THE TURNER TRIBUNE ■* , ' • t t \ \ ' * » Turner, Oregon. Thursday * H»p.U I «ff/ er - vÆ Jfc Elia OCT .10 1929 i f . i l . Ifyn yD g. C iM u r Issued £vo;y T i^ r a ^ y Turner, M»riop Ci'lj.ity, p ie g g » SUESCRIpTU^N SI.£6 PKR YFAR. Entered at the Costo (fica ai Ti»c&?r, Oregon, ns secoltd-class matter, under the Act o? March 8, 1B79. vr - r : ^ ----------------------------- ^ E t h e l H u e s to n Illustration* by p Ir w in M yers ^ j (Jhmrnmit, S P E C IA L Until Optobpr 3} Daily Daily and Sunday $5.00 $7430 With the Tribune $6.7f “ I pledge allegiance to the Flag o f the United Stated and the country for which it stands. One nation, indivisible, wjth liberty and justice for all.” _______ I S C E N IC O R S IG N -IC ?” $7.75 • V V W / A V / A V W . V , % V % \ \ \ W A V r A / A \ ’ .V . V W . ‘ .\ V V »'.N \ V .% W A ^ W / A J // — Ê0& P ortlan d Daily N e w s Unujl November 15 One Year $3.00 W ith The Tribune One Year $3.75 The photograph, accordin'; to the ( which best portray defacement. Standard Oil Bulletin, illustrates "a The judges of th^ v s le t t are; inotorlst viewing Calirorflla Maintain Hon. Horace M. Albright, Director, peenery.” The Standard Oil Couipasy National Park Service. t>f California is ‘¿¿w conduct tog four Kathleen Norris. j>iizc esntesta wfih a view to finding Ex-St nator Jam«» D. Phelan of Call- a solution of the problem of the de fornix Tacemeni of the scenery of the Pacific W. L. Valentine, Former President, I Coast by GOjeationabie iilverjisttui teas. Cash prizes of »1.00«. «50« bad ! AatomobUe Club of Southern Callfor* |2i 0 are being offered for the three *“ *■ best 1500-word or less answers as to H B Van Duxer, Chairman, Oregon how the evil can be Corrected : of Highway ConttuIssuAt. Î300, »250 end »125 for the best 500 ! Mrs. H. V. Alexander, Seattle Gar- word or les» statements c;j why It deu Ciub cliouVd be corrected; of »î>ü. S i»» and* David Whitpomb, fhalfiaan. Exécu­ t a for the »¡irpe eight-word pr lessjtiv*; CofgmHtée, Fagifl» pttp|Hî Asso- slogans whicjt |uo»j effectively ‘ clatich. ' * grouse public sentiment on th* dues- Full text of conditions may be ob- tioa. and additional prizes of »200, 1 tained from any Standard Oil 'office ; »100. »75, »50 and »25 for the five be- ' 1 or by writing to the Company at 225 amateur photographs of actual signs Ei;sb Street, San Francisco. A New Route By Sea w W .N .U .S E B V IC E Copyright byThaBoti T urner Tribune M errill Subscription Agent Magazines and Periodicals he world again is debtor to Ethel Hueston fo r a fine tale, strong, true and A m e ric a n to the last word. Debtor, too, fo r another sweet, delightful, whimsical heroine o f a type similar to her “ Prudence o f the Parsonage "Thespar\le, zip and pepper o f Ella will ma\e her a figure to capture every reader. & si £ The n a m e‘ ‘ Hudeoo Bay” wa-*et i»i thin?to conjure with, ip the parly day» of North At^erjcatj settlement More recently, tl Next Sunday is Rally Day and ur. Cush, Upe frutw I,auk* uud cash lieu,»__ „ ____ extra program will be given. A Ul ented musician from the S;\K‘|n Boyq 1 ” t»l 1«»»«,^.*^.i., i««,, — —■ ■■■ —- — Chorus will give several numbers. All arc welcome. We expect 151 to LIABILITIES be present- Capital »tick paid In 8 urplb*„_______________ Uudivldvd i 10M1»—uet.._ Rev. Rees Passes U027 7» 288 WN 18781 1.1 4AVI.00 1119» 07 » H27U8.;; 1 in o ro .u q ■JUKI ( I) 1121 > 0 Demand depoall*________ 4*482 81 Ttuie oertiflcalr*___ ____ 2 0 (80 54) 8Z T **a .;j » Wort! received hero Saturday Total__________________ NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT htatk or oniiooN, cou.xi v or siaiuo . n , m : Notice is hereby given that the final forenoon in form s us that R o 7. C. a heived ar.d hau « » iu td th i Hudson.« Lay rsilw ay. W oen proiuc- Francis W. Smith ami George Q. Van 1, R. T. Piero«-, PiMideiit • • • Ir n m ly account of >1. B. Rayden and Bm M. Reese, a fo rm er resident o f tug areas a’ e brought nearer, the market progress ; g i been acheived — Natta, partners doing business Isaac Maxwell, joint administrators of . ., n5UWl awflV .1 *he hoa- «wear Unit the above *laK-l|i*ut U true to Ilio bent of my know Ivdgo and belief, under the agaunr.eti firm nam«- and the estate of W. O. Hayden, deceased, A m ity , Ji.OMied »Wa> « W 9 no« Rortlaod Daily News I-,. T. I’ l«l«e . Proakleut style of Salem Collection Agency, has been filed in the County Court o f pital at N o rth iiend, sttpt, 2<>, Plaintiff*, Marion County, Oregon, and that the u reve3 Eacl been in ill hoftl- L’UHRKC’Te-AUe*t; C. A. IJenr, J. E. Whitehead, Ur*ulu It. Pierce, Director*. 18th day of October, 1929, at the i *te% • n ceye s nan uet.n tu •**» vs. Hubaertbod aud «woru tu before lite tin. nth day of (Jctolier. Mju. hour of ten o'elock A M., in the room th fo r several years and gradu al* Irma U. tt(K-er,Notary Public for Oregon. SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF SALE OF Lewis Mishler, Defendant ORDER w w eaj;e r . although his REAL PROPERTY ON To Lewish Mishler, the above named of the County Court of Marion Coun- | My OOUilliUaluu expire. Juno 6, Il'SJ. In the Coer.ty Court of the Stute of ty, Oregon, has been fixed by the , # . i * •«.! e \ .. defendant : FORECLOSURE BEAL ‘ Oregon ror- Mai-ion County," court as tlie time and place for the ch eerfu l and fa ith fu l Spirit r.e\- Notice is hesehv given, that n the pame o. the State of Oregon, ¡hearing of objections to such final ac- er le ft him du rin g all o f h is »11- In the Matter o f th- Friste qY Jqhhi|ie virtu5" bf a ri execution ‘duty issued you are hereby required to appear and count ^ n), thesettR-ment of said es- ®r ,el “ ’ Ksnrtlt, a .Mirrof. anftyer the complaint ideo against . of the Circuit Court of the State of at Whiei, (¡me any person inter- , ness. ThU c?Ú ;¿ came on to he heard this O.-owor., for th* C'Mipty o f ttayjgn, you in the above entitled action with' R ev, C h ester Rees was born in ■ lav u0on the petitiorl of Hsri: Furiceli, and to me directed on the 10th day in fpqr (^ ) weeks from the ns> appear qml ^ruunhar, of tee estate and pardon of of Scntjmbe», Ig2f, uo > h a judgment the first publication of this summon», file objections thereto ap.l contest tne 1 Illinois July 30, I S M « ” d passpd ■S’JPffESrt AUIBONITV «olinnie Fary/ell, a mipor, praying for and Jcqree dijly rendered, entered of to-wit: from the 26th day of Septem- same. M r haydfn ! aw ay at the hospital in N o K h in order p ie of certain r/;al prop- . rtfCOrj aqd pocketed in and by said ber, lp29, a,pi if you fail to so appear WEBSTER’S BKN ISAAC M AXW ELL, Bc-nd Septem ber 25, 1929, a t the fcrty belonging to said minor, ob- j COurt on the 29th day of August, plaintiff will take judgment against renbed in said petitiop, and l, ap- » 9g9( jn a certain suit then in said you as follows to-v/lt: Mr. and Mra, Jay Cook were NEW INTERNATIONAL Joint Administrator» of the Estate pf » * « o f 81 y ear9’ 1 m0nth aml 26 ih it'iw i coart Pendin* 1 wherein Rachel Ann (l) For the sum o f »2.00.00, to- in Salem Monday on buuiness W. O. Hayden, Deceased. days. thit, t ^ 1» necwe>kry and will ba bene- patton v-as plaintiff ar.d Loui3 E. 1 p-etner with interest thereon at the DICTIONARY He was united ¡n marriage to Mrs. Nell Wtiener and dautrh J '1 ! ,. ‘ T thTt re^n'ioM Ttv Peters,’ n and Kathleen Petersen were rate of eight per cent per annnm from -SUN MCRRIAM WiBSTin f^arwaJ tfcst all o f said real picpert;. d« fe ndants in favor p( PIaintiff and July 23, 1824, ui ’ ’ ‘ - M * a -4 W J i - ... — ...... ....................... W B t s i r » m * r » H n « B Sylvia Ann Mawer March 6, 18701 ^er Margaret, of Salem, were vis» I arain*t Raif! defendants Hpfpnfiar.TR and anrl each ppi *h of ther thoe sum -nicof all le««l|nrt Ini* , . a n Clarence B. Rees, Tacoma; been Btayinpr with hor mother vtnltlcs, t ’ullei;«!*, atij K', r,n«l i ^ r nb f c M t?H.T yr \ i e“ *o*etter with p ^ n , ^ , the same having ministratrig of thè ..ta le of Charier Mrs. Bertha Wei man. Seaside School* giv* ihclr hearty InUunc- Mrs Caroline Draper, during the nrnt s. Parker, deceased, has teen fiiKi Oregon; Mrs. May Keizer, North prune season has returned to her o’clock A. IT., in the court room o f 1 expenses of said execution. I will on in this action, to-wit; Alt Sr-i*ca that have o.lopt.-.l * Beginning at the North line of ¡H the County Court of Maricn Coun. Rend, Oregon: Mrs. Clarinda home in Portland. this court, at the court house in tire j Saturday the 12th day of October, Urge dictionary ** iliimiurj have the Lunation lutnd Claim of I. N. ty, Oregon, and that the 23th day i f Palmer, New York City; and C City of Salem, Marion County, Ore- j 1929, at the hour of 10 o’clock A.M. lelrctcd Wcbitcr’s New liucrn.v Gilbert and wife 15.235 ihaip.'i November, 1929, at the hour of 10:00 gon, then end ther,; to ',ow cau • ->f svid day at th<* we-t door of the Mrs. Flifiet ond Palma has re­ tionnl. •South 89 degrees and 46 minuti::1 o’clock, A. M. ther* ui, at. the Court- Roger Rees of Eugene, Oregon. Why an order should not bo granted county court house in Marion County, Tlie Schoolboi t* of th* Country He was interested in the min­ turned to her home In Halem. for the sale o f said real property. Or ton. . ell at public auction to the | West from tne Southeast corner of house at Salem, ha. b,o*i set qs the adhere to the Mirriani'V^chiicr the Donation I,and Claim o f John | tjme an,j pjace for hearing any and It is further ordered tiiat a copy of :!*»h?g‘ bidder for c«t«h ir, hand on the ; Savage in Township 7 South, Range istry of the Methodist church and ■yttem of dlaeritical i.iutks, Mr. and Mr«. Anderson were all objections to «aid final account. I »hie order h; published fo r three sue- / 11/ oi nnif, all Jhp right, title, inti-r- 2 West of the Willamette ‘ 1 tome' Meridian Thq Government rrintlng Office sorved as paster for 16 years, af- Albany visitor« Sunday. iessive weeks in The Turner Tribune, i f Et,ar4 estate which j*id defendants in Marion County, Oregon; thence •t Washington m o it aa anthirriry. JENNIE PARKER 1 ter which he served for years as « newspaper of c-neral circula»iC,«i Iar>^ a11 per*®ps cfcomin* uader teem South S9 degrees and 4> minutes Administratrix of the Batate of Mr. and Mr«. Henry Feller f r a I»r. , '« p ica of ilir M.w printed arpl wuUiah -d lit'«aid county. I *"k :re,’’ rt 10 th.9 o.xecUfo n of plain West 7.25 chains along the North Charles S. Parker, deceased. »'local preacher and field mission­ ( Regular end India have left for Callaornia where tvaich fully dfcnrn!ies cfenrn!ies with th*________ the statutes tifT* mortgage in, o f and to s».id Which line of said claim of I. N. Gilbert ary. During his long period of regarding the publication or legal ad premiv-s hereinbefore mentioned and ¡ and w ife; th« nee South-C.30 chains; they intond to stay two or three W. W. MrKinney, dewrioed in said execution as fallows. 1 vertfsrmeiits. ¡lines« in the Keizer Brothers tlwpcff North 89 degrees ami 45 Attorney for Administratrix to-wit: months. minutes East 7.25 chain- parallel to Dated this 20th day of ikptciqbar, Hospital in North Bend, it was Date of first publication Oct. 10 I ots one and two in Block 4 in the Nortn line of said claim of 1929. The Cloverdale school will com­ his custom a9 long as his strength the Town o f Matlon, Marion Coun­ I. N. Gilbert a1;'! wife; tficnce Datq of last publication Noy- 7. J. ik SIEGMLND. ty, O, «.on according to the plat, North 0.00 chain* to the place of mence October 14. would permitt to go from room to j udge. tin i- » { on file and of re«ord In the j beginning, and containing fi acres olhot; j f the Recorder of Convey­ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hadley of land, more or less, it; Murion S I N » A Y r SCHOOL < ON V E N T IO N room spreading cheer with a B. W MACY, ance!. tor said County. County, Oregon, * Attorney for the Guateiaq. kindly word or song to those who and family attended the Sunday Said salt being made subject to re­ by the Sheriff of Marion County, Ore­ demption in the manner provided by gon, according to law and th«- practice t i o r ^ S ï Æ ï ï were anffering.—Amity Standard School convention in Turner sun- iavr. of the above entitled court; that the last Sunday in th? Christian church. Rev. Rees was woll known to day. Dated this 10th day of September, proceed» of -aid ial be applied to T h e decorations were beautiful many in this section as he for­ tho amount due plaintiff arid that you, 1929. Mrs. schifferer and daughters and all perrons claiming under or Large bronzy chime* In gilt bask«-: v merly lived here ard serv* I as O. D. BOWER, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pete with autumn foliage an«! marigold' through you, bo forever barred o f all Sheriff of Marion County, On gon. paster of the local Methodist right, tit|e and interest in and to the and ferns. 1 «) ate dinner In the Neuswanger, o f ailverton, Mon­ By W. RICHARDSON, church. His many friends will be above described premise*, aqd every dining r«>nm of the church. Deputy. day Mrs. Neuswanger Is Mrs. Obtained. Send model or skrtrh part thereof. The program was different In one saddened to learn of his passing and wc Will promptly »ri«ncw Residence and postoffice address: the future men and women, to keep you buy from our advertiser*. the* young in the right way in work Salem, Oregon. □ "Sun msnssvz ‘.“i PATENTS D. SWIFT & CO. I f