T urner T ribune == jrOL. X lv, TURNER, OREGON, THU RAPA Y. NO. 2 .» 4 ; W i- .'gj'e.i -u i r1 Locals Glpyes, Furavi, Hand Paga Suit Cases and many other artl­ ess matte of leather suitable for ¡ ‘ h o n a gifts for all occasions. Tell us your HARNESS needs. F. E. rrr- Shafer, 170 S. Commercial St. Bf> A W .,W A V . W W . W A V À ,.V A ,. W W A S V W V . ,.V.,.V.V |em, Oregon. Mrs. Alice Witzel, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Parrent and two N*g liliali pUilJÍDK ' children, Mr*. Goldie Sink and 512 Stalo Street small son wore recent visitors at Roy Witzel'*. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Robertson GOLD F16H • CANARIES LOVF BIRDS PARROTS drove to Pacific City last Sun­ Pull" Ihm of Bini and Fish Food und Rimedici day and returned Monday. Salem, • Phone Stl) • Oregon. They report the weather warn* V /.V /.V A V .V .V A W A V A V í V í W A W i V i V A ’.’.’.V .V f «V-V but foggy. Mr. aud Mrs. S. Tnlbot mo­ tored to Paaific City last Sun­ A \ v ,y ,V 2 A ,A ,A ’ W .V A V A W /r f /A V A V A V A V A V W A ,-v day. It is reported that Mr. Ben­ nett has traded his farm >vith Mr. Parnhnm, of MaYion. OLp TIME DANCE Chry«tal Gardens evovy Wednesday and aturday, S;30 P. M. ' Gents 50c .‘ Ladies 25c. if. A V .,.% W A W .W /A V .V //.,A > V / / M V / A m V / . V . W W . V Carl Duncan wan a business visitor in Sajem one day last week, Mrs. E«rl Pearcy was an ever night guest at (he Jloy Witzel home last week* Q.|!pr;l extractor and Buildcf A. D. Hale was a business vuiloi' it* Salem Monday. Çcnieal Wor|i aud Numbing Í jj Pomeroy arçd Keen© ;• Harm's Pquajv l)«ul Jewelers & Opticians. Í? Diamond* Wjitclies Clfoks Jewelry & Silverware, S 379 State, St- Sal^m, Oregon. * W . JAY PENHE/Yl SUBSCRIPTION 11.25 PKR YEAp - •—— ................. —■— —1 R EM (U. IN M. G C.) TO N t I Kleanbore Cartridges Shur Shot Shells ? 3 Turner Lumber Mfg. Co, V 1 i Ä We carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lumber, $n Accurate Fire Always Shur Shot Shells 12 Ga. Any size shot 16 Ga, Any size shot TXT 'U -U-L'H-i * No More Rust, Pittjng. Corrosion or Leading C. F. BREITHAUPT FLORIST OCT .17 .192«. Shi ngles (highest quality) five grades to select from, also Wall Board, Paint, Doors, Windows, $1,00 .90 Cedar Posts, Brick, Piaster, Tile and ^labwood^n four foot lengths. 4 W c desire to serv# the public with Prsmptny«» and Efficiency. BALL BROTHERS’ TURNER, OREGON | L LET Us FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE S7S ,.,A V ^ ^ /.V r tW /.W -* J ,/.V « W .V /W A V S 'A ,*’A V W . V / 3 ANOUNCEM ENT MM 'omrmuniemtr.Mui rmyrn^jam Alvin B. Stewart Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist Will ftpon at 251 Coutt Street, Salem, Saturday, Oct­ ober 19, 199V. Pormi.r*y at 347 Court Street Umbrella, Key and Cutlery Store PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WORK All Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices U»e Your Credit Come in and talk it ov»r 231 Court S t r e e t S a le m , O re g o n ! M A S O N IC T E M P L E . Phone 440 ■■■ Lawerer.ee Robertson is re Denyer L-H-,%Gerald Given F. D r. O . L . S co tt “W° Collection. No Chars«’> covering nicely from his auto ac Substitute for Harrison was Tom Delinquent aceounts collected on * R oute j . eontingent ha»U. We do the work, Chiropractor cident and i* now able to bit up ¡Swales. Referee, Wilson; Um- «houldor the expense and make n<) Veurocalometcr Service ! pire. Hug: and head linesman, fonog ch-.rge unless collection is made. $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 Dad A cco u n t* tu rn ed into Phone 87. Residence 2104J Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hale and Gill. Cash S in ce W e Started. daughter, formerly of Claxter, Jot down a trial list o f hid énea and Tho Turner school board fur- 2Ú6 N. High Streut let us turn them into actual money. pe^r Sjiletp. have traded fur the nisned the high school with a Salem, O regon Business Men’« Adjustment George Ciyiner place and are new 24 volume set of Encyclope­ Cpmoany living there. Mrs. Smith, who dia Británica. The encyclopedias 415-16 Masoi Bldg. Phene 91J Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Brasher, formerly ovvpcd the place has ta­ were placed op the book ahelvas S A L E M . OREGON ken Mr. Hale's mercbantile in the study hall last Monday. of Balom, visited Sunday with New A bsm lnjcnt o f Birthday Curtís (0 c O th ers ...... ....... i property at Claxter. Mr. and Mrs. ft. O. Witzel. Lillian Foterson, Marshal Sny­ le ami 5c Wpnted! Work of any kind, der and Mildred Schifferer were Mr. and Mr». W. H. Harris P, Iieliahle Druggist visited with Mr». Harris' With truck vs single handed Joe visitors at theTnrner high school Elston, Rout« 1 Box la, Turner. - 51 nephew, Jack Wickham, of Sa­ last week. OREGON lem, Saturday, and found their 10-17 ?tp. School was dismissed the 7th son, Ray, and wife at the Har­ W. Stahelia and wife who and 8th of October because of have been living in the Baker ho­ ris home when they returned. teacher’s instate, tel building for the pi^t month' Mre. Bert McKay and Mrs. Other students whe have star- T"^l "1 t Melinda Harzec, of Turner, moved to Albany Sunday morn ing. Mr. Stahelin is working on 1 ted school at Turner High during were Sunday visitors at the R. the S'P. bridge crew who are'the last two weeks are Josephine . F. KORINLK, V.S., B.V,Sç 1). Witzel farm. Gilstrap, Alvin Garner, Russell now workipgne^r Albany. Best Quality harness mado in Charles V, Brown, of Salem, Denyer, Gerald Given, Clayton VETERINARI AN also James our o\vn shop. Satisfaction guar­ called at the F. P. Rowley homo ^ eer* Day and Night Sgrvlcp anteed. Prices from SiO.OQ to Saturday afternoon- | Dopypr and Harolu Smith who „ ,, , ...... „ , , enrolled at at the first of school; r t v w w w u w w y u w v v v w •565.00 F. K. ohafor, 170 S. Com­ For STAYTON OREGON Sale-Will sed goo.1 usedbut(lid nQt attend attend t ti„ prunes % mercial St Salem. Oregon. piapo at reasonable price and will K—*■ Harrison’s General Store Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harris, take some wood as part payment were nearly over. The junior high has an enrol­ of Turner, and Mr. and Mrs. Address T. P. S Box ‘429; Salem* --------------------------................................................................ for Ray Harris, of Portland, visited Oregon. lment of 21 students, the inter-J with Bauman Blower at Salem, mediate room 35 rod the primary] Jc$ Elston and family, of Los room 23, this making a total of j §undj\y. Mr. Blower is making hiii home with his daughter. Angelas. Califoroia, who recent ’ 83 pupils in Uvi grad.Q school this Mr. Blower's son, John, and ly traded for the Alexander place year. Glassware, Hardware just north of Turner moved in wife were also thure, last week. Fred Andrews who Boots O q l ^tnall and family. Willis had the place rented is still there NOTICE Small and family. L, D. Robert* not having found a suitable loca­ Notice is hereby given that a and family and Louis Ashen fel- tion. W A W W W ^ ftW W W V W W V W W W V W W IW V Tinig Deposits road district meeting will fee held tor v,ere Sunday guests at the I. Rev S. Darlow Johnston pastor doverdale Schoolhou&e in road U. Small hoq\e Sunday. The par­ of the Leslie Methodist church of Qjjjtxict No. 45 in Marion Coun­ Highest prices for farm pro­ ty was h\honor of the birthdays Salem drove through Turner Sun-, ty'. Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th of Willi* Small and Barbara Rob-. day afterno»j\ day of November, 1929, »t 2 o - duce ,erts. The former being Saturday Automobile Insurance Written clock P.M . for the purpose of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Farris and the latter Monday, of Wrenn spent one day last levying an additional tax for Last week we said that Willie week with bis parents Mr, and ; foad purposes in said district. Pearson wanton a hunting trip, Mr*, (i. W- Ewris- 4. C. Siegmund it should have been Bill Battwh* County Judge. went with M. O- kVar»on and » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦♦s s » « « t Harrison's General Store son Mervin. O regon Mr. and Mrs. Nipple, of West • V M w ,v w y v w w .m % \ v w M « n A w .\ w jw ^ s w v w Stayton. attended Grange in iA W W A W A W A W V iW W .V tV A V W .V .W .W .V .V .V . Turtle/, S*,Uufday. jnv JJoi'RNAViyM class ) Turner. Oregon DRUGS TURNER WE HAVE CONNECTIONS with tho Hanscn-Bennett mag­ azine agency, one of the larg­ est in the country, which en­ ables us to give you the best prices and service for your magazine needs. See F. P. Row- Icy at the Tribune Office. F. . S. PRATHER : ROWLEY Health, Accident Liability AND Firq INSURANCE 0 Turner, Oregon. Drygoobs, Groceries 4 % Raid ou and Shoes »is month» Fire and Turner State Bank FALL SLEDS Cloverdale School Opened Monday Turner, ,w men school noils Tho bulk of the prune harvest ^ ,s \ v .v A w r x w .v A s v v w \ w v v w w y w w w ft v v v w w is over, Tho farmers had the Turner Wins First Garni® The Cloverdale school opened best season for harvesting the A coiviplvip stock t»f R ccleaned Grains, Grass Of Season Monday, October 14. The chair- crop they have had for several Seeds, 1 «s\ure M ixturs, Burn M ixtures, Clovers, The first game of the 9 ea^on man- C^ok and Clerk, Mr. years. for the Turner high school foot-1 ^ un^e cleaned the school house A lfa lfa , c t c r Judge R. C. Small, wife and team waa played ljat Friday 1 bad it in readiness for the daughter, of Salem, vi»i«ed at Every Saturday A ll r e e k a n e d in th e b e s t p o s s ib le m a n n e r the home of his parents, Mr. and afternoon on Olinger field at Sa- opening of schooL The pupils arc lem. with Parish Junior high from Pleasant View school Mrs. I. II. ,$mall.. one day last a n d sold a t the loxyest p o s s ib le p r ic e s , q u a lit y school football team as qppouent attending the Cloverdale school wetjk. The teams, w^re evenly matched this year and a good attendance c o n s id e r e d . ‘ Mrs. Wallace T. Riphps and in regard to si^e and weight, but and good work is expected. The young son of Gaston, arrived Turner, by taking adyantaim of school will be under the able A lso C om m on a n c H u n g a r ia n V e tc h e s , F a ll Wednesday evening of last week the breaks woo the game with a supervision of Mrs. Gayett Bar­ Rye, F a ll E a rley C h e a t Seed e tc . for a few days visit with tho W. score or 6 to 0 . nett again this year. T. Riches and the S. A. Kiches Alvin Garner, of the Clover­ The Turner lineup was Sey­ family. mour Stewart R. E., Roseoe Por­ dale district is attending high1! J. M Bones and son Harlan ter R. T., Kenneth Fowler R.G., school in Turner this year. P H O N E ICO. 2 6 1 S T A T E ST. were in Salem on business Sat­ Locjs Fowler C., Wilfred Harri­ SALEM . OREG O N The Tribune Hioji can print you? J son L G., Cecil Miller L.T., urday mornining. E. A.Rosenbaum, Mgr. butter wraps, letter heads and V * :-m H n The Tribune credit for whet Russell Denyer UE., Willet Jes­ vetopes. ^ r/A V W A \ ,A V W A W A M W .% V .V V W W A ’eA%VA%%n%VVV you buy from our advertiser*. ,V ,V W V A V A W A W V .W W M W W W J V W W W 6 W W . se Q., Willard Bear R.H., James Old Time Dance Ü ! Night Castilion Hall Corner Liberty and Chemcketa Sts< Sajem, Oregon. D. A. W hite & Sons Willard Malhis Orchestra Playing