.r m T he T urner T ribune you xiv. TURNER, no . ij o b jm ö * , TH URSD A Y . 1 B U I& C R IP T IO N f t N O V . 7. 192». !'V II v jn .’a Locals Read the ads this week They contain worth while messages. SSRW W P ■ ■ - — - -0 •• ■■■.» . . . — - ANOUNCEMENT M M »« I ! Gloves, Furies, Hand Pag* Suit Casas and many other arti­ tk . Will open at 25 L Coutt Street, Salem, Saturday, Oct­ cles made o f leather suitable for ober 19, 1929. gifts for all occasions. Tell us Formerly at 317 Court Street your HARNESS needs. F. E. Shafer, 17fi S. Commercial St. Ba- Umbrella, Key uud Cutlery Store lem, Oregon- 251 Court S tr ee t Salem , Oregon We carry in stock Rough and Dressed Howard Baker received an in­ Phone 2876J Shingles (highest quality) five grades t Ic.t jury to his elbow while working 512 NUitu Strottt *N«w Uligh Building in the ditch for the Portland G m from, also Wall Board, Paint, Doors, W Company. He hit hia elbow on the Cfdar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile and Slab A’OC sharp edge of the concrete pave­ ment which puntured the joint G O L D F IS H - C A N A R IE S - L O V E B IR O S • P A R R O T S four foot lengths. F E C T IO N E R V enough to release some of the Full lln* of Bird and Fish Food and Remedies joint water. FEATURING We desire to serve the public with Prom; Salem, • IT iooo 8*0 - Oregon. Chas Little was in Salem on and Efficiency. business Friday afternoon. r Murray Willis, whoieemployed LET U6 FIGURE YOUR BILL PHON - . V / W W W W M V W W / / A W W 1 W W / / A W J W M W W on the Western Union line crew made a short visit at home Sun­ % day. A. E. Bradley is working a full Salem's Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. crew at the flax plant. This is proving one of Turner’s going Diamonds Watches Clcoks Jewelry & Silverware. rCKlHTMN SERVICE—'LUNCHES ..*961111 s i a w iiiswm — SM W sW R M uw atafr.:^fv y k, industries. 379 State, St. Salem, Oregon. Mrs. Bloom and family enter­ tained with a Hallow’een party PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WORK Thursday night. All Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Price* Mrs. L. J. Rowley and son Next Saturday is the day of ¡VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY U m Your Credit Come in and talk it over Paul motored to Amity Friday the Harvest Home program and! Reconditioned for a visit with friends and rel­ fair sponsored by Surprise Used C a rs M A S O N IC T E M P L E . FA cE ! atives. Residen?. 7TS I Phone 440 FORDS Grange. Besury and hear thej IWWiI WE HAVE CONNECTIONS program and seethe display ofModel a Roadster—4000 aitks... I 664« t o _____ 86 contingent basis. We do th C hiropractor last week. Mr. McKinney took 1921 1921-21 Coupee, f 25 t o _________ 45 shoulder the expense and r . magazine needs. See F. P. Row- Neurocalom eter Service down several head of fine Here­ 1924 Roadster«, box, 845 t o ___ 76 charge unless collection L ley at the Tribune Office. $290,004 Bad A »»unU tur ford cattle and offered them for i.hone 87. Residence 2104J OTHER MAKK8 Cask Sis** We St- rt Mr. Bennett, who recently sale- Jot down a trial list of bid C hrysler 68 Bad a n _______________ 426 256 N. H igh Street let us turn them into actúa traded farms with Mr. Farnam Charlqp Hebei was in Turner • p ctlalN lu d ettro u g b a m _________ 450 Salem, Oregon of Marion, moved seme of of his one day last week. Business Men's Adj ; 1W2S S u p c p filt Eaaax Coaob ___ 425 Company 1920 Dodge M i d _____________ 360 goods to his new home Saturday. Mr. Farnam will be located in C. F. Bones. Who has been con- Wa b a re a used trac k rear eud with 415-16 Masonic Bldg. IT.c- fiaed to the house for several gear abift. Dlac Tulip Specials $1.00 $1.50 In Gift SALEM. OREGON Turner soon. Open Evening». weeks is slowly improving. Packages Mrs. George Naderman and VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY family; of 8alem, attended the Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Theissen SALEM Reliable Druggist PHONE 1995 Silver Tea at the home of Mis. L. entertained with a Hallow'een C enter and Liberty Sts. E. S. PRATHER masquerade party at their home M .Small, last Thursday. TURNER i: OREGON The weekly vollybal! games at Friday evening. The house dec­ The Oregon Historical Society has selected ‘The Admission of t e gymnasium are proving very orations, gaases and refresh­ Oregon to Statehood” as the sub­ ments were i i keeping ¡with the popular. There was a good at­ ject for the 1930 C. C. Beekman tendance last Monday night Re­ History Prizes and Medals. Prizes 0 „ p.,£ivei} returned member this is not for any or.« f . will be awarded for the best four church but is a community affair. in i« .-* ™ . original essays on the above The Riches Confectionery hare visit with relatives at Bremerton. named subjec written and sub­ the honor of displaying the first Wash. mitted by girls and boys over VETKttlNAPJAN electric #ign in Turner. This very WakteAkhe? came over from fifteen years of age and under Day a n d N i g h t Sarvica attractive sign was installed by Monmouth to spend the week eighteen years of age, attending the Western Dairy Products end at home. OREGON STAYTON any public or private school in Company who handle Sunfreeze hire. Margaret Duncan came the state of Oregon. Four prizes icecream. up from Salem Thursday and will be given, sixty, fifty, forty V M V W W W IW A W M A W W V V V A V tW A Y W V W V Hollis Bones, who has been was the house guest a few days and thirty dollars. at the Pacific International Live­ at the C. A Bear home. Mrs F. C. Delzel* now has three stock Exposition which closed Duncan was a resident of this Gray horses having purchased a last week expects to go east with community a few years ago. gray team at Saturday’s sale, Bridgeford Brothers string of Rev. E J Gilstrap was a busi­ i hey are Betty, Billie and Biddy. show horses. ness visitor in Eugene, Wednes­ This permits old John, who has done faithful work for so many The Taylor and Thomason day of last week. sales last week attracted large Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edwards years to retire. caowds and the livestock and spent a few days ia Portland At the Grange Harvest Home other goods offered went good. last week. program and fair, special prizes No More Rust, Pitting, Corrosion or Leading Good Drop-head Sewing Ma Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris will be offered for the best dis- An Accurate Fire Always chine, from $4.00 to $15.00. moved to the Four S. logging p’ay of canned fruit and vegeta­ White Sewing Machine Co. Sa­ camp. Sunday, where Mr. Mor­ bles and a'so for the best needle work. There will be competent lem. Oregon, Nexi to Dan Burns ris ia employed. jhdges to make the awards. This ll-24-4tp. “ A nyone w ishing to p la n t Rye will be held in the afternoon [and George Given received a badly Q rnrs acreage, is requested to drop will be open to the pub‘ic. burned hand last week. While in lo the Oregon Feed & F lour Co. Mrs. E'eanor Titus, of Craw­ cutting wood for Eliot Ball he m ill aV T u rner and engage asmo ford, was in lutner Wednesday as eoon as c o n v en ien t.” mashed a thumb done up with making final arrangements for bandage soaked in turpentine. The W. C. T. U. will meet the Grange fair. While attempting to light his pipe Wednesday afternoon Novem The school census just com­ lW A \V .V M W V .W rtV .V % W A V .W « W the bandage caught fire and be­ her 13 with Mrs. Charles Stand pleted shows a list of 28 more ÄVWVWWVWVWWVWYYWWÄV fore it could be extinguished the ley Sr- A report of the recent the thumb and part of the hand state convention will be given al names of children eligible to draw school money than one year was quite badly burned. so the subject of narcotics will be ago. J M. Bones hauled rock last discussed. All members and NOTICE week to build a rockery on the friends urged to be present if A complete stock of Rccleaned Grains, Grass awn at The Bonlea Farm. Next possible. Notice is hereby given that a j J Seeds, Pasture Mixturs, Burn Mixtures, Clovers, Summer when this is filled with F. C. Delzell, a farmer on road district meeting will be held :? lowers it will add to the attrac­ Route 2. was a business visitor at Cloverdale Schoolhousein road Alfalfa, etc. tiveness of the lawn. District No. 45 in Marion, Coun-jS in Salem, Monday. All rccleaned in the best possible manner OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal Charles Mote, a former stud­ ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th 'S Gardens every Wednesday and ent of Turner high school, was day of November, 1929, at 2 o’-|< and sold at the low est possible (^ices, quality aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c a turner visitor recently. He is clock P. M. for the purpose of jfc considered. Ladies 25c. tf. working for a transfer company levying an additional tax for road purposes in said district. E. O. Carden and family, of in Salem this w’inter. J, C- Siegmund Also Common ane Hungarian Vetches, Fall Corner Liberty and Chemeketa S Pleasant Point, visited one day Mrs. F. C, Gunning left Mon­ County Judge. Rye, Fall Earley Cheat Seed etc. last week with his brother-in-law day for Ban Francisco for a Salem, Oregon. Charles Ramsdell, and family, weeks visit kith her brother Ned Durfee and wife, also Mrs. Lath, near Aumsville. ern and family. Mrs. Lathern is Best Quality harness made in Willard M athis Orchestra Playing neice of Mrs. Gunning and made our own shop. Satisfaction guar Have your envelopes printed with P H O N E 1 6 0 . 2 61 S T A T E ST. SA L E M . O R E G O N antced. Prices from $40.00 to her home with her aunt for a , our return address, The Tribune E. A . R osenbaum , Mgr. $t>5.00 F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com number of years when a young can do the mifc ,\w v) .mercial St Salem, Oregon. girl. Alvin B. Stewart Turner Lumber Mfg. Co. I Ç. F. PREITHAUPT FLORIST Pomeroy and Keene yogas’* Chocolates Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist W. JAY DENHE/Vl Dr. O. L. Scott DRUGS F. P. ROWLEY G. F. KOKINEK, Vi.. B.V.Sc Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE Turner, Oregon. R E M IN G T O N 4 % Paid on six months (U. M. C.) Kleanbore Cartridges Shur Shot Shells Time Deposits Fire and : Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Shur Shot Shells 12 Ga. Any size shot 16 Ga. Any size shot $1.00 .90 BALL BROTHERS’ TURNER, OREGON FALL SEEDS Old Time D ance Every Saturday Nighl 1 Castilion Hail D. A. White & Sons I £