The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 17, 1929, Image 2

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Dorothy*s Mother
Proves Claim
CYtlldren don't ordi­
narily taka to medi­
cine# but here’s ona
that all o f them lo r*.
Perhaps It shouldn't
be called a medicine
at all. It's more Ilka
a rich, concentrated
fo o d .
wholesome, sweet to the taste and
sweet In your child’s little stomach.
It build* up and strengthens weak,
puny, underweight children, makes
them eat heartily, brings the rosea
back to their cheeks, makes them
playful, energetic, full of Ilf*. And
no bilious, headachy, constipated,
feverish. fretful baby or child ever
failed to respond to the gentle Influ­
ence o f California F ig Syrup on their
little bow els It starts lasy bowels
quick, cleans them ouf thoroughly,
tones and strengthens them so they
continue to act normally, o f their own
Millions o f mothers know about
California Fig Syrup from experience.
A Western mother, Mrs. J . G. Moore.
11» Cliff Av#„ San Antonio, Texas,
sa y s : "California Fig Syrup Is cer­
tainty all that's claimed for It.
base proved that with my little Doro­
thy. She was a bottle baby and
delicate. Her bowels were weak. 1
started her on F ig Syrup when she
was a few months old and It regu
lated her, quick. I have used It with
her at er since for colds and every lit­
tle net-back and her wonderful con­
dition tells better than words how it
Don’t be Imposed on. See that the
F ig Syrup you buy bears the name.
"C alifornia" so you’ll get the genu­
ine, famous fo r SO years.
T h e R eason
“Why do you buy more ahnes at
this time? You have eleven pairs In
the closet."
"1 know, but 1 need the box for a
picnic lunch."—Detroit New».
Makes Life
Next time a coated tongue, fetid
breath, or acrid skin gives evidence
of sour stomach— try Phillips Milk of
M agnesia!
Get acquainted with this perfect an-
tl-acld that helps the system keep
sound and sw eet T hat every stomach
needs at times. T ake It whenever a
hearty meal brings any discom fort
Phillips Milk o f Magnesia has won
medical endorsem ent And convinced
millions of men and women they didn't
have “indigestion.”
Don’t d ie t and
don't suffer; Just remember Phillips.
Pleasant to take, and always effective.
The name Phillips is Im portant; It
Identifies the genuine product "5111k
of Magnesia" has been the U. S. regis­
tered trade mark o f the Charles H.
Phillips Chemical Co. and its pre­
decessor Charles H. Phillips since 1573.
P h il l ip s
r . Milk .
of Magnesia
P A R K E R ’S
R m I o t m C olor and
Boots«7 to G ru r ood Foded H on
m md fi.oo st iTiirrtrt«.
_________ 11 wi'~ >r * » <
■ t
FLORESTON 5HAMPOO Id«*l tor see to
e o o M C t k in w u h r « r k > r'a H a ir H a .«M u . M i k e « th e
hair to ft and i u S r - v> c e n t* by m ail or a« d r o j-
r i i t a Hire r Chemical W orks, ra tch o g o a , !». T .
D ressed fo r It
Mabel —Now that I’m all dressed,
where shall we go?
Ja c k —Let's go swimming.
Rons Ball Blue, I w an t Insist, don’t
accept substitutes. Grocers sell coast
to c o a s t—Adv.
Only weakness asks sympathy.
Every day 10,000 women buy a
bottle of Lydia E . Pinkham’s Vege­
table Compound. They know that
there is no better remedy for their
troublesome ailm ents with their
accompanying nervousness, back­
ache, headache, "blu e” spells, and
rundown condition.
Lydia E. Pink ha in ’s
Vegetable* Compound
taf* sasr way M ors
troubles follow. T«ko
T bs tried home remedy tor breaking
up cold» relieving throat troubles»
healing and soothing—quick relias
ir r r-n..gMr'g mid hoartenee»,
J ^ e e t m il d r e g e i u t s
l i t t
mm I« M f i
o r R A M S -IN A EUT
IN N O S T R I L * «
O il#
Descriptive folder on request-
O . L E O N A R D , In c .
TO FMs A **, Hew York C«V
G i n g e r E lla
*b r E t h e l H u e s to n
I l l u s t r a t i o n s Mgr
Ir w in M y « r*
The low elren of s motor eounded
A flash of light leaped to
M arjory’s »yea, a quick flush to bar
"It'S Eddy." the whispered.
down »verybody, and look natural
Don’t stand about—gaping—"
Suiting action to ber word» Mae
Jory dropped gracefully Into a chair
and toyed with the golden chain with
an air of utmost Indifference. Ths
o ther» quickly, with more or leas of
grace, draped themselves about the
room. Ginger turnlug ber back to them
all and tn llte door, burying herself tn
Ihe derail» of the buffet supper.
“ You ae» father." ah# hissed scons-
fully. “Y«u see? The whole family
Is man mad. simply man mad.
E x­
cept yon and nt» Disgusting, that's
what It 1» simply disgusting
ural as a flower—humph I You don't
see the flower* flying off their stalks
boy friend
breezes In.”
“ 'Lo everybody," railed Eddy’s
voles from
ths p la ts »
"D oor’» open— I’m coming In. Oh.
good evening. Mr. rolltver. how are
you? Good evening. Mias Jen k in s
Gee. Marge. I pity the Judge» I only
hope they Itv* to deliver ths prise.”
“ Why. Eddy, how nice you look.”
said Helen warmly.
“Yea. thank» I suppose I d a The
white carnation was toother's Ides, and
I feel )uat like a hanker. She says
It Is not often a mere hay ntbe farmer
has a chance to step out with a Blue
Ribbon, a«, shs dolled ms up. Ile lla
Ginger had not so much as lifted
her eyes from the paper.
“Oh. h ell« Eddy." she said coldly.
But this coldness on her pari was
merely assumed on principle, to show
her disgust for the m.m madness with
which her slaters were afflicted. In
her heart, she was fond of Eddy Jack
’ O h, you’re all right, are you?
That's a relief. I thought you’d been
suddenly struck deaf, dumb and—e r
uh—" lie floundered awkwardly away
from the tender subject of blindness
“II uuiai be time to start." said
Helen, her eye* on the dock.
had told Professor lotngley not to com e
until eight-thirty—a late hour for
caller* tn Red Thrush, but ah* wa*
determined to do her sisterly duty to
Marjory before abandoning herself to
personal pleasure.
" Y e » I think It I» " agreed Eddy.
“It seems they check the beautlee at
the door, at e ig h t I think. I should
have brought s truck to carry home
the prize» but—
“Oh. nonsense." laughed Marjory.
“Yon know I haven’t a chance tn the
world, against all those lovely gtri»
and all those lovely gowns—"
" llu h ." sniffed Ginger scornfully,
ander her breath. “You'd never think
we'd spent that flfty dollars— In our
minds—live days ago."
T h s girls followed them to tbe door
as they went out. smiling admiration
Mur Jory—admiration, encourage­
ment and hop»
“Shall 1 bring you a sandwich In
my pocket. Ginger? Or would you
rather bare an asp ic?" Eddy called
to her.
Ginger Ignored him.
The three girls stood together tn
the doorway until, with a last farewell
of tbe siren, the car disappeared down
tbe quiet shady street.
“A nice boy." said Helen quietly.
But with a full view of ths living
room before ber, ber quietness ran
(sited. “This place Is a sight," she
•aid briskly. “Ginger, get tbe broom,
and dust sp that rug. Miriam, put
away the thread and th in g »“
"B u t what dlfferen««— this time of
night—“ protested Ginger.
"H orace will be bore In ten minute»
Now straighten np for me. won't you.
while 1 run up and straighten my
“Most disgusting thing I ever saw.
Man mad.
Simply m ss mad.
whols gang of them.
She uoesn't
care If you elt Is s dusty chair, fa­
ther—she doesn't ca rs If Miss Jenkins
lias to look at • messy table and a s
untidy rug—she doesn't cars If Ml
riant and I have to associate with ber
when ner nose Is shiny, but a man
Oh, n o !"
-T h ere ana two who!# columns on
< S > s r r l(k t. *>» H obo« M e r r ill ( X
the disarmament conference—all #g
VNU Servire
area, and quotations and simply tre
aaeodous big words. ' said Ginger Ella
in B discouraged tone, “Oh. here# a asleep, her magaalna fallen to Ihe
lift I# bit of a column about the R lk j
floor at her aide. Eddy Jackson, com
May day fete and beauty r»ge«nt
Ing thus u|>on beauty unaware, was
She settled herself to read with a stricken momentarily dumb In Its
smug llttla flounce ot eagerness.
presence, and stared s i ber In such
"You may aklp th at." said her fa
raid awe that Marjory awakened tn
ther. “Wa know all about ihe beauty some confusion.
“Gee, Margie, but you're easy to
His daughter sighed resignedly. "I
look at." h* said admiringly. “ Why
suppose you want Lloyd George and don’t you go a fte r the Elks prise?
the Communists, although It does oot
It’s fifty dollars In geld. And there’s
look very churchy to me."
She read patiently. In a low d eal
voice, paragraph after paragraph, sit
ting on the couch beside the reading
lamp, llttl« eager and slim —with
ryes that Just would wander, despite
her best and most daughterly Inten
tlona. from tb# stupid newsprint to
tba simply fascinating goings-oo In
tha opposite corner of the wide room,
where Marjory, tha pretty twin, love­
lier than any p ictu re stood on a low
stool. Ilka a goddess lifted up. with
her bevy of worshipers s i her feet,
while down on their knees before her
were Miriam, the brainy twin, and
Helen, who was quite old and engaged
to be married, and Miss Jenkins—
ell piling stray threads here and there
tucking, patting and pulling. In a vain
endeavor to add greater charm to her
girlish beauty.
But although Ginger’s eyes would
wander, the memory of her father
sitting still and limp, so patient. In
the big chair at her side, bis kind
eyes closely bandaged, quickly brought
her own straying orb# back to the
onerous new»
By right» It was
Miriam's Job to read the paper» to
her father.
But Miriam, betug a
twin to Marjory, would naturally wish
to assist In preparing her to win the
‘ Ob. Father, It Is Glorious!
Elks’ dub beauty prlx»
Jory— Honestly, Father M arjo r, Is
" ’And this In spite of the frank
So Pretty It Doesn’t Stem P o ssib le"
warning of President t'oolldge that
the United States will regard any
not a girl In Iowa ran walk In the
such more with extrem e disfavor.’ ”
same block with you. Why. ti I was
finished Ginger, with a flourish
a Judge, I wouldn't let anybody else
"H ere’s a paragraph on Mussolini and
enter the same contest with you Go
God. In my opinion It would look a
on, try It. bet y»n a dollar on It. and
lot sm arter If you ti-ok tha: >are off
you can pay me oot of the beauty
the shoulders entirely
Oh. excuse
p r li» *
me. father. I’m so sorry. Here * a para
“ H eaven» Eddy, what would ihe
graph on Mellon rutting tbs tax
members say If father sailed down to
melon— three hundred billion» oo mil
the Elks club to enier hU daughter
lions— W elt It doesn't Interest us in the beauty pageant?“
either way Oh. here’s a lovely write
Eddy squared his shoulder» "All
op of the buffet supper that Is to be
right. I'll do It myselL You and I’ll
served st the Elks* club fete at ten
go. Til get the ticketa right now."
o’clock— bouillon, chicken sandwich««,
And be turned himself about and
tomato aspic—"
marched straight down the flagstone
Reverend Mr. Tolliver smiled Indul
path, entirely forgetting thai he had
gently. He might no» see. but what come with a message from nls mother
father but could feel the wandering
In a household whuee financial
eyes and the truant thoughts of a six
lim its were as circumscribed as those
teen year-old daughter on the eve of of tha parsouag« ths Elks' club
■ beauty pageant
beauty pageant was an event of no
“Put the paper op now. El le a Tm mean Import.
The prize Itself was
fall of news Suppose you play little
flfty dollars In gold, and there were
bright-eyes for me, instead, and tell additional trnphle»
me wbat Is going on over there, with
Even Mr. Tolliver, despite his seem
all that snipping of scisso r» and ob
Ing Indifferent.-« warmed slightly to
tug and ab-lng."
the charm of flfty dollars In gold.
“Oh, fa th e r!" Ginger doubled her
Marjory slowly revolved for final
aelf np rapturously, enfolding both approval.
ber slim knees In her arms
“There— It Is perfect—another touch
father. It Is glorious! M arjory—hon
would he too much.”
estly. father. Marjory la so pretty It
Reverend Mr. Tolliver stood np. and
doesn't seem possible Miss Jenkins
put out his band. “Gome here. Mar
Is down on the floor with 6ve pins In g i» Let me see If my pretty twin Is
ber month, and ber dress pulled op. as pretty as I think.“
over ber knees to keep from soiling
She croeeed to him quickly, a little
pain rising In tbe white thruot with
Miss Jenkins, with guilty hast« cov­ the thought ot his helplessness qnlck
ered the offending member»
mist rlondlng the lovely eye»
“They weren't ber best ones— they
hand gently followed Ihe gold lace at
had lisle top» But 1 saw a silk ruf
her shoulder, fondled the soft curve
0 « Just the sam e Ycu’re really miss­ of her hair, fingered the sleml«’ chain
ing quite a lot. you know," continued
“It Is not Just prettlnes» my child.*
Ginger wickedly. “You'd better take ne said affectionately ‘ You are frag
those five pins out of your mouth. rant, and wholesome, and sw-eL That
Jenky dear. If you re going to gasp Is your beauty. Too donl teed aril
like t h a t "
flclsl adorning.
Toot loveliness Is
Only Ellen dared to call the sedate
like e
flower's— unaffected.
spinster “Jen k y.” and even she did It »timed, 'uat horn there."
only In ber more Irrepressible mo
Marjory treed from his hand, moved
m enu, when she was most thoroughly
sinuously about before the mirrors,
a Ginger E ll» It was sixteen years
preening hersell pleasantly to their
ago, at the birth of this same Ellen
flattering reflection» and to the more
that Miss Jenkins had firs; come Into flattering eye* of her sister»
Intlmata contact with the parsonage
Ginger giggled. 'Father, you ought
household, then tn another pastorate
to see ber. Really you ought. She Is
And upon their later transference tv so unaffected right now—Just ilk t s
other charge» she had arranged ber
flower turning to tbe sun."
small m atters and followed after them
living ber own Ilf« keeping her own
te e se s se e e e e e s e e se t
> e«e«ee»eseseeee»»s»s»»s»e»ss
small horn» teaching tn the primary
schools for a livelihood, but keeping
In close and helpful touch with the
Tolliver family, to which. In Ita en
tlrety, the had given all the stored-up
The house of Ihe future may be seen
easily and readily be made free from
love of her lonely heart. With Helen
and with the twin« she remained to ns • bnlldlng designed without win­ dust and corrosion sod properly hu­
th s end Arm and unyielding
Bu* dows except perhaps a few small ones midified at the same time. T h e home
for the purpose of observing the visi­ will become free of the accidental va­
she was from the beginning snrprls
riations of the weal her.—Albert I’t r
tngly pliable In the bonds of the tor at the door or determining the
sons Sachs.
state of the weather.
arbeedlesome Ellen.
The large wall space will be utilised
“ Well.'' Ginger went on "she Is
Not Really C h i . * . . Di.h
wearing Helen’s engagement ring, and by the architect as a means of ex
The truth seems lo be that there Is
Miss Jenk ins' old gold chain
Eddy's pressing a new type of arcbltei-tural
no such dish as chop sney known tn
mother gave her a perfectly spiffy bennty. Within, we shall have all the
lacs handkerchief, and she has on my comfort» we now possess plus others C h in « although It Is commonly served
as Chinese throughout the United
undreamed of.
illk-to-the-top stockings that
m ates. This has come about In •
There will he Illumination contain
Morris gave me."
curious way. It originated at • din
Ing a healthful percentage of altrsvlo
For five day« the modeet Tolliver
ner that Prince LI llnng Chang gave
household bad simply fermented with let light, and there will he a venrllnt
In New York when he mode hla trip
Ing system supplying fresh warmed
excitement over the Elks May dat
around the world. Prince LI carried
or cooled s ir to all parts of the home
fete aDd beauty pageant.
The rot
(Jnlet will prevail, oo matter how his own chef with him. and the menu
liver« without exception, anew that
was strictly C hines»
One of thv
Marjory was absolutely the prettiest
noisy ths street may be.
dishes especially delighted the wife of
thing In the Middle W est Many other
The smoky atmosphere of our cities
the guest of honor, and sh< asked l.l
real den U of Red Thruah. Iowa, real
doe# Immense damage to te x llle » fur­
what It was. Prince LI called In his
Ized It also But lust prettlnesa was niture and all the trimmings and trap
chef, and the chef replied In Chinese
not enough to win beauty prize
ping* of the home. The air circulated
“It la a creation of my own—a chop
line required an admission ticket. The by ths ventilating system can Juat as
suey." The worde “chop suey" mean
Elks’ club was staging tha event for
a mixture or hash. Prince LI said
the benefit of Its vtrioua charities
President's Wives Smoked
In English, "It Is n chop suey.” The
and the admlaelon was two dollar»
Mrs Zachary Taylor, wife ol the American woman opread the newt ol
and a half—including favors for ths
twelfth President, was • pipe smoker. the chop suey, the wonderful dish. Th<
ladle« an elaborate buffet sup|>er at
name waa taken up by Ihe Chinee*
ten o'clock, end participation In the She was know n to smoke • pipe ores
•tonally In private while ahe was mis­ restaurants In Am lea, and today
beauty pageant. In spire of their con
chop suey Is the chief concoction that
In M arjory's
tress of the White House. Mrs An
drew Jackson, wife of the seventh they serve.
beauty, two dollars and a hall for
admlaalon tn a May day fete did not
President, also was • pipe smoker,
fall within the scope of a parsonage but she died wain after her husband’s
’‘ C h o co la te” a . B ra in F oo d
election and consequently never pre
Choeolufe. which contulna a high
But ihe good fairy who watches
aided over the executive mansion
percentage of llm « Is advocated by
Jam es I'nrton. Jackson 's biographer, some doctors as a valuable brain food,
over youthful beauty did oot fall
snys It was not uncommon for Jack
and In cases of certain ailm ent» In­
On the twenty fifth day of April
s<>n and Ills wife to sit for hours cluding obesity, heart trouble and gout
Eddy Jackson walked np the narrow
s m o k in g their pipes before their Are
Any flrst-clnss watchmaker can de­
In the Hermitage, near Nashville.—
flagstone path to the parsonage Mar
liver selections from bis own work»
Jo rj wne lying In the hummock fust
Kansas City T im e»
House of the Future, as Architect Sees It
Maximum Epœ Production Insured
With Comfortable Poultry House
For Best Results
In Homo Dyeing
You ran alw ays
give richer, deep-
er. more brilliant
colors to faded or
out-of-style d ress­
es, h o s e , costa,
draperies, etc., with
Diamond D y e a .
And lh * colors stay In through
wear and washing!
H ere's the reason.
Dyea contain the hli hcst quality
aniline, money ran Imy. And It's
the anilines th a t count! They nr«
the very life o f dyes.
Plenty of purs anilines m aks
Diamond Dye# easy to use. They
go on svetily without spoiling or
T ry them n e st lim a
and see why authorities recom­
mend them ; why millions o f wonteiy
will use no other dyes.
You get M l M M Dyea fur th s
Bams pries as ordinary dyes; 18c,
a t any drug a to r»
t -
1 ........................
The B ru le
"W hat doe* hs like for hla break-
fael?” “Anything I tim es I got In
Ihe house I"
■ ■■ ■ ■ ■
——— — n
C h ild r e n C r y
aw cauC-ConenasiKwouwiaatA
1 '
P e r c y - Yes. I sptik* mjr initial.
Music— ll.ov sweet of you to have
kept still.
rm H 7 / . * § o a m r w t m
} W a l l s , C tiL iN to lP A R T iY io fl
$ To havl I nsulating D oard ^
.S e c t io n
L e v iH
O veralls.
K ill R a ts
Without Poison
A Wow f . t e n s f c i a t e r that
Won’t MIU U e o s f o, P oultry,
D o g s , Cato, o r o v en B a b y C b fcb o
M o d e r n P o u ltry H ouoc
Mr. W i l l i a m A. R a d f o r d will s n e w - r
«u e a tlo n e s a d give a d v ice K l t l l K OK
C O S T on e l l s r o b l e m * p e r t a i n in g l o t h »
a u b je c r of bui ldin g w o r k on th e fa rm ,
fo r th e r e a d e r , o f th le pape r On a c ­
c o u n t o f hla w l d . e x p e r i e n c e aa . d l t o r ,
a u t h o r an d m a n u f a c t u r e r , h . ta. w i t h ­
out dou b t, t h . h l g b . a t a u t h o r i t y on th e
. o b j e c t A d d r . . . a l l In q u ir i e s to Wi t-
ll am A. R a d f o rd . No. «0? S o u th D e a r ­
bo rn S t r e e t , C h icag o, III., and on ly In-
c l o . e t w o - c a n t i t a m p f o r reply.
The goal of every flock owner Is lo
produce egga In late fall and winter
when price# »re high. Thla can lie
done If the chicks are hatched early
enough ao that they will develop Into
pullets that will begin laying In the
No m atter how good the pullets sr#
unless they are housed In a building
which will provide them with warm
quarter* and at the same time give
them plenty of fresh air the maximum
production cannot be secured. Shown
In the arcotnpnnylng Illustration la a
modern saw-tooth roof poultry house.
This bidding I# 32 feet long and 18
feet w ld« which provide» apace for
100 layer» The building I# set on a
concrete foundation with a concrete
floor and should he [diced on a site
so that It extends eust and west and
fares the south to get the benefit of
• II ths sunshine available during the
•horiest days of the year and the early
Probably no building will waste more
money for Ihe flock owner than the
poorly hnllt laying house. Every poul­
try owner who has watched egg pro­
duction drop when a sold »nap come»
oo can testify to this. The same flock,
anme feed, the »»me degree o f health
bring a heavy egg yield In the proper­
ly const reeled house, whereas In a
house where there are drafts and low
temperatures egg production will he
cut m aterially, for the food the hena
Three Important Things
When Building of Brick
A beautiful brick may he chosen
for th s walls of • house and then
have It* beauty completely obscured
by hnvlng It set In the wrong mortar
Joint. .Three things must he consid­
ered In lla selection— color, texture,
and alze and kind. Chosen according
to these specifications, and providing
of course, that the brick chosen la
right to atari with, the mortnr Joint
will bring out the fine shades and
tones of the brick In such s way as
to enhance very greatly Ita natural
T extnre tn the mortar Joint la pro­
duced either by finishing It rottgh or
smoothing It with the trowel or a
tool made for that purpose. Over­
done. It la apt to give each hrtek the
appearance of being framed. Done
artistically. It provides shadows which
make a tapestry pattern on the wall.
The »174» and kind of mortnr Joint
have a distinct hearing on the whole
effect, both a* to color and pattern.
The cholre might range from a thin
"huttefed” Joint np to one an Inch
K R O r t n b * umn I a b o u t iH * Homs', b « n » o r p o u ltr y
|r*ril wit h Bl»***lu«t amlrt y » « I t r a n t Bins w s o d e m d t g
p f f liO B , K H () I B « f t t f f o f S m UI, »• i n n » -
m r m i r . l b y U . 8 t W p f o f A g t t i » I t u f f f . u m lw
l b « C o n t u b U p u n f t t w h ich iiMurBB m s i i m u m
• t r r n g t h T w o c a n * k l l l n l 171 ra t« •» A f k s a t M
S t a t e F a r m . H u rv lre*ia t f o th e r t n i i m '- n i q l i .
consume In a cold house goes to sus
tain boily heat rather than to produce
To combat thla condition farmers S o ld oo a M o n e y -B a sh G u a ra n te e .
n s is t u p o n K M O . t h « o « .g in s ) 8 «|u>)i t i ( N
are paying mure and more attention to i I m
n s l t x A ll druM |B««. 7 S r. l . o r f r s i r r I fo u r t im r«
the construction of poultry hmiscs and o e m u c h ) t ) 0 0 . T fcrn t if tl r a l« f C U M su p p ly
r o u . K K O C o ..
to the m aterial* used In Iht-tik Not
only are the walla of the building ;
constructed eo as to be weatherproof
but ere Insulated against cold. Thle
Insulation also makes the house cooler
In summer and a great many owners
use them for brooder houses In Ihe
early spring.
The Insulated laying house la a
Try Hanford's
profit maker In another sense.
keeps the flock tn lietter physical con­
dition than Is possible with a drufty
Sit .re setherlref I* retins rent M * * f
cold house. The Insulated house Is
1er Ike tint boni. It rut a i t U .
not only warm hut It la dry and where
an efficient system of ventilation Is In­
stalled the air la kept fresh. Therefore,
A kiss, scientifically speaking. Is but
the vitality of the flock la kept at a an exchange of microbe«.
high peak. If dlsense doe* apiienr In
one or two birds. It doea not spread
Busa Iteli Itine goes farther, makes
rapidly. It has been observed, that
clothes whiter than liquid Blue. Large
rape will run through a flock kept
package at Grocers.—Adv.
In a wet cold house before the birds
first Infected really «arn Ihe owner
Mitn'a loose actione often gel him
o f the presens« of the disease. Tha Into tight |>lnce«
laying flock la a big Investment on
any farm and must he kept warm and
Accompanying the exterior view of
thle poultry house are the floor plan
showing tha equipment required to
handle the flock with the least amount
of labo r; an architect's cross section
of ths building and anme of Ihe con-
etnictlon d etail« It will be noted that
the croaa section shows the dimensions
of the lumber to he used In building
the house and the height o f the walla
and the run of the rafters. A study
of the plan and of the cross section
and details will assist the builder ma­
terially In getting a house that will
keep hie flock productive.
Cuts, Burns, Bruises
Balsam of Myrrh
In width. Aa to the kind, It may he
cut flush, raked out or tooled In vari­
ous shapes. Consider these things as
carefully as you do your choice of
brick, for they are Important elements
that go to make up the beautiful fat>
ric of the brick wall.
Use of Varnish Stains,
Enamel Interior Finish
Varnish stains color the wood and
let the grain show through. Kitnmels
give a solid coat of color that Is rich
and satiny In Its texture. The range
of colors Is wide and manufacturers
give explicit direction» for securing
any tint or ahnde desired. Of course,
the most satisfactory finishes are ab­
solutely waterproof and can he washed
without Injury to gloss or color.
Good Policy to Remodel
More people are becoming aware of
Ihe satisfaction to he had hy Improv­
ing the livability and beauty of their
homes and are proceeding to remodel
the well built house on a desirable
Y our health is too important l
You cannot afford to experiment
with your delicate bowels when
coated tongue, had breath, headache,
gas, nausea, feverishness, lack of
appetite, no energy, etc., warn of
constipation. This applies not only
to grown people, but more particu­
larly to children. That'» why a
family doctor’s laxative la always
the safe choice.
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin it
prepared today under strict labora­
tory supervision from fresh laxative
herbs and other pure ingredients,
and exactly according to Dr. Cald­
well's original prescription.
Today, millions of families rely
on Dr. Caldwell’s judgment in tha
selection of their laxative
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, it*
bottles ready for use, sold in all
drugstores, is now the largest sell­
ing laxative in the world!
Mf. N. U.. PORTLAND. NO. 40 1921