The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 31, 1929, Image 3

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Record Gain in
Butter Profits
Caligula’s Barge Recovered From Lake Nemi
D airym en W h o U ee"Dcindelioif
B utter C olor" Say It’e the
Beet Investm ent vf All.
Thu l>lgm-«t rr**nmi'r-
li'N In tlio country, who
are moat nirt-ful totfatpf
to th« «him» of th*
public, nro on ruing rec­
ord profits by keeping
tln-lr butter thHt spite*
tlxlQgJime color every*
one like«. Ninety per
relit of them lire doing
It with “ llundrllnii Mut­
ter Color.” It’» the
moot eronomlra! and »Htlafnetury hot­
ter color imido. llnlf n ten»|mimful
eolnra n gnllon of crenru! It doesn't
color the hultermlllt. It'a purely vege­
table and tnKteleaa. Approved hy nil
Htate and National Food l.nvv». Largo
bottlea. only ¡tT >4 at ull drug and gro­
cery atorea or write Welle and
Itlrhnrdann Co., Inc., Murllngton, Vt,
for a rilKK HAMI'I.K BoTTI.K,
Modern Definition
T o . wlint la a lil«giw«yl” anked the
kid. "It'a »pure between billboard»,
aoii," replied Ida dad.—Clnrlunatl En­
For Best Results
In Home Dyeing
You ran alwaya
give richer, deep­
er. more brilliant
colore to faded or
out-of-atyle dreaa-
ea, h o a e , coat»,
draperlee, etc., with
Diamond D y e a .
And tho colora »lay In through
wear and waahlngt
Here’» tho rea»on.
Dvr» contain the hlgheat quality
aniline» money can buy. And It’a
the aniline» that count! They are
tho very life o f dyea.
Plenty of pure aniline» make
Diamond Dyea eaay to U»o. They
go on evenly without »potting or
atreaklng. Try them next time
and are why authorltiea recom­
mend them; why million» of women
will uae no other dyea.
You get Diamond Dyea for the
aame price aa ordinary dyea; ISc,
at any drug »tore.
Why Net?
Car Salesman—And Is there any­
thing else I can show you altout this
new model I
Young Lady—Yea: please »how me
how to turn on the radiator If the car
geta cold.—Math Chronirle.
f it and
when you buy
Bib or W aist
O v e ra lls
thelead in ¿Brand
for over 5 6 years
war free
■ f - ’fr ■H
T h « Fir at W hit« H ou»«
deorge Waahlngt on
aelected the alt« for the prvaent
iV mi« iiouae and every President
alnce him liaa lived to It, fate denied
him that privilege— he paaaed away
before It waa completed.
Prior to hla Inauguration In New
Tork. congreae requeeted the then
poetiuaater general to Ol up. for Pree-
Idenllal uae, a aultable mansion. The
houae at No. 1 Cherry atreet, built lo
‘ 1770, on what waa known aa Cherry
hill, berauae a cherry orchard once
aloud there, waa aelected. It waa "live
window» wide," three etortae high and
not overly eparioue or aultably lo­
Kvery room waa fitted op tn the
moet lavlah atyle of the day. The
teeming extravagance etartled the fru
gal folk of the tlinea. An account,
written by an eyewltneaa at the time,
declared that 'The whole of the firat
and eacond »tor» la papered and the
floor» covered with the rtcheat kind
of Turklah and Wilton rarpeta.” The
firat congratulatory vlaltora which the
Oral I'realdent received here were tho
member« of the New York Chamber
of Commerce.
In after year» Uila houae waa uaed
aa a ornate »tore and alao aa a bank.
It waa dcmollahed lo IHflfl and the
chair uaed by the prealdent of tho
New York lllatorlcal eodety waa built
from material taken out of tt.
The weatern approacb to the Brook
lyn bridge now paaaea over the »It»
and one of the abutment« cnrrtca a
tablet which read»: "The firat presi­
dential manalon. No. 1 Ctierry Mtreet.
occupied by George Washington from
April 24. 1789, to rebruary 28. 17V0.
Erected by Mary Washington Colonial
Chapter, April 90. ‘ 1890.”
One of the barges of Caligula, sunk at the bottom of Lake Neml, Italy, for 2,000 year», as It sow appear»
after the water» of the lake have been drained away.
View o f Nassau That Was Hit by Hurricane
“ Home, Sweet Home”
li jJ O I I K , SWEET HOUR," that
1 1 most endearing aoeg which has
touched countless hearts, first sung
In Covent Darden theater, London, lo
1828. waa written by an artor-play-
wrlter author, who, at (be time, had
neither home nor wife, apparently waa
homeless during most of hie life,
never married and thug attempted to
tnatill Into the minds of thuae for­
tunate folk who were privileged to
enjoy that which fate had denied him
a full appreciation of the blessing
that waa their». And while It earned
a rather princely aum for Ita pub­
lisher», the author appears to hare
gained little financial reward for Ita
John Howard l*ayne, who waa born
In 1701, lived for a time during hit
early year*. In a sturdy, simple, homey
house In the little community of East
Hampton on the »outhern shore of
l»n g Island, the memory of whlcb
etched Itself deeply Into bis sensitive
In later life, Payne was appointed
consul of the United States at Tunis.
Africa. He died on that far-off run
tlnent In 1852. In hla sixtieth year.
Many year» later hla remain» were
brought to this country and re-tn
term! under broad-spreading trees In
peaceful Oak Hill cemetery tn Wash
tngton, D. C.
Meanwhlla th» qunlnt "home”—
I more than 2tK) year» old—shlngle-
l clad, weather-beaten, vlna festooned,
standing wtth on# end faring tbe
street, has been carefully preserved
aa a memorial to Ita author.
View In Nassau In (he Bahama Islands where tbe recent hurricane killed a number of persona and did great
property damage.
She Is the Farm Girl Champion
Nowadays, people take Bayer Aspir­
in for many little aches and pain«,
and aa often as they encounter any
Why not? It la • proven anti­
dote for pain. It works!
And Bayer Aspirin tablet* are
utterly harmless. You have the
medical profession’s word for that}
they do not depress the heart.
So, don’t let a cokl “ run tta
course.” Don’t wait for a head-
ache to “ wear o ff." Or regard
neuralgia, neuritis, or even rheum-
atism aa something you must ea-
dura. Only a physician can cope
with the cause of such pain, but
John 0. Lonsdale, bead of the Mer­
cantile-Commerce bank and Trust Co.
of 8L Louis, Is the new president of
the American Bankers association. Ha
was officially elected to the office at
the annual convention of the associ­
square, that
acre, park Ilka plac» Juat
"The Avenua" from th» borne of tbe
PrAldent of the United States, was so
named by the Father of Ills Onontry
St/iob/e Merchandise since
f c ----------------------------------------------------- a and first uaed aa a parade ground for
troop«. Todny It la an Ideal spot tn
T i n Z e b ra ’ s Stripe*
Little Pretidy—Oh, papa, what da whlcb to alt and dream on a summer
you think I auw at the park today!
An assortment of trees mottle the
Papa—Well, wlint wns it!
Little Freddy—A funny little hors« sunshine on tbe lawn, winding eralka
Invite, benches lure; trusting pigeons
that had Ita bathing suit on.
and equlrrele beg; five noteworthy
monuments bid for attention—on« to
General Lafayette, another to Kos­
ciusko—the boro of Saratoga; a third
to Rochnmbenu. who came to Amer­
ica with an army to assist Washing­
ton; a fourth to Voo Steuben—who
proffered his services to congress and
became Instructor general of the Con­
tinental army; tbe fifth—a huge
bronse casting affair, said to be tbe
first successfully made In America, to
Andrew Jackson.
Much of the history of the past
century was made In the mansions
which have surrounded this plot.
Among these—the home and office of
our Chief Executive; a former social
Institution which Includes the famous
Dolly Mndlson bouse; the former Brit-
tsh legation where the Ashburton
treaty waa framed; a venerable bouse
of worship— the President»’ church;
homes of John Hay, secretary of
atata under Mooaevelt, Daniel Web­
ster, George Bancroft—th» historian.
Commander Stephen Decatur—hero of
the Tripolitan war, »-here, euhee-
quently, a Russian minister and three
secretary» of state are said to have
lived and another where three secre­
taries of the navy have resided.
Truly, Lafayette square la a historic
Exclusive struc­
Ask for Levi's 4
f¿. u . Po STL. a h o , r.">
tigue i
for a few drops to ward on consti­
pation ; so docs any suggestion o f
bad breath. Whenever children
don’t eat well, don’t rest well, or
have any little upset— this pure
vegetable preparation is usually
sill that’s needed to set everything
to rights. Genuine Castoria has
Chas. H. Fletcher’s signature on
the wrapper. Doctors prescribe iL
No H am
A pp ly It to Y ou rself
“ Doctor, I dream constantly of golf."
We often say that we can “ talk peo­
ple out of IL” That phrase la trua to
"How did you make out?”
th« facta and traer yet when applied
“ Fine.”
"Well, there's no harm In a man to our Inner conversation with our­
playing a little good golf In hla sleep." selves.—American Magazine.
Lafayette Square
tural and operative supe­
riorities have d e fin itely
establiahed Champion as tho
better spark plug. That I«
why Champion outsells all
other« throughout the world.
Children will fret, often for no
apparent reason. But there’ s al-
way* one sure way to comfort a
restless, fretful child. Castorial
Harmless at the recipe on the
wrapper; miid and bland at it
But its gentle action
soothes a youngster more surely
than some powerful medicine
that is meant for the stronger
systems o f adults.
That’s the beauty o f this special
children’s remedy! It may be
given the tiniest infant— as often
as there is any seed. In cases o f
colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb­
ance, it is invaluable. But it has
everyday uses all mothers should
( « l i l t . W M tnrs M»«»papar (Talon.)
Velaa Dees Not Travel
Ths bureau of standards aays that
the vole« does not actually travel over
a telephone wire. The motion of ona
diaphragm controls an electric current
which moves another diaphragm, thus
reproducing the vole».
Doubtful Start
Perhnpg that 8L Lout* chap who
arns arrested for tossing a block of
concrete at n friend wna simply try-
Inc to cement the frb-nfl'Wp—Kami
Hit-1 rtri- l-lt-
you can alway» turn to Bayer A t t ­
in for rtf ir f.
Bayer Aspirin 1s alwaya avail-
able, and it always help». F»miU
brim yourself srith ita many uses,
and avoid a lot of needless «offering.
li tbs
trad» mark of Bajar Mnautw.t n
U Moeoatwtlrertilwt» o( SollejUmdd
C leaning P erch Furn itu re
StiU W ith Us
"What has become of the end seat
A writer In People’s Home Journal
suggests that for cleaning wlckar or hog?" "He drives in the middle of
reed porch furniture that a stiff bristle the road.”—Louisville Courier Journal
clothes brash or whisk broom be used
He who has lost confidence can loa«
These reach tn the crevices and re­
move tbe dust better than a doth.
nothing more.—Boiate.
Hitting on All Eight!
Here la Idas Dorothy Marshall, aged seventeen, who won the title of
American farm girl champion at the I-oe Angeles county falx, Pomona, Calif.,
by proving her ability at milking, dexterity with the pitchfork and hay rake
and familiarity with the controls of farm tractors.
D octor Gives Hint
to Lucky Salesman
How Mr. Stimson Keeps in Condition
r rs
Ponle Bush, former manager of the
Pittsburgh Pirates, will pilot the Chi­
cago American league baseball club
next year, the White Sex management
Bash succeeds “ Lena”
Blackburne, and hna signed a two-year
contract beginning tn 1930.
Long before official and social Washington Is awake, Secretary of State
rionry L. Stimson Is on hla favorite steed and off for a brisk canter tn Rock
Creek park, before beginning lilt arduous day of guiding the affair* of state.
Almost 000 languages and dialects
are spoken In Europe.
Cloudless weather la necessary In
mnklng photographic maps from alr-
Farmer»' eo--operative associations
In the Netherlands have a total mem­
bership of more than 130,000.
| Tbe American Alamnl council Is
------ 1 ,.f •;* i t • -: .. 'I si- ..f
I'. ■ ;
- ,i-l '
There are about 0,000,000 farm fam
Hies Iq the United States.
The edible part of a crab makes up
about 44 per cent of Its weight
A penalty for falling to vote In elec­
tions Is exacted In Cxechoslovakln.
Whether an Individual who owns a
piece of property *!*«• owns the air
above It. ned whetbe- h- tuny sell or
I • th:- Hr Is n -I! -| utrd h-nl
Beginning e f "Derby**
When the "Derby” was orgunlzed 140
years ago, the most visionary had no
Idea of the extent to which the race
meet would grow.
A few hundred
sporting men attended the first Derby,
In 1780, and It was won by Sir Charles
Bunbury's horse Dlomed. Ita present
glittering life was painfully absent,
and at that time Loudon had no tele­
phone. gas or railway. It waa frequent­
ly 38 hour* before even the larger
towns knew the winner. The guard of
tlie mall coach spread the news, and In
some remote villages the winner waa
not known until a fortnight after the
race.—London Mall.
Leeden’s Oldest Bank
London's oldest bank la Hoare's. the
age of which cannot be certainly
atated; but there Is In existence a
receipt dated tfl33 for money deposit
ed there In that year with Lawrenc*
Hoare. who was In business a» a gold
le a Nut.hell
ne Is happy whose circumstances
s u it
te m p e r
be I» n o .re ex
»••Vi î V it* i î» s*;1: hi-»
I itili n »
9«i • n»
a wise man that knows
when he is slipping. Mr. R. F.
Myers o f 711 Rosedale Street,
Baltimore, had the good for­
tune to get his tip Btraight
from one o f his doctor custom­
ers (he was selling for a phar­
maceutical house) and since
that lucky visit he has increas­
ed his business 50 per cent.
For two year» he had been driving
from town to town, and naturally
this threw his elimination out of
shape. He felt himself slipping.
Cathartics only made him worse.
Then one day he waa calling on a
wise old physician, and asked his
advice. "W hat you need, my boy,”
said the doctor, “ is a simple, easy,
normal way to dean the poisons out
of your system—we all have them—
and with your kind of work they
certainly cut down efficiency. Why
don’t you try Nujol?”
"Well, believe it or not,” say» Mr.
Myers, “ in a few days I felt like a
new man. *What’s got into y ou !’
asked the home office, *your buM-
nesa has increased 50 per cent!’ ”
That’s the great thing about
Nujol. Aa soon as it begins to dean
the poisons out of your system it
makes you feel so well that you can
almost always do a much better job.
Nujol fa not a medicine and con­
tains no drugs. It is perfectly harm­
less, forms no habit. It fa simply
bodily lubrication, which everybody
needs. You, like everybody else!
W hy put o ff good health any
longer? Go into any good drug store
and get a bottle of Nujol in a sealed
package. Costs so littla and means
so much! Maybe you can increaaa
your efficiency 50 per cent too
Try this treatment for pimples!
Cutlcnra Ointment
Afttr a while bathe gently with
Cutlcnra Soap
e n d hot water.
You will find nothing better for soothing
and healing all forms of skin trouble*.
Ointment 2 )c aed 10c. So »p lT c Ttlcnm JTc
S*n ole each free.