rr* m U rner T ribune ) I p » w » TURJiJCR, OREGON, ITIURSDA Y, NO. 7 V'QL. XlT. SUBSCRIPTION «1.25 FE-R Y E A g NOV. 21, 1929. ------- ns*—— f T 1 T H A N K SG IV IN G ! T he day o f fes^tsqg! W hen tab les are abundantly graced w ith th e ch oice fruit«, and the ho«t««« »pare« no effort to m ake her*« a fea»t to be rem em bered. W h a | could be more fittiiig and appropriate than one o f the»* b ea u ­ tiful Sunfreae Creation» for d esert? C reated eap ecially for this occasion th ey are p ack ed in a sp ecial container— ready to serve. Read the ads this week ^hey contajn worth while messages. 1 LARGE TURKEY CENTERPIECE PUMPKIN CENTERPIECE Pecan |c e cream inland with crushed fruit« O range custard Ice Cream filled with fresh Cranberry Sherbert FANCY CENTER ROLLS INDIVIDUAL ICE CREAM PIES TURKEY DAY CASES THE ICE CREAM PIE THE SQUARE CAKES INDIVIDUAL AUTUMN BASKETS r . v j w . v w . v w / w A » w w . v w w / / w . ,. v / A C. F. BREITHAUPT 612 HUlo Streut * New Bligh JJuildiug FLORIST - Filone 380 • Oregon. wTT• Shingles (h ig h est q u ality ) five grades to select from , also W all B oard, Paint, Doors, W indow s, r u m m m ■ • ITW C ed ar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and §labw ood in CANDY NUTS Full li^e of Bin) mod Fish Food and Ht medies Bul «nu, W e carry in stock Rough and D ressed Lum ber, Special Individual M olds for Novem ber P lace Your Qrdar By Novem ber 27 Come in and Ask A bout the Sunfrexe Creations G O L D F IS H - C A N A R IE S - L O V * B IR D S - P A R R O T S : Turner Lumber Mfg, Co. J r iO E R Y \ fo u r foot lengths. W e desire to serve the public w ith Prom ptness an d E fficiency. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL .V A W A V A W A ^ V A W iW V V W A V V W / J V V W V V Locals Pomeroy and Keene Bnlem's Square Deal Jeweler* A Optician». Diamonds Watches Clcoka Jewelry & Silverware. 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal Gardena every Wednesday and 5 aturday, 8;3QP. M. Genta 60c L»dieu25c. tf. W E H A V E CONNECTIONS W. JAY DENHEM Qaaeral Contractor a id Builder Cement Work and Plumbing Turner, Oregon Route 3. with the Hnnsen-Bennett mag­ azine agency, one of the larg­ est in the country, which en­ ables us to give you the best prices and sendee for your magazine need«. See F. P. Row- ley at the Tribune Office. “ Anyone within« to plant Rye Ursas screagi-, in rt<|tirawd to drop in to the Oregon Feed «Sc Flour Co mill at T urner and engage same as soon sh convenient.” • yd W W W V W W V V ^A Y V V V lA V V W V V Y V V W W V V \W A ^V ^ftV A I^y Make Your Xmas Selections *’** Now * » - , • * • We will hold them for you until Christmas. E. S. PRATHER Reliable Druggist OREGON TURNER Boast Tor Oirtitr 4 % Paid on six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank No one can »ell used sewing statement».—Lincoln Co Press. machine cheaper than the corn, We anxiously await the publi­ cation of the answer to the above pany that trades them in- article. White Sewing Machine Co- 221 So High St Salem. N(*HCE Because Hunters are unable to tell the difference between Tou­ louse Geese and Wild Birds all hunting and traping is for-bid­ den on The Bonlea Farm. The meeting held last Friday STRAYED evening for the purpose of or­ Brown Iraare, white spot on ganizing a community club for fore head, halter, rope around Turner and community was so neck with , 10 ft chain. Finder gparseiy attended owing to the notify S. J. CondiL cold fuggy weather that not Second Growth hr cord wood much was done. C. A. Sprague, for sale. $5 per cord delivered in editor of the Oregon Stateman wastpresent and gave an inter­ Turner. E- Wolf, Stayton. esting talk on the aims and ob­ GOVERNOR PATTERSON ISSUES jects or the community club. F, P. Rowley was elected chairman THANKSGI VI NG PROCLAMATION of the meeting. On motion hy C. A. Bear a nominating committee The turn of the year brings us again to the season when man, im­ was appointed to »elect a list of pelled by an age-eld and world-wide offleers to be nominated next Fri­ impulse, has been wont to offer his day evening at a meeting held in human thanks tc Almighty God for the fulfillment of His ancient prom- conjuction with the community ice that while the earth remaineth sing led by Dr. Epley. Dr. P. seed time and harvest shall not fail. O. Riley, editor of the Hubbard Our national observance of an an­ Enterprise and president of the nual day of thanksgiving was in­ stituted when our Pilgrim forefath­ County Federation of Community ers gathered together to make grate­ Clubs, will be present Dr. Riley ful acknowledgement for the bounti­ and Dr Epley make a good team ful crops an which depended theeis survival. Since that first American and a highly enjoyable evening harvest, progress along innumerable is anticipated at which time it is lines has added to the comfort, the loped to perfect the organization efficiency and the security of our of the club. The nominating com­ lives. Wealth and high position have been vouchsafed us as a nation mittee cosists of: R. L. Theissen Manifold and great opportunities Mrs. Stanley Riches, Mrs. M. A, have been opened up to us as indis Hill and Mr. Fowler. Community Club Organization Started Alvin B. Stewart Will open at 251 Coutt Ktrvet, Salem, Saturday, Oct­ ober 10, 1020. Formerly at 347 Court Street Umbrella, Key and Cutlery Store 251 Court S treet — rrr* Salem , Oregon Phone 2876J THE PENALTY OF SUCCESS “ If a m an can build a b etter m ousetrap than his n eighb or,” said Emerson, 'th e world w ill m ake a beat- en path to his door.” T he S age o f Concord doubtless realized th a t >aal- our n eighbors w ith inferior m ousetraps m ight try to d eflect the crow d from the ^eaten path. He possibly perceived that fa ilin g in this w ith m ousetrap«, they w ould resort to clap trap . But he knew that the better m ousetrap rather than the noiser clap trap w ould continue to keep the world on the path to th e door o f the man w h o w rough t the superior article. L eadership has its p en alties. Superiority inspires envy. Envy exp resses itself through detraction. Just as im itation by a com petitor is th e sincerest form o f flattery, so a com petitor’s destructive, backbit­ ing criticism is one o f th e surest confessions of conscious inferiority. T h e superior p iece o f w ood w ork in g m achinery can stand on its own m erits. It sp eak s eloq uently enough for itself w ithout crying d ow n any other. T he position o f a strong, p ace-settin g organization does not need to be bolstered by th e p etty iteration o f invidious com parison. It is only th e w eaker, leas secure organ ization , conscious o f its less sure footing, that w ill resort to eith er cred ely blunt or subtly m ischievous de­ traction o f a successful rival. L eaders do not fe a r nor shun th e acid test o f com ­ parison. But th ey do not have to establish recognition o f superiority hy traducing th eir la ggin g com petitors. P ositive merit u su ally can esta b lish a shining enough p la ce for itself by p ositive perform ance. W hen sales represen tatives resort to chronic, system atic knocking o f com petitors, you can g en erally size them and th eir organ ization up as sufferers from an ingrow ­ ing inferiority com plex. In this form the p en alty o f lead ersh ip never- seri­ ously p en a lizes true m erit, so long as "seeing is b eliev­ in g ” in fair com petitive tests and th e w orld, w h ile it lores th e zest o f keen rivalry, b eliev es stau n ch ly in the essen tia ls o f fa ir play. Good Drop-bead Sewing Ma­ chine, from $4.00 to $15.00. White Sewing Machine Co. Sa­ lem. Oregon. Neyi to Dan Hum s 11-24-ttp. Fred Miller has been at the Breitenbush springs for the paat two weeks taking treatment» for rheumatism. A. D- Hale was in Salem on business Thursday. Mrs. Brown came to Turner from Kentucky Thursday night and will spend some time visiting her daughters. Mrs. L. E. Peter­ sen. of Turner and Mrs. Slyter, of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Mc­ viduals. Social and economic chang­ have been vast, but the spiritual Kinney and Jay S. Baker were es truth remains steadfast that mater­ dinner guests at the home of ial achievements arc made fruitful Bryan H. Coaoly, of Salem, Fri. only by guidance and strength front a power which is above and beyond day night. human endeavors. Eternal and uni­ Mrs. Bloom and family who versal in the hearts of thoughtful Mrs. Arthur Kunke and chil­ lived in Turner for the past sev­ men is the prayer, “Establish Thou dren spent Saturday and Sun PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X-R AY W ORK work of our hands." eral months moved to Salem last the Now, Therefore, L I- L, Patterson day with Mrs. Kunke’s mother, AH Weak Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices Sunday. " Governor of th* State of Oregon, in Mrs Fliflet of Salem. Us« Y eur Credit Com» tn and talk it over Maxwell McKay and Cecil Conformity to the proclamation of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Schifferer the President of the United States M A S O N IC T E M P L E . SAuEM Martin spent a few days recently do proclaim Thtjrsdey, November 28 and family were dinner guest at Residence 758 R Phone 44ft in the Klamath Lake country 1029, as Thanksgiving Day, and dc the home of Mrs. Schiffer’s hereby set it aside as a public holi duck hunting. brother and family, Mr. and day. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rond Let us, on this day, give thought Mrs. Frank Beutler of Fratum were the guests, of Mr. Rond’s to man's felkwahh» with nature in Mrs. Nelly Hamilton and Mrs. parents recently. Mr. and Mrs. the husbandry of the fruitful earth Jay Cook were in Salem last “ No CoHectkm. No C h arg e" first source of all wealth. Let us Bond now live in Portland. acknowledge the ties of family affec Thursday on business. Delinquent accounts collected on « contingent basis. We do fite work, A- A. Ford, of Portland, spent tion and renew the bond of heart and Mrs. Ted Whitehead Sr. and Chiropractor shoulder the expense and make no home. le t us confirm and strength the Armistice holidays with his en Neurocaloracter Service charge unless collection is made. the will to peace, stronger now mother Mrs. Louies Kunke were $250,000 Bed Account* turned into sister Mrs. L. J. Rowley. Phone 87. Residence 210 LI than ever before la the hearts of visiting at the home of Mr. John Cash Sir«* W* Started. mun. Let us share oar abundance Schifferer and family last week CARD OF THANKS Jot down a trial list of bad ones and 256 N. High Street with the less fortunate, and let us let us turn them into actual money. We wish to thank our friends humbly dedicate our power and pros Miss Gertrude |Cook celebrate* Salem, Oregon Business M en’s A dju stm en t and neighbors for their help and perity to the service of Almighty her 7th birthday with a small C om pany sympathy, also for their beauti­ God. In testimony whereof I have here­ birthday party Saturday. 416-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone 911 ful Horal offerings during the ill­ unto set my hand and caused the Those present were Mabel SAJLK6* OREGON ness and death of our dear great seal of the state of Oregon tc Schifferer. Rose Davis and Ann be hereunto affixed this 15th day of May Davis. RefresemenU were mother. November, A. D. 1U2*. John Schifferer and family. i served late in the afternoon by Attest} I. L. Patterson Mr». Ida Baker, who recently Hal E. Hoss. Mrs. Jay Cook. Governor fell and broke the bones in her Secretary of State Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mader .W W A W W M V V M % W W % W .W W W W W W V W W A % W A arm, is getting along fine. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Janes and daughter Aliy, Mr. Mrs. Dean Tucker spent Sun­ John Schifferer and Emma, Frei- day with her | parents, Mr. and da and Willie Schifferer were all Mrs. G. A-McKay. dinner guests at the ltome of The large boiler at the Port- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schifferer land-Damascus Milk Co’s, plant was closed down Friday and Sat­ R D. Gray, of Salem, an in­ Sunday. urday for the annual inspection. surance and |real estate agent The small boiler was steamed up and a go-getter republican politi­ cian of said city, left his card at in its place. Mrs. C. Bones and son our afftce Sunday while we were Charles attended the Bazzar at out. He was on hie way to Taft the Aumsville high school Friday to buy a salmon and a few crabs ip order to show to hie Salem night. frlqnds that he never comes back from a fishing trip without the goods. His fishing ability is The Tribune shop can print your above par. according to himself, butter wraps, letter heads and en­ but he is rarely able to convince velopes. the cockeyed Salemites as to his C LIM E Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Dr. O. L. Seott Buys Fish-Can’t Catch ’Em ANOUNOEMENT PHONE 87»