The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, October 03, 1929, Image 3

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American Red Cross Nurses Feeding the Hindus
+ -+
’ ■H
1 *1- • •
"Dog Days'*
Makes Life
T oo much to «at— too rich I (Mot­
or too much in n k ln i. Lota o f thlnira
cauao aour atomach, but on# thing can
correct It quickly.
I*hllll|Mi Milk of
Magnesia will alkallulie the acid.
Taka a spoonful o f thla plea nan!
preparation, and the ayatcm la Boon
I'hllllpa la always ready to relievo
dlatreaa from over -eating; to check all
acidity; or neutrallaa nicotine.
member thla for your own com fort;
for the aaka o f thoao around you.
Kndoraod by physicians, but they al-
waya aay Fkl/Mps, Don't buy some­
thing olao and oip ect tlio aamo ro-
•ulta I
P hillips
L o f Magnesia
Milk ,
Cuulda’ t Help It
Judge— Why did you otrlko your
w ife!
Defendant— Well, yer honor, ehs's
been studying how to develop a mag
nolle peraonallty, and. yeeterday alie
walked paat me when I had a ham­
mer In my band I
r V H l days la a name which I as been
liamitid d o»u >o us by the an
dents as designating tbal aessoi
which ha« the reputation of belna tts-r
hotteet and most unwholesome period
of the yeer. This condition waa eup
lowed to be Influenced by one or the
other or both of tho dog stars—
Hlrius, the greeter, eod Procyon. the
leeeer— It being the popular hellaf that
(luring this time dogs ara apt to run
mad. hsnea tba tarm “ dog'' naturally
fastened Itself to th.-aa daya
History tails ua that lu aarly times
dog daya wars eatluiated as forty In
number—twenty before and twenty
after the rising of the dog star Ae a
mattar of fa d . tba duration of this
iwrtod appears to O jvs varied from
as little as thirty to as much as Bfty
four daya beginning anywhere from
July S to Auguai Ift
The co-lnd
dental appearance of the dog star and
these eo called dog days appears to
havs been acddental. aa tbs lima of
(bo rising of this star varies with ths
altitude In some climates there are
nn dog daya for the reason that In
lertulo altitudes the dog star la not
visible henrs there can be no dog
In andent times It seems apparent
tbal tho dog star roae Just before tbe
Its time of rlalpg appears to
gradually grow later as (ba years
(M ias by. owing, no doubt, to I ha grad
uai repression of tho aqulnoilal
period, consequently. In rulura cen­
turies, It may come to peas that tba
dog star will rise during tho wlniar
a a e
S fc U S & £ L a(.f lflU I
Manor 10,000 Years Old
A rator 10,000 years old has been
found by a French archeologist In a
aand quarry at Moutlerea-lea-Amlens.
ft was discovered In a Neolithic bed
among a number o f other Implements
Others F.ajoy Year Vacatiea
Among those who enjoy your vac*
(Ion are those you have left behind to
worry along without you for two or
three weeka— I »anbury Kvenlng News.
K ill Rats
Without Poison
M Msw frlsnaksstar that
W o n ’t KIM U tramimeli, P o u ltry ,
I Calm, am even Baby Chlcbm
K S O ran tw uaed sh ou t Ihr h oaw .b n n » 0 » p ou ltry
Sard w llh s b s .J u ts ,a fs l v ns It ro m a in s e e A s e S l y
■ S fa m a . K R O Is m ad* o f Suu lll, as rvrora-
m rn .lsd b y U . S. D s p t. o f A g rlru ltu rs. under
tha Cannatila p rocess w h irl. Insures m aatm ual
atrength. T w o rana klUad 171 rata at Arkanaaa
Stata Farm . H undreds o f oth er testim onials.
Inaiai upon K R O, fh « original Squill aster-
minatar. All «Intuiate, 7Sc. Large else (A n» t im «
•a much) $J,00. Direct if dealer
row- i - R O Co., Bpringfteld, O.
Tears were streaming down the d a
etna actress' face. Reverses had come
—she was in a pawnshop.
Slowly, silently, aha drew from bet
pocket a Uttl* package and laid It
down on the counter before the eyes
o f the hardened pawnbroker.
-H ow much?" aha asked, and wiped
her eyee with a tiny handkerchief.
She waa pawning her six wedding
rings,— Tit Bits.
A young lady entered the stationery
Store and asked for a pound tin of
floor wax.
“ I’m sorry, ml««," said the dark, “ all
wa carry la sealing wax.”
-D on't be silly," aha snapped, "I
don't went to wax a celling r
Impoverished Hindus receiving their dally ration allowance from a Mad Cross station In far off India.
Will Never Be Fired Again Unless in Warfare
Fifteen year* after his graduation.
Dr. Caldwell became famous for •
single prescription, which now. after
forty years, is still making friends.
Today Dr. Caldwell’s Sv rup Pepsin
is the world's most popular laxative.
Millions o f people never think o f
using anything else when they’re
constipated, headachy, bilious, feverish
or weak; when breath is had, tongue
coated, or they're suffering from
nausea, gas, or lack of appetite or
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is
made today according to the original
formula, from herbe and other pure
ingredients. It is pleasant-tasting;
thorough in the most obstinate cases;
gently effective for women and chil­
dren. Above all. It represents ■
doctor's choice o f what is safe for tha
For Barbed
Wire Cots
B alsam o f M yrrh
k r ft^ ttls iis e «
No. 1, Atlantic Oco*n
i IK
addreaa of llr Owen I). Young,
T that addreaa la Just as tilting aa
it la unique Its lovas flab and ta a
great fisherman. Ha loveo tha ocean
and lives over IL He built a pier
which Juts out Into the tally blue
greeo waters at Atlantic City. On
(hla pier ba constructed a lovely m ao
•loo and surrounded It with gardens
and other appointments after tha
fashion of sneb places built on land
It had to have ¡a fa d deserved, a
number. Mr. Young wanted It to have
one It was no tha ocean, there waa
no other house on that pier or street,
hence and obviously. No. 1. Atlantic
A DOZEN different thingi may
• * cause a headache, but there's
Just one thing you need ever do to
get relief. Bayer Aspirin is an
absolute antidote for such pain.
Keep it at the office. Have it handy
in the home. Those subject to fre­
quent or sudden headaches should
carry Bayer Aspirin in the pocket-
tin. Until you have used it for head­
aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you've
no idea how Bayer Aspirin can help.
It means auick, complete relief to
millions ot men and women who
use it every year. And it does not
depress the heart.
Ordinary but Rich Mortal— 1 would
like to have you paint a portrait ol
my late wife.
Great Artist (Inattentively)—Uk«
most women, I suppose. But she will
have to be on time— very prompt with
her sit tings—If aha wants me to do ths
This huge 14-Inch mobile army gun at Fort MacArthur, Calif., may never fire again. All firing has been stopped
at tbe Los Angeles harbor fortress due to complaints that tha big guns at tha stronghold were causing damage to
ldjacent home«. Congressman W. Frank James o f Michigan, of the house committee on military affairs, after con­
ferring with Col. Robert F. Woods, commandant o f tha post, may appeal for resumption o f firing o f lesser six*
guns, but tha I I Inch guna will never ba fired except tn case o f war.
But. oow to go a-flablng with Mr.
Young, (treat nets are lowered from
tho pier Into tho sea. hauled In at an
agreed lime and dumped. Thera you
have tha gifts of a benevolent nature,
through tbo medium of tbe s e e for
(bo health and satlifadlnn of aea
food lovare A acme—probably mors,
of varieties are Included In the catch
—soma delightfully dainty and d e
lldoualy tasty—others o f undeslrnhla
variety that ara not favorites with
Thla king of flahertnen probably
plunders tho old ocean of an average
of a ton of flab every Ashing day.
All o f II that Is worth while Is eaten
because oearby Is located one of tbe
most noted ol all tha “ abort, dinner”
parlors along the Atlantic, favorably
known and frequented by
tho flab
eating fans of tha nation.
e • •
Says Hoover Doesn’t Eat Peanuts
B a r s lis a a p e d e s t r ia n
M u ch c o l d e r th a n I c e ;
Be only Jumped once.
When he should have Jumped twice.
S ulph ur S o a p
U ootR lB i
3 yYic r Pure
Suipbu r
per*pi ratios, tneeet bltee.
relieve* at once by this re-
frantile«, b eeetify ln « toilet
t a d b t U i o t p Beet for
Soft, Clear Skin
B o k l u S * S ir i* !« Cotton. Ue
Book to Match
Jane— Where are you going?
Janet—Out to buy a book.
Jane— I didn't know you liked to
Janet—Well, my husband bought
me the cutest little reading lam p!—
The Pathfinder.
Prison Faro
"It's too bad about Old Potllcker,
Isn’t It—he has to keep to a very
strict diet—Just a little o f certain spe­
cial food.“
-W hat wrong with him— Indigestion
or Insomnia?"
“ Neither—you see. he'* In prison.”
Where Real Class Is Fownd
Black—So you have bad a chance
to see the king's palace In England,
eh? What did you think o f It?
White—Well, after seeing our own
movie houses, filling stations and hot
dog stands It isn't very impressive.
Russ Ball Blue delights the house­
wife. Makes clothes whiter then snow.
At your Grocer’s.—Adv.
M ercu ry ou O ld M ill Situs
Abandoned mill sites, where thirty
years ago amalgamation was the only
process used to recover gold, with the
result that quicksilver was washed out
In tbe tailings, now are being worked
and are yielding profits from mercury,
says Popular Mechanics Magazine. •
C h ild r e n C iy
The Shrine of Sf. Roch
IOTUltK a tiny «brine, laboriously
built, stone by stone, by tbe bauds
of a priest. In fulflllment nt a vow.
now lighted by stained-glass windows
•nd overhung wlto Ivy. within, scats
for but two dosen worshipers at a
time. Its walls cluttered with testl
casts and wbat not. left by faithful
visitors who nave been relieved of
their luffertnga. high bova all else a
«talus of tha good 8L Roch. hla dog
by hla aide, located In one of tho
older sections of that historic and re
mantle southern city of New Orleans
—and yon hava a vision of tha Mhrins
to Bt. Itoch. tho (luardlao ttnlnt of
Health, to which, tn perpetuation of
tbe custom In creole days, pilgrimage
after pilgrimage la made by persons
from many climes.
Tha good father. It seems. mads a
row that If hla parithonera wars for­
tunate and spared from attack by tba
rearful epidemic of yellow fever which
raged there tn IMA. ha would build
a chattel and dedicate It to a saint.
Ills prayers war# answered and ba
mads good hla vow. dedicating hla
shrine to Bt. Itoch, who. It la said,
waa at ooe time stricken wltb tha
plague and left to succumb In a lonely
woodland, hut hla dog obtained and
carried food to him. saved hla Ufa and
thereafter they became Inseparable
■ y & x& u tà ,
Steve Vaallakos, whose cart ha* stood on the corner of East Executive
avenue near the White House for the last twenty years, has catered to tha
peanut eating proclivities of Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding
and Coolldge. But Steve says President Hoover passes him completely. “ Pres­
ident Hoover la a nlce-a man," Steve said, “hut he never buy a peanut. He
only come here In his auto. I say 'hello' and he go on.”
Rumor* o f another White Housa
romance are current In Washington,
this time Joining Miss Alice Daria,
the attractive daughter o f the fo r
mer secretary o f war and now gov­
ernor o f the Philippine«, Dwight F
Davit, and Allan Hoover, the young­
est son o f the Chief Executive. Al­
though Mlsa Davis la reported to have
denied the existence o f an engage­
ment, she la also quoted aa saying
that they are "good friends."
No Wonder He Is All Puffed Up
Ns Damage
Reporter— Wbat was that alarm you
Fireman—A timid dad up the street
sent for us to put out a flaming youth
who was calling on bis daughter.
Model, submitted by W. McMillan,
for the proposed memorial to Field
Marshal Earl Haig, famous British
commander In, the World war.
( B ISM W M tsra Nkw papst Union.)
Beginning ml the End
A man may be down, hut he Isn't
out unless ha had rather link about
hi* til fortune than his prospects.—
Capper's Weekly.
Homebody— Does your wife really
»bey you?
Pee wee— Sometimes. When 1 say,
•Go ahead and never mind me," shs
always follows that command.
Sulphur Found in Craturs
Sulphur Is being spouted by volca­
noes o f Chile, according to Don Juau
M. Golkovlc, s Montenegrin prospector,
who claims to have found the richest
deposit o f pure sulphur In the world.
Estimates have placed the quautlty
found at more than 2,000,000 toes. It
is lodged In the slopes o f six volca­
noes. From the mouths of the craters,
about 90 per cent pure sulphur contin­
ues to flow, according to the explorer.
The find Is the result o f 30 years o f
exploration by Golkovlc.
Sea for Her) He Moantaia«
W ife o f Nerve Patient— Doctor,
don't you think my husband would
t>e better If we went to the sea or the
Doctor—Certainly, but you must go
to the sea and he to the mountains.
Le Rire, Paris.
Thera Is another cherished and
deeply-rooted tradition that Is Inter
woven with this shrine. It ta tha he-
lief that If a girl will go to nine
churchea, eay a prayer and make an
offering In each and then go to St.
Roch and make tho stations o f the
cross, aha will hava a husband bo-
fore tlie year la ou t Needless to aay,
many maidens make their way to tbo
•hrine o f 8L Koch.
Gees Noma to County
The Maryland Historical society
say* that Anna Arundell county la
named after Lady Anne Arundell,
daughter of Sir Thomas Arundell Lord
Arundell o f Wardour coati*, who mnr
rted C edi Calvert, second !-«rd Balti­
more and founder of Maryland.
So Set Still
W* don't gst much
By foolUh hurry
And not much more
By tooltah worry.
c o m p a n io n s .
Rat Population
Of coarse there Is no way to taka
a census o f tha rats In the United
States, but thè public health service
estimates that there are probably 120,-
000,000 o f these animal« In this coun­
This beautiful white fantall pigeon, owned by J. B. Harrison, Is all puffed
while posing for a picture at the Victorian Pigeon show In Melbourne,
Burley Is believed to have originated
(n Central Asia.
Flower trade catalogues now list
about 2,.MX) varieties o f Iris.
Four hair« of good strength will hold
suspended a one-pound weight.
Anything you get for nothing Is
usually not worth that much.
Gourds that were used as wnter
flnsks have been found In Egyptian
tombs dutlng from about 2200 B. C.
The course o f true love require* a
lot o f money to keep It In repair.
Feminine complexions often resem­
ble small boys; they won't wash.
Cain built the fii>f city, but the first
murder was not committed In one.
By not getting married some men
manage to llv* happily ever
About 10 per cent of the motor ve­
hicle fatalities occur at railroad grade
Net Used hy Walpole
“ Every man has his price" Is attrib­
uted to Sir Robert Walpole, a famous
prime minister o f England. Hie eon,
Horace Walpole, aald long year» aft­
er Sir Robert’* death that the phrase
was a pure Invention o f his father'«
enemies.—Pathfinder Magaitne.
Oyster Centers
In addition to those produced and
marketed by tbe United States, oys­
ters are raised for market In England,
France, Germany, Holland, Spain,
Italy, Australia, China, Japan, Canada,
Mexico, Algeria, and In certain part«
o f South America.
Ae Added Burden
The Doctor—Those were rery bad
fractures, but I think your legs will
mend so they will furnish you fairly
good support.
Tbe Professional Dancer—Gee I But
they gotta support a husband and tw »
kids as well.
Roar *f the Crowd
“What have all those baseball fans
got megaphones for?"
“The umpire Is hard o f hearing and
they don’t want him to miss any of
their comments."
Coming to Him
John— There's one roan In this town
Who Insists on darting out In front of
my car, then glaring at me when he
gets on to the sidewalk.
Joe—And looks Injured, 1 suppose?
John— Well, er, no.
But be will
soon If I have any l.ick
R e to rt C ou rteou s
Wouldn't They?
Mistress— Was your last place a
If their frtemls didn't have a lot of
faults a lot ot people would have a good one, Janet?
Servant (after deliberation)—Well. |
heck of a time finding something tq
ma'am, 1 used not to think s o l— Hu­
talk about—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Three Genera­
tions Endorse It
' “W hen I was * young
single girl I took Lydia E.
Pink ham ’s Vegetable C om ­
pound because my mother did
and she gave it to me. A fter
I married I took it before my
children were born and after­
wards, and I have eight living
children. I am n ow a grand­
mother and still take it and
still recom m end it when any
on e is tired and run-down.” —
M n . A lfred Iverson, Sc Ed­
wards, Nebraska.
Lydia E, Pinkliajn's
Vegetable Compound
i f l j F
« sjl’jj‘«f ut r~~ u ~r