THE TURNER TRIBUNE . , * , . t « . . . « . Turner, Oregon. Thurwiny » » ('C T r * \ .17 1PA) 3f. $. S i’ utlry. O it o r ^ïîunuiur-j^jv Issued Every Thur^d-'J" at -Turn:r, Marion Count/, Oregon • / * * • • • SÙ & SC M PltG N $1.35 YEAR. Entered jjt the Pewtoffice i.i Tiu».v», Oregon, ns second-rinse amtier, under the Act of March 8. 1M9. • ---- e -.y... . ■ — ■ -«-« <—--------------- - -- S P E C IA L tìnti) October 151 r ; v\ ■ S [ ¡Daily Daily apd Sunday $7.00 \Vith the Tribune $ÿ »50 b? $ 7.50 ‘‘I pltdge allegiance to the Kl&£ of the United^ Stilt os and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice- for aH.” ........ ■—■■■■— — i » *< ■ > V i ’ t ’ *'* * » $ 9 0 . 0 0 *. ■-—■■■■ - *■ * *, *• ■■ * « • < . « I • l a * d - . • t l * * . * ' . • * W * £ W * 1 > * * s ♦> « » ■- i.. Agnin The Champoeg Memorial w v r>cuiv«J a h'«4 rtem tiy wiitutn by M din a A M iller firm in g tli«» Cham|' 0 !*£ M *•»«*'*•'i which has wcrthwfcil« ideas in it. are gU d to quotes.^me of there *‘ A l the time of C b t d f e r ( tEfetiai» in 184 I which to-J to the an- re la tio n t f the Oregon eoon try the Edinburgh ‘R e.iew said: ‘ i f the Oregon country is ever seU.e.t it wilt be i i j «ores European country ard hy water as lh « _Rocky fjoon tian a are impassifcle.’ This was i|>o the contention in our ca n country. Many freelv predated that the R -cky mHintsins was the natural luundary of the United Stn’ M .” it w « : frit t j the p io » with the cs n-ares and ride* to find the rageta through the mountains At UnH, "’DO miles from the W il- 1 iinette celley, they ro te urged to tern back * » the mountans were in;- nassiblj and the ludtaos were oh the war path. Rut chose pioneers peuea ed with bravery and determination |lamrtte ValU-y an-.i rt'’-«biUh-?tt s'rttleiaects. A fter a time more came H 'bile foreign countries y sre cia im icg this terr o r f-r 1 n mstlv.-s these pioneers with the ox whip end rifle pris-*d fo r « a id and without blood shed won this vast country for the United State«. . i P o r t la n d D a ily N e w s I Uni)il November I ft V 1 '* • . , 9 $. 1.00 One Year > Even thengh M r ££'-br t e h ir e « i t * ?:ne th'n'g for i t ? govern­ ment at Warbington to have a part in b o ild in j shia icem rrial. we -ti l I stand for raising thfe monry within the leu lids of the original Oregon I Territory and making it the home cf the Oregon Historical m u e u ir .l V»'hen "built the President and com ber» o f the Cabineat at W ashing- ;< n shoni be invited tc take pur?. It, theu wiil tp lo c g to the origiu i»!; Òrs gon territory. I V Fjghting The Jungle The health of white t»oniD>the tropics h.»s loDg b en a serious pr. blero pf world wide importance. The c ’ sesio example, invariably Cited, is, of course, the Panama -sn a 1 experience of the United States : In the Philippines, southern Asia, East and West InJie.*^ Afriya gint fcentral and South America whit j men from corlhern latitudes have always faced the danger of tropical ¡¡loess no matter how short their stay A definitely orgacizad campaign to study and J e 7 iso the uitat s Dl eccape fur th s danger hai. therefoie, been Weicom-.-d enthusiasticsl y. The Gorgas memoriallabratory, recent adjar.’ t to PcDsrr.a C ity,; :* tsking the lead it: the work, with » study of malaria, probably the moit am versa )ly dangerous of tropic«! disearcj. I'v e ry possibly bit of informaiion obtainable is bring cci-ght for by the "ccienfsts at thie institution and ways and means for 'prevention sre to be" though'y con»;dtrtd The U m U a States has contributed ?o3.GU»J to the cause- __ Portland Daily News. T u rn er T rib u n e Subscription Agent Magazines and Periodicals he world again is debtor to Ethel Hueston for a fine tale, strong, true and A m erican to the last word. Debtor, too, for another sweet, delightful, whirpsical heroine of a type similar to her “Prudence of the Parsonage "The sparse, zip and pepper of Ella will ma\e her a figure to capture every reader. & & & v ' -Ut«vC-V.* P>A -v P A C IF IC I M I L R Ü C Ï O Rally Day was a joy and a success. Each class made its goal. The number 151 for the last Sunday S'hool was made i b y three people arm ing at the " /; . ’ • 1 | very last minute. Extra music and sinRiiiK was a pleasure to [the larye audience. Robert Brown, the young musician from Dr. Eplcy’s Hay Chorus of ¡Salem was recalled m;$ny times. • lie p!a>i.u boui tiit- accordian SUMMONS —NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT and harp. The duet by Mrs. In the Circuit Cojjrt.of the State of Notice ir hereby given that the final SUMMONS Ceo. Stand ley and her sister, cation hereof is October 17, 112'*, Oregon for the County o f Marion, account o f M. B. Hayden and Ben In the Circuit Court" o f the State of R. L. CHAWFÒftD, i Mrs. lileason, touched th* luaac Maxwell, joint a innnistrators of A-»orMey ton Daintif Oregon, foT the County of Marion. : Department No. 1. No. 19415. | hearts of those prosent with its tlic estate of W. O. Hay-den, deceased, AHie O. Karnhara and E. J. FatnhbU, Ladd * flusll Hank Uldg.', Sale Francis W. Smith and Gc-orjrc 0. Van | has been filed in the County Court of OW p°H- her husband, FlaintitTs. sentiment nnd rendering. The Nalfa, partner!; doing bu-dn Marion County, Oregon, and that the VI. ; under the assumed firm name aed Ihth ciay of October, 192'J, at the , sermon followed this song and style o f Salem Colk-ction Agency, hour of ten o'clock A. M „ in the room Cornelia A. Davis, Henry Ciinten thou the invitation lor member­ plaintiffs, of the County Court of Marion Coun­ Davis, Mary Josephin»- Davis d e m ­ ship. Five people came forward vs. ty, Oregon, has been fixed by the ; ent , John Doe dement, William court as the time- and place for the 1 f're-ston Davis, Eltba Davis, Altha 1 to become member» of the Tx-w's Mlshler, Defendant. To*Lewish -Miviiler, the above named hearir.t t f objections to 3uch final ac-, Davis, John Davis. Charles Uavi3, church. Miss Leone Cook was count aiPl the settlement o f raid es­ Pranit Davis, the unknown heirs of i e-fi-ruiunt; . . .. baptised after th«f morning tate. --j which time ary person inter- Joaeph Davis, deceased; the un­ In the nam«- id *he State of Ors*on, ••ste.; in said estate filsy appear nnd known heirs of Catherine Davis, de­ Surprise G n r g c held their service by the pastor, Mr. tiii- you a ru,lient-by miutred to aapiiar ana »fl|„ «fbjictions thereto and -¿entert the ceased; the unknown heirs of Jon&3 »Answer thv LiioO. açaii A « :.n,t.. Davis, deceased; Jane Doe Smith, first afterr.oop rne^tiag at the »trap. Several of the young poo- yo’i in the shnvr t-nt •Mri action v/i^h the Wife of K. W. Smith; also, alt Odd fellows hall Saturday after- pie were absent In the evening, W> jfi^jr ( J.I V.'etks from the «lati: u. M. B. HAYDEN, o ile r part es'and persons unknown the flr3t publication of this slimmer. BEN ISAAC MAXW ELL, having or ciaimirig any right, titie, r.oon A ^ood attendance wa* £0in‘K to Salem to attend Uiq to-wit: lrpm the 2bth day of Septem- , . . . T * estate, lic-n or interest ¡n and to present at the meeting. Mr. and C. E. convention. U.C 1929, abd if you fail to so appear: Joi,V,t Administrator o f the Estate of t-he real property dose fi bad in the nlaintiff will tike Judgment attain. 1 1 ” • Hayden, Deceased, Mrs. A D. Hale «affiliated with Dr. fcpiyy, of Sale pi. will be ! complaint herein. Defendant- yyu-as foHows to»wit: *-' - - —4” | v^ r;ri i.~«V{ÿ&r To the Defendants above named : the Grange at this meeting. The | the church Thur-dny cve- (1J For the sum o f J250.09, to­ — * In ti.- nam« al th St. : o f Oregon, gether with interert thereon at the | In The County Court, For Marion y ° u are hereby required to appear large t?,bie in the dining room (1,nK 1 0 plkctice a chorus for rat.; o f tight per cent per annum from and answer the- complaint filed again.-i was loaded to capacity with held Saturday Movcmber 9th. ftesentx-d premises, the ?Jmc having in the ounty Co»jrt o* Mariou C/>un« for want thereof, plaintiffs will take bu n heretofore attached by plaintiffs ty, Oregon, and that the 23th day of a decree against you that th«y r.ii the Various classes ;>£ f&rm produce >n this uction, to-tyit* exhibited Everyone November, 1923, at the hour of 10:u0 owners in fee simple and in po • esion will be I9»ginning at the North line of o’clock, A. M. thereof, at the Court-: o f the following described p- his- should help the Grange members the Donation Lurid Claim of I. N. house at Salem, has been set as th« to-wit: make this fair « pe worth while. Gilbert and wife 15.235 chains Be«ririi-.t-.^ at the South»- s‘ -or- South 89 degree;; and 45 minutes time arid put eel for hearing any and n<-r «if a ci«rtain tract o f .ar.*1 set As usual the Tribur.s will take are included in the all «bj^«ctii»*s to »aid f a c c o u n t . West from the Sou (heart corner of apart to Aide G. Earn ham in the part in the premium offers in ^ Mcrriim Webster, the Donation» latud Claim o f John partition uit o f Mary A. Sweet vs. JENNIE P^ltK E R V^-uih at nircireph, igvaffe in Town.hip 7 South, Range AHie G. Farnnain, et al., beiqg suit addition to anv other premiums 2 West of tfie Willamette Meridian Adrniuiitratrix of the Sstate pi numb« r 7*03 in the Circuit Court that may be ofTcmi. Fob the best Charles i-. Parker, deceased. 'nr.-ti, Bahaiin, in Marion County, Uregon; thence o f the State c f Oregon, for the fulrrgectlil, etc. oouth 89 degrees and 4 i minutes County of Marion; and {iianing five ears of corn either white or W. IV. Mihrn»ey, West 7.25 chaina along the Noi-th ; New names and thence Ka«t along the South line yellow two one year subscription Attorney tot ‘Administratrix iin» of ia f l claim of I. N. Gilbert» places are listed such o f “ lid tract o f lar d I chains apd wife; fhend» South f'-.9*f ebuins;[ Date of first publication Oct., l'j as Ca.ii/, fandoms, i jiin,L'.’ria, cic. to the middle of the county rood, to £ 0 to separate addresses. Sec­ thence Noirtli -9 degrees and 45 hading from Turner to Maridti; ond a one year subscription. For Date of last publication N«rv. 7. GiiiiUUigr impjpvcd and key., up Follow This Enchanting Tale cs a Serial in îî r it J 'IO N A J. U V t S T O C K 7 6 — F .X P Ü 5 IT IO N OVKMBBR Fa ires to irortland Greatly Reduced • * Starts In The Tribune Today u • 1 ’fukets arc cu - ilc iron l - • -'-:; 2 1 to November 2, wtth return limit c l No\«.;ni- -r •!. G a /iJ g A w a y ? N o need for vprry >on|'-.->ion. A short trip or ^ long pne — ail Jttaili arc ; .il) iimf-lilit-J. Fium. or tall oil vour fix* a I SyqUicrn lalilu. .^gciit. He i» a tr.ivcl c\fxrt. |Ic will 4 (I 4 T.^C jour [rip by pair». M \y/c .a *»t iril«lilp. get x>ur transputtation to tour dfuinatir»^, make si» tc«erv«i i.«ns, circuit jupr bay im . hc ar,d f ,ivj y m aJJ irifoimstion tJ tnakc your trip a urcfrce, J, ^ ns ¿¿e. 1 Ffc.r a// frat cl i ifortnalion, f i t uc or call on y . itr l Souj'tcrn Pacific agoi.t. at P a c ific 11. H. B on d, A,Rout T u rn e r , O regon / * t/ic ts . / u *r> rb" '1“ mettT r« 1 h «« uri* "f » 'm - -• UVSurt s. » ^ m U* %iav co’J^ tile rice North 10 ferree« and 15 .. , . a *. aa minuti ; H:ist aloni.' thè middle o f -, best nV6 potfttocs, any va ile* ;|i‘ ! n;.3rj chain? to thè North t y iT h is does not mean the lartco- line QX sani tract o f lami «et olt* io . .. ;ii. SeConfl one lami 55.41 Chain» to tho Vf)rthw«;vt • r.> „ ,u, ..„n .• _ r f corner of »ahi trac ; thonc«- f9)iith ^ ^ or best collecfton o f o d o g a n i so minuti » w«-»t farm produce shown by one indi- along th«- West lino ot aai«t traci al vW u a, fl tw o year subscription land ».;>4 chain»; tbtne« Bout» 1 i • li-grc«- W. st along th - Wt*:»t lino <.i , will be g iv e n Come out and en­ ai«l tract of la.,n on, by the Sheriff oi Marion County, Or< - gon, according to law and the practice of the above entitled court! that th- proceeds of said sale be applied to the amount du- (dairtitt rrd »hut, you, and all.».jp-rson • •clnieiing un.U-i .,r through you, h«» forever bhrr -ii of all right, t.\ie and nUerest ¡.. ai il to t;,<; above de.;cribcii prcuiiie.-’, • hd vv.-ry part thereof. That this summons is published pur mint to /»n order duly made and entered by the Honorable L. H. Mc­ Mahan, judge of the Circuit Court of the Stab? o f Orrcon for the County o f Marion, on thu"^4th day "of Septem­ ber, 1929. F. L. CRAWFOBD, Attorney for plaintiff. Residence and poetnfflee rddre'-r: S«iem, Oregon. 2 1 The "Supjctpe Authority” In mart', r»/?,er% rhtr.h, and among fr.:*mir-i 2 l .¡¡¡icia'i b-jtli h.diral ar.«i *att. 452,000 entries Including 400,VOl ukn'.M:jrji rermi, 31,000^:>gra^ ' .id subjea», 11,0001. ygrabhr //entries. O /vt uyo tllf.t-aitj - 1 , and i 50 ial- nalU tallc. S-nlf',r Pr,-, r~-’ richly itlu: ,u l pamphlet raitairing