4M «V 1 “‘" f ü r T he T urner T ribune FOL. xu. TURNER, OREGON, TUÜtRDAlf. NO. (J —B SUBSCRIPTION 11.25 PIMI Y KAK ■' 1 -in . ■ ■ I- ■ ■■ 'j -g1 ' ----- U lA W W M M W M V U W W W W W W V W W A > W A r I TH ANK SG IVING ! Tha day of foaatiag! Wh*n table» are abundantly graced I with the choice fruita, and the hostess »pare* no effort to make her’» a feaat to Read the ads this week They contain worth while messages. be remembered. What could be more fitting and appropriate than one of the»« beau­ tiful Sunfrrte Creation» for desert? Created especially for this occasion they are packed in a special container— ready to serve. L A R G E T U R K E Y CENTERPIECE P U M P K IN CENTERPIECE Pecan Ice cream inland with crushed fruits Orange custard Ice Cream filled with fresh Cranberry Sherbert F A N C Y CENTER R O LLS . IN D IV ID U A L ICE CR EAM P IE S T U R K E Y D A Y CASES C. F. BREITHAUPT 61 ‘2 Stau» Strast T N oV . 14. 1 W N uv Migli Build iug FLORIST Full line of Bird and Fiali Food and Remedies NUTS Hu loin, • I’lione 380 * Oregon. /W W VW W SW.VAWWWWVVWVVVWV«WVWWyVWVaWW.VW' M fg . Co. T H E ICE CR E A M PIE T H E S Q U A R E C AK ES IN D IV ID U A L A U T U M N BASK ETS Special Individual Molds for November Place Your Order By November 37 Come in and Ask About tha Sunfreze Creations a O L D FISH • C A N A R IE S • LO VE BIRDS - P A R R O T S Turner Lumber CANDY R I C H E S C O N T T K C T IO E R Y W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, also W all Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, j Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slabwood in ^ four foot lengths. : ? W e desire to serve the public with Promptness and Efficiency. J v \ W W A V W V W W W V W W V W iW « M h V V V V ,A W W V W i('«’< V W W A ,A W lA W ;/ U W A V LE T US FIGURE YOUR BILL A V W V W W A V A V y W A f.V W / A W ; Pomeroy and Keene ^ PHONE S7S Locals It will begin at 7 :30 and all HARVEST SOME DRAWS GOOD CROWD are welcome. There will be outside talent and old time Salem’s Square Deal Jewelers Opticians. The HarVOpt Home program songs. Dr. Epley will have Mr. And Mia. J. M. Bones re­ ceived a letter from their son, and fair held by Surprise charge and that insures a good Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry Silverware. Hollis, who is on his way to Grange, in the I. O .O. F. hall time. 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. 5 Kansas City with Bridgeford last Saturday afternoon was ASLEEP IN JESUS i « W W V W M W / W A W / / A V W W V . V / M M W W . ,.W / / A V Brothers’ horses. He was some­ well attended by people of this where in Wyoming when the community. There was a good PAINLESS DENTISTRY A N D X-RAY WORX Gothliebin Baurer-Schifferer letter was written. exhibit o f farm produce and A ll Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices needlework. Several prizes was born in Wirttemberg, Ger­ Usa Your Credit Come in and talk it ov OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal were given. Raymond Titus many, May 13, 1856. There she Gardens every Wednesday and M A S O N IC T E M P L E . won the first prize on the best grew to young womanhood and aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 60c Phone 440 R.>* h on September 9, 1879, was five ears of corn which was two l.adi«s ¡¿6c. tf. married to John Schiffercr. one year Subscriptions to The Q u& ral C astrador and Builder I.. W. Robertson was a busi­ Tribune. "There was no other Five years later they came to ness visitor in Salem over the five ear exhibit. Arthur Ed­ this country, locating in Illinois Cenen! Work and Plumbing week-end. wards won first on the best five in 1884, where they lived for Route J. Turner, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. James Noah potatoes which was also two nearly ten years. In October. Delinquent accounts coilecteil oi. and Mrs. Melinda Chambers one year subscriptions to The 1893, they came to Oregon, lo­ contingent basis— We do the wo> Chiropractor cating on a farm in the Summit *-*-*-> shouidfer the expense and m.k were in Salem on business Fri­ Tribune. W. F- Gulvin won Neurooalometer Service chars* ucieiw collection is ma Hill district near Turner, where day. second on potatoes which was $2SO,OOQ Bad Accounts lurnad is- Phone 87. Reeidence 210-4J they have since resided. C a»k Since W e Started. W E H AVE CONNECTIONS a one year subscription to The Jot down a trial list of bad ones Mrs. Schifferer was the moth Ä5C N. High Street let us turn then-, into aetuai nrv with tha Hanacn-Bennett mag­ Tribuna. Arthur Edwards was ar of nine children. Tw o sons Sälen, Oregon Business Men’s Adjua azine agency, one of the larg­ the winner o f the prize for the died in infancy and a daughter. Company est in the country, which en­ best display o f farm products Louise, died in 1905, at the age which was a two year subscrip­ ables us to give you the best 415-16 Masonic Bldg. Pbon. of 21 years. Surviving her are Christmas Gift« For Early Selections, f i : [them SALEM. OREGON prices and service for your tion to The Tribune. the husband, John Schifferer; |NOW In the ladies division Mrs. magazine needs. See F. P. Row- three sons, Fred, John, Jr., and Eleanor Titus won first on ley at the Tribune Qffice. Reliable Druggist William, all o f Turner, and needle work which was a three daughters, Frieda of Tur­ The S. P. Co. have a tractor E. S. P R A T H E R luncheon set donated by Har­ ner, Mrs. Marie Stadelman of and plow working on the south TURNER : O R EG O N rison’s General Store. Mrs. Portland and Emma of Salem. end of the passing track.'They Nipple won second in the same Nine grandchidlren, one broth­ plan to lengthen the track 2000 division which was a box of er, Fred Baurer of Colton, Ore­ feet. It will then be long stationery given by E. S. Prath­ gon, and many other relatives enough to accommodate all er, Reliable Druggist. In the also survive her. trains. canned fruit division Mrs. Ed­ Mrs. Schifferer lived a sim­ “ Anyone *i«hing to plant Rye wards w on first and received a ple, beautiful Christian life of (irens acreage, i* requested to drop box of fancy chocolates given love «and patience. She was a in to the Oregon Ftxd A Flour Co. by Riches Confectionery. Mrs. true wife, a devoted mother V E T E R IN A R IA N * % Farris «von second on canned and a kind neighbor. She ever mill at Turner and engage eciue Day and Nigbt Servie# goods and received two cans of had the welfare of her loved «■ eoon ss convenient. ’’ STA YTO N — OREGON Elsinore brand canned goods— ones at heart and although she Carl Duncan, the local "cab­ pineapple and spinach. Mrs. had many a*hardship to bear, bage king,” says the crop will Gulvin won third in needle she was always patient and be short this year owing to the m w w w work and Mrs. Titus third in cheerful. dry weather and damage from On account of ill health she- lice, but for all of that he ex­ canned goods. K-O-CH During the program a vege­ was confined to her home much pects to harvest several hun­ dred pounds of good cabbage. table guessing contest was en­ of the time, for many years. joyed by all. Mrs. Gulvin and Wash Boilers, Tubs, Cooking F. P. Rowley tied and straws This kept her from taking ac­ Utensils, Brooms, Stove Pipe, were drawn for a large stick tive part in many activities she Stoves, Roofing Paper, Roof of candy, wjuch went to F. P. loved, but she ever thought of those who were unfortunate or Paint, Paint of all kinds, Rope, Rowley. in sorrow and her kind Nails, Knives, F.lectric Bulbs, Out of town visitors included Single Trees. Fork, Shovels and D. C. Smith of O. A. C., and thoughts were out to all she Lanterns. These and hundreds Fred Tooze of Salem, both giv­ knew. She was brought up in the of other articles is what Jensen ing Interesting talks. Mr. Smith Lutheran faith but shortly aft­ has to show you at very reason­ acted as judge of the farm pro­ er coming to Oregon she was able prices. Come in and look duce and gave some good them over. H. P. Jensen, Hard­ pointers on arranging these ex­ baptized and united with the First Germany Baptist church ware and Blacksmithing. hibits. About forty were seated of Salem of which church she Mr. and Mrs. Ves Lambert of at the long table for the fine was a member until her death. Stayton and Mr. and Mrs. Nip­ dinner which was served at She had a great love for her ple of West Stayton were in noon. church and the work of the Turner Saturday attending the church. Her patient, loving in­ Harvest Home program of Sur­ fluence was an incentive to prise Grange. noble living, not only to her own family, but to all who A V W S ftW W V W ^ W M ,lAV VVVV\VW AW JVVYVW VVVV^W Good Drop-head Sewing Ma­ 1 knew her well. chine, from $4.00 to $16.00. On September 9th of this The Bible school attendance White Sewing Machine Co. Sa­ WWW year, Mr. and Mrs. Schifferer last Sunday was 106 and lem, Oregon, Nexi to Dan Burns church attendance both morn­ celebrated their golden wed­ ll-24-4tp. Will open at ‘251 Coult Htreet, Salem, Saturday, Oct­ ding anniversary with all of A meeting has been called at ing and evening very good. ober 10, 1921). their children and grandchil­ the high school auditorium Fri­ The song special in the morn­ Formerly at .147 Court Street day evening, November 15, for ing given by Mrs. George Stan­ dren present. On November 8, 1929, she Umbrella, Key nnd Cutlery Store the purpose of organizing a ley and her sister was beauti­ peacefully passed away. She Community Club. This is not a ful and Harold Whitcraft sang 251 Court Street Salem , Oregon had reached the age of 73 town proposition. It is for the a special in evening that every Phone 2876J years, 5 months and 25 days. entire community. It is your one enjoyed hearing. Funeral services were held meeting. Attend and take part The evening sermon, given from her church in Salem, Mon­ in it. by the minister, Mr. Gilstrap. day, November 11. at 2 p. m., E ^ v ô L L Corner Liberty and Chemeketa Sts. Seed Bolls for dairy and was fine, being a patriotic ser­ with Rev. G. W. Rutach, pastor sheep feed can be had for $15 mon on world peace. It thrilled of the church in charge, assist­ Salem, Oregon. J/0.17+ per ton as long as it lasts at all hearts and left a lasting im­ ed by Rev. VVm. G raf of Beth­ Turner flax plant. pression of God’s relationship any. She was buried in the Odd Fellows cemetery near her J7iê Wanted— One small power to world events. W illa rd M ath is O rchestra P lgyin g YELLOW PENCIL \\ » “ «*— *•■ The chorus practice will be home. hay bailer. Must be in good 'nub th* RED BAND \ mechanical condition and Tuesday evening and a com­ Th« Tribun« »hop can print you? E. A .R o s e n b a u m , M g r . AGLEPENCIL CO. NEWYORKUSX priced right. Care Turner Trib- munity sing is planned for No­ buttar wraps, lattar hasds sad a » vember 22 in the h igh school. v dopas ►WW W V/VW VVW VW VVVW VW VW W W VW ii une’ . . . t & & Dr. O. A. Olsen, Dentist W . JAY DENHE/Vl i Dr. O. L. Scott “No Collection. No Cba;; DRUGS F. P. ROW LEY fi. F. KORINEK, V.S., B.V.Sc Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, 4 % Paid on six months Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Oregon. What Is Wronff With The American Home We have secured the services of an eminent sociologist and writer to prepare a series of articles to be published exclusively in the Turner Tribune begining next week. Don’t fail to read them. ANOUNCEMENT Alvin B. Stewart Every Saturday Night Castilion Hail »3