The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 03, 1929, Image 4

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------ 1
•Turner, .Oregon. Thursday
OCT 3.
if y. ftv;uu!ry. CDitu*’
fyp r/
Thursday bt Turner. Mgripn Cquijly. Otegon
SUBSCRIPTION ^1.25 PER YEAR. Entered at th« PostpjBc«
gt Tuiw«r, Oregon, as second-class matter, under the
_________Act of March 3, 1879.
“ I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States
and the country for which it stands. One nation,
indivisible, with libertv and justice for all.”
— — ■— ------------------------------ ------------
--------- — ■
Promoting Cpmmuuism
II th « Irtdert of the North Carolina inohs that have t).-. a attacking
fbe textile striker* are rca’ ly> prorpolsth > cause ofcom u u r.i no
gnd social unrest in th ? count?/, th •/ are doing amagnifteent job, and
should receive the instant tpagratuiatj ns of Mots. jr
If, onoth<r hand, they are trying fo prea. rve oar establiahed po'it
ical and oconon i- »I or I jr, they are fearful buugltr« and ahould le
called off the jab without delay.
Y ou can think ue you pleare about the right« ar.d w ro ris of the!
Carolina textile strike p rfsin ly there are t i p sides to j f But for the
flogging of the ftrike leader* tr d the killing of g «M t ftseiet* woman
there ie cet a iftadcw of a d efer»*.
W hat is mors important is the fact that this mob t o'cnce w ill do
p >-e to wi|j coavert? f i the sumjnu^iii*- hancer than anything eltej
that could bare happened Tfcp ¡gnotan! fanatica who are naponsih ?
are playing directly into th.* bapd» of tbq slpikpr*.------- Portland puj-
I . . Eternal
• V f Traffic
v. - - -
In gome western Hates “ Traflic surveys'! are to be made, starting
P et. f. on ||1 federal higbipaya, hut we doubt if tbev do rpuch j t o i .
People who drtyv salaries “ traflic er/ionccr»*! h sv. teen at work
for years, but jt ’ s still pfo-tv bnrd to find a place to park or to get a-
jic-ad cf the 25 mile-ac.d-ur.der driver on tbp highways
The ceginee s usually produce ? h t of compli. |ted maps ard
graph*, fiOt)-cdil peg*? of mi meagre pin d recommendatitns and a IfU ,
for services at about $¿5 a qqy.
Sqmebody flic? ayfay the tttape. graphs qnd recotr m< pdaficn*. o-
kehs the bill and proceeds to forget all about them. And the public
JccepH on running a temdefature re d learning near cuss words
A newspaper is supposed to fysve a solution of e v e 'y prcblaoi
far as this newspaper is contp'ntd, you can put us down as free from 1
solutions for the traffic prcbltru as Hawes is of ^nee-breecbes.- — Pcpt-
i n i l Daily Kewjf.
he world again is debtor
to Ethel Hueston fo r a fine tale, strong,
tru e and A m e ric a n to the last word.
Debtor, too, fo r another sweet, delightful,
whimsical heroine o f a type similar to her
“ Pru d eiicep f the Parsonage "T h esp a rse,
pip and pepper o f Ella will ma\e her a
figure to capture every reader, si si A
McKinney - Riches
Married in Salem
Miss Lucile Riche# and Joseph
S. McKinney were quietly mar­
ried at the home of Rev. Nor­
man K. Tally, pastor of the
will b- made on the 3rd day of Octo-
First Presbyterian church, of
Jn the County Ooury cf to» Stave /i ber, 1029.
Salem, Wednesday, September
Oregon fo r Marion County.
!'25. Mrs. Richard Carlson, of
Attorney for Plaintiff.
|n t’.ie'Matter o f the Estate 61 Johhrie
Karwelf, a Minor.
Salem, aunt of the bride, and
This cause canic op to be beard this SHERIFF S NOTICE OF SALE Or
Miss Mabel L. Walker, of Tur­
ay upon the petition o f Hart Earwell,
attended them. The bride
uarcharf of the' estate and pi r.^-u «,1
olinnie Katwett, a minor, praylrg for
gowned in dark blue all
Notice is hereby' given, that by !
an order" of Sale of certain real prop­ virtue of an execution duly issued out
velvet and carried
erty belonging to raid minor, de­ of the Circuit Court o f the State of
scribed in raid petition, and it ap­ Oregon, for the County o f Marion,
an arm bouquet of Orphelia
pearing to the court from said petition and to me directed on the 10th day i
! rose buds and carnations. They
firiL to thTf^ci^sts of n ! l Johnnie •of September iaíO upon a judgment l n the Circuit Court of the State of
left immediately for a short
Fanvefi that VI o'sa id r, V orooerH afld di'cree, d!lI>'1 reruJere'1' mtere<l of
Oregoq for the County of Manon,
fhoVd be “olu
property rCc„ f(1 an(i docketed in and by said
Department No. 1. No 19115.
honeymoon trip in centra! Ore­
Jhou d be ,ol“ ,
jcourt on the 29th day o f August,
gon, returning home by way of
It is hereby ordered and decreed 1929, in t certain suit then in said
Natta, partners doing business
yhat Hart Karwell. Ethel Farwell, |court pending, wherein Rachel Ar.n
McKenzie Pass. They were
under the assumed Arm name and [
father and mother of said minor, and • Patton was plaintiff and Louis E.
of Mr. and M rs. I). O.
Mrs. Grace Perkins, aunt of said Petersen and Kathleen Petersen were
Lord’s D tyj coming The next is Stanton, o f Bend. Oregon, uncle
minor, and oil other persons inter- lefendantr in favor of plaintiff and
convention Sunday and the fol-'and aunt of the bride.
the 22n<i day eï üçto
the above named ! lowing is our rally day. A big at - 1
The bride is the only daugh-
O’clock A M.,- in' tqe
, tendt nca is hoped for Last Sur- ter 0f Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
th:.. ifinit;
tr,a eWirt
lyrt-, i at
t tt,&
ftodsc in tfie : to pay. the sum due the plaintiff o f *
-; -------
fcity » . t Haldfr,
_ J I B HarlOn
B ... Cowrtty,
j p frrv
in this
Riches and was born in
Jon, Wieff if\A tnere' to sn6W cat!
B attended
¡7hy m otdv> should n»t be xxanted j S ? ‘
» w
against { mens from the pastor. Mr. (si ■ community.
attendee the
|or tl,« «ala <-* who r * ii P4*P*rt>.
nut taxed at $19 Off and costa and fn 'feur^DO ^week ' ^ fron the°.rate^^lof I9tra-j
there tver® many \ isit- i * u rn er schools and is a gradu-
' It is further ordered that a copy o l exp tr . of said execution I will on tM„ hrlt pQblication of this summons, !
fiends with US.
f th T u r n c r high school
Proud Owner Shows Champion
Follow This Enchanting Tale
cs a Serial in
"You’ll Do'» Cray Croampot of W. M.” , Junior Champion Jorooy Cos#
and its owntr Mrs. Edna L, Knight.
Mrs. Edna L. Knight, Willow- and Pet gtock Show; Junior Agr|*
meadow Jorsey Farm, Wlllowa, cultural activities In the naw J. Ct
California, on« of tho few women Penney Hall; and the Oregon Fifty
breeder* of llrostock—and sueeeas and Uamo Com mission's Exhibit oi
ful. too—will exhibit her p rli« win­ Wild Life (Including a Kish Hatch­
ning Jersey« at the 19tb Annual ery In full operation). Altogether!
Paelflo International LI restock Ex­ the 1039 program will offer great­
position. Portland, Oregon, Oct. 26 er variety than ever before — tty
N ot . I, Inclusive.
complelo shows—Puro Bred e
Thla yeor, for tho first tint«, tho stock Show; Knt Stock Show:
American Jersey Cattle Club has Dairy, Manufacturer's and l.nni|
«elected Tacltfc International to be Products Show«; Sheep Show;
ono of the four section«! shows In American National Kox Show; Na­
the United Slates.
Thla makes tional Wool Show; Industrial Ex­
available awards tor All American position; Boys' and Girls' Cluty
honor In the Jersey division of Work Exhibits; Northwest llsy
th e
West’s grontest livestock and (¡ruin Show; and world re­
classic. The Club has also added nowned Horse Show, including
11.000.00 lo the Exposition'« prise ' among other spectacular event«
tnoLoy, bringing tbo total premium* the Six Horse Tenm Driving con­
offered for Jerseys alone up to tests during cnch of the seven
fl.500.00. Total prlso money (or evening programs.
•II classes aggregates $100.00000
Special reduoed tores to the Ki-
New features announced for this poslllon will be In sffert on all
year's Exposition are the 3000- leading transportation boos In thlg
(oop display of the Oregon Poultry territory.
this order u« published for three sue- Saturday the 12th aay of October, to-wit- from the yeti, .lav nf S-ni.m .l o*i.„ o . . j . e u « . i
ui u
. . .
. . ,
cessive week* in 'ihe Turner Tribune,, 1920, at the ho»r
192 :». and
if von fi)1,*to
fa,i »„ s0
n ,ppear
iL » ' —
an(j 18 prominent ...
in local
oar of
or 10
1U o’clock
a m . ber.
ber> li>29>
„ n,, if
v i * *-Cf)ool
T . be un- i ann
-v.. lodge
} newspaper of circulation j o f said day at t the west door O f the p!ainti,T wiil ti;k' jU{|Ement | der capable teachers and two c x -’ circie3< The groom 13 a son of
printed ar«l published in said county, | county court house
r PubMc aucrion to"S'e’
«^ ^ t o - w it:
Itra rooms for classes will be, tho ,ate J. S. McKinn
McKinney and
which fuUy complies with l**‘' statute.., Oregon, sell at
, ,,, ,,«■■„ u„ w,c
regarding the publication of legal ad- highest bidder 1«,
g U title,
ritle °in
W l^
h e r with
h e J S f 5 at ’ t tne
o ^
th% w in « 3 o f th e Church j h „
been a re3id en t of
o f Turner
day o f sale, all
the right,
in.erest t thereon
by the use
of f screens. This
w ill; f for
U5C o
1 MS Will
or s
evera | y
ears. H
is I mother,
est and ertate which srid
-aid defendants rats ° ^ f f eight
elXht per cent per annum from by
Dated this 20th day o f September-
an 1 all persons claiming under them ^ y Jd’ 1 d?4i i lE
n^,i aa,d ’ tor.
*ur‘ make warm and light room which Mrs L w Robertson, is a resi-
subsequent to the execution of plain- th‘;^ " 'i" 1 oi
as special aftor-
dent c j Turn#r> They will make
Hff's mortgage in, c f and to «aid “ y, "J S ? 8; " i d for pla.nti/T * costs the children will enjoy.
premises hereinbefore mentioned and ®nd disoursetneitt* incurred in this
The orchestra will practice cn their home in Turner where
described in said execution gs follows, n0.:011-
j <2) That the usual proceedings Wednesday and later a social will tbey are associated in the own-
‘ Attorney for phe Guardiaq.
Lots one and two in Block 4 in u,e *'a<J ^.or ^he sale of the following be held in the social hall of the ership and management of the
the Town of Marion, Marion Coun- denenbed, the same having
ty, Oregon, according to the plat be^n heretofore attached by plaintiffs church. The C. L and friends are |ticbe5 Confectionery.
' '
| invited- Games and a pleasant
thereof on file and of record in the in this action, to-wit:
In the Circuit Court o f ihe State of
office o f the Recorder of Convey­
Beginning at the North line o f time under the direction of Mr.
Oregon, for Marlon County, De­
ances for said County.
partment No. 2. “
•’ ” ’
Gilbert and wife 15.235 chains 8r*d Mrx. OiUtrap will be in or-
£ sale being made subject to re­
Lcota Cloqgh, Plaintiff,
demption in the marir.yr provided by­
Seiah 89 degree« and 15 minutes 'der, Tnursday night choir prac-
Next. Bnnday morminR we will
fr0m ♦K^outheart comer o f j ^
and # busine, 3 m eetjn g w ilj
Herbert 0- E- tJo^gh, Defep'lant.
the Donation Land Claim of John
Dated this 10th day o f September,
welcome our new paxtor Rev.
Xo Herbert 0. E. dough, the above
Savage in Township 7 South, Range be held. The Ladies aid meets
named defendant:
William H, Burproyne. Brother
2 West of the- Willamette Meridian Thursriav at'fernrvtn
0- D. BOWER,
In the name qf the State of Oregon,
in Marion County. Oregon; thcnc- lnursUa> dlternoon ,
Burgoyae is transferintf to us
Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon.
>ou arc heTtby required To appear
South h ‘ j degree« and 4, minute..!
Mr. and Mra. Bowen, son ami
from the Southern Methodist
and answer the ecuiijiJairit of the By w - RICHARDSON,
’’ J ataiffst ----
plaintiff *-—
herein, j fjled
you in
conference and wax formerly lo
■* thenco South
th e fair in Balem and visited Sun.
«he above entitled ,-ourt, on or before
afi-l wife;
6.90 chain«;
cated at La Grande, Oregon, Sis­
the last 'day of the time prescribed tn North 89 degrees and -15
! day with Mrs. Bowen’ s brother
the order for publication of this sum­
minute* Fast 7-25 chain* parallel to
ter Driver who has boon po3tor
, and wife, Mr. and Mix. W. H.
mon:; uftDti you, which period of tune
the North lir,e of said claim of
the local church the past year
lb four weeks from the 5th nay of
Notice iv hereby given that the final
I- N. Gilbert and w ife; thence
Harris. Other guetts at the Har-
yeptember, 1929, being the time gf account of M. B. Hoyden and Ben
is transfered to Bandon, in the
North 6.90 chain« to the place of
Rex Herren, 17.
of Mr3. ris home Sunday were Mr. and
the first publication hereof, and if Isaac M ixwell, joint administrators of
beginning, and containing 5 acres
Coos Bay district I«etus turnout
you fail so to appear and answer said the estate of W. O. Hr.yrten, dee-eased,
of land, more or les», in Marion Pancott, and a sophomore at Sa- Mrs. Wickman and three children
complaint, the plaintiff will apply to has been filed in the County Court of
next Pundayand Rive him a Rood
County, Oregon,
the eourt for the relief prayed for in
welcome. Don’ t foruet the Sun­
her complaint, to-wit: to dissolve the
day School and Epworth Lcairue
bond« of matrimony, existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, gestóte to
«aid plaintiff her forme r name of
Leota W-iUon, and for such other and court as the time and place for the 1 and all persons claiming under or
Mr. Darren’ . s aunt of Cottaffd!
U n t lt P r S S C ö k D 0€1*
further jreliof a* nhall be agreeable to hearing of objections to s.pch final ac- through you, be forever barred o f all 1 The
, l . , I deceased
, . had
, I
. 1 subject
i _ and
. , I
..I _ — _ m,.n, •
* ., l-i ..
the principie i of equity.
count and the settlement of said es- right, title and Interest ¡0 and to tan to loakage o f the heart since Grove, were aldo among
You are further notified ttiat this u-te, at which time any person inter-
! above described premise«, and every childhood and death was believed Sunday visitors at the Harris
funimons U served upon you by pub- >
,n M
* !'1 ''«taut m,*y app-.-ar aqd part thereof.
I. 1
. , ,
G. A. McKay, R. L«e Th isxan
lication thereof in The Turner Tribune I fib ' °bjr«ticns thereto and cofitert the
-rhnt thu „umnlons in published 110 haVf> " ° en cau vjd
thls ai1 h ,xr,e
and Cordell Ball made up a
a weekly newspaper published at
purs-.ipnt to an order duly made and ment Besides the widowed moth-
Turner, Marion County, Oregon, pur
t r t! red b‘ , the ,H“ no™ble L. H. Me- ¡ e r he is su rvive J by a sister, Mrs
party of hunters that left Friday
nusnt to the OTdcr of the Honorable
¡ ***h«? , Ju>-xe of tne Circuit Court of 1
evening for the mountains near
L. H. McMahan, judge o f the above
I the State of Oregpn for tho County , Frank Hoover,
entitled court, made on the 4th day Joint Aiiministrators of the Eetati. of of Maridp, on the Z-lth day of Septem- Street —Capital Journal.
„.¡Ashland. I f the hunters have as
Have your envelope* printed wttn
. , ,
Of September, 1929.
W. 0- Hayden, Deceased.
I ber, 1929.
.nur return addreea.
The Tribun,
luck as
previous years
You are further notified that the —
------------ -----------------------j
•tat* o f the first publication o f thin
; they will each return with a
fláva T h « Tribun« credit fo r what :on do the work.
i3 the 5th day o
1 j 1* Tribune eridit for what
Residr-nce and postoffice address:
^mmen« i.-i
of f September,
I buck.
you buy from our advertwera
¿ í; ¡9,
: '. and titc last
l**t publication thereof v °u buy from o^r advertisers.
¡Salem. Orefop.
Mrs. Bowen
Visits Brother
- i i c S i f i N f f l Former Turner Boy daughter, of North Bend took in
Drops Dead
[ ■■ s jkrcm F agthowty •’ ]
B te a u tt
HunJrtdt o f Suprcma Court
Judgw concur la mghe*t praise
of tli« work u theli AtuhpHtj.
The Preil Jent* o f all IcaJlng Unt-
vcrtitKl, College*, and Normal
School* give their hearty InJoru-
All Sratr* that have adopted a
large dictionary at itarulard have
aclf cted Wcbatet’a New Intenia-
The Schooliiooka of the Country
ndhrri to the l-Iertlam-Wcbatcr
tyitem bf diaciiticul mark].
The Government Printing Office
at Waahlngton uaca It aeuathorffy.
W'RITE for a »mpl« r*a* of <he Nr*
W’wJt, Specimen of Refitlar an J lo lls
Papers, FflLB.
«.s c .
v s rr^ _