f that »aid lummotu will bo published once a week tor a period o f four con- socutive week» IH .r.u .atto the eider THE TURNER TRIBUNE Turner, Oregon. Thursday OCT 31. 1929 I f. JJ. Ruudfii. Cftitur Issued Every Thursday at Turner, Marion C o u n ty , divided into «v iolon » aud «h . divia- ion« which had th* highest grade« for the previous six weeks were lion, ored by ihe side having the lowet K. A. TOWNFR. | average of grade a. iney »«rvvd Attorney for Plaintiff. »uuuwiches, jeno and pick.es. 403 Salem Hank o f t'omr.tcrce B ldg.,1 Mr. and Mr*. Ihomai of Salem Sclent. Ota got;. | aie the music teacher» this year. they give lessen, every Thursday. SUMMONS | tors. IVarcy purchased a perch bog In the Circuit Court o f the Stato o f j Oregon tor the County o f Marion. recently filled with beautiful flower I et ditlervnt kinds, which was placed 1' "uirtmcr.X No. ‘J. No. '->*1. in the front of her room. Thin W. M. McDonald, Plaiuuff. VS. makes the room very attractive. Edna McDonald, Defendant. Te Edna McDonald, defendant: In the name o f the State c f Oregon, VNNUAI. IIO^S’ HOME |)A1 THURSDAY. OCT. 31 you are hereby required to appear and answer the .omplainr bled against you The last Thursday of October, in the above entitled court and can»-.' on or before four weeks from the date each year ia known ns Turner Boy»’ o f the first publication o f this sum­ Home Day. Those wishing to help mons, and it you fail to answer or LhU splendid work and encourage appear here in, on tim*. thfW flIlc wil will leave their gift» for want thereof. will apply . , . < plaintiff „ < , l«,crve ili-soiv- " llh to the said court . for fo r a a decive di-soh- • p*’” at •« the home on that mir the marriage yonttacl and th. date. Mis. wo#-o and the boya are bonds o f matrimony now subsisting' receiving front - to 5 p. m., at a tea between vou and the jdaintitf, W. M. ,,n that day. McDonald. ahT for ich oth. r and l{ov £ j . C.iUtrap, the Pastor of further relief a to the court may a p -' t!w ljcaj t;hnstian church, u th. ju d g e -------------- - . was made and entered o f record in this cause on the 19th day of October. Oregon SUBSCRIPTION $1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at the Poutoffic« »■ i*t Turner, O n io n , ns second-class matter, under tke Act of March 3, 1879. _________ __ \ “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United Slates and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for nlL” Disregarding Traffic Signals Traffic r g n s aré being disregarded ev try day. These eigne are plrccd f»r tho safely Of the travellin g public and if ib e r were oboved •S tlrey ib t u!d be there would be f»w rr '»ciiden to a:ul travel on k highway would be wafer ar. I m ire e*>ior»L!o. The last Morion of the 1 ' i . ’ ature pa.-B»d a l » w riqu irin g all ca rs to r o iu - to a full slop before Bata ing a through I ightray from a eido road, an i vet. erery day too c . u pick up the fapera and reed w tere some one ha* b»en arreetrd and fined for driving into a tlironrh h g h w « v from a side roa i t i t u t atepph.g Th* A l p l i i i d u t » ( Mrs. lY .rvyu held a lunch together at the g> in, #l noon Ul.tllS, r 2tth- Th, c |a, 4 u ^ Th ia* Vu nunorw** i «* serve d uP«a yon! manager o f the home Many favor- by publication thereof once a w e e k * able comment* arc bvinj made «bout for four consecutive weeks in The this institution. T om er Tribune, a weekly newspaper o f gvnera! circulation published at Turner in Marion County, Oregon, pursuant to an order o f the Hon. J. C. Siegmund. judge o f the County Court of the State o f Oregon for Marion County, made ami entered on Mrs. Laura Baldwin of Malern the 22nd day o f October. 192*». are further notified that the You «re t ' 0 I spent several d a y s last week w ith date o f the first publication o f this ’ ^ ■ im no ns is the 24th day o f Ortobor, a ll's. 1 . L - 1 honuU'Oll. 1929. and P w m acy . Mr. »«'d Mrs. Bruce Attorney for plainti'T. daughters Lois and Thelma of (OretumiiM, SPECIAL Until October 31 Dfiily $ S .0 Q Daily and Sunday $7.00 With tlie Tribune $5.i>0 Cf $7.50 .VW,.SV kV W W *A V W W »hiV \iSV N V yA V W .N -W V W A V W N i% % V W SV n,V .\N V V \V »> V V N W V W »W A S Portland Daily News tinnii November 15 ^ Gervai* spent Sunday afternoon W hv thr.v c a n t o ! realise that l!ie?e a gue are eo placed and tratVc K*W nrore«il,Mtol0,h“ ____________________at the R. O. Witiel home. Mrs. laws ess.ed fer «her* ' v n ssfelT as wpli M o th s ««- Y ou c e o read every ------------------- —--------------------- Crawford day where soaiecwi- h.«s been arrested for tailing to »top at through NOTICE OK FIN AL 8ETTLEMLN 1 B ru ce tau gh t lile (treets in our ueighlm fing cifv uf S a l t o . . Notice is hereby given that the un- sch ool fo r lo u r yeiiiS- ' del-signed har. filed in the County j j r anj p nu| Ia our O V - city tom e time ago the curb m s painted ypllow for » Court of the State o f Oregon, for the , w . Walker distance B achqkio from the I f . n i s c n corner as a warning for au tou ts County of Marion, her duly verified nnd ch ild re n W arren an d Alona to i a-k far enough back to interfere with the turn. Yet every d ay cars Fi i»l Account, as Administratrix of o f P ortla n d sp en t ru n d a y w ith One Year will park in this space when there is usuah Jpleuty o f room to park ^ [h a t^ a T c o n -a h -T fi^ il ^ rs> W alker'’ s p a ren ts M r. ar.d vth*r (daces that are juat as handy. \\ hy the m ctorisl will do things Tuesday, the joth day of December. M rs. P . E . T lU M M * » . that plac » th oirli.e and pr.'p -r y ia direct jgapnrdy is beyond u*. j tt»C9, at the hour o f ten o'clock A. M. »Jr. a n d M rs. G e o r g e K e rch o f of said day, as the time^ apd^tho j;tuytr the County o f Marion and to rhe directed on the 16fh day of ! FRANKIE D. PORTER. p e Ct to tp nd s o u e tim e w ith final account o f Jennie Parker, ad­ October, 1929, upon a judgment and I ministratrix o f the estate o f Charles decree duly rendered, entered o f j Mai ion L. Porter, Deceased th eir d a u g ltle r in - tock ton , C ali­ S. Parker, deceased, has been filed record and dcckrted in and by said forn ia . T n ey are haviHR a pub­ in the County Court o f Marion Coun­ court on'the 2jth day o f September. Ronald C. Glover. lic au ction Chturda-v. M r. and Attorney for Administratrix, ty, Oregon, ar.d that the 25th day c t 1929, iq a c»riain suit then in said November, 1929. at the heur o f 10:03 court pending, wherein Dora Kunev Salum. Oregon. Mrs. Heckle^ are living tempo­ o’clock, A. M. thereof, at the Court­ was plaintiff end A. E. Bradley and rarily in Mr. Lauther’s house un­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS house at Salem, has been set as the Virgie M. Bradley, his wife, ami E. T. j Armstrong were defendants in fav.or J Notice is hereby given that the til Mr. and Mrs. Thomason can time and place fo r hearing any and o f plaintiff and against said defend- j undersigned, by an order o f the all objections to said final account ants, A. E. Bradley and Virgie M. County Court o f Marion County. giv« possession. Bradley, and each o f them, by which g ^ te o f Oregon, duly mad» and en- Mr. aud -Mrs. Raymond Titus JENNIE PARKER . executipn I am commanded to sell the tered on the 17th day o f October. Administratrix o f the Sstate o ’ * property in kaid execution and herein- 1909 . was appointed executrices of were business visitors. Charles S. Parker, deceased. ! after uescribed to pay the sum due the ,h«, * * ^ 1 * o f Martha Jane Crowley t plaintiff o f $574 00 with interest j that they have duly qualified as W. W. McKinney. i thereon at the rati; o f 0 p^r cent per such All persons having claims Attorney for Administratrix annum from the 20th «lay o f October, I attain;4t »aid estate are hereby notified ’ 1929 ■'2d, uuul paid and the further sum | to pres^nt the same, duly verified ai Date of .fi{st publication Oct. 10 o f $75.00 attorney’s fees, together required by law, at the offices o f Date o f last publication Nov. 7. with the costs and disbursements o f Kowiti & Cook, 491 Bank of Corn- said suit taxed at $17.00 and costs merce building, in the City of Salem, SUMMONS Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stand­ and expenses o f said execution. I ^ ill Marion County, Oregon, within six In the Circuit Court-of. the State c f on Saturday, the 23rd day c f Novem­ months from the date o f this notice, by spent Sunday a ith Mr. and Oregon, fo r the County o f Marion. ber, 1929, at the hour o f 10 o'clock to-wit: October 31, 1929. Mrs. L. E. Hennies. Allie 6 . Famham and E. J. Famhanf. A. M. o f said day at the west door o f RACHAEL CARI.OTTA CROWLEY, the county court house in Marion MARY MINONA LEONARD. her husband. Plaintiffs. Miss Gertrude Anderson of Al­ County, Oregon, sell at pubiic auction Executrices o f the Estate o f Martha bany spent Sunday with her pa­ v e . ............... to the highest bidder for cash in hand Jane Crowlny, Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. William Cornelia A. Davis, Henry Clinten on the day o f sale, all the right, title, ------------------------------------------------------ - rents interest and estate whieh said défend­ Davis, Mary Josephine Davis Clem- ! Anderson. e n t , John Doe Clemeht, William | V ” and, ^ Persons claiming under Mr. and Mrs. Simpson ha\$ Creston Davis, Eltha Davis, Altha ‘ aiLC ‘ ‘ „d to Davis, John Davis, Charles Davis, ! '-■•e plaint jff s mortgage in, o f ani to sold their farm and moved to Sa­ Frank Davis, the unknown heirs o f sal'1 premises hereinbefore mentioned Joseph Davis, deceased; the un­ an 1 described in said execution as lem. known heirs o f Catherine Davis, de­ follows, to-wit: Mrs. Fred BchilTerer spent a Beginning at a point on the East ceased; the unknown heirs o f Jonas ( by jocrkali - m CI.APs) line o f the county road or 24th Davis, deceased; Jane Doe Smith, week in Portland visiting rela­ Street 472.66 feet Southerly from A mingled chorus o f lament and the wife o f H. W. Smith; also, all a point where the East line o f 24th surprise arose on the aatmosphero tives . other parties ami persons unknown Street intersects the North line of f i the Turner High school Campus. Having or claiming atijr right, title, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cook went | I the D. L. C. o f A. F. Waller and estate, lien or interest in and to w ife, -aid point being the center Monday, October, 28, when I’ l-ofos- £a[ern 0n buS'lleSS Monday. the real property described in the - state Sewer; thence tn vu vm j. line o f - the --- -- ------------ ---------, »or Cox handed out the report cards lu complaint herein, Defendants. Easterly at right angles to the for the firet six week* which has »c Mrs. Fliflet. Palma and Oscar To 1he Defendant* above nam ej; county road or 24th Street 200 rapidly sped away. I Flifltit v dre visitors at the home1 , lr\ the name o f the State o f Oregon, feet along tho center line o f »aid ( Lftst pr^ay afternoon the- football , . ^ j rs Arthur Kunke ^ you nre'hefVhy' teqaired to appear Sewer; thence Northerly parallel to C ..r«> u tvknvn th o u O l A » * * and answer the complaint filed again*; the county roail or 24*h Street 50 “**u* u I!'-'’. you in the above entitled court and feet: thence Westerly at right were taken into camp by the Gervau J l t a a y . cause on or tefore November 1 1th, M r and M rs. J oh n M ader, o f angles to the county road or 24th eleven to tn« von* Of 20 to o. it w a. 1929, that being the tifne pKscr.bcd •: * Street 200 teet to the East line o f a bKter piilto swallow but tno boys By the court in'the Order for the pub­ .aid county road or 24th Street; were back Monday afternoon pra<-t- C o lfa x , W a sh in g ton , SjXint B ine- lication o f this summon* upon yoq ai.d thence Southerly a lon g. the East icing hard for the stayton tusdc ral d a y s wi t h M r. and M rs F red four weeks suchessiviJy from the date line o f the county road or 24th which will be played November tht* .'rohiflerer. M rs. M ad ar is M rs. o f the first publication thereof; and Street to the place o f beginning. 8th at Stayton. The squad ns well , . _ . . . if you fail so to appear and answeg, all located in Salem, Marion Coun- ,, j would like to fo r want thereof, plaintiffs will take tv. Oregon. j the Student Body - -, ^chifTerer s sister. a decree against you that they are the Said sale being made subject to re- »*© a large number of Tumerites af owners in fee simple and in possession demption in the manner provided hy possible there. Be sure to tee the : NOTICE Of the following described premises, law. big game o f the season on Armistice j to-wit; Notice is hereby given that a Dated this 21st day o f October, Day, Nov. 11, when Turner tackle* ■ Beginning at the Southwest cor­ 1929. the warriors of fMach Empoy at road district meeting will be held ner o f a certain tract o f land set O D. BOWER. Aumaville. According to the dope at Clovfcrdale Schoolhouse in TOail apart to Allie G. Famham in the Sheriff o f Marion County, Oregon. bucket there is no great difference . u .__ n ______ ( partition suit o f Mary A. Sweet vs. in the two teams, but dope is often District No. 4.» in Marion, Coun - 1 Allie G. Famham, ct si., bt-igg suit By W. RICHARDSON, number 7705 in the Circuit Court Deputy. wrong. ty, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th , o f the State o f Oregon, for the Last Friday evening the Freshman day of November, 1929, at 2 o’ - I County o f Marion; and running class held their first social function s clock P.M . for the purpose of thence East along the South line / o - T T n o year i *i r in in i ri n shape s n n n c i of ru H I I infor, n n iri . 1 f the the an , ,, . . . > o f ^iid tract o f laad 52.CS chain* SUMMONS mal party held at the home of Rev. levying an additional tax for to the middle o f the county road, In the Circuit Court o f the State of loading from Turner to Marion; Gillstrap. Party games were played road purposes in said district. Oregon, f-»r Marion County. De­ thence Norfii 10 degrees and lb and a very enjoyable time was re- ; j Q Siegmund portment No. 2. minutes East along the middle o i ; ported by those prf:icnt, who wero . , said road 10.:>' r. ; s, Defendant. Gilstrap, Leore Cpok, Zona Highby T f v p o l ]V| o ta R p t l i m S along the North line o f said tract of ms, all member o f the L t l K d l I V l c U l I V C t U I I l O land 55.44 chants to the Northwest T e Mildred Humphreys, defendant m above teamed; j class. Friends present were Sey- corner o f said tract; thence South I) degrees and 30 minutes W.st In the name o f the State o f Oregon, reoure Stewart, Kenneth Fouler and along the West line o f raid traet of you are hereby required to appear and w illard Bear. Refreshments con- land 8.54 chains; thence South 1 enswer the complaint filed agam,:t you ^ of l)Un, anH weiners. degree, West a king th» West line of in the above entitled court and cause . . . Henry Ahiena retymed last - The Turner grade school gave a / . ....... I' said tract o f land 7.51 chains to on or before four weeks from the dfite the place o f beginning, and being a ot the first publication o f this sum­ program Friday morning , October week from IxiUlSVlllo, Kentucky, art o f the Joseph Davis and wife mons, and if you fail to appear and 25, in honor o f Francis E. WiUard, where he went with the drum j £ L. C. No. 43 in Township 9 answer said complaint by "said «late. The program lasted about thirty-fivj c g frQm Capital Potit No. 9, of South Range 2 West o f the Wiliam- for want thereof, the plaintiff will mmutesand was enjoyed by all pres- ^ A m fcrjcan H en ry ette Meridian, Marion County, Ore- apply to the court for a decree against gon; you dissolving’ the marriage contract The high school examinations for said that the conUiBt for national and quieting their title thereto and existing between yourself and the * was “ a nerve wracking 1 1 j enjoining you from asserting any plaintitt, and tor a decree giving the the six weeks were held Thursday honors ihter^tr in or claim te sai^ property custo«iy and control of the mjnor chil­ October 24th. contests. There were some fine dren o f plaintiff anutifis There will be typing contest held ' Service o f this summons upon >014 nlaintiff, namely. Marguerite, Jeane, in the Commercial department Wed­ teams enterad in the contest and j ¥y publicatKin is made by order of the Douglas, ana Iris Humphreys; ana for nesday. Capitol post made a fine showing. Honorable Percy K. Kelley, judge of such ether relief as to this court ap­ pears just and equitable. The Comercial teachers from the Mr Ahrens did not return with the Circuit Court o f the State o f Ore­ You are further notified that this different schools in the county form the drum corps but spent some gon. at 3n!em, Oregan, October lOtn, 1929, and the date of the first publi­ summons is served upon you by publi- ed an «.rgamziaion at the lns*ittute tjme visiting relatives near Coun* cat’on thereof in The Turner Tribune, held previously, which was fo f the cation hereof is October 17, 192.». ? . a weekly newspaper o f general cir- purpose of having contests to com» ci 1 Bluffs, Iowa and points in , E. L. CRAWFORD, culatiou, printed and publishe-d in Attorney fo r Plnintiffs. Marion County, Oregon, and pare the speed rates of all th« Nebraska before returning home I .add A Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, Turner, that the date of the first publication schools inthecounty. 'He was the only man who went Oregon. thereof v ;i be on the 24th day of Mr. Myron Hewitt and Miss M il-1 wj ^ (Jrurn corps outside of and tnat that the date o f died Shiffcrer were visitors at the October, 1929, ap’AA\’AAWV,AV<,.,A v «Y,^ ,J ^ ^ W Y Y V A V y f j y W l W ■ BLANKET SALE S P E C IA L SA TU R D A Y NOV. I ONLY 50 B L A N K E TS 75 percent part wool Double Blankets Size 72x80, extra large Fancy Plaids« Sold for $5,4Q 4 1^2 pounds in weight Saturday only. Extra special a t $3.98 None reserved. None laid away before sale, We are open Saturday nites until 9 P. AJ. Wh«n calling Bloch,s Golden Rule Store by phone please call 1606 only. Those w h o trade at Bloch’s Golden Rule Store Salem, Orer.ii. 210 *. Liberty Save a Substantial Difference 4 i