T urner Xl v. TJDKNKK, NO 8 j r ■ “ TV- — >— CLOUGH-HUSTON CO. ' . j| r i J .v t K A i. . i .i — Locals P D n o . Alvin B, Stewart * P o m e ro y tim i K ü e n o 251 Cijurt Street Siilem, Ofcgon We carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from, al^o Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windqwa, Mr. and Mrs. Massie rnd jj Cedar Poets, Brick, Planter, Tile and $lakw*od in fo u r foot lengths. We desire to serve the public with Promptn*«* and Efficiency. L E T US RHONE S7S '032- . . . I Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X -RAY W ORK All Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices Uaa Your Credit Come in and talk H over Fhone HÙ ¡ S A l .EM Reaidenr* 758-R M A S O N IC T E M P L E , 1 family spent qeyeruldays in east- P!y t^le "J*10!1 ld State. Neville Huffman of Port. |ern Orcnon visiting Mrs. Noah’s but to m y part of Marion ----- t‘Jjn*j|ar.(.l, student chairman o f gener. (jui;ral Cuatr.uinr acd Binldfcf Çciiunt WorK and I'hjmbias FIGURE Y O U R B IL L Scribes to Join Grads At Game W. JAY ÜHNHEM i : —« '-■■■------------? “mr— ■■ "» ■■■v - •* For Saie- Will selj good ipso;! three children and Mrs Massie’ s piano at reasonable price and will mother, were guest? at the I. H. f ike some wood as part payment Small home SuwJiy evening. Address T. P. S Box 429; Salem. Mrs. Massie was formerly Mis«1 Oregon. Nagmj Runne r, a teacher in thv, Wanted Work! of any kind, local high schopl. ; With truck or single handed Joe Strayed-one large Lillie goat., Elston, Route 1 Box la, Turner,- Please taka him up and phone 10-17 2tp me at Turner. A. E. Spinser, Turner, Oregon. ll-24-4tp. *. J. R. Small, of Marion, ha? Htilem i' S^a«f i* I V « 1 J fw çjcrt & Opticians, H. R. Peel* and A. 1?. Hal? five cuts of corn on exhibition in Diamonds Wntchi? Clf-oks Jewelry & Silverware, £ were n Sa|?m or - business Fri­ the TribUn« office which is of ex­ day afternoon. cellent quality, Anyone who can Old grads of Oregon State Cob 379 Sfpíe, SI. Splym, Oregon. U. S. Talbott and W. Jay Den- beat this will receive the Tribune lege, other frifnda, aijd just plain -w ......................... ................. ............................y, hem are painting the interior of for a year. Mr. Small is already football fans will gather at Cor- ...... t the Chrfstajn church. a reader of the Tribune. We valijs fqr (he annual Homecorte WALNUT SCRUBBERS for'wou.d like to have mote v erier, n t< . Sa'.u day, Mile by Byberg Brothers, Silver-; from tne ,-iarton di.itrict so hunt _ _ .u . , ... . Qct 25, when the _u. cheif dirersion though your corn fields and « * iwill ^ a football game between ton, Oregon. ll-ÿl-2tp. NuaJ,Wd what vou have, this does not ap-| y niversit of Idahc and 0r~ Mr. and Mrs. James FLORIST — | .y .| Turner Lumber & M fg. Co. Will open ot 2Ó1 Coati Street, SjJein, SaJurdjy, Oct­ ober 1Ü, 1.020. Formerly at ¡147 Court Street Ombrella, Key aud f.'utjery Store c . F . B R E IT H A U P T § y ANOUNCEMENT * 0 6 f.C H U H G H S T -A T A U Y ISU.'JA %. SUBSCRIPTION *1.25 P M YKAg OCT. JD.t'J?';. — ObvM. Purse#, Hand Hags, Suit Cases and many other arti- files made o f leather suitable for hone gifts for all occasions. Tell us - r x - — ‘ " your HARNESS needs. F. E. Shafer, 170 S. Commercial f$t. Sp- AV.V.VAViV(‘» 7 ^ ' w / < v , v , v ^,v ‘',,‘‘‘,',V^,,,,V* W ,,V*VJ,‘rj [em, OrtRo” . Maxwell McKay. Ceail Martin and Herbert Briggs returned « 612 Blut» Huc«t New (Siigli JJuil A V V V V «\ S V .W W A N V W ---- * — _ _ W W A W W A V .V .V A W ^ W V ^ W W y V W A V V W A ^ | Turner visitors Sunday night. IpetbQr, Or. O, L. Scott I O R T O S Health, Accident Liability AND Fire INSURANCE i F. KORINEK, V.S,. B.V,Sç HIGH SCHOOL NOILS R EM (U. IN G TO N C.) j 4 > % Paid on s ix | m on th e Mrs- Bear Attends Conven­ tion' l i m e D e p o s its Fire und A u to m o b ile 12 Ga. Any size shot 16 Ga. Any size shot I n s u r a n c e V V V Iite n Turner State Bank A complete stock of Kccleaned Grains, G vons Seeds, Pasture Mlgturs, Burn Mixtures. Clovers, '•• • 1 • * I 4 % • * Alfalfa, etc^ VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Racopditiored LHedl Cara Model A Ford Scdir. ............ $SCO 00 Bones Farm Desig­ nated With Name j Model A ’r\wlor Sedan........... 575.00 5 5 0 .0 0 Model A S?3l\dy«t Coupe .. *ir.nn 495 00 ‘ T^nle»” 13 th? nntr.o under Mod.J A Rumness Coypo Model 46Û 00 Vthich Mr. apd Mrfc. J. M. Bones M A Phaeton .. 1927 Ford 'Vudof. V'*r*' wtwels, new paint ......................... 325 00 have registered their farm with 1925 For.l Tudor ....... 175.00 All re^leanc^ In the best possible ;rt/nn#r ^ 1925 Tord Coupes ?100.00 lo 12S.0J the State of Oregon. This name 1921 Ford Coupes 825.00 ttx. 45.00 will be used for their herd of 1*2? t-nrd ’rourn«/ ......... 260.00 puro-bred Jersevs. Mr. Bones has and solt^ a,t tl\d laxyest possible prices, quality 1926 Kord Touring 140 0.0 1926 Ford Hone-pick up 163 (a) been building up a herd of pure­ considered i Hoad .«etti arai Tournings, fvom »35.00 lo ............................ 90.00 bred stock for seyeral years and the time has now come when it • Sc. K Also Common ane Hunofatian Vetches, P^ll VALLEV MOTOR COMPANY seemed nccc*?sary to have a Center and Liberty Bt-\ Rye, J ail Liarlov Cheat Seed eig. name designate bis h^rd there­ SALEM PHON*: 1995 fore the abo ?« narjie was decided S hf. Eiidicott v;as ia Turner on. The Ropes family was busy on business Tuesday. the first of the week fulling their M r». Dean Morris was in Fa- silos. The corn was cut with a P H O N E 160. 261 STA T E ST. SALEtvk, O R E G O N lem on business Monday. ^orn binder this year. The binder L ^ The Tribun« credit for what is a time saver in the corn harv­ rjv\.W A W w ^ w A A v w w w m ’. v v w w w v w v . w v you buy frem our «<'vertu>er*. est. •*- ?- D. A. W.tu-e & Sons $1.00 .90 BALL BROTHERS’ TURNER, OREGON Petersen-Morris FALL SEEDS l Last < aturday, October 19, Miss Laura Petersen and Dean Alorriq AW W .W .V.W .VAW W NY.V.W VAW VW .VAW /W IW VW A were quietly married at Chetiai- lis, Lewis County, Washingtor Mrs. Morris is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Petersen, - f Turp^r. Mr. Morris is the son of W. C Mon is, of ti Q C ovq dale district fi't Old Time Dance E v e ry S a tu rd a y N ig h t *»4 l /Â C a s tilio n H all flotwtor Corner Liberty and Cfcemeketa StiL Salem, Oregon« Willard Mathis Orchestra Playing E. A . Rosenbaum, Mgr. 4 W A W W iW W V W t I •