THE TRIBUNE. TURNER. OREGON Minimum Effort in Housework an Appealing Feature of Bungalow f e s » At CHICKEN HOUSES NEED IMPROVING Lack of Light or Ventilation Discourages Hens. AnAdvenrure o f die Scarlet Pim pem e. Baroness O rcz g Much Wood Swallowed The Right Way to Redye Fine Silks U p bp Printing Proas Any large dally and Sunday new» paper with Its many sections and sup­ Taxtlla maksrs al­ plement* la one of the chief consumer« ways u a a special dye* for silk or wool. of the forest resources of the nation, according to s survey of reforestation Thay know that la tha beat wav. Tha needs hy Farm and FI real da. One week's puhllcnllon use« enough makers of Diamond are tha first to paper to represent the pulp from 400 Dyaa enabia honta dyers to acrei of treea, or KhOUO acre« of for- follow this plan. set In « year. At least 10 squnrs Next tima you want to dya some mile« of forest go to Ilia pulp mill* of your mors valuable article* of «very day In Ilia year to keep the Bilk or Wool, try tha »;>•’■ ml Dia­ mond I>ye* in tha lllu * /’orimp*. press«« of the country running. The United State* uses more wood Thay will glva th»*a matarials per capita than any nation In ths clearer, more brilliant colors than world. More than lwo-thlrd* of the •ny "all-purpose" dye. And they are just aa easy to use aa ordinary K22.0iNi.000 acres contained In the dyes. I.Ike the U'hilt puclciij/e Dia­ country's original for«oda nave been mond Dyaa, these dye* contain an culled, cut over or destroyed hy fir». abundance of the highest quality About 20.000,(NN1.1NN) tublc feet of in*- anilines. Tha h i m pacAnga dyaa | terlel sr* taken out of the forest* ■Ilk or wool only; the w hit* puck- «very yenr for all pur|«oa*s, while only no* dyes, or tint*, any material. about ( feet an* growing Either package; 15c, drugstores. anew In them. All kinds of live« are Usci* Eben being consumed faster than they are being grown. "D# way of da transgressor," said Situ« 1000 the United Stale* haa Und« Khcn, “Is hard, but sometimes used more wood pulp than It hna pro­ It 'pears Ilk« s concret* pavament fob duced. Two-thlrda of the present balloon tires."—Washington Klar. •upply I* being Imported from Panada Many old poultry houses are lack- fug lu light or ventilation or both. Where ample light la already provided through windows but ventilation la 1>'JT 1/J c r r k * Inadequate, It Is often host to remove C§ays/fA/ Sarotrtvs Orojcy the upper sash of the windows. If there are not enough windows, addi­ second follower. Now do you see CHAPTER X Shingles have Iw n osed effectively on the wall* of this Bvs-roorl hunga- tional openings should be rut lu the w hat was the result of this maneuver?“ — 14— low. The unusual lino* of the (able In the porch roof and the well balanced upper part of the front wall. “NoI Not" the ladles exclaimed. "Under Kansas conditions It Is de­ Windows make the exterior attractive. The house Is 24 feet by 34 feet. “Fie. Sir Percy!" And the men. no less enthusiastic and sirable to make these openings equal r.lttle Madeleine IVaexe was very to about one-tenth of the floor space. shy. She had been brought by her Interested, cried. “Will your highness Hall screen over these openings will father to pay her respects to Mon proceed ?” “The prisoners lef out the secret serve to keep the poultry in and ro­ seigneur le I’rlnce de dalle* because dents out.” suggests Walter O. Ward, mil man was too III to accompany ber that the chief of section and Ills friend were lying bound with rope« In ■ extension architect. Kansas State "1 don’t remember much, monaelg- Agricultural college. In giving hints on neur." Madeleine said shyly. "Maman ditch, while one of our heroes—the MEDITERRANEAN Great Geyaar Exhibit Improving the old poultry house. and 1 were too frightened to notice one who had gone back to the tn*lata of specimen* necessarily high and are very cold Madeira. Morocco, Spain, Algier«, “Your highness, steaming pu.:ch Is ladle«, what magic ite* In those three of the vartoua types of geyser and during the winter months, continues Italy, Riviera, Sweden, Norway, I the building specialist. He says a served In the yellow drawing room,” word* for every soldier of the re hot spring* dapoalts and of diagram­ Edinburgh, Holland, Belgium, Daria, simple remedy is to construct a straw a pleasant voice Interposed, with ¡he public. They mean hope* of promo matic paintings showing how a geyaer (l-ondon, Khma.Oberammergaa. F u ­ tlon and of big monetary reward. In works, and of the avoluttou of a gey celling or loft. The straw Is pref­ assurance of privilege. sion Hay). Hotels, drives, fee«, eta. “Fie, Sir Percy I” exclaimed pretty an Instant the enthusiastic captain had aer through the geological nges. The included. erably carried on Inch mesh poultry C. C le r k . netting. For supports 2x4 Inch cross iJtdy Allele Nugget, “would you spoil called to some of hie men to follow museum ha* been located at Old Faith­ M .T . him. to go to the rescue of their chief ful because that la the geyser capital ; ties placed every 4 feet will he prac­ his highness' story?" Floor Plan. of section, and Incidentally to capture “Itather that than let good punch of the earth More active geyser« of tical. About 1 foot of loose straw Is F o reh ead ed By W. A. RADFORD | usual lines of the gable and the porch spoil with cooling, dear lady," Sir the Scarlet Pimpernel. lha first order ara to be found within Roma people think that providing Mr W illia m A. R adfo rd w ill a n sw e r roof and the well-balanced windows placed on the netting and small open­ l*ercy retorted with s smile. w«r "And that was the Immediate out a ten mile radius of thl* spot tints In for tha future la having a spare tir » ings In each end shove the straw qu estio ns and (I v a ad v ice FR E E OF "Selie him and garrotte him," his come of the clever atrnlagem. The all ths rest of the world put together. —Kansas City Journal Boat. COST on o il su b je c ts p e rta in in g to make the exterior attractive. This serve to keep It dry. The straw Is left p ra c tic a l to m a b u ild in g, to r the re a d ­ house Is 24 feet by 34 feet and is of In the poultry house throughout the highness broke In with a laugh, “aa captain divided hi* force«. Three he ers of th is paper. On accou nt of h is frame construction set on a concrete Cold Stream Reduced our gallant hero and hts friends took with hint, two were left to bring Vsry few men are able to appreciate wide ex p erien ce a s ed ito r, a u th o r and foundation. It contains five rooms— Tear. seized and gnrrotted a chief of sec­ the prisoners along, another had been It has been a long time slues the tha humor In a practical Joka that m a n u fa ctu rer, he la w ith o u t doubt, the living room, dining room and kitchen highest a u th o rity on a ll th ese su b ­ tion. whatever that may he, and hta sent as courier with a message. Three "forty-niner*" made their rush for the comes to them point first. on one side and two bedrooms with a Find Sour Milk Good te c ta A ddress a ll In q u iries to W illia m only were left to guard the diligence gold fields of California, hut still th* powerful friend from Paris." A. R adfo rd. No. 40? South D earborn bath between on the other. “Seize him I Garrotte him P cried The gallant Scarlet Pimpernel bad mine* continue to pour out a at ream Ingredient of Protein S treet, C h icago. 111., and o n ly Inclose The gables set In the roof are high made a clever calculation. Already of precious metal, though the stream tw o -cen t sta m p for re p ly . Sour skim milk In unlimited quantl- many a pair of charmingly rouged hy enough for a great amount of attic a small ruae he had rid himself of Is lessening somewhat. Judging from III«. ! ties gives a higher total and average When d t j builders devised the space which through the use of so- The next moment Sir Percy Rlnke the c a rt Under cover of the dark the 1U23 figures. egg production, higher profit over feed apartment building to provide for sev­ called wail boards or insulating hoards ney. thnt prince of dandles, saw him ne«a hi* two equally gallant follower* Ths production of gold, silver, cop­ eral families on one building site, the can be partitioned off into a playroom cost, and produced eggs at a lower self fettered by a number of lovely had crept underneath the vehicle, per and lend for the year reached * fact that all rooms of the borne were or bedrooms that will be available , feed cost than semi-solid buttermilk, arms, while gay voices chirruping like while he waited In the thicket for the total value of ll.VWl.7ttt, a decline of dried buttermilk, meat scrap or a-mr oo one floor made a very pronounced when needed. right time to striker birds cried. “The story, your high shout U per cent from the pre<-edlng impression on housekeepers. There The floor plan which accompanies ' skim milk whey. The dried butter­ ness, we entreat 1 lls cannot Inter­ "1 leave yon to guces the rest. The year. Thl* d»ea not take Into consid­ All wearers cant be wron$ milk and semi-solid buttermilk pens were no stairs to climb and the rooms the exterior view of the house shows three remaining soldier« taken una eration ths stream of gold imurlug In rupt now." were arranged In a manner so that the arrangement of the rooms and gave a smaller percentage of large eggs “I have the story from one who wares, the horses unsaddled, the dill work could be done with the least their sixes. It will be noted that the and a larger percentage of small eggs knows," his highness resumed with a gence finally driven down the hill by to Hollywood. amount of effort. It was because of three «aim s which are used lit the than did the sour skim milk pen. Some smile, "and our little friend Made­ our hero, while Inside the coach hi* Mystery the popularity of the city apartment daytime are together and are separate skim milk whey Is Inferior to the other leine shall hear It. It waa thus two follower* were doing Chelr beet Making fun of tha present day that architects designed what is now from the bedrooms. The bathroom Is feeds in every way. The dried but­ Gur gallant Scarlet Pimpernel. In one to assure little Madeleine and her known as the bungalow house. In the located In the center of the house and termilk pea gives the highest hsteb- of his happiest disguises as a drover parent! that all was well. Soon they modes for women ta a favorite Indoor and outdoor aport, but It tiaa remained bungalow aa In the apartment all of opens off a hail which connects the ablilty. abandoned the cumbersome diligence A comparison of semi-solid and dried from Alncourt. did. with the eld of and took to the road. That part of for a clergyman to put out one of tha the rooms are on one floor and are ar­ two bedrooms. This hall is reached prtxe bona mot* of the season. Rev. buttermilk «flows the seml-solld pen , two . of hit followers egg oo a number ranged so that the housework is sim­ by a door through the dining room. . . . ... . of young louts Into the belief that they the atory Is perhaps lose exciting W. E. Rlederwolf declare«: gives higher per cent production and . the . . ____ . though oo lees heroic. The Scarlet plified. An unnsnai feature of this home Is were being cheated out of reward “Nowadays, when you look at wom­ The dried pen, Shown In the accompenying illus­ the bedroom at the front. This Is an eggs per pullet due to them for the capture of the Pimpernel ha* nineteen folio w e n ; It tration is a design for a shingled bun­ unusually attractive room having five however, gives slightly higher yearly noted English adventurer* In their die waa their task to he on the road, to en from the back It 1* often hard to average profit over feed cost per pul­ trtet. Full of enthusiasm and excel­ aid the fugitive* with disguises. to tell whether they ar* daughters of galow that la most effective. The un- windows. le t cheaper feed cost per dozen eggs lent wine, they came on the chief of help In the great task of reaching tb* fourteen or Dnugiiler* of ths Revolu­ tion." water will not affect either the tex­ and higher hatchabllity. Stippled W all Modern section, who, I Imagine, answers to coast In safety. The results of experiments Indicate our chief constable of a county, to­ ture or the color of the plastic dec­ "And that. Indie* end rentlemen. la B ird*, A llig atev * . H er Pet* that a vegetable protein supplement to gether with a gentleman from Paris the etory." hi* highness concluded, ris­ Method of Decorating oration. Ml*» Beatrice Harrison, wltos» cello The variety of texture-tone combina­ sour skimmed milk, such as pea meal, whom some of ua have known In the ing. "I.*t us go and drink m u of How many housewives face house­ cleaning season with the w ish: “If tions possible with such materials Is alfalfa meal, and beanmeal. Is produc­ past. Well, the young louts, eager for my friend Rlakeney’a excellent punch. playing Induced nightingale* to sing ANEW C D C C IFTHEY only I could think of some way to limited only by the Imagination and tive and profitable. In production and the fray, and always egged on hy the Rut after we have drunk our toaat fnr for the radio In England. Is gathering p a ir . r ip skill of the decorator. They also lend profit over feed cost, the supplements drover from Alncourt. seised aod gar- the king, let u* raise oor glasae* to a unique collection of pets at her renovate these old wails I" Vsrious paints, papers and fabrics themselves to “two-tonlng," glazing ranked : Pea meal, alfalfa meal, bean- roted those two worthy gentlemen our national hero, the Scarlet Pim­ beautiful home at Oiled. A number of alligators live In a tank In tha dining meal, then no supplement may have been used, one after an­ and similar rich effects. and, throwing them Into the cart, took pernel." room, basking on a live trunk during other, when something novel but With a courtly bow and a smile ha them along with them. In the forest the day. The room also contains a not too expensive is wanted. j of Mezlere* they came upon the dili­ offered hla arm to Marguerite Blake- number of birds. Including a singing Check Losses of Heat Today the tendency In wall-treat­ gence. In which were our little friend hey who. with a glistening tear In her parrot, and seventeen dogs. Poultry Hints Through Room Ceilings ment is toward stippled, palm-flnished. beautiful eye«, gava hla hlghnea* • Madeleine and her parents. The vehl texture-and-glazed, “antiqued” and Engineers have found that 62 per cle wns ostensibly guarded by four gtnnce of gratitude. Better te Keep Mum ’Are you coming. Rlnkeney?" the other rough-surfaced effects for walls cent of the heat escaping from houses troopers only, but our Scarlet Plmper “My wife never IWteu* to me," com Shut up or sell male birds. Reliable Merchandise since 1865 leaves through the roof or top story \ prince eald with a merry laugh. "You and ceilings. These can he produced nel and his friends bad already ascer | . . . with sand-floated or llme-putty-flu- celling. talned that as a matter of fact there m ail drink our toaat, too. remember. plnlned a newly married man. At L***l That “l>ou’t let that worry you. »on." said Cleanliness Is the best preventive of were half a dozen more men Inside the To the gallant Scarlet Pimpernel I" Ished gypsum plaster. But what Is That Is where the greet heat losses “Yea, Albert bus drawn an awful All the ladle* laughed, partly with the old married one. ’’Mine did ones, wanted Is a material that will give occur In winter, and where the excess poultry diseases.. . . conch, and that all were armed to the picture." these effects without replasterlng. over heat of summer penetrates to make teeth. Altogether too many for three gaiety, but alao with excitement. Then and It got me In a peck of trouble." “Only one?"—Madrid Buen Humor. “Ilow waa that?" Brooder houses should be placed with one accord they cried “Tome and old walls, that Is washable and pos­ upstairs rooms unbearably hot The ! men to tackle; and since the chief "I was talking In my sleep." Is good. drink. Sir Percy, to the gnllaot Scarier ! motto of our band of heroes It never sible for the housewife herself, or roof is the place that Is cheating home where the drainage . . . A genti* volca sometimes Indicata* Pimpernel." ! to attempt where they cannot succeed owners of comfort and of fuel money ber husband, to apply. merely that one la wanting In energy. Store the eggs In a cool cellar If stratagem had here to come to the Equal Obliiation* “I’ll coroe. dear ladle«." 8lr Parry There are several materials avail every year. twice a week. aid of valor." fie who bids ua leave th* gift on said with a algh. "«Inc* his highness It Is only necessary to hold one’s possible. Market . . them able which meet these specifications. . “And what did they do?" one of the commands, hut you'll forgive me If I thq altar and be reconciled to our They are paints which come as dry han l over a hot radiator to establish Feed poultry yellow corn, cod-liver Indies queried breathlessly. cannot drink to that demmed. elusive brother would have ua go hack and white powders which, when mixed the fact thnt heated air rises, and feeds for viramlnes. be reconcile«! to any doty with which shndow." “The drover from Alncourt. our gal with water, become plastic Then as this heated air strikes the celling oil, milk and leafy . . . Laughing «till, the ladle« cried. T ts . we may have quarreled. —Mark Ouy innt Scarlet Pimpernel.” his highness dry pigment or oil paint of eny de­ It transmits its heat on through to the Young chicks should be encouraged replied, “brought” the cart to a stand­ Sir Percy I Jealous agnln?” I’eanie. sired hue or shade or tint Is stirred attic. Because the heated air Is al­ ! to roost at an early age. The chicks still shoot a quarter of a mile from And little Madeleine, with her great In. and the material la brushed oD tn ways found at the celling line the First rtsjulalte In “l-elng somebody" temperature difference between the will become accustomed to roosting If the crest of the hill where the dili­ childish gaze fixed n|M>n the band- the wall. But, while flat wall paints and cal­ ontslde and the Inside Is greater there a low roost which slopes from the gence had come to a halt prepared for some English gentleman, cried In her la a public that will concede that you are. cimines are liquid, these materials than aloDg the walla. And this tem­ floor back of the hover to the rear of an attack. Then he allowed the louts piping little voice “Fie, Sir Percy I" ITHE END 1 to msh the vehicle, and a general perature difference Is the factor that the house Is provided. have body. . . . Young man, bewait- of the peach melee ensued. But he and his two So. before they dry, these can be governs heat losses. who la the apple of your eye. She What kind of eggs are going to followers In the meantime lifted the Aw ls’ F ir* B rigade Furthermore, there Is less resist­ stippled with an ordlnory stippling Who are the fire fighter* of the to may prove to be a lemon. brush, or given a scroll texture with ance to the flow of heat at the celling market this summer? Demand for chief of section and his friend out of the fingertips, or a palm finish can line than In the walls, for only a them may be Increased by proper care. the cart and carried them up the road sect world? The Netherlands tm*. according to Tests carried out by a French worn be produced with the palm of the thin layer of plaster separates top Be sure the hens have plenty of clean, to a point from which their cnll for recent ralctilatlona, 1,004,05.1 fam lll«« airy nests well filled with litter—one an scientist, Mine. Mnrguerlte Combe*, help would presently be heard. Here floor rooms from the attic, SDd above hand, or the brush, putty-knife or six hens. have proved that red ants organise of 4.5 person* each. they left them In the ditch, hut care even the heel of a kitchen spoon to this there Is little to stop heat from nest for every . five . or . fully took the gags from their moutha themselves Into fire brigade« and are produce any distinctive texture that escaping. In many otherwise well- Round out the comers of the brood­ able to extinguish flam* hy the appli­ Tíae Rusa Ball Blue In your laundry. “Immediately the two worthy gen hnilt houses *ne can actually see day­ may be wanted. Tiny ruat apots may como from Infe­ If one of these plastic paints is to light through the spaces between raft- er house to keep the chicks from rlemen started to shout. Nor could cation of formic acid. crowding. When Mme. Combes placed a light­ rior Bluing. A*k Grocer*.—Adr. they be blamed, for their plight wns he applied over Dew plaster or wall era at the eave line In ’-he attic. indeed pitiable. At first there wns so ed dgaretts on an ant hill, the alarm It Is very difficult to make construc­ hoard. It Is best to size the surface Artificial brooding of chicks In­ much din In the melee al the top of wna given Immediately, and the Insect It pay* to he honest—but thq pay first with a good grade of varnish tion tight at tbla point, and when firemen set shout their task surresw size. If It Is to he put onto old pa­ winter comes the cold air enters volves the problems of providing a the hill thnt their cries could not be fully. The experiment was repeated sometime* goes to the other fellow. pered walls, the paper should be re­ through these openings and the heat suitable shelter f'.r them on ground heard. And In the meanwhile one of several times with the snme result, Rheumatism may he a Joint affair which Is free from worm parasite In­ our gallant heroes had crept up moved first; cracks should be patched created at great expenae Is lost. through the thicket to the crest of and * lighted taper was also extin­ when there I* only one pnrty to lb Not only does heat pas* through festation. and the sizing brushed onto the walls . . . the hill Then presently the lighting guished. Finally a lighted candle was openings. It penetrates readily the when they are dry. Bo sure the old bene and young used, and this wns put out In about ft la easier to take good luck as It Where It Is desired to make the layer of shingles and roof boards, stock have plenty of ventllntion dur­ ceased. The enthusiastic captain of a minute. comes than It la to Induce It to come. walls washable, a final coat of size which offer only a meager bar to Its ing the hot summer months. Open the gendarmerie heurd the cries for help, When ants were In danger of bum should he added to the outside of the passage, and seeps out over the whole rear ventilator in the bouse and take accompanied by a food deni of shout­ Ing. they were dragged to safety by ing and rlush of metal carried on hj One must remember thnt th* awlne decorated surface. Then soap and roof surface. out the windows. the Scarlet Pimpernel himself and hi* their companions. huven't asked that any pearls be cust I . . . most picturesque of these topplDgs are Small eggs produce small chicks, 444444» t » MM44M»4M tt><>M>H H M M M M M » rtH est point of the Ohio rivet but the minimum height Is 3 feet home. Then, too, nothing Is ahabhler above a flat roof and 2 feet above than a cheap-looking or dingy roof. will rellevs crowded conditions In the from British West Africa. Trinidad. between Pittsburgh, Pa., and Wheel­ d ing. W. V*., Is at a pool at Dam No the highest ridge pole of a sloping Stained shingles laid over old side­ brooder house. It will also provide Tobago, the Dominican Republic 10, Steubenville, Ohio, which le flfi.T roof. This will not be enough, how­ wall* cost less than two good paint ample ventilation and cool ruoatlng many South American countries. quarters during the summer months. Cane sugar cornea from Cuba. Hit mile« from Pittsburgh. From the pool ever, In case the chimney Is near tall Job«. A sanitary range shelter should be wall or possibly Porto Itlco, and beet level to the bottom of the hole It 1* buildings or trees. Sometimes It Is 41 feet. Thl* la at low water. necessary to add as many as 8 feet to Color Schemes in Homes provided. a chimney in order to get the top of it Clean, smooth color restored. Scuff* concealed instantly. Woods vary In shade from light to The price of eggs at this season C om m u n ity W m J i Sound Advice The lustre of leather revived, yo wonderful shine*— above unfavorable air currents. dark brown or red. The color scheme will not allow the old hens to carry In every gulden there are the weed* For the love of a number of thing« yocents. Color» for black, brown, tan and w hits shoe* Sometimes chimneys that draw bad­ of the room should be kept In similar many lice and still return a profit over anil lu every human community there thnt are dcslrtilde, take the advice ol —a neutral polish for others. ly can be helped with some sort of tones or warm colors. Contrasting feed costs. Sodium fluoride dip Is the ; are (lie Individuals who correspond li un old chump, young man or young BAR T O N 'S topping that will prevent wind from colors can then be used In some o' easiest and best way to control lice, j the weeds In a garden, fattening ofi womnn. and pul a l least a little money blowing down the chimney and will the furnishings to give the room aw Use one ounce of sodium fluoride to * of the substance of the useltil — Ev away whenever yon are paid your y a n h in force the smoke out sideways. The lma tlon. gallon of water. change. wages Portland Oregonln. EUROPEL'üüïSi! over 25 . 000.000 Sold LEVI STRAUSS Overalls the Leading Brand for over 56years Every pair sold with This guarantee rixCC AskforLevfs C hampion World Levied On for Materials for Candy New life for old leather D S SHOE £ PO LISH f