The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, November 07, 1929, Image 4

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In iho Circuit Court o f the State of
Oregon for th* County o f Mnrion.
1\iw ilm .nl No. 2. No. 2541.
W. if. McDonald. Halntitf.
l'urner, Oregon. Thursday NOV. 7 . 1920
3F. P. Knuilry. fcihlor
Issued Kyary T'lujreddy at Turner. Marion County, Oregon
J51.B6CRIDTION § 1.25 PKR YEAR. Entered at the Poatoffica
at Tumor, Oregon, as second-class matter, under the
Act o f March
The Ladies Aid did well at
both sales Inst work taking in a
neat sum of monay- There is a
Sr. C. E and Jr. C E. Both are
going fine ami having interesting
meetings at b:.W r . M.
Edna McDonald, Defendant.
To E<lna McDonald, defendant:
In the name o f the State o f Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
sn ffor the complaint filed againat you
in the above entitled court and cause
on or before four weeks from the date
o f the first publication o f this turn-
I mons, and if you fail to answer or |
1 appear herein, on or before said time,
for want thereof, plaintiff will apply ]
' to the said court for a decree dissolv- j
in* the marriajre contract and the j
bonds o f matrimony now subaiatlng) On« of the |Tu*d «njpyablo
between you and the plaintiff. W. M. |
McDonald, and for such other ana fairs hold (his fall was
Silver Tea
A t Small Home
further relief «s to the court may ap- monthly silver tea given by the
This summons is served upon you Idtdied Aid T>f thfl Methodist
by publication thereof one*. ■ * «k church, at the hpnte of Mrs. L
for four consecutive w ccn in i w
,, mt
, • A . .
Turner Tribune, a
weekly newspaper M. SlllHil.Thursuiy October SI.
"f general circulation published at
the nature of a
Turner in Marion county. Oregon,
pursuant to an order o f the Hon. Hallowe en party ana the doc-
J. C. Sicgmupd. Judge of the Count' orations were Hallowe'en novel­
Court o f the State o f Oregon for
J “ I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Uniteti States
combined with yellow,
Marion County, made and entered on ties
and the country for which it stands. One nation,
22nd day \ o f , October,
, the
- --------
. .. , 1929. , ,. white and pink chrpsanthetuums
indivisible, with liberty and justice forali.”
J I date of the first publication o f tin
thirty gu ests were pres­
summons is the 24th day of October, ent.
,» ...
, rv
A program with instructions
In The County Court. Far Marioa
^ O R E ^ O s I V e ° ‘N
A tto rn cy V p U in tiff. from the witches was cleverly
Ccunty, State Of Oregon
Notice is hereby given, that b>
Urn. O regon /
carried OUt This was followed by
In the matter of the Estate of virtu,* of an execution duly issue out ________ __ - - ~ —
devotional*. songs and readings.
Charles S. Parker, Deceased.
"N'otifo is hereby given that the
final account o f Jonahs Parker, a<J-
joLiistratrix of the estate o f Charles
S. Parker, deceased, has been filed
lit the County CdUrt of Marion Coun­
ty. Oregon, and that the 25th day of
November, 1929. at the hour of 10:00
o'clock, A. M. thereof, at the Court­
house at Salem, has been ket as the
time and place for hearing buy avid
un « M U . , w k * < M « » !
Adm r-istratru of the hstate
t S. rfttKft, deceases!.
tV. W. McKinney,
Attorney Ter Adminispratrix
Date of first publication Oct. 10
Date of last publication Nov. 7.
pi the Circuit Court o f the State o:
Oregon, for the County ot Marion
'.Pi u. harnham and E. J. Farnnam
her husband, PlatntifT;.
o: t!, t ln-uit Court o f the Stati o f
Oregon, for the County o f Marion and
fi me directed on the 16th day o f
October. 1929, upon a judgment and
Ui cree duly* rendered, entered o f
r.-ord and dock, ted in and by said
VS. w ^
N0TI(-E 0 F FIN AI SJtTTLEMENT R e fre sh m e n ts
A \% ’ A % W V .Y A W .\ h \ V V liV A W A V ;Y V .V .% W ,Y A \ \ h W .\ \ V \ > ,V V W A W W V V V W
k e e p in g w ith
Notice is hereby given that the un the Hallow’een
season were
I Jersigncd ha* filed in tho County
Itat# o f Oregon, for the J
„ ..
Countv of Marion. her ,lu!y verii.ed 1- M. Sm all. M re. J. W
R ansom
Portland Daily News
J^ u i K r S ;i ,H ..i ........I. J. .AtaM-ntH, .1 ,„d Ita . William S. Burgoyae.
the estate o f Marion L. P.nter. Do-1
ceased, and that said Court has fixed 1
; Tuesday, the 10th day of December, j
1929. at the hour of ten o’clock A. M.
of said day, as the time, apd tho
County Court Room in the County j
Court House, at Salem, ,n Marion
y in ¿ li(| exwlrtlon un,; L. r. in- County. Oregon, as the -plnce for hear
after described to pay the sum due the ing said final account and a.I objec-
La,t Saturday was marryin’
idalr.tiff o f 1574.00 with interest i tions thereto.
thereon at the rate o f S per cent per j [>ated at Turner. Oregon, this 30tll day for residents and former
annum from the 20th day of October.'
0( October, 1929.
residents of Turner. Clitford E ns-
192$, until paid and the furthe r sum ‘ '
.... .
.. „ „ „ t c d
of «75.00 attorney's fees, together
ley of Turner, and Miss Vivian
with the costs an«l disbursements o fj
Administratrix of the EsUt« ol
of Autnsville. were tnrr-
mid suit taxed at $17.00 and costs
nd expenses of said execution I will Konjlld c . clover,
l ried at the parsonaKv of the Firtt
•n Saturday, the 23rd day o f Novem-
I Christian church, by Rev. D. J
*er. 1 9 2 9 % t the hour o f 10 o ’clock • Attorney for Administratrix,
M. o f said day at the west door o f Salem, Oregon.
, ilowe. pastor of the church.
he county court house In Marlon
Meurl Ensley and Thelma
bounty, Oregon, ell at public auction I
o the highest bidder for cash in hand i Notice i- hereby given that the PaTliett w ere married at the
n the day of sale, all the right, title,
c ^ - V»
j S r t 'Xf.l
^ w . ' w -----
^ l -----
b w n .ffM n -
B ari P f-trcy . .1
merest and estate which said défend­ i OT VVUIt
ait a » ! all posons claiming under Orogon, duly made and entered on S^Jeni
h-.m subsequent to the execution of the 31st da> o f October. 1929, was n ___ r’p
he plaintiff's mortgage In, o f and-to appointed administratrix of the estate
aid premises hereinbe fore mentioned o f Mathilda Browning, deceased, anil McKay; Miss Mildred Tucker and
ni described in said execution as that she has duly qualified as such.
\ t - * r . , . . « » .. . . . ......... ;„.i ...
follows, to-wit:
| All persons having claims against »aid R Mr. Lyons were mat lied at
Beginning at a point on the East estate are hereby notified to present Vancouver. Washington last Sat-,
line o f the county road or 24th the sane' duly verified as required b>
Street 472.66 feet Southerly from law, at the offices o f Guy O. Smith, u ru .ij.
a point where the East line o f 24th 403 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg., j J.. B. Haworth filld Ml'S. R uby
Street intersects the North line o f in the City o f Salem, Marion C cu n t).
^ :.e w e n
tw o w eek s
the D. L. C. o f A. F. Waller and Oregon, with r
x months from th U. S m illl Were O U rrw a tw o VteeKS ,
wife, said point being the center date o f this notice, to-wit: November Hg 0 Saturday in Salem, Mr. H i - j
line o f the State Sewer; thence *. 1929.
wixrtH In em n lev ed on th e section
Easterly at right angtei to th.
W 01 tn 13 cmpicj cU on m e section
county road or 24th Street 200 Administratrix of the Estate o f \ for the Southern I acific Com-
feet along the center line o f said
Mathilda Browning, Deceased.
pany. Altogether "Han Cupid”
Sov r; thence Northerly parallel to
the county road or 24th Street 50 tj Mtornef f™Ad.
_____ has had a prosperous two weeks,
feet; thence Westerly at right
in Turner.
angles to the county road or 24th I
our uouai
usual vust
custom the
u u w iu g vui
Street 200 feet to the East nne
line oi
of ^
«aid county rood or 24th street; S e c r e t a r y O I
b l a t e Tribune will be sent to all newly
thence Southerly along the East
married couples free for one
line o f the county road or 24th
Street to the place o f beginning,
If we have overlooked you
all located in Salem, Marion Coun­
let us know.
ty. Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re­
demption in the manner provided by­
Dated this 21st day o f October, • Hazards of night driving will
bJ considerably lessened during
Sh riff o f Marion County, Oregon, the coming winter months if Sec-
retary of State Hal E. Hoss is
court pending, wherein Dora Kune,
was plaintiff and A. E. Bradley and
VrrgH? M. Bradley, his wife, and E. T.
Amistiong were defendants in favor
i f f and against said o e fe
U n u i l N o y e m b e r 15
Nuptial Day
For Turner
Cornelia A. Davis, Henry Clintct
Davis. Marx Josephine Davis Clem
e n t , John Doe Clement. t\ illian.
Preston Davis, Eltha Davis, Althe
Davis. John Davis, Charles Dnvis,
I rani Davis, the unknown heirs ot
Joseph Dax-is, deceased; the un­
known heirs o f Catherine Davis, de­
ceased; the unknown heirs o f Jona.
Davis, deceased; Jane Doe Smith
the wife o f H. W. Smith; also, all
other parties and persons unknown
having or etaiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in and to
the real property described in the
eomplaint herein, DefendantS-
the Defendants above named:
. name of the State o f Oregon. hereby required to appear
. _aswer the c. mpiaint ti>d against
o.. in the above entitled court am.
a use on or before November 14th,
1929, that being the time prescribed
by the court in the order for the pub­
lication o f this summons upon you and
four weeks successively from the 'late
i t the first publication thereof; and
if you fad so to appear and answer,
for want thereof, plaintiffs will take
a decree against you that they are the
owners in fee simple and in possession
e f the following i|ef:ribed prem;.es,
io -« it:
Beginning at the Southwest cor­
ner of a certain tract o f land set
apart to Allie G. Farnham in the
partition suit o f Mary A. Sweet x-s.
Allie G. Farnham, et aL, being suit
number 7705 in the Circuit Court
e f the State o f Oregon, for the
successful in his plans to elimi­
County o f Marion; and runnn.,.
nate the "one-eyed” automobiles
tnence Blast along the South line
pf said tract o f land 52.64 chains
or ''***°
cars with
light j Jos. Robl, who lives north of
n,w* w
**v w
mv “ head
v**“ "°***|
to the middle of the county road,
'.Sublimity, called at the Mail office ‘
leading first« Turner to Marion; in the Circuit Court of the State of from Oregon highways.
thence North 10 degrees and 15
O rtion. for Marion County. D e -j "There is no excuse for so with a large peico of coal, which
minutes E&st along the middle of
.•aid road lt> 33 «Bains to the North James'Harold Humphrey«, Plaintiff.
manj' Ca” . °P«™tin* £ ith J™1* WAS found in a well he and his
line o t sain tr*ct p i lgnd £*t off t°
light, sa >’9 Mr. Hoss, brother were digging at their
sard Allie <3- Fhrqhatn; thence W est
"and I |am determined to see ^ farm.The coal was discovered at
along the North line o* said tract o f J Mildred Humphreys, Defendant
land « 4.4 i chains to the Northwest To diiiite-i Humphrey*, defendant conditions improved over what a depth of about 21 feet, the lay-
Comer o f said tract; thence South
? J
,i* ram i
they have been. I expect soon to er being aboutone foot through,
0 degrees and 59 ndnutea Wort
along the W#^t line of said tract of you ar'r heri.-h
- * -d to appearand issue general instructions to the They secured a trailer full of it
ijnfi 8
chains: thence South 1
k4 chain*;
the cr -.piaint filed agumat you state traffic patrol to wage relent it and he «ays it burns like any
8 rrre West a Ion* the W eit line of ai.-wer
in the above entitled court and caune
, ..
" . . .
tract o f land . 7.61 chains
. to on or before four weeks from the d?te less u ar against the
one-eyed other coal. After they passed
the place o f beginning, anti being^a &f the
publication of this sum- automobiles, and will ask all through the coal strata they
oart o f the Joseph Davis and wife
D. L. c. No. 43 in Township 9 iTiv wtr*iiaiii ! complaint^y ' aid''dat'-'! sheriffs, town marshals and other found blue sand, which we be-
South Range 2 West of the Willam­ for want thereof, the plaintiff will re -1 lieve is an indication of oil
ette Meridian, Marion County, Ore­
and quieting their title thereto and exi: t rj: between your?df and the cessary to take violators into office.—Stayton Mail.
enjoining you
from —
r '' - *•*•*
7 ; —-« any
- - . pia:ntifT, and for a decree giving the
. .
. .
n or or claim to said propi
interest in
property | custody and control o f the minor chil- court, in audition to giving warn-
plaintiff anil
an<l defendant
defendant to
to the
the jngs
ings I wil issue orders to that
adx'. roe to plaintiffs.
j piren
dre-n o 01
f plaintiff
,, ^ ’
. . . .
Service o f this summons upon you plaintiff,
pluint'ff, namely,
narnely, Marguerite, Jeane,
Heretofore (Violators have
ky publication is made by order o f the
Honorable Percy R. Kelley, judge of sjc I i other relief as to this court ap- gotten off with Warnings, but I
the Circuit Court o f the State o f Ore­ pears just and equitable.
gon. at Salem, Oregon. October 10t’n,
You are further notified that this beleive the offense serous enough
1929, and the date o f the first publi­ summons 13 serx ed upon you by pi.bii-, to justify a fine. A combination
cation hereof is October 17, 1822.
cation thereof in The Turner Tribune, i .
a weekly newspaper o f general cir- OI Wet pavement, high Speed,
(nVJOfltN.U.IrM ci . asx )
Attorney fo r Plaintiffs. eulation, printed and publi -hed ¡n ' and a car with one headlightonly
Ladd & Bush Bank Bldg., Salem.
The football «quad practiced
that the date o f the fir. t publication results too often m an accident
several of the alumni last
thereof will be on the 24th day o f Mortorists are urged to lend their
October, 1929., and that the date o f
. .. .
- _ on
__J P cooperation in thi3 campaign
Notice is hereby given that tbe the last publication thereof will be
James Denyer was absent from
undersigned, by an order o f the t h e d a y o f November, 1929, and keeping both headlights in prop-
r school Monday as a result of
County Court of Marion County, that said summons will be published;
State o f Oregon, duly made and en­ one.- a week for n period o f four con- ®r working ord er,
tered on the 17th day o f October, secutix-e weeks pursuant to tho order!
----- «—
1929, was appointed executric«s of o f the Honorable Percy R. Kelly,
The football team will meet
the estate or Martha Jane Crowley judge o f the above court, which order \
their old rival Stayton Friday, !
end that they bav? duly qualified as was made and entered o f record In '
All persons havihg- elaim* this cause on the 19th day o f October, I
N jv , 8 at Stayton. The student
against said estate are hereby notified 1929.
will accompany the team
to present the same, duly verified as
required bv law, at the offices of
Attorney for Plaintiff, j
on this trip.
Kowitz & Cook, 401 Bank o f Com­ 403 Salem Bank o f Commerce Bldg., I
There will be no school Nov. 11
merce building, in the City o f Salem,
The fine weather has helped in
Salem, Oregon.
Marion County, Oregon, within six
Day A football game
the attendance, no doubt, as ev­
months from the date o f this notice,
with Aumsville,
40 -wit: October 31, 1929.
somewhere, why not go to Sun- there on that day
Mrs. Thelma Ensley a former
day School and church. The last
o f the Estate o f Martha
.Ivor ''" 'w le y . Deceased.
three Sundays have been fine for lTl,rn,*r hi*h 3choo! »tudent visit-
Xha Trifcuna shop can print your
numbers and interesting meet- ct^ school Monday.
Obtained. Send model _____w
or sketch
Lter wraps, letter hatda and eiy
and wc wiH promptly
The Turner high school orches­
fll s»nd y«u •
op os.
report. Our book On P a in ts and
which is compoted of eight
There was a baptising last
Tra^lo^marks will bd sctlt to you
on request.
Sunday. The chorus singing di-: pieces, held their first practice
Turner Tribune
Subscription Agent
Magazines and Periodicals
I h Much Smoother
For The Men Who
Dress Well
It ebsts no more
to *et
S tylish Clothes
S trictly A ll W ool
M ade-to Measure
Fights Driving
305 Seventh SL, Washington. D. C -
rectedby Dr. Epley will
day evening and there
Kl^cia's on the program
songs each evening.
ments this Tuesday.
E. J. Harrison
Giotral MorcuoOli«
Before You Go Away
*— p l a n le is u r e ly w i t h y o u r o tv n
S o u th e rn
the M.u
When you order from us
Finds Coal on His
Farm North of
r 5 .'“ is r.s rs a ; p»«» wa.«.« « * »¡n b. M lefl, |)t.icc of CM,
$ 3.00
One Year
P a c ific
'c a l f
indud.-J in fhc
Mwiiam Webucr,
A oi sircgm/ii,
hruiJttil, tn,hi
tain. Bahaitm,
ftmiii, etc.
names »ml
place*ar« lined such
U Cttktr, SmJUrt. Slain, Uuua, etc.
Constantly improved *ad kept up
to date.
Get The Beat
The "Suprem e Authority ’
in (turtt, nllepi, tch-h, m,! »m. ng
iwuat official) both T.Jctal and
4J1.000 entries including 408,000
tncakicUry term», 32,000geographical
subjects, 12,000 biographical entries.
Ovet 6,000 illuvrationt, and 100 id-
udhU tablet.
Stood for Fm, $ru\ richly illuirratc.l
pamphlet containtag umplt pages of
the New Intmadoual
G. A C . Merriam Company
flprlagfieltl, Moss.
be 'lues-; last Thursday. The orchestra is
will be directed by Mr. and Mrs.Thom-
and new a* of Salem. They also have
Refresh- several private students for vio-
| l'n an(l piano.
a g e n L*
Avoid the horrid
choice of out-of-
town buying. Sturt
on your trip con­
fident that you are goinfl
the best way, and that no
annoying complications
will mar it.
Whether it is a trip of a
day or a month, South or
East, to San Pran-
cisco or toEuropc,
y o u r resident
«gent can be of
utmost value to you.
In buying "tra vel” re­
member the slogan of your
local merchants, 'It pays to
buy in your own home
r n P a c ific
H. S. Bond, Agent