THE TURNER TRIBUNE i I . 1 . A* 1 % I » • - Turner, Oregon. Thursday OCT .24 1029 *F. |1. Koudni. Ciiitur t, n •, ’ > -1 Issued ir» Ev’Ojy Thyr^d-.y st Turntr. Marion County, Oregon / r- f , , ., •» • ** . • t, * «y / * interest ia or claim to said property ».¡verso to plaintiffs. Service of thi# «timmon» upon yon I \y publication i.« mn.ic by orner of the Honorable IVivy K. Kelley, .ia.l.i > o f the Cilvu i Court o f the .St.;»e o f Ore- ! at Sileni, Oree on, October 10th. I 1929. nmt ii.e date o f tee (ti>t inibii- cation hervof is October 17, 1929. ¡' 1 CU \ A I I'KIV SUBSCypTlQN §1.23 PER YEAR. Entered at the Postoflic« . . . . nt!f ¿rjiiY, Ou jfon, as secimd-cless matter, under the O r.¿on Aet of March 8, 1870. ____ ■ ’"«* Volley Ball Monday night tH'ithinmu lost Monday night a serie.: of social evenings will be ;^U«n.iy for lnuintiifs. held in the high school gymtuu- .turn. 1 h w o e v e n in g s are _ 1 the Benefit fo r hr the community. 1 ast Monday n igh t R ev. W illiam SHKÄIFK S NOVICE tu ' S A U i Of S- H iirgoyna, p a stor o f the M eth- BEAI. PROPKKTV ON fO RE CLO M IRr M ls t ch u rch u n d ertook to teach Notic is Kcivby pi ven that by som e raw recru its th e m iste ries virtue c mi M r. a n d M rs. K Lot* October, I Hits, upoil T h eissen . M r. a n d M rs. I) It dulv IV, ,nv'i.^ '. I,' ,'ivd recur«! urn ! ' ' ;, •" • ! lhtrks. F. 0. Gunning and sever- court*«* th. -’ ¿t i e.»y o f S. i . nibt'i, . . . , , . ‘ i pledge r.nom inee to the Flag o f the United States and the country for which it stands. One nation, ind*visible, with liberty and justice for all.” H P iß O IA i} DntiJ Octob'çr 8 J $ ¿ 0 0 Daily f Daily and Sunday » 7 .U Ü With tlje Tribune »5.50 * D $7.5(1 » • • ! i • i ; » •« * 7 w / • • • n B C. l limn ¥ i i viiep in .said al of the younger people of the 1 1 aie. ¡a J : court pendili};, \vlv*r hi Pora Kuitey community were very adapt at .. ,1a.i nil and ,\. K. Brudley un i \ ir.rfi- M: br»'»h\' . b- vvi.V, un.! I'. T. burning tlm mysteries of the Armstroru v\ w gef*«i«Jant* in fr.vor ' game. Kari Hear took his place o f plaintiff end aa&iiut ».lid defend-1 ,, ■ 'll. A. hi Bradley und \ irjrie M. on th e aide lines ns a s p e d a - B ndlcy, and each o f therm-by { >r bu t w h en M r. H ad ley t r r iv id i-\ *cut ion 1 *m commanded to ell U.^ . , . .. . c,’ ,, .. . ■ .................. ......... ■ ........ ............................ pi . potty in c>t*riiupn an»! Worein- took. A tim i hold oil r.Ali s toot .fie ra .' o d e.lta \i\ t h e -um due the gn J w as d ra g g e d in to tlie p'nintitt «.f Sä74 00 with interest i ___ e l I . .• . f l ga m e. It w as a v ery pleasant lit. reon at the rj!u o f S per cent fu r ~r> annum from th.- 20th «lay o f O cttw r, e .e n i n g a n d th ese w h o Were 1928. until paid and the further sum In the t a 'm v days of i he year» cone by water tran*por‘ st.«>n »>< o f $7 00 ¡ittdrucyV fees, t. pothe t re se a t nre look ing1 foiv. a ;d to the main traiSaymitafion ef te tb pcs èrger and frir^ht The river p ic k * 'ij' ' ¿ ’¿ Y v t 0 0 ^ a ‘ e o '’ s I many «>f them . k*ls the tnlk o f t !v «¡AT. A-» « n i l on th« r.virnad:« n o v built }:in»( » a iv u ... o f mì J % \ *c*uiit>n. 1 will fmrtfletl t-> tlie rivers p l i g h t » * 1 < ^ r . Mt the Imyr 10 o clock r u iin e ti Ai;» ph ij.t * f ;iv ir n Ilio Wj«t**r v -tr u i:til tl.e fam»»uj§ riv- A. M. o f said »lay at the west iloor ot f f p 4 CWin weir fieri o p b a i kilov.ed to rot down and i h i l f itR ih ire*v ! ‘ county còu:\ house in Marion / 1 . t ounty, Orvjro l at public ruction Watçr Transport at ion soul fo; junk. Puriug ib«* ^rurl! War the i.ced fur wal.r ttansp. it** t>tl b:»rlu t IrdiUu* for ca^h in in. AN\VVU»WV.\VS>SAV\V’,W ^VM W AVYAV4>W ^XV,V i ^ V 4 « V » :.^ W i ,.VV i W / A V Rally Day At The M. E. Church Portland Dally fíe we tion cfbBK* b:i< K and tOe ^oVVrnimnt « si tl» :ahtd V^itet l'otite ttid built on. ^be day rf > l»\ *di tjte injbt. titU\ I nitur 'St «lid c tat. which s;i*u «U fvtnl- i badges propeli« d under theie o i n power tLr.: 0 |Kfated on the W arrior ant and ;;!j p» •*'!>»,a claiming undo Th-’ Suudav School o f the ii\Vr in AUba >> ib n d ihri'tigh the rfrtn^ of Tlie *ulf M ‘xiec h» to jt-w ! *!* ni subs. ajuv ni to tr«» cx vution ot Meth\xlistr church Will observe . ^ ^ th»* s m > in, o f and to irS:Ì* *• orvi.» to iiv Wl I jim c .■lid prem > i> r. nl>. for-- mentiomd Rally Day next Sunday morning. Orli an». Li:t«-r tirey » . re oj «-rute.! u|> th-.* M Mirsiisipei** Ht Louie. Then the tr tl'ìc vstcT. Jed up thè upp-.-r His»iii«j;ipi In J'.*21 four large ( o u J ' ^ : in ' xe* utkM *•' There * ill be the regular opening ctoj! b»fge ufi;-iher» aere by Ìli fer die *;p -riv«f *.r4iie. lhi-* l , ;. .t i B.’ ui- -n, at a roint on t> .* E. -t cxcerclses o f the Sunday Scheci k.u.wu »» thè u n • r M ‘ i- esìpp.» W u m ì . h lo lite . The i.vxt step ivua ibi In:.* o f th county road or 24th ut 10 A. M. which will I k * fcl- ¡street 472.02 f t Southcr.v from O hio river. T n * g »)v e in x .'O t ha» p'a.v.t a r ;-te ir ol d iti;» aa«l link» on | n point where thr Kant line rf 24 th lowed by the following program. S»r*et intersect» the North line o>" t se uhi . at n c o -t of sev. »! m illion» of iioMars to open this great w it Recitation Lowell Hadley th.* 1>. 1 . C. o f A. Jr’. W iller an i hr w .y fo r tife g b ! transport»Uun » h o s t i l e » c k n o .lc g c d h ad ol n a v i-1 *.v'f«\ raid point being tee center Recitation Kenneth Barber Ration This iratfi; pav». If this ¡ a » her*. ii>»:ie on th* eastern ttrearu» lino o f li e f.i-r.* S< iv. r: there.* Song Sunshine Class U x tarlv at ri-t’-.t r m 'e « t> t’> • W hat c*n he dotfeuu our *' t rlop * the r.Ttor lino o f »aid Song Primary Class wer: thence Norrh- rtv para” . ! t * 'i he prtniuee of the f»rui far lul.ind cm;t-I h- hr.'Ught to tlie #ca purl» t>. co mty re...! nr 24th Ml reel -0 , Recitation Lobby Hall fur foreign shipm ent at teuen it»» Than tin* present c o l T ais cou ld not f<*. i : thence W n te liy at rieht Violin Sd«> Albert Jensen angl. ii to the cuunlv t >ad nr 21th Only be done for the Uoiumhi* h 'il the W ill am -Ite ss well. M'ie.e an Recitation Ruth burgoyne S i et 200 foot to the F».»t Hue of r-IJ timer bss »e e n th ; old river rrart‘ .* built up and then die rfaau and ( »«id county mad or 24th Street: i Recitation Boy’s ULt s t h .y s ì .i Ì k - »1 ¡e io s»--> if «im e ¡.ark »,< » . f oj it U com ing. Rat il will 1 thence Southerly along the F«»t Weal duet Mrs. Martin at d line o f the county read or 24th hut'W B if tinfees the p fo p 'e Want it and work for it The g<>v> n.m t ni Street to the edace o f h-ginning, Mrs Burgoyne all 1ocat:»l in baleni, Marion Toun- trill do their part Let us work for the duy when « e t stremili will Recitation Sunshine Class tv. Oregon. throb « u h life as tIn-> have in daye gone by . Sii I c.rle b :nc snbiect to re- Piano ?olo Mrs. Hadley inption in the manner provt.l«»! by Recitation ln V i , * .» Unijil November 15 t < « » . One Year 1 • fiufuev Tribune «A 7 ¿ * Í h *• rf *- 4* Subscription A¿?ent Magazines ami 1 ‘eripdicaly YOU Look Dettei» You Feel Bettes» Y oii Are Better Willard Uenr Song Congregation Dated this 2 l»t day o f October, SUMMONS ! 1929. There will be special music by Jn the Circuit Court o f the Ft-jte of NO I it f i DI' FIN AL » t l l l.GM 1..N I O. _. D , BOWER 1 Oiv£oti for the County o f M-irion, b The County Court, Fcr Varior. Sh»ri*T of Marion roui-.ty, Orejón, the choir followed by a sermon County, State OC Oregon Department No. 1. No. 19415. By w r t h a i . j .¿. o n , by Rev. W. S. Borgoyne. A cord­ Deputy. Francis W. Smith and Georpr G. Van In the matter of the Estate of ial invitation is extended to ali Natt», puc^pers businea-* Charles S. Parker, Decex-vrd. j __ _ _____ _ ! lo attend there services. under the assumed rinr. name and Not:.a is hereby yikiil that th. 1 Style o f Salem Collection Agency, .‘inal nei'ount a t Jennie Darker, e.d I SUMMONS i ’lainti?*, ir:ini- tra;r:a o f the estate o f Charles f t1--0 ' irc:nt Court o f tV Stat c f v*. S. Parker, net-oared, has been 1 filed 1 Of* « ' i. w»r . lar.on County. Lewis Slishler. Defendant. tr. the County Couv*. o f Marion Coon• pa.voimt •' H- ro,<* Homparoys. DUmtilT. Vo Lewish Mishf^r.-the above ner.:»d ty. Oregon. Vni~thbt ih - 25th day . f I defendant: . November; 192i*. at tiro hour o f 10:0i' Vs' In the name o f the State o f Ore<»or. o’y.g-k. A. M. thereof, at tlie C urt- Mfldnal Uumphtcys. Defendant.« hereby sr-quirc-d to appear and pome- at Salem, has been set ns t h e ; " « Mildred Humphreys, d. *ndant There ¡3 n wonderful new ug- answer the complaint fiR-il against |, . and pl.iee for hearing any and ::*>ow umi,-*ti Ch.'itan jo u in the above entitled aeti«*n wdh- ;i[| objections to said final account. | In the nari“ o f t':e State o f Oregon liit in the Turner in fou r _ 14) weeks vreeks from the date *J | , . arc a !„.,, b ) i.w n n it to appear at: 1 church. Since the minister is ‘the you {he flr.-t publication o f this summons. JENNIE FARKEU an-w.-r the eorupta'iit fih.l a, :iin-t you to wit: from the 2l»th day of Septeia- Adm:ni»tratr x c f the Sstate c f . in the aboi-e entitled court and cause beginning and also the end of a on or b. for. four week» from th.* ’. t.* Jiyo church, we must give jirai.-c bf o r- n tiff I??* W ' 11j aZ V take {J ° 1 judgiUhnt 10 !* Egaunst aPp*d r ‘ cVarle . S. Parker, deceased, -p o f the fir-t nuhliention o f this sum T , a,id and thanks to Mr. Cilstrap, the }o u as follows to w-it: W. V/. McKinney, nioiw, and it you fail to appear a c l ana i t -v i r corrpi'. :t by - ml d u v » w e ox|Kiteu exD ccted n.. bv I | Í Oregon, for the County o f Jlar.oru ■tren action. laintdG namely. n.i Marza, ijast. Turner, and K. J. ram ham , • L'1- - . . .. i , . i . j (2 ) That the usual proceeding? Allie G. i,„ I-’irnham kand j»:-,;,.u»r- Doughi . a : i n ; Hum;j»irey.»; for e a rn est e x tr a w ork , to h ave a Iter ue had fbr the sale-of the fotUuhruig ♦escribed premise», the same having been heretofore otti^K-1 by pli.i. li»*’. v . i Hif f-.,rt!i r >.<•; t'.-d that thi.» »he i-cop le ca m e a g a in . T h en - t’ om .lia A. Davi», Henry Clint n in this potion, to -eit: j -*.' tio u: t» even upon ,o u by u.ib.:- w e re 115 ou t to Sunday sch o o l Davv». Mar. Josephine i»avi-i Cbm* e * t . n th if *i U..- Curnec in bu n c, i , . . . . . . . »¿. . ! Begic^h-r at th«- K°->n ttfcc > y « id . John I>oe ylHDrnt, Vt liliam a W. •*,*:v . •«« I ,;, r ot . - n . ui c- October, 1929. t'.e «late o f , , , , Savage in fow/i-l.ip 7 South, Range Mr. and Mrs. Prank Carl :on co»» -d; the unknown heira o f Jonai t- h t tion tiu i-of %» l! } * on NiCuncsuay unci »*unday, as cT- 2 West o f the Wili«n«uto Meridian 3 D.n-i», «aeceased; Jane Doe Smith, o f Longview, Washington, are 2 1 t «lay r f Novornbi i, an*! ten as he can . D r. E p !ev rocs to ir Mai ion County, O ; liiere«- t*.. wife of ii. W. Smith; a' -«*. »Il visiting .’ f ”. (?a'-lson's .sister, urs M ¡ t:> degree» and 4'. minuter ot r part, and p-r.-on:: unknown one a week f«»*• period f i four cor.- iDii ( ¡tv a n d OtilPr chlirollgS t'J Mra. Churlc* HaiLei:, and fam­ West 15 chair.» alon.; the Nortli having or claiming any right, title, .»-cut;* «•«. k: pursuant to the o r . : . f 0r’ t hem, Sne of, said claim o f 1. N. Gilbert ily* ' estate, ii'.-n or inti rest in and 1 j o f the Honorable Percy R. Kelly, and wife; th«nce South 0.90 chaii*.»; Uu* real properly ikscril>i»l in the judge o f the above cou>*. which order ___ „ ----- Mr. and Mrs. IL A. Rich­ tip ace N ji th 89 degrees a-. i if, compiaiiiC herein, Defendants. * maitr and eot. ied o f r'cnril in ! ruinutes Eatt 7.25 ciuiin» parallel ti»f-p0 tlx- Def. ndanl abovu nam**d: mond, Mr. and Mis. K. 1*’. t».i.= c.iua. on the 19th «lay o f Octob* r, i h,e „ N.Tii5 *ine vf -ai^. c'aim c t i |n the r.atne im:ne o l f the t State o f Oieiron, 1929. Townsend, and Mrs. Flora r ' V' Ti re; tnenceryou tfuucu to v-» «**»!»»-»** ou are h- h reby r«-by u required apy< ..r Martin o f Salem wore vi.tKors K A. TOWNER. North t> 90 chains to tlit- place o t and answer the complaint filed against Attorney for Plaintiff. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. heginuin^, and containing 5 aern you i.i the above tntitied court and Richmond's daughter, Mrs. o f lcr.d, mere or lens, in Marion I on or liefore November 14th, ■103 Sabm Ikir.k of Commerce Bi'lg., Salem, Oregon. County, Oregon, ji9^l*, tnat being tiie time pr* -crifc—1 Raymond Titus, and f.-ui.ily. by the Sheriff o f M .rion County, Ore-1 by the court in the order for the puh- SUMMONS Mr. and Mrs. Spencer o f near ¿on, aceordin" toi liw and the practice ¡lica’.ion o f thi» summons upon you and Wednesday çyenjng Dr. Ln ft the above entitled codtt; t: -t tb •! i ■ >.• .*■•• iccr -lively front-ti «• * in th«* Circuit Court o f the State of Jefferson have leased the Har­ Or gnn for th«- County o f M irion. ley, of Balcm, will in Turner proceeds o f said rale b- applied to of ti.e 5r:-t publication thereof; and vey Wilson farm and have tak­ In na Ament I*«. 2. So. 2*41. *To lead a real ol^fa»n|oned tonv en po&setuicji. the amount due plainGfT and tlia. ;c i., ¡Í «ou f*il -<». to appear and aruwer, W. M. .McDonald, Plaintiff, for want thereof, plniiitiff» will lake and all p«*r. o|* cla-min; upddj of V ». munity sing, at the Christian through you, b<* forever b»rr d o f ail a d- cree you that they are the Eitna McDonald, Def« n.laut. Mr. and Mrs. James Verstcig owners in f« e simple an«l in po . .on t horch. Al[ are tyclcoTie and right, title and interest in and to the To E««na MeDon.i'd, détendant: ,, have rented a fai nt near Sub­ above defenced promisee» »rid «.very or the following described premi»«-:, Ir • e nap e o f li.- : te o f Or< gon, urgerl to a tten d . N o t onU* I to- ?:it : limity and have moved to thru pirt ther?yf. * In Every W ay i Ä ^ S S ^ Ä ^ U S '«• » When you are wearing one of oiii- Stylish All Wool Perfect fitting Made-lo-onlev SUITS «* j i la iit k ii Harrison’s General Sioro CLQ VEffO ALE Oregon Read tiio ads this week They contain worth while messages. Community Sing Wednesday Eve. That thi» summon is p^blUaer pursuant to an or«ter ouly m£de »nd atered ny tiie Uohorable L. Fi. ’ 1c- Mah.-.n, jtulge of .{he Cucuif Court oi tiie State o f Oregon for the Co.ntv o f Marion, on the 2 1th «Pay oi. Sep, Ltr, lt*2«, « * - • ’ E. L. CRAW FOR u. Attorney for Plaihti.T. U -ri- sVd time, u. , .... _|t „ r. . » f - ('• | «jf th-: i-4»t.- o f Or«-?on, for th« for want then d, piaintiil wril apply H ack ( ,.y (A8 all in U.w * * i j- o f Portland visited Sunday ^vitii C n.„tij pf Marico; ryul run pi-ip to the sai i c< rt i'.-r a «herec can rcciU) the Dutch sVories Mrs. W alker’s ji.ii í mi-, M . . and tlicnc« East along th«: .'iniilli linr: in * ih» ! .. mar iii:.i : contract en«l amt th< the !o aI1 E e Mi *. P. D. Thomason. o f .;ai«l tract o f land 52.04 ciglile: bombi ot Witrimony n ov «ub-istinp; 4t rtl1 to t’u middle of tfic county road, bfi.v < t ri vo j tnd ibc Dlamtiff, //. M.1 To hc\p and train v^e boya of ,i .-„„.i -------r ? « -u . - . Richard Walker was a busi- l*a«l'ng from Turner to Marion; «»i. tin-lire North 10 d< prei-3 an«l 15 V.jithe'r'reiifif is t ! tie court " > y np- tn e corn fn u nity first to i-jng and no;,s v is ito r in S a le m laut M o n ­ minute? lin t along the midille o f is - just en t e ri- j tat . tl.rn t«) fiad th e gpod sin g e rs ar.JI d a y . - V I i ia I to.33 cluiiis to the Nono ■»’i:í-■ fiinrn’ om «» . • rved upon you ' ii-t.. * i , - _ line c f said tract nf land set off to I i . ■ i ■ i 1 |P ,r«.in. the ir \ oices is Mr. and Jirs. Raymond Titus » i d AV'r fr. Fandiam; thei r - VV<* t f • fo ■ ■> •cniive we«.i- in ’i ■ Dr. Ejaey’ scheif Joy in life. ami M u . Thomas Lilt!** attend­ along the North lin" o f »aid tract o f Turner Tribune, a weekly i.e'v- [,.ip. r j’ell y cjrs fr;ends and neigh- ed Ornnjfce in 1 urnu- last Satut- land 55.4 4 rhaini to the Northwest o f genern' circulât on p ibllèlieri at corner o f said tract; thence .South Turn r in Marion County, On on, bor:: that time* ¡3 in tyr day. 5r;; th at a good tim 0 degrees ami 30 riinòte« West pur«unnt to an order o f the Hon. i- county for them and come and enjoy it along th«- West line o f said tract of .?. C. Sjegmuml, ju«lç»* o f the land 8.54 chains; thence South 1 Court o f the Stite o f Ur< gon for your S t'f. degree West along lilt West line o f Mirion County, ma«le an«l cnl' rei^ on said tract o f land 7.51 chains to th ■ 22nd day of October, 1929. th«- place o f beginning, ami bem; a You are further r.otifn-d that the ; ■ * part o f the Josenh Davis and wile «late r.f the It rot publication o f thin Tha Tribune »hop can pint y«?ui Have your envelope» prü^tsd witl. P. !.. C. No. 43 in Township 9 butter wrap*, letter hea«l« anil en­ -ir re.urn »«i li 2Uh sv | luJ. • ir '.ir »V» Wr.k Sxhiblir: (>eicoo Poultry *n«J Pet *cpi V Uhowi and ‘ ’AC1 1 "l,‘ .Week _____ __ _ ('Nulla _ , . • » f«t‘ Ba»f and ILtiry sytVrKÌ-rcM Ilo:*_____ flotta ihtiw. __ Mlllloai Cittì#, llf.t 'iw Slif.’ p, I!»»«*, C ou d luti F otf* u h h ib 1 »’aider ouer.H 'f. «icitljr-.J, Ot ile n , O g I. lit N ov. 2 Re.luce-1 Farm all Irans^oi Àì+MÓ'k