am * Ann thk h > mk . It i» tha eco­ nomic unit a» «e ll as the moral This the first of the serie» of article* I and spiritual unit. But it is more ily when they learn the difference they flock to Camels E Successful Men KNOW ■ \ y¡3b\ \ i ! 7' - i i r t T ? Chambers & Chambers of Salem are quit- ing business. Now is your opportuni­ ty to buy Furni­ ture, Rugs and Linoleums at way down prices. When needing anything in this line do not fail to call on us. We will save you money. M ade-to-M easure Strictly AH W ool and Stylishly Cot $ 25.00 | V Hi E. J. Harrison Turner, Oregon. Before You Go Away a p la ti leisurely uvitb your own Southern P a c ific a gent) t C h am b ers & Chambers 357 North High St. P a c if ic I 1