The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 17, 1929, Image 3

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Chinese Have Armored Trains in Manchuria
llM Ì I a | l Canlurf Old
|>ulr uf oim blindimi y rn r olii
gtockliigs « n i*<1 al llldili-fortl.
Maina. Tliajr w*re contribuivi) l.» *n
Ogunqult woinan and alia anld limi
th* atiM'klnua liad bvvn glvi-o lo a Ul­
ti« girl UN) yesrs ago by bar grumi
mutilar tur Ilio rlilld lo waar al bar
(Irai party. Tha aliH-kliiga ara of Kng.
Itali Itala lava ami ara of ai<|iilalta
dellrscy and livauly Tlivjr ara In sa-
callvnt rotidlllon In aplla of llivlr ug*
. •
Not to be caught unprepared, the Chinee* military authorities hava rushed a number o f armored car«, such aa
the on« shown lu tha plctura, to tha acena of tba recant encounter* with Ued Ituaalun troop«, near Harbin In north-
arn Manchuria.
L a v a r Animala Sm eli Fear
Wild animala amali fear In human
tlelogs; not n.vrely aenaa It. bui amali
Il actually . . , for mim a gland*
art log froin tha braln, giva forti, rar
taln ricretloua rauaed by Ihta «tata
o f fear; animala hnrtng thè advantage
o f thla Information - atlark, wrltca L
0 . llolcrot.
Remember When the Ladies Dressed Like This?
Travel by Rail
It aeems that the aierngr Herman
Aow makra 23 railroad trip« a yenr
Thla ntakea them about Ilia world*»
beat traw ler» ao far aa the rulla are
concerned. Americana go farther and
oft alter, hut tha motor car d«ea ibv
Mg bualneaa to human luovrmenl la
thla country.
Ola Point Comfort
Some folks take pain
lor granted.
They let e cold "run its course ”
Th ey wait for their headaches to "w aer off.”
I f suffering from neuralgia or from neuritis,
they rely on feeling better in the morning.
Meantime, they suffer unnecessary pain.
Unnecessary, because there is *n antidote.
Bayer Aspirin always offers immediate relief
from various aches end pains we ones had to
endure. I f pain persists, consult your doctor
as to its cause.
Save yourself a tot o f pain and discomfort
through the many uses o f Bayer Aspirin. Pro­
tect yourself b y buying the genuine. Bayer is
toft. Always the same. All drugstores.
lAsoirta ta tha b ail» mark of B a n » liasatoctara af « ------ —»<-----— of 9aUryU»a«tf
DNIQOB name, that—Old Point !
W av'* First V ictim ?
It W asn 't H er Fault
Comfort—and lost as fitting as
It Is believed that tbe first boat sunk
He— Don't go. You are leaving me
it la unusual, for It baa been a con­
in the World war was tbe San Wllfrt>
entirely without reason.
tinuous comfort ever since the expe­
She— I always leave things as 1 find do, ■ British ship sunk by ■ mine, Au­
dition which settled Jamestown, after
gust 3. 1014.
Its long and perilous voyage from tbe
Old world, sought shelter In Hamp^
ton Roads In 10(17 and christened It
Pojrot Comfort because of Ita pro­
tected harbor—the “ old” being aa aft­
erthought to distinguish It from an­
other settlement on the York river.
Because o f Its strong fortification*. It
has been a comfort during times of
war and It la today and every day a
HE b*bv to be envied ix the ooe
comfort for vessels In distress as well
who is bora with an inheritance
aa to those Individuals who lova to
o f perfect health, to begin with.
bask amid Its peace-time tranquility
Ana who's lucky enough to have a
___ i
■ . ___ t z.
- - i :u
and discuss the happenings of the ex­
citing days of war.
Located at the end or point of that
"Perhaps I'm old-fashioned,” she'll
Y-shaped strip of Virginia whh b Juts
say to the doctor w h o pronounces
out Into Hampton Roads between tbe
her child physically 100% at a baby
month o f tbe broad James river and
■how, ''ù i t this health certificate
Chesapeake bay, well within Capes
means more to me than all the stock
Charles and Henry (named fur tbe
certificates in the w orld. If my baby
sons o f King Jamea 1 of England)
grows up strong and w ell. I'm w ill­
which mark the dividing line between
ing to leave it to him to make s
Chesapeake bay and the Atlantic
career and fortune for himself.
ocean—a strategic location. Indeed,
"A lready I'm teaching him the value
Old Point Comfort baa been a fortified
o f regular habits. Regular sleep, reg­
place since 16U9 when Fort Alger-
ular meals, regular functions. H e's
noune was built to “ protect the con­
never once been o ff schedule, not
tinent from tbe Spaniards.”
even when he was cutting teeth or
present Important military post la
traveling t o the country. I make
known aa Fortress Monroe (In honor
sure o f that by giving him N ujol
of President Monroe). Ita walls are
said to be 00 feet (hick. President
N u jol w orks s o easily and naturally
Jefferson Davis of the Southern Con­
that it w o n 't upset s baby under Just tty N u jol for you r bsby. G ive
federacy was detained here as a
any conditions. It keeps everything it to him regularly for the next three
prisoner after the Civil war. The
functioning properly. It n ot on ly months. See if it doesn't make things
fierce encounter between that "Yan­
prevents any excess o f body poison s much easier for both o f you. Cer­
kee cheese box on a raft,” the Mon­
(w e all haw? them ) from forming tainly it could d o n o harm — far
itor, and the Iron-dad Merrlmac oc­
but aids in their removal. It is sate N u jol contains no drugs or medicine.
curred within plain view o f “ Old
and sure. N u jol was perfected b r Your druggist carries it. Be sure you
the N u jol Laboratories, 2 Park get the genuine. Sold on ly in sealed
a s *
Avenue, N ew Y ork .
Life looks rosy for him
Am eric an ChrUtlan»
Throe member* of the California Federation of nusineas and Professional Women’* Clubs In convention at tb*
Hotel Huntington. Pasadena, C alif, added teat to their proceeding* by adopting costume* o f three decade« ago
for “ Gay Nineties" day.
New Wind Beacon for the Airmen
Silly Belief Abont Raklo»
liable« ran be tmnamltted only h>
Anltuala that are actually diseased at
the Hina. Tb» re la no foundation f.e
the belief that pers ona bitten by a dog
which subsequently becomes rabid may
contract tha malady.
Chivalry Never Dead
Borne »ay the age o f chivalry la past,
that the spirit o f romance Is dead
The aga o f chivalry la never past ao
long aa there la a wrong left un.
redressed on earth.—Klng»lcy.
Moon Suparatltlon
The term “ mooo magic" refers to
the mnglcal effect tha moon la anp
pom'd by superstitious people to have
on human affairs, eaperlnlly lu tb*
ways o f Inva and romance.
Sensitive Butterflies
natterfllrs are ao sensitive to wnnl
• f light that they are not only stupid
and aleepy at night, but are affected
In the daytime by tbe shadow of every
passing cloud.
Hector Fuller Is here holding a
Thompson submachine gun at the
Industrial exposition to
New York. The baby machine gun
weighs but nine pounds thirteen
ounces, but Is capable o f “ spitting’'
a stream of 300 bullets a minuta.
Arch In Architecture
That tha construction o f th* arch
and dome wna understood aa early
na MOO 11. G hna been proved by ex
cavatinas at the aide o f Dr of the
Be Chary af Bittern»»»
*W a would restrain many a hlttei
Word," said III lln the »age o f <*htna
town. "If we could foresee the tear» of
bereavement." — Washington
MaJ. Francis Itoyle, Capt. L. H. Palmer and Capt. Dudley Howurd. left to
right. Inspecting the new wlnilnge ben eon undergoing teats at liolllng Held.
Thla revolving bencon with tbe wind direction Indicator was Invented by
1 ajor Hoyle And la ao designed as to throw a colored beam down wind for a
distance o f from one to tivo miles a* an aid to pilots making landings at night.
Jackie, Crippled, Uses Wheelchair
Coroner* should slwsys retire early
on Friday night In preparation for Ihr
strenuous two days to follow.
Since shnr^ skirt* are her* to slay
girl luthier are not allowed to learn
to walk aa early In Ilfs aa formerly.
Jack Quinn, one o f Connie Mack's
veteran pitchers and who aided ma­
terially this year In bringing the Ath­
letics to the top, has announced hit
Children are now beginning to com
plain that home might he hnpplet If
parenti would stay home at nights
In Bwedcn they are making auto
bodies out of leather. Fine business!
A act nod hand ear can readily be half
IM t I M I,
, .
ETOIIB Columbus landed In Amer­
ica tba Indian vlllag* of H ochi1-
*ga neat led below Mount Royal seer
which now proudly staods the city of
Montreal. Here, faring th* spot where
Its founder slew an Invading Indian
chief, rises tba solid farad« of the
historic French-Tanadlan parish church
o f Notrg Dame, built more than a cen­
tury ago d ose by tbe sit* of an earli­
er house o f worship which dated back
to 1072.
Thla great church accommodate«
approximately 1S.UUU worshiper* at a
time—Its capacity being said to *>«
exceeded by but on* other religious
edlDc* on this cuntlntent at Ibis writ­
ing. In view of tba aeveral service«
which ara bald here each Sunday, It
■earns safe to aay that upwards o f
00,000 persons have attended aervlcaa
here on a single Ssbbsth.
Tba otrudure Is 200 feet long and
131 feat wide and embraces a peculiar
feature In church construction In that
It carries two galleries on each able.
Looking down from tha top of tha up­
per gallery the view bears striking re­
semblance to the Interior of an amphi­
theater. Its great arched ceiling la
30 feat high.
Its twin towers of Gothic architec­
ture, resembling those of tbe church
o f Notre Dume In Faria, rise to a
height o f 227 feet and coulatn tea
belle—ona of which, cast In England
and known aa "Le Groa Bourdon,”
weighs 24,780 pounds and la credited
with being tbe largest In America. Be­
cause of Its great weight It la rung
only on occasions o f great moment,
s e e
No Merit la Brooding
Do not bo alwaya speculating on
your futura and thinking wlmt you
aitali do. , , . Tliera la more ac.
tlon In dlamlaalng a itaeleaa rara than
In a month’« brooding over the | h »**I
bla or tha probable.—George Mac i
dona Id.
Backward Races
Rome races of men have only 800 or
«00 words at their command, and are
dependent upon gesture for much of
their meaning.
"D addy” Estimating T a ra
Thirty lira or forty year« ago tha
D ll« “ dad” or "daddy” wna not In
good form. Today, howover, both arv
regarded aa entirely |>ni|ier and are
preferred by many parent«. To ad
draaa ona’a father aa "dad” or "daddy*
Itnpllea no dlacourteay Indicate« no
lack o f rearing, and la by no meaua
TOlgur.— Washington Htar.
Bird File» High
Th* condor probably ascenda to
greater altitudes Ihnn any other bird.
It Is believed Hint ll sometime» «trug-,
gles up to s height of four miles.
V ,
A Rare Church
Physician» Noi Lang Lived
According In tlia kloiro|>olliiin l.lfa
Inaurane« company, physician» bara
M advanlaga In longevity, ai ona
■night aiparl front Itialr profaaalon. Ilo
Iba contrary. Itiay do noi lira aa long
«a Ih« ordinary polley holdvra.
Ihc aga of thirty, when a |>liyalrlaii
tingili« hla curvar, tha doctor’« v *| hh »
talion of Ufa la two yeura laaa lima
that o f th« general population.
Although only atomi one half th*
Population of the Dulled State« la In
eluded In Ilia inemheral.lp of I'l.rla
ttan churches. It la eallinated that t»t
per rent of tha Inhabitants hold tha
belief« o f rhrlatlnna.
"Jackie." pet of a Dallas (Texas) family, recently run over by nn auto
mobile, pulling himself nions the "road to recovery" In a wheel chair con­
traption bull! especially for him.
Health worth more Heir to millions
than fortune
Fuirmount Perk
AIRMOUNT park, Philadelphia, la
one of the most picturesque o f all
our natural city breathing spots. It
also Is the largest Containing but
five acres when opened In 132a. It
ha* been enlarged through the taclu
slon o f country estates along the
Schuylkill river and the Wlasahlckon
valley and Fort Washington, with Its
historical associations, until Its area
approximates 4,000 acres.
Its miles and miles o f drives and
walks ara lined with numerous ob­
jects c f outstanding interest. For In­
stance. there Is Memorial hall, a great
marble exhibit palace— great memo­
rial o f tbe Centennial Exposition
(first world's fair In America) which
was held here In IS7G— containing
rare collections of various objects
from all points of tbe compass; an
Immense collection of trees, thru he,
plants and flowers- tbe Municipal Art
museum; an extensive mologtcal gar­
den; a large aquarium with Its as-
, semhlage o f finny tribes; the couutry
house of Robert Morris who financed
tb* Revolution; the home o f the
I founder of the state of Pennsylvania,
built In 1682 and declared to be the
I oldest brick house in Philadelphia;
Belmont mansion, dating buck to 1743,
oft visited by Washington, Lafayette,
Jefferson, Franklin and other lead­
ers of that day; Mount Pie*«ant. built
in 1762, once tbe home of Renedlct
Arnold and pronounced "the arart ele­
gant teat In Pennsylvania" and a
great array of statues erected to com­
memorate heroes and object* o f lesser
Importance. In fact, Falrmount la ao
exposition In Itself.
Mad Woman’» Achievement
A square of rng. Inscribed in ex
qulsltc needlework with a clearly read­
able message nearly 1.000 words long,
was among the exhibit at the patholog­
ical exhibition at the British medical
congress st Msnchester. The worker
¡ A 1SS* W o rt,rn Newepatwr Cnlo a.)
wss s madwoman who Imagined that
she was Eve, and th* needlework de­
S econ d Thoughts
scribes her hallucinations. The most
"Is there a good reply to the mat
astonishing thing about It Is that It rullne argument that man was made
was all done under the coverlet o f her flrat and woman afterT” asks a read­
bed. to concent It from the nurse. er. Yea— that second thoughts are
She Intended It as a message to God.
H its the H igh Spots
C om la g A cross
"The Slowpaya ara home from Eu­
Willie— “ Pa. what Is a grasshop­
per?” Pa—“That dull lawn mower of rope. They came across In five days."
"It must have taken some expert
ours I” —Judge.
pressure to make that deadbeat cornu
The Cnlted States bureau o f fish­ across In less than ninety days.”
eries Is conducting an Intensive study
o f marine products as feedstuffs for
Guest—This steak Is so thin that I
farm use.
can read through ttl
Walter—Yes, sir.
What do you
Some grown folks are harder to
wish to read?— Detroit News.
amuse than some babies.
Heed Early Warning!
Don’t Lat Kidney Trouble Get i Firm Hold.
OES every day find you lame and achy— suffer­
ing nagging backache, headache and dizzy spells?
Are kidney excretions too frequent, scanty or burn­
ing in passage? These are often signs of sluggish kid­
neys and should not be neglected.
T o promote normal kidney action and assist your
kidneys in cleansing your blood of poisonous wastes,
use D oan* Pill*. Endorsed the world over. Sold by
good dealers everywhere.
Doan's Pills
A Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys
( t I I O \
M 'l I I X M M S
__________ JED
15-years success ta treating Ractai and
Colon ¡roubles oy ths Ur C l Dea«
BO N d U JU CU At nether » .
a M n ti» ti. g v » W R IT T K h A S -
fend tudav tar FRKR 1 00-naaa
l Wvtk dvarrftXna cauta» cimi arne­
r a » tmem .U « K » «Omenta.
Germany Is considering Imposing a
gasoline tax.
The thickness of th* Ice sheet which
covers the center o f Greenland Is un-
| known
Brooklyn's population now exceeds
I that of tha borough ni Manhattan by
Chem icals such as aspirin do not
prolong the Ilf* o f cut flowers.
Minnesota plana to spend $2,000,-
(XX) In two years to eradicate bovine
Gila monsters, vf the Usarti family,
venomous snakes.
Massachusetts wss the flrat state
to adopt a compulaory school attend
nnvc Irw
Reelle trapping Is s new sport In
traduced In Virginia to annihilate nn
'll’tux of *•:• a’v r.e Inx H s
Lafayette Rell*
A draft from congress presenting
Lafayette with S2IX).IXX) In "appreda
tlon of his sacrifice* and services’
and receipted by th* general Is on
display to the main lobby o f the
Treasury building In Washington.
Urgent Need
Wanted—Somebody who will Invenl
a well ventilated hut soundproof room
that will exclude the noise from th*
uelflilmr's loud »t>etiker Detroit Fre»
His "Traditions”
Billy had been told that a tradition
la something handed down from par­
ents to children. So the next day at
echool he explained lo his teacher that
he was late because "Mother bad to
mend my tradition«."
Keep your skin
♦ d ear ♦
It’ s Scien tific Training
S O A P to c ita n te • O I I T M E S T to h e a t
I often wonder how doctors kin time
the’r bill* to reach us Jest when we’re
planning a trip or a new roof ot *
ihoiMi enrage - Alte Martin in ¡‘¡ire
■inil I Ir ride
w ith Cwticura
O IH T R E 3 T