T ribune Tt'UNEK, OÜKÜON, THURSDAY, 8UBMCIUPT10N 91.25 l ’BR YEAR OCT.IO .192». Gloves, Pt-scs, Hand Bag» Suit Cases and many other arti j civs made of leather suitable for gifts for all occasions. Tell us /' IN E R A l D Hollis Bones was In Turner 2 0 5 5. CHURCH ST * AT ANY HO JB Sunday. He left Monday after­ your HARNESS needs. V. E noon with Bridgeford Biothers Shafer, 170 S. Commercial St. 8a. hone (em, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. George Warhing- horses fpr Seottle, Mrs. S L. Hulen has return­ ton Hunsaker celebrated tbeir Albert Given, who is employed in a prune dryer at Carlton was ed after spending a week on a golden wedding anniversary Tuesday afternoon October 1, farm near Hopewell. a visitor at home Sunday. High school students held an Mrs. W. T. Riches and Mrs and evening at their home in innitiation for freshmen in the R. J. Watson called on Mrs. Ma­ Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker are both native Oregonians and hign school auditorium. Friday thias, Thursday of last week. 512 Stub» Street member of pioneer Oregon fami­ evening. “ Hew to the line, let chips fall lies. A dinner was served at OLD TIME DANCE Chrysta where they may.’’ Three large Gardens every Wednesday and Maple trees in front of the Put­ noon under the trees and during OOLO FISH - CANARIES , LOVE BIROS - PARROT® aturday, 8:30 P. M. Gents 50c nam and McKinney properties the afternoon and evening sev­ Full line of bird and Fi*h Food and Remedies eral hundred old friends called to I,adlv*25c. tf. on the west side, fell victims to pay their respects to Mr. and Huk'in, • Phone 380 . Oregon. ! Cecil Martin left on a hunting fall firewood last week. Ed Shil­ V A V / W A W A V W W W / J V i W W A l V W A W V W , expedition on the North Fork of ling performed the performed the Mrs. Hunsaker- All of Mr. and Mrs. Hunsak- tho Santiam, Saturday night operation with his gasoline drag er’s seven children and the rna- Miss Hazel Peetz was a visitor saw. joriterity of their 13 grandchil­ at the home of her parents Mr Mrs. R. J. Watson is spending dren were present for the oc­ and Mrs. H. R Peetz Saturday a few days in Portland this week. casion. The honor guest at the night and Sunday. Professor and Mrs. John Wat­ anniversary celebration was Mrs. Salem’s Square Deal Jewelers & Opticians. The Ensley Transfer is busy son were in Turner Sunday from Hunsaker’s 86 year old cousin, Mrs. M. Darrah, who came up Diamonds Watches ( lcoks Jewelry 6c Silverware. J hauling prunes these days. Ken­ Forest Grov*. neth Petersen worked for them from Los Angeles for the affair. Mrs. Ralph Wortman. of Me. Mr. Hunsaker’s two sisters Mrs. 379 SUte, St. Salem, Oregon. J Saturday. Mrs. S- A- Riches motored to Minnville motored to Turner, Sun­ 0. M Reeves, of Salem and Mrs. W . Y W J Y A W A Y A '. V A W J V . V A 'A V A V W J Y . V / W r A ’/ J. C. McKern, of Yamhill and Silverton last Wednesday to visit day. Harlan Bones had a pleasant Mrs. Hunsaker’s sister Mrs. M. her mother, Mrs. Hubbg. WE HAVE CONNECTIONS appointment with Dr. Olson, the M. High, of Salem were [present for the anniversary’. with the Hanscn-Bennett mag­ dentist, in Salem Monday. W . JA Y D EN H EM azine agency, one of tho larg­ Miss Thelma Delzell did not George Washington Hunsaker est in the country, which en­ leave for California Sunday as is the son of pioneer parents who ables us to give you the best she had planed but waited until crossed the plains in 1846 and Ganiral Contractor and Builder prices and service for your Tuesday in order to arrive at Los took up land in Yamhill county Cement Work and Plumbing magazine needs. See F. P. Row- Angeles on better time. She left and Mattie Nelsos. daughter of ley at the Tribune Office. Portland on the Peoples Ship at A. J. Nelson, also a Yamhill Turner, Oregon Route j countv pionneer, were married Mrs.. Arlita Steele returned 3 o’clock Tuesday and will be on October 1, .1879 in the Nelson Saturday night from a weeks vis­ board five days. home, at McMinnville. They were it with her neico, Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mi». Nichols, of Stay’ married by Rev. A. J. Hunsaker Worton and her hephew, Omar ton, attended the district Sun* and uncle of the groom. For the Estes, of McMinnville. day “chool convention: and later first 14 years of their life they Cordell Ball and R LeeTheis- visited at the Delzell home. lived on a farm in Linn county sen returned from their hunting Late Sunday evening Mr. and and for the past 35 years they trip with a deer apeice. G. A. Mrs. Carrico and Mr. and Mrs lived on a farm five miles sonth McKay who went with them had Everheart, $f Oregon City, ar­ of Turner until last fall when Canvas Gloves. Plain and Leather faced 15c to 50c not returned up to Sonday night rived at the Delzell farm. They they moved to Turner where Mr. Reliable Druggist Wdlette Jesse was busy last were on their way home from Hunsaker purchased the G. A. week hauling wood for the Turn­ Eugene, where their young peo­ G- Moore home on north Third E. S- PRATHER er Boys’ Home. ple are attending the U. of 0- street OREGON TURNER : Mrs. Susan Girardin spent sev­ They are cousins of the Delzell eral days with her daughter Mrs. family. Emma Pancoast, of Salem. She F. C Delzell hauled a load of was summoned there by the fat hogs to Salem this week. death of lier grandson, Rex Her. W. T. Riches was on the sick Warning is being issued by ren list a few days last week. Raymond H. Bassett, adjutant The George Brower family of the Salem American Legion have returned to this section and Post that vetrans orqdependants VETERINARIAN are living on the Hugh Cook farm of deceased vetrans must file ap­ Day and Night Servie* south of Turner. plications for adjusted service George Given, who is employed STAYTON OREGON certificates before January 1, in a prune dryer at Sunnyside, 1930 or they will loose their \ spent Sunday in Turner. rights in this rspect This applies H. Theissen, of Milwaukie, especially to persons whom are Oregon, is the house guest of caring for orphan sons are daugh­ Mr. and Mr*. R. Lee Theissen. ters of world war vetrans, Mr. Theissen has been in Turn­ whether they are legally appoint- er the past two weeks ami has won fith place. Even though they e<* .guardians or relatives who been visiting with many old frie­ only won fifth they made a high- are caring tor the children wit i- nds here. ou^ f°rnialty. Roy Potter and family of Eu­ er score than last year. Mayor Livesly, of Salem, is- — reka, California, were guests of sued a proclamation urging ev- NOTICE the R. Lee Theissen family last one to be present at the Ore- . ... , week. Mi». Potter is a sister of ery gon Electric depot to welcome This certifies that the under- Mi». Theissen. the drum corps on their return SI«ned 18 the ao} \ ovLner- ^ For Sale. Six weeks old pigs. Monday . and from the crowd and manager of the Turner Tnb- $5.00 each. J. M. Bones, Turner. present it would seem that his uqe and that there are no other We were presented with a proclamation was heeded. security holders^ nice roast of venison by the W, A- Martin family. The roast was from a deer shot by their son Cecil While in Southern Oregon. Notary Alvin E. Schirman The walnut tree on the I- E. Public for Oregon. My commis Lawerence Robertson was ser­ Putnam property bore a nice lot of fine walnuts this year. This iously injured early last Thursday sion expires (SEAL) tree is of the Franquet variety morning in a peculiar auto acci­ Dec. 11. 1932. dent. While returning from a and the nuts are very large. It has had a few on every year for dance at Mehama about 2 o’clock in the morning Robertson fell the past several years. asleep and in turning the corner M. O. Pearson and sons Mer- near the Goode’s Floral Gardens A complete stock of Rcclcaned Grains, Grass vin and Willie and Coman Tracy at Stnyton he fell out of the car Seeds, Pasture Mlxturs, Burn Mixtures, Clovers, comrrised a hunting party who onto the pavement. Roscoe Port­ Th» local Masonic lodge was loft for the wilds Tuesday morn­ Alfalfa, etc. er who wus driving the car hail­ visited last Saturday evening by ing. ed a passing car and got help to Grand Master M. L Meyers and Prune drying is expected to get him into the car and brought Past Grarad Master Rex W. Davis, All reckoned in the best possible m anner last several days yet at tho Ahr­ him home. A physcian was sum­ both of whom delivered inter­ and sold a t the lowest possible prices, quality esting and instructive addresses ens dryer. moned from Salem considered. Dr. Mary Staples left Sunday Robertson was bruised about The Master of the lodge, E. F. the the head and shoulders and Wallace, entertainingly describ­ for San Francisco, California. Also Common ane H ungarian Vetches, Fall did not regain consiousness for ed a recent trip to his former Mrs. J. M. Bones was a break­ nearly four hours. He is recover­ home in Colorado. Duuring this Rye, Fall Earley Cheat Seed etc. fast guest at the Bert McKay trip he was privlledged to visit ing nicely at present. home Sunday. the Grand Lodge of Masons of state of Colorado. Ilildrcd L. Bones will be a- ; mong the young folks to repre- Best Quality harness made in P H O N E 1 6 0 . 2 6 1 S T A T E ST. ; sent the local C. E. at the Mar- our own shop. Satisfaction guar­ SALEM . O R EG O N ; ion County Christian Endeavor anteed. Prices from $40.00 to Tho Tribune iho|i can print your ; Society to be held over the week $65.00 F. E. Shnfer, 170 S. Com­ butter wraps, letter heads and aw W W V W W V .W * A V A W .W W Y .’.W V .V .V ,y «•lopes. mercial &t Salem. Oregon. ' end, at Salem. CI QUGH-HUSI Off £0. P Hunsakers Cele­ brate W edding Anniversory Locals <2.0 y C. F. BREITHAUPT FLORIST I V Pomeroy and Keene T u rn er L um ber & M fg. Co. W e carry in stock Rough and Dressed Lum ber, Shingles (highest quality) five grades to select from , also W all Board, Paint, Doors, W indow s, C ed ar Posts, Brick, Plaster, Tile an d Slabw ood in four foot lengths. W e desire to serve the public w ith Prom ptness an d Efficiency. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL PHONE «78 \ Dr. O. A. Olson, Dentist PAINLESS DENTISTRY AND X-RAY WORK AH Work Guaranteed and at Moderate Prices Us« Your Credit Come in and talk it over M A S O N IC TE M PL E , Rhone 440 S A l EM Residence 761-R Dr. O. L. Scott Chiropractor Neurocaiometer Service Phone 87. Residence 2104J 256 N. High Street Salem, Oregon Delinquent account* collected on a contingent Luis. We do the work, shoulder the expense ami make no charge unless collection is made. $250,000 Bad Account* taniad into Cash Sinaa Wt Started. Jot down a trial list of had ones and let us turn them into actual money. Business M en’s A dju stm en t C om pany DRUGS 4 % P a id on s i s m o n th s “ No Collection. No C harge” 415-16 Masonic Bldg. Phone 914 SALEM. OREGON F. P. ROWLEY H ea lth , A c c id e n t L iab ility AND Fir< INSURANCE Turner, Oregon* Harrison’s General Store for Drygoobs, Groceries Glassware, Hardware Boots and Shoes Time Deposits F ire an d Automobile Insurance Written Turner State Bank Highest prices for farm pr duce Local Man Injured Harrison’s General Store Turner, Oregon Grand Master Visits Turner D. A. White & Sons Every Saturday Night Castilion Hail Corner Liberty and Chemeketa Sts. Salem, Oregon. Willard M athia O rchestra Playing E. A.Rosenbaum, Mgr