T he T urner 5= fOL. XIV. TURNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NO. 4 Locals Read the ads this week • * * ''J'hey contain worth while messages. I (ilovcit, Purse», flaryd Uftgs, Suit Canes and many other arti­ cles made of leather suitable for gift« for all occasions. Toll us ypur HARNESS need«. F- E. Shafer, 170 S. Commercial St. -ua- |em. Oregon. C. F. BREITHAUPT Miss Faustina Dclzell attended a party in the Y. M. C. A. given 512 Htato .Street Near Bligb Building by the students o f the Capital Business College, This week. Mrs, Holloway, of Portland and her neice, who is teaching in G O L D FISH - C A N A R IE S - L O V E B IR D S • P A R R O T S Salem, spent tho weekend with Full liqeof Bird and Fish Food amj Remedies Mrs. Hollowoy’ s cousin, Mrs. H Sulci», • Phono 380 . Oregon. W. Smith, ^ / / J W . V / A V / , V V / / A V W . ,A V W A W W . W A V / W . V , WE HAVE CONNECTIONS with the Hansen-Bonnett mag­ azine agency, one o f the larg­ est in tho country, which en­ ables us to give you the best prices and service for yowr magazine needs. See F. P. Row- S a lc m ’ ii S qu a re D eal J ew elers & O p ticia n s, ley at the Tribune Offiee. r Diiim unda W a tch e s C ico k s J ew elry * S ilv erw a re. ^ Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Bear drove J 379 S la te , S t. S alem , O r e g o n . £ to Corvallis Saturday for the big foatball game played by Ore­ gon State College and Idaho. We printed sale bills this week for P. E. Thomason. On account ,,f ill health Mr. Thomason is re­ tiring from active farm work Several from Turner attended Q il& ral Contractor and Builder the presentation of Sir Harry Laudur at the Fex-Elsinore the­ Cement WorK and Plum bing atre in Salem. Monday night. Turner, Oregon Route 3 . The Hann family o f Dayton stopped over night in the Delzell home Saturday night- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carlston of Longyievr, Wash., were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Barber last week. Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. B vb er are sisters- 'Garl> Shipment of X m a s Gifts Now In Stock. Mis* Josephine Gllatrap enter tained tbo freshman class and a Reliable Druggist few invited guests, at her home Friday. E. S. PRATHER FLORIST i i 8U BSCRIPTION $1.25 P&R YE$K OCT, 51,1929. ANOUNCEMENT Alvin B. Stewart Turner Lumber & M fg. Co, Will opeu at 251 Goutt Street, Buletn, 8atiwd»y; Oct­ ober 19, 1929. Formerly at 347 Court Street ' Umbrella, Key and Cutlery Store 251 Court Street 1 ■ S a lem , Oregon We M carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, also W all Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, Strayed -one large billie goat, p a r t y A t P a r S O L l* onun take tafro K irr» un unii tihnnp " Please him up and phone me at Turner. A. E. Spinser, Turner, Oregon, Ed Karris and family were Rev W. S. Bargoyne, pastor Turner visitors, Sunday. of the Methodist church was very H. P, Jensen has added a fuel Cedar Posts, Brick, Plaster, T il? and SUhwood in age four foot lengths. W e desire to serve th* public with Promptness and Efficiency. IT , f* rT ‘ agreeably surprised last Thurs. shed to his placksmith shop The d nj ht on the cccasion of hia hia LET US FIGURE YOUR QILL PHONE S7S woik was dope by ..Sr.q-ty Bray and George Given- birthday. After the close of the prayer meeting season the guests Best Quality harness made in retired to the parsonage and our own shop. Satisfaction Ruar-: quiet|y the door and turn- anteed. prices from $40.(KJ j j o f f the lights, everyone rc $65.00 F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Com­ maioed quiet until the pastor and mercial St Salem. Oregon. his wife unlocked the door and T. B. Funston, of Route 1, turned on the lights and to say was transacting business in that he he was surprised wculd Id PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X -RAY W ORK jhave expressed it middly. The Turner last Friday. All W ork Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices There is a rymor of another house was well filled. Games U*e Your Credit Come In and talk it over flax scutching plant being estab­ were enjoyed for obout two hours M A S O N IC TEM PLE. SA»_EM lished but nothing definite has when refreshments consisting of Phone 440 Residence 758-R punch and soqdwitches were been given out yet. served, after which the guests ” Kord iru ck in good condition bade their host and hostess good Good Rubber. For Sale or trade night and left for their home for cows. Joe Elston, Route 2 after having spent a very enjoy­ Box 1A- “ No Collection. No Charge** able evening. The pastor’ s mo­ F- R Haworth, otnerwise Pelisqacnt accounts collected on a ther, Mrs. Burgoyne. o f Salem contingent basis. We do the work, Chiropractor known as “ Happy” , who is em­ shoulder the expense and make no was the guest of her son for the Neurocalomcter Service ployed on the section, was giving charge unless collection is made. occasion. 3230,000 Bad Accounts turned into up to his.nickname the first of Phone 87. Residence 2104J Cash $ , « We Started. the week as his wife arived on Jot down a trial list of bad ones and 256 N. High Street let us turn them into actual money. the scene Saturday night Salem, Oregon Business Men’s A d ju s tm e n t For Bale-Good Sale-Good grade Jersey Company cow Fresh. Test 5.4. Ivan Had it 413-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone 911 ley. Route 2. SALEM. OREGON A miscellaneous ahower was The Rally Day program at the given Miss Vivian Colvin, of Methodist church was a success. Aumsville. in honor of her ap­ The attendance was more than proaching marriage of Clifford doubled on that day and many Good Drop-head Sewing Ma­ Ensley, proprietor of the Ensley TURNER S OREGON of those coming for the first time chine, from $4.00 to $15.00 Transfer, o f Turner. ir-imised to continue coming io White Sewing Machine Co. Sa­ For Sale-Will sell good used Sunday School. A fine pogn m lem. Oregon. Nex» to Dan Burns. piano at a reasonable, price and was prepared ¡tad given by the U-24-4tp, will take some wood as part pay­ members of the Sunday Scho l ment Address T. P. S. Box 429, pjstQf delivered a fine ser­ Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Funaton Salem Oregon mon along the line o f the theme left last Thursday for Tigard and Mrs. Emma Mooro, o f Now- for tfie day on Rekindling the planned to go on to Portland for port, is spening a few days witn Fires o f Religious Zeal. The ser- VETERINARIAN a visit with Mrs. Funston’ s p a r- fier daughter, Mrs. Avery. j mon was short but timeiy and to ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Day tad N ight Servie« S. H Baker was a business vis the point. The music was accom- Funston. They returned the STAYTON — OREGON \tor in Salem fast Friday after- panied by the musical notes of first of the week. tlQop. | song birds which added to the -«• «■ -«—« i Mrs. Susan Girardin. who has A W ^ S m V A W lV .V M V W V V » W V W W W W ,V .V .W .V For Sale-Will sell good used Ch««rfulne3S of the meeting, been with her daughter at Tilla­ piano at reasonable price and w ill! ^he services next Sunday w nl mook for several days returned take some wood as part payment at the usua| hours. I he reg- home the first of tho week. Address T. P. S- Box 429; Salem, ular social was held at the A. Cloarland, of tho School of Oregon 1 gymnasium on last Monday. The Master Methods, called Thursday Mr. and Mrs- V . a Newmsn L a t o A «1 vviU hold A w Silver on Miss Lilrian Peterson and o f Salon,, and Mr. and Mr,. W T ~ « *$• ho“ o f Kenneth Boar, who are taking a a. Fuller, of Silver,on visited The spintmal and social course of study mailed out by life o f the church are being com­ their aunt, Mr^. L.. J, Rowley, that school, s. • bined in a way that is helpful to Sunday, both. If you are not connected No More Rust, Pitting, Corrosion er Leading WALNUT SCRUBBERS for with any church you are invited sale by Byberg Brothers, Silver- An Accurate Fire Always to attend the little church around ton, Oregon. 11-2 4-2tp. the corner H. S. Bond. F. C. Gunning. D. B. Parks. Rev W. S. Burgoyne. Ivan Hadley and C A. Bear at­ tended the Methodist men’ s ban­ quet at the I^eslie church in Sa­ Noah Rosenbaum died at his lem. Wednesday evening. All services at usual hour* next hamein the Pleasnnt Peint dis­ Mrs. John Cor, who Ihas been trict Monday afternoon about Lord’ s day. There have -been 18 with relatives the past few weeks two o’ c'ock after an illness of a aiditions to the church. arrived ia Turner last week. The chorous singing has been few days following a stroke of Mr. and Mrs. John Vers'ear paralysis. Mr. Rosenbaum wts changed to Tuesday evenirg as .WWVVHWtAWVWVVVVVbW.VAVb%%%WUVWWWAW and family are moving onto a 76 years o f age and had been a j Dr. Epley could not be in Turner farm near Sublimity. resident o f the Pleasant Point any other night The new church pair t looks /M V W W V W W A % ^ V »W W V W W V \ W W V W V A V V A V V-* district, on Route 2, out o f Turn« OLD TIME DANCE Chrystal er for many pears. He was a fine and the new bronze doers Gardens every Wednesday and road superviser in his district for arc teiutifuL The building is A complete stock of Recleancd Grains, Grass aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c several years He was a member waterproofed and the roof mend­ Seeds, Pasture Mixture Burn Mixtures, Clovers, Ladles 25c. tf. o f Chemeketa lodge I. O. O. F. ed. Charles Brown, of Salem, is He is survived by the widow and The C, E. Gives a social in the A lfalfa, etc« employed at the Turner flax two sons, O. H and E. A. Rosen­ social parlor« o f the church A > plant. baum, both o f 8alem. Funeral Thursday evening of this week. A ll recleancd in the best possible m anner The football game played Fri­ servece3 wore held from the and sold at the low est possible prices, quality day between Aumsville high and Terwilliger funeral home under considered. tho Leslie Jr high, o f Salem re­ the auspices o f Cfiemeketa lodge sulted in the victory for Aums- I. O. 0 . F. Interment was in the y Airora I. 0 . 0 . F- cemetery, in Salem. Also Common anc H ungarian Vetches« Fall ville with a score of 25 to 0. Corner Liberty and Chemeketa Sta, ./ ItAhird riunii gr rw dT Mrs. R J. Watson expects soon Rye, Fall Earley Cheat Seed etc. Salem, Oregon. WxWbern MfWo to leave for California wnere she Stive rtojl Huve your env»lopo« printed with j CfTvJia will spend the winter with rela­ your return address. The Tribune can do tho wortc. tives W illard M athis Orchestra Playing Dona-'d riarton Kenneth Petersen spent the /U o - V " P H O N E 1 6 0 . 2 61 S T A T E ST. SALEM . OREGON *¡ k3<6à Friday and Saturday o f last àlw nW £ . A . Rosenbaum, Mgr. The Tribune »hop can print your week at the Jess Small home butter wrapt, letter head* and en­ S la v vw y near Marion. velope*. Pomeroy and Keene Dr. O. A. Olsen« Dentist W. JAY DENHEM Dr. O, L. Scott Rally Day At DRUGS F. P. ROW LEY Health« Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE G, F. KORINEK, V.S„ B.V«Sc Turner, Oregon. R E M IN G T O N (U. M. C.) 4 % Paid on six m onths Kleanbore Cartridges Shur Shot Shells Time Deposits Fire and Automobile Insurance Written Noah Rosenbaum Dies-Pleasant Point Shur Shot Shells 12 Ga. Any size shot 16 Ga. Any size shot Turner State Bank $1.00 .90 BALL BROTHERS’ TURNER, OREGON FALL SEEDS Old Time Dance Every Saturday Night Castilion Hall D. A. White & Sons i il