THE TURNER TRIBUNE Turner, Oregon, Thursday NOV 14, 19$) y. Kiunlrt|, EMtnr btsued Every Thursday at Turner, Mnr’on Cuunty, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION it.'JS PER YEAR. Entered at the Poatortiee at Turner, Oregon, as second-class matter, under the A c t of M a re h 8, 1 8 T 9 . _________ j | “ I pledge allegiance to the Flag o f the United States and the country for which it stands. One nation, 1 indivisible, with liberty and justice for alL" Notice of School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter« o f School Diatriet No. 79 o f Marion County, State o f Oregon, that a School Meeting o f *ai t. Personal service i •1. Teacher* ........... . . » 900 00 all angles. He ia a philosopher and psychologist. He is also a news­ 900.00 2 900.00 paper writer and lecturer. He possesses the happy knack of telling 25.00 *3. Supplies (chalk,-paper, etc.) jmpalatable truths and driving home disconserting facts without ». Total Expense o f Teaching being pedantic or offensive. You will like him even when he makes IV. OPERATION OP PLANT you 6quirm, He handles his subjecs without gloves and excoriate* 1. Persona! service: •1. Janitors and other empli » 293.00 shams, but never get- personal 23.00 *2. Janitors’ supplies He l\as written some noteworthy essays on economics, Sociolo-, *3. Purl ............ ,......................... 130.00 SO 00 4. Light and power ................. gy. Crime and Criminals, Capital Punishment and other subjects 23.00 5. Water ................................. .. that engross the public mind from time to time. ». Total Expense o f Operation ....... These articles will probably be published jn book form, but in MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS the mean time the readers of the Tribune will have the priviledgu V. •1. Repair and replacement o f furniture and equipment ................. .........» 75.00 of being the first to read them. It*. |u.t ta. bail If any tmuk.r h .c .u » ol mi.» inform, i ion dam., him.alf or bn »«il tha plan »ara «I Cxsuxx, »000 $ 795.00 1,170.00 3P30.00 ......................... - ................................... ......................... 25.00 2.790.00 » 293 00 23.00 150.00 80.00 . 23.00 New smoker* are not itlwnys In a position to have a real preference in cigarettes. But when they acquaint themselves with Camels they develop that sense o f discrimination that leads to real sm oking pleasure. C a m els are m ade so c a r e fu lly and o f so good a blen d o f c h o ic e s t C igarette t o b a c c o s th a t even th ose w ith In ex p erien ced s m o k in g taste q u ic k ly r e co g n iz e th eir s u p e rio r ity . T h e y are fo r th o s e w ho appreciate the taste o f choice tobaccos, the fragrance o f a perfect blend and the soothing mellowness o f a really satisfying cigarette. 525.00 » 75.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Library: 50.00 50.00 » *2. Library books ..................................$ 3. Transportation o f pupils: J,123.00 (contract) *1. Personal service (driveej, et*.)..., v „ F ,x E D CHARGES . j i n,-urancc » 100.00 V |ll. CAPITAL OUTLAYS ; • « >jew f urnjture and equipment » 264.00 iv n p » r « F R V ir r , Principal on bonds .....................................................$1.000.00 | 2. Principal on warrants ............................................. 5,555.00 4. Interest on bonds ........................................................... 900.0'1 1 5. Interest on warrants ..................................... ......... 360.00 when they learn the difference they flock to Camels number 7705 in the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, fo r the County of Marion: and running thence Last along (he South line o f sai l tract o f land 52.64 chains y 1910, R. J. R•**•!«!• Tebaeee to Ju* middle gf the county road, op«*). W«aii*o«ic», N.C* leading from Turner to Marion; ¡rees and IS thence North 10 degrees minutes East East along along the the middle middle of of sai 1 road 16-33 chains to the North line o f said trqct pf land set off to said Allie G. Farnham ¡ thence West along the North line o f said tract of $7,815.00 9. Total Debt Service ......... ........... .................. . land 55.44 chains to the Northwest X. EMERGENCY corner o f said tract; thenee South 1 .................................. .................... ...... .................... ......... ......................$ 100.00 0 degrees and 30 minutes West •Items marked with an asterisk ( * ) are those most commonly used by along the West line o f said tract of 1 j - a r 1 w • ., ~ .. , , school districts o f the third class, land P-54 chains; thence South l ■ _ .. , .. degree West along the West line o f i Recapitulation ___ said tract o f land 7.51 chains to Total estimated expenses for the vear $17.4i5.00 MARY M^QNA LEONARD, the plass o f beginning, and being a Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax. 10,131.78 Executrices of the Estate o f Martha rt o f the Joseph Davis and wife 1 ---------------- „ „„„ .. Jape Cmwley, Deceased. Balance, amount to be raised by district tax.......... $7,293.00 I- C. No. 43 in Township 9 Dated this 0th day o f November, 1829. South Range 2 West o f the Wiliam SUMMONS ette Meridian, Marlon County, Ore C. A. BEAR. Jn the Circuit Court o f the Slate of (ton; Chariman, Board o f Directors. Attest : Qregop, for Marlon County. De­ a.ut quieting their title thereto and ’ W. T. RICHES, partment No. 2, District Clerk. enjoining you from asserting any James Harold Humphreys, Plaintiff, ir.terest in or claim to said property adverse to plaintiffs. vs. Tht film of 6000 CLOTHES Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Service of this summons upon y ou ' Mildred Humphreys, Defendant, To o Mildred Humphrey,«, defendant \ by publication is mails by order o f the Not!*» Is hereby given that the Residence and poatoffice address, Sa­ Hu THEY MUST BE lem, Oregon. , gbove ¡Honorable Percy R. Kelley, Judge o f j undersigned, by an order o f the Coun- above ftaiuod; ftanmd; , ai t _ __ I the Circuit Court o f the State o f Ore- ty Court o f Marion County, State o f In the name of the State p * O regon,, eon at Svlem, Oregon, October 10th, Oregon, duly made and entered on you are hereby required to appear ant 1929, and the date o f the first publi- the 31 at day o f October, 1929, was answer the tiled against you cation hereof is October 17, 1929. ' appointed administratrix of the estate m the ajovo enriped court mind cauje E. E. U L. CRAWFORD, CRAWFORD, i o f Mathilda Browning, deceased, and nq or before fgur weeks from the d^te Attorney .ttorney fo for r Plaintiffs. Plaintif • that she has duly qualified as such. ' pf the first publication o f this sum­ & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem All persons having claims against said T h a t’ s O i r B u sin e ss mons, and if you fail to appear apd Ladd j estate are hereby notified to present Oregon. pnswer said complaint by said date, I the same, duly Verified as required by­ Mr. and Mrs. Mayro McKin­ for want thereof, the plaintiff will law, at the offices o f Guy O. Smith ppply te the eourt for a decree again.«; SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF SALE OF , 03’ s |Pm Bank 0f Commerce Bldg ’ ney spent the week in Portland . !. . I: 1..; — o r »1 kj *J ’ Oliem oann 01 vw iuim 1 : 1 «, you dissolving the marriage contract REAL DonDCDTV PROPERTY r, ON in the City o f Salem, Marion County at the Pacific International. ■•x.sting between yourself end the FORECLOSURE Oregofi. withlh six months from the plaintiff, and for a decree giving the Notice is hereby given, that by- date o f this notice, to-wit: November Mr. McKinney conducted a custody and control o f the minor chil­ 7, 1929. very successful sale, disposing dren o f plaintiff and defendant to the virtue of an execution duly issue out HATTIE B. TUEL, plaintiff, namely, Marguerite, Jeane, o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f of 19 head of his pure blood Douglas, and Iris Humphreys; and for Oregon, for the County o f Marion and Administratrix o f the Estate of Mathilda Browning, Deceased. Shorthorns. Tie has displayed Gtniral Mtrcjndlss such other relief as to this court ap­ to me directed on the 16th day o f October, 1929, upon a judgment and GUY O. SMITH. pears Just and equitable. cattle every year except one for docree duly rendered, entered o f j Attorney for Administratrix. You are further notified that this 18 years. sqmipons 1# served upon you by publi­ record and docketed in and by said on the 2? th day o f September. NOT|CE OF FJNAL SETTLEMENT cation thereof in The Turner Tribune, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlson, ’ . 929, m e certain suit then in said a weekly newspaper o f general cir­ culation, printed and published in court pending, wherein Dora Kuney , Notice is hereby given that the un- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barber and Turner, Marion County, Oregon, and wa3 plaintiff and A. E. Bradley and | der-iigncd has filed In the County son Harold and Miss Margaret that the date o f the first publication Virgic M. Bradley, his wife, and E. T. Court of the State of Oregon, for the Hawaii, where he will Join his thereof will be *n the 24th day pf Armstrong were defendants In favor I County of Marion, her duly verified Bovard of Longview, Washing­ o f plaintiff and nrainst said defend friend, Robert Bauman, also a Final Account, as Administratrix of ton, were recent guests at the October, 1929. and that the date of the last publication thereof '‘-ill be or ants, A. E. Bradley and Virgie M the estate of Marion L. Porter, De- former student of Turner High Bradley, and each o f them, by which Charles Barber home. the 21st day of November, 1929, and execation I am commanded to sell the j ceased, and that said Court has fixed They are both taking up the that said summons will be published property In said execution and herein- Tuesday, the 10th day of December, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus ( b y jo l h x a u * m clash ) pnee a week for a period o f four con­ study of aviation. secutive weeks pursuant to the order after described to pay the sum due the 1929, at the hour o f ten o’clock A. M. and family were recent visitors o f the Honorable Percy R. Kelly, plaintiff of $574.00 -with interest 0f said day, as the time, and tho Junior Vaudovilla Coming judge o f the above eourt, which order thereon at the rate o f 8 per cent per County Court Room in the County at the home of Mi’s. Titus’ par­ f e,m 20th day o f O ctober., Court H at Sa!em> in M*nor ents in Salem. Mrs. Titus’ fa­ Stayton Defeats Turner High All of the students arc be­ was made, and entered o f record in until paid and th* further sum ~ . n ___: .. «„„„ - „ 39-0 this cause on the 19th day o f October, o lf>28. ginning to plan for the annual f *75.00 attorney’s fees, together County Oregon, as the place for hear ther has been quite ill with 1929. with the costs and disbursements o f tn* sa,d f,nal «ccoon* and all objec- The hard fiKhting team of Junior Vaudeville to be given pneumonia. E. A. TOWNER. said suit taxed at $17.00 and costs tlons thereto. Attorney for Plaintiff. and expen«es o f said execution. I will Turner went down under the the first part of December. Dated at Turner, Oregon, this 30t!i It. O. Witzel and son, Ken­ 408 Xglem Bank o f pommeroe Bldg., on Saturday, the 23rd day of Novem­ day o f October, 1929. hands of Stayton for the first Visitor at School neth, spent several days in Salem, Oregon. ber 1929, st the hour o f 10 o ’clock FRANKIE D. PORTER. time in the history of football. A. M. o f said day at the wp«t door o f Mrs. Mary L. Fulkerson, Portland, where they attended Administratrix o f the Estate of The Turner team showed county school superintendent, the county court house In Marion SUMMONS th£ Pacific International. Marion L. Porter, Deceased County. Oregon, sell at public auction better playing in the last half visited high school Thursday In the Circuit Court o f the State of to the highest bidder for cash in hand Ronald C. Glover, Miss Erma Barber, who has Oregon, for the County of Marion. on the day o f sale, all the right, title. of the gamo. Attorney for Administratrix, as well as the grade rooms up­ Allie O. Farnham and K. J. Farnham, Interest and estate which said defend­ been employed atrthe Big Chief Salem, Oregon. AH the students attended the stairs. her husband. Plaintiffs, ant and all persons claiming under service station north of Salem game and gave much support them « ibseouent to the execution o f for some time, has returned to SUMMONS Students Return to School the plaintiff’ s mortgage in, o f and t« to the team. Even though the Cornelia A. Pavi», Henry Clintcp su'd preml-'-n herrinb'-^ore mentioned In the Circuit Court o f the State of her home here. All students returned to defeat was great all students nd in said execution aa I Oregon for the County o f Marion Davis, Mary Josephine Davis Clem Department No. 2. No. 2841. r n t , John Hoe Clement, William follows, to-wit: Miss Vanetha Balmcr, who enjoyed the game as well as school on Tuesday morning aft­ Preston Davis, Eitha Davis, Altha er a day’s vacation on Armis­ Beginning at a point e,n the East j W. M. McDonald, Plaintiff. has made her home in this com­ the ride home on the bus. Davis, John Davis, Charles Davis. line o f the county road j uteree building, In the City o f Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within |ig months from (he ¿ate o f this notice, to-wit: Octobsr 81. 1929- RACHAEL CARLOTTA CROWLEY, Successful Men KNOW Made-to-Measure Strictly Ail Wool and Stylishly Cut $ 25.00 £. J. Harrison Turner, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES S â â F Ï Ï t a i r t . C ''t a i S - t l » * taw tx m « r I M I » Oregon. This editor will bo linUhvd by November 13th, ’o ìd i-. ara included in tht M rrri.m WebttCf, ,iuih u ¿trtgrapli, ¿•rmJlail, cnJit ’ mw», RdhtitlH, tutrqfnmii, *tc. few name, and pUceaare listed >u,h at Ctlbtr, rf, Si aim. La hi*, etc. Couiuntif imptoved aod kept up to date. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Get The Best The '’ Stipremc Authority ” in nuni, t, nf/rgn, L-fuaft. and among trttrrmem rni ofrtiii D/i both Puiir.-.l and 5 4 52.000 entries Including 408,000 mtMiar, term», J2.000 ^rafkital •utijecM, 12,000 btagrap hnjt tntriaa Ovrt 6,O0<) ¡Uutratwu, and 100 m /- noth tahin. Stnd fir Pm, nna, richly i/LitrmtrJ pamphlet nntatiuii'i umph bagtt rf tht Site International Q. fit C. Mcrriam Company Cptliigfield, Maaa. •m m